ParAI SHmdyid* 14010 Mir. Mortar . muifi M *MI»« Oka RED BANK. N. *, WBDMIinA*. iPTPIBgR 9, 1959 VOLUME LXXXn NO. 16 M u» CM oam it R*a •uk. N. J.. wdar U» AM «C Mtrak S. 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Campi Promises Launch Red China Asks Action on Roads Space Friendly Pacts SILVER — Mayor P. Paul Campi pramltod owif t ac- tion last light oa Me road con- Traffic Fines Capsule dition oompltiata of Silverslde In India Dispute Paifc residents. Drop 50% First Firing TOKYO (AP) — Red China Three of thorn appeared and Si •stud Borough Council to take New Fathion* pledged today she will respect •tops to |tt tholr nad* repaired. n Red Bank Of Type Falls Thu Year at RBHS Me territories of Bhutan and ON at Men-Elliot Schneider. Sikkim as Indian protectorates M SouMvele Ave. iaM tha mala- Receipts from fines assessed New feaUeas era an arenad and offered to settle her border taaaaea bond of tbo SUverttde •gainst traffic violators la Red Short of Hark la Red Bank Htgb School. disputes with India Mrough Park developer aspired laat No- Bank dropped snarly M per cent CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. <AP)| Ust saeam the Beard ef Ed- friendly negotiations. Tram July to August •A mechanical failure marred I ucattea voted ts bay 14 new The pledge and Me offer vpre made by Communist Chinese Pre- "ta lookiat lato thli matttr. I This was revealed In last! tha tint racket latmtntag of an atalorotta anHart at MS each. night's report to Borough Coun- mier Chou En-Lai to Indian discovered that the boad on Last alsht Me beard voted Prime Minister Nehru in n let- maiatmanca of tho roads In the cil from Magistrate John V. today but the capsule Itself was to bay 14 aew ftag twirter nal- Crowell. quickly located afloat on the ter dated Sept. I. It was broad- SUverside Park development pro- forms at a ceat ef tX2S. cast by the new China News vided performance by Novem- According to tha figure*, vio- lators paid IW7 la fines and costs Less than four hours after the A Areoman style commit- agency, which said Me letter ber, MM," Mr. Schneider MM, tee ef Dr. M. Gregg HMbs, n- was in reply to a letter from Neh- "and there hai been no per' August The July figure was 1:10 a. m. EST blast-off from $1,336. Non-traffic fines amounted this missile test station, a plant TM JM> PIOOUCTIOM — Hera Is tha assembly tin* for radar altimeter* at Elec perintsadsat ef sehesls; Royal ru of March 22. formuee by the deveiopert and H. Hurts, Men school princi- Chou offered to settle all Chi- no enforcement by the town al- to 1470 in August, an Increase frying over the Atlantic reported 4ronle Assistance Carp, In tha Eisner luJMJna, 20 tridaja Ava.. where order* for v«r. the July figure of 855. it had sighted the vehicle. It was pal, and George Werthley, Jr.. na'* border disputes with India though the roads are In quite ioui prnduett now fatal $4 millions ana* where 100 naw employee* are expected to beard msmbsr. was named ta 'through friendly negotiations bad condition." Of the 11,117 collected in fines several hundred miles abort of| and costs In August, 1MB remain- Its goal. be hired before yatr't ant). Tha altimeters keep military and commercial plane* up stady a new style tor Ms unWconducted in a well-prepared way, Twice ed In the borough; $240 went to Rear Adm. Harry Smith, com- a safa distance above ground obatnietiaag. step by step." Mr. Schneider, who hat ap- the county, and S25 to tha state. mander of the recovery operatJi Dr. Mbba nttod Mat Me His letter, which reviewed Me peared before council twice be- long history of Me Chinese-India 41 VMators told a daybreak news" conference present flag twitters aal- fore to complain about coaditioni, of the sighting, by a Navy PV2 lonat are discarded gannenta border question, added: aald ha hta brought tha nutter There were 41 traffic violators plane. He did not pinpoint tha lo- fanaarty warn by high school "The Chinese government has before Vincent P. Keuper, coun- arraigned last month — 24 In cation but said two destroyers consistently held Mat an over-all ty prosecutor, through a letter* court and II before the violation* were rushing to the spot The first settlement of the boundary ques- Electronics Firm's Order Book It wsa Mr. WerMley who last tion should be sought by both He said ha wanted the protect jderk. Jury's arraignments total- of them was expected to reach saanM urged Me beard bay tor to "Investigate the official Leading the list of violations the area about 1:3a a. m. EST. side* taking into account Ma his- A few minutes earlier Smith new uwlferm* fer