
HIGH TIDE J (Jv' J J I)J 10-16-69 J ()-l f,-f,') 3 7 at 0712 1 6 at OJ ~() 4 ( at '1942 -.tOURGlASS 1 Rat ] 254 All The News That FltS We Prlnt VOL 9, No 8529 KWAJALEIN, MARSHALL ISLANDS Wednesday, October 15, 1969 Viet War Moratorium Demonstration Conducted Peacefully WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Clty where After the oratory across the capl- the Executlve ManSlon or to see person- declsl0ns were made to send a half- tal, demonstrators gathered ln the ally any demonstrators who mlght ask mllll0n Amerlcans to flght In Vlet Nam shadow of Washlngton Monument for a to meet wlth hlm resounded today wlth appeals by thou- rally and a candlellght march to the "I regret that the Presldent has sald sands of orderly demonstrators for Whlte House, led by Mrs Martln Luth- he wll1 pay no attentlon to thlS ef- Presldent Nlxon to end the war soon er Klng Jr , for a wreathlaYlng and fort," Sen George S McGovern, (Dem - From local college campuses to the sllent Vlgl1 S D ), told 2,000 cheerlng students at steps of the Capltol to the gates of The Presldent, who has lnSlsted the Amerlcan Unlverslty the Whlte House ltself, young and old natlonwlde Vlet Nam Moratorlum would "If he holds to that course, he wlll gathered wlthout lncldent to protest not affect hlS declS10ns on the war learn as hlS predecessor learned that further U S lnvolvement In Vlet Nam In any way, spent the day at the Amerlcan forelgn P011Cy cannot be form- Government workers spent thelr lunch Whlte House on routlne buslness whlle ed ln deflance of the conSClence and hours at antlwar railles wlth stu- plckets maLched outslde on Pennsyl- the common sense of the Amerlcan peo- dents wearlng black arm bands and blue vanla Avenue pIe " and whlte peace buttons, whlle debate H1S Press Secretary, Ronald Zleg- The blggest demonstration was held over the war raged on ln Congress ler, sald Nlxon had no plans to leave at the Selectlve Servlces Offlce Viet Cong Mine US Students in Paris Sinks Freighter; Stage Demonstration Fiv Killed SAIGON (UPI) -- A Vlet Cong mlne CANADA Near Embassy sank a frelghter at anchor In the South Vletnamese port of Nha Trang to­ PARIS (UPI) -- About 150 Amerlcan day and kliled flve men Two terror students staged a day-long demonstra­ attacks ln Salgon went awry and kliled *WHnlHORSE tlon agalnst the Vlet Nam War outslde one terrorlst the U S Embassy houslng Amerlca's War communlques reported "numerous peace delegatlon whlle Chlef Negotla­ small ground engagements" but there tor Henry Cabot Lodge prepared for was no major break ln the battle lull tomorrow's seSSlon of the deadlocked that began on Sept 17 peace talks The frelghter S S Kln Wah, of Pan­ Durlng the day, several hundred amanlan reglstry, settled to the bot­ persons -- mostly students -- present­ tom of Nha Trang Harbor when the mlne ed protest petitlons to embassy of­ exploded nlne feet below the water CAPITOL IDEAS are belng had agaln by flclals ln the lobby of the bUlldlng llne and punched a huge hole In ltS people ln Anchorage (pop 45,000) Students In the courtyard sang pro­ hull Three men aboard the ShlP and for removal of Alaska's capitol from test songs and read the names of 4,000 two South Vletnamese on the dock were Juneau (pop 7,300) because of Ju­ Amerlcans kliled ln Vlet Nam Slnce blled neau's remoteness Anchorage, some the peace talks started ln ParlS nlne The ShlP was loaded wlth corrugated 900 mlles away, feels lt lS the blg months ago lron scene ln the natlon's blggest state French pollce, who earller prevented Juneau was establlshed as the terrl­ students from enterlng the embassy Bishop fulton Sheen torlal capltal ln 1906 Twlce Slnce compound, dlspersed groups In the Alaska became a state ln 1959 such a street ln accordance wlth offlclal move was beaten by narrow vote mar­ P011Cy ln breaklng up any outslde Resigns Diocese Duties glns demonstratlons over the Vlet Nam War ROCHESTER, N Y (UPI) -- The Most Water Condition Yellow Dubeei, SmriovsiJ Rev Fulton J Sheen, the charlsmