E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2016 No. 78 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was infrastructure funding bill. The Repub- already begun considering two more of called to order by the President pro lican-led Senate did so in record early them this week. The first measure is tempore (Mr. HATCH). time. We began considering an annual the transportation and housing infra- f appropriations bill this year at the ear- structure bill. It will make smart in- liest point in 40 years—40 years—and vestments in important infrastructure PRAYER then we passed an annual appropria- priorities. It will strengthen our sur- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- tions bill this year at the earliest point face transportation network and help fered the following prayer: in 40 years. Passage of this bill also make air travel safer, more efficient, Let us pray. marks the first time the Senate has and more reliable. Eternal God, who hears our prayers passed an individual energy and water I thank Senator COLLINS for her dedi- and listens to our cries for help, thank funding measure since 2009. cated leadership on this important leg- You for Your mercies that come to us This shows what is possible with a islation. new each day. You save us with Your little cooperation and regular order. By The second measure is the Veterans strength, continually showing us Your returning to regular order, we are bet- and Military Construction funding bill. It will increase accountability at the unfailing love. ter able to make better decisions about VA and help ensure veterans receive Help our lawmakers today to discern how taxpayer dollars are spent through the health care and benefits they rely Your voice and do Your will. Lord, give the appropriations bills. on. It will advance vital national secu- them the ability to differentiate Your Here is what we mean when we talk rity projects, such as missile defense, guidance from all others, permitting about returning to regular order. We and help ensure military families are You to lead them to Your desired des- mean working in committee and allow- supported with housing, schools, and ing Senators from both sides to have tination. Speak to them through Your health facilities to serve them. Word, guide them with Your Spirit, their voices heard. We mean bringing This is the result of great work by a and sustain them with Your might. bills to the floor and empowering more true champion of veterans—Senator Members to offer suggestions they O God, You are our rock, our fortress, KIRK. Senator KIRK and Senator COL- think might make a good bill even bet- and our Savior. All Your promises LINS both worked hard to move these prove true. ter. We mean working through hours of bills out of the Committee on Appro- We pray in Your mighty Name. debate and deliberation, processing priations with unanimous bipartisan Amen. amendments from both sides, and then support. Now they are working hard to f arriving at a final bill that actually pass them together out here on the passes. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE floor. They have already lined up sev- That is just what we did here, and it eral amendments that we will consider The President pro tempore led the resulted in the record early passage of later today. Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: an energy and water appropriations bill I would like to say a few words about I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the that will help support economic devel- one of these issues in particular. Both United States of America, and to the Repub- opment, waterways infrastructure, and Republicans and Democrats agree that lic for which it stands, one nation under God, energy programs—initiatives that are preventing the spread of Zika is a bi- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. important in my home State of Ken- partisan priority. That is why Members f tucky and in States across our coun- from both parties have been looking at try. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY different approaches to properly ad- So I want to thank Senator ALEX- LEADER dress the situation. They worked ANDER for working diligently with Sen- through the best avenue to address the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. COT- ator FEINSTEIN to move this bill for- funding that may be needed to do so— TON). The majority leader is recog- ward. They collaborated with both the appropriations process—and came nized. Democratic and Republican colleagues up with several different approaches f to ensure a fair process and an outcome for us to consider later today. that a majority of Senators could sup- One amendment is from Senators THE APPROPRIATIONS PROCESS port. BLUNT and MURRAY. It is a targeted ap- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, last I also want to thank Chairman COCH- proach that focuses on immediate week, the Republican-led Senate RAN and Ranking Member MIKULSKI for needs while also providing resources passed, by an overwhelming majority, working within the Committee on Ap- for longer term goals, such as a vac- the first appropriations bill of the propriations to move appropriations cine. It includes accountability meas- year—the energy security and water measures so early this year. We have ures and represents a notable departure ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S2833 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:48 May 18, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17MY6.000 S17MYPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with SENATE S2834 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 17, 2016 from our Democratic colleagues’ initial against transgender people is prohib- there, such as Bruce Springsteen. But position. It is good to see our Demo- ited when it is based on gender noncon- it is not just that. It is hundreds—hun- cratic friends compromise. formity. dreds—of other firms that are coming Another amendment is from Senators That is why last week the Depart- out in opposition to the law because CORNYN and JOHNSON. Their enhanced ment of Justice sued North Carolina, what they are doing is illegal. approach builds upon the appropri- finding that its law constitutes a pat- But Republican leaders are standing ators’ work by responsibly offsetting tern or practice of discrimination by their bigotry at a tremendous cost Zika funding with funds that have been under the Civil Rights Act, the Edu- to the State, and that is disappointing. set aside for public health and preven- cation Amendments Act of 1972, and I stand with the administration in op- tion purposes. It would also remove the Violence Against Women Act, posing the North Carolina law. I stand redtape and help promote mosquito which we passed just last year. with all Americans against this shame- control, which is the best way to keep This kind of shocking discriminatory ful bullying. Most of all, I stand with Americans safe from this virus in the lawmaking has no place in the 21st cen- the transgender people of North Caro- near term while a vaccine is under de- tury. It certainly has no place in Amer- lina and our country who are the tar- velopment. The House is also advanc- ica. Attorney General Loretta Lynch gets of this State-sponsored discrimi- ing its own paid-for Zika measure this said last week: nation. My heart goes out to them. very week. This is not the first time we have seen dis- This is not how a great nation should So we will take several votes today. criminatory responses to historic moments operate. We are better than this. So I We will continue moving forward with of progress for our nation. We saw it in the look forward to the day, and it is com- the appropriations process, and we will Jim Crow laws that followed the Emanci- ing soon, when this hateful law is pation Proclamation. We saw it in fierce and address Zika funding in that context widespread resistance to Brown v. Board of struck down. because keeping Americans safe and Education. And we saw it in the proliferation f healthy is a top priority for all of us. of state bans on same-sex unions intended to f stifle any hope that gay and lesbian Ameri- ZUBIK V. BURWELL cans might one day be afforded the right to RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY marry. Mr. REID. Mr. President, yesterday, LEADER This issue has been far-reaching. It the Supreme Court chose not to rule on The PRESIDING OFFICER. The has far-reaching consequences. This is the merits of Zubik v. Burwell, a case Democratic leader is recognized. about access to employment, edu- brought by religiously affiliated non- f cation, and just about everything else profit employers challenging the ac- commodation to the Affordable Care INTERNATIONAL DAY AGAINST in public life. This is about whether we Act’s contraceptive coverage provision. HOMOPHOBIA AND TRANSPHOBIA are going to allow our fellow citizens to be bullied, intimidated, and har- Instead, the Court remanded the case Mr. REID. Mr. President, today is assed. to lower courts for further proceeding. International Day Against Homophobia The North Carolina law is not only The good news is that the order and Transphobia. This day of recogni- wrong, but it runs counter to the doesn’t stop women who rely on the Af- tion is especially significant for Amer- progress we are seeing in States and fordable Care Act for contraceptive ica since the civil rights of transgender cities across all of America.
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