Me flag twirl- torical background and exitling conduct" of James R. Minogue, was cardMs driving — 1« _ an aa weB ta Ma majorettes. borough attorney, and Council' half the July total. Eight persons announced that a CM search plane Bulges; Big Expansion Starts actualities.. .through friendly ne- had picked up radio signals from man Edward P. Torre, road com- received tickets for parking in gotiation* conducted in a well- the capsule. Then ha received the So successful has been the op* Thii meant about 100 more sistanca Corp., which has it* prepared way step by step. mittee chairman. prohibited tress, and four each "For reasons of their own, report of the sighting. oration of an atedraalea tadns- gnod Jobs for residents of the manufacturing plant in the Eis- Board Hires "Pending this, as a provisional were ticketed for parking on th ry located in Red Bank that It oer Building, 20 Bridge Ave. measure. Me two aides should men have apparently wrong side of tike street and not to carry out their At first tt as believed that!plans to triple its staff of em- That outlook was given yester- New |1J MilUea Order maintain Me long-existing status double parking. ployees before the and of thelday by Robert Edwards. West 3 Teachers quo of Me border, and not seek to duties and I am at an utter loss the test of the capsule designed In a report to stockholders, Mr. 'field, president of Electronic As- change it by unilateral action, la understand why," he said. Parktog Tickets to carry the Mercury astronauts ^Edwards is announcing today that! Mr. Minogoe said a letter will even less by force; as to some Parking summonses Issued tori!"*?. «*«* *•* **" * firm has just acquired a Na- In Red Bank of Me disputes, provisional agree- be seat to me SUverside Park violation of borough parking laws failure. ry contract for Me manufacture developer In an attempt to The booster stage of Me po- Three elementary school teach ments concerning isolated places totaled IN, a drop from the of $1.5 million worth of aircraft cm were hir*d Ust n'.Rht by the cnuM he reached through ne- bring the matter to conclusion. July mark of MS. Motorists last erful Atlaa rocket tailed to drop Two Board Members altimeters. off after burnout 1 minutes and Red Bank Board of Education. gotiations to ensure the tranquil- The attorney said. too. the bor-month received 28 ticket* for all In addition, the corporation now ity of the border areas and up- ough has made numerous efforts night parking compared to W in 40 seconds after Me Mast-oft. They are: That stale houses Me two big haa a backlog of $2.5 million in hold the friendship of Mo two to settle tha maintenance bond July: 57 tickets for overtime Submit Resignations lilitary and commercial orders. Mrs. Helen F. Lee. Long, countries." problem. booster engines which help gen- parking in the streets, compared erate 310.001 pounda of Mrutt at The jump ahead by EAC hasBranch. She is a graduate of Nehru's letter was written be- to M in July; 32 summonses for launch. NEW SHREWSBURY—The f been spectacular. Mr. Edwards, Wayne University and haa had fore the recent tension caused by overtime parking at the meters, gnatkwu of two members of Me former general manager of Me three years' experience. Her Red Chinese crossings of what Mr. Schneider also cited a per- The extra weight prevented salary will be (4.100. formance boad of the developer compared to 41 In July, and five Shrewsbury Township Board of Electronics Division of Mack India ha* long considered her ticket* for improper parking al the main body of Me rocket from Lafayette PI. which aspires In November. Mr. traveling its full distance undtrl Education were submitted last Trucks, Inc., Plalnfield, person- Mrs. Kaye L. Wood. Alice. frontier. Minogue said no legal action meters, compared to 12 in July Ma power of its sustalner engine. alght nt a meeting in Ma Tinton ally acquired total assets of MttlTex. Mrs. Wood It a graduate of be taken on that bond until thai There were 41 persons arraign- Robert GilruM. Project Mer- Lot Approved Falls School. di viiico and formed tha new com- Texss College of Arts and In- One. ed for non-traffic offenses, nine cury director, reported Mat Me William M. PUcck'a reslgna- pany, moving personnel and dustries. Her salary will be $4,-Dedication, Mr. Schneider had sent a copy more than In July, Of this num- misaila flew law and failed to In Freehold ttoa was accepted with regret tojequipment to Red' Bank. 4N. ber, 21 were arrested ts disorder- obtain Me desired velocity.
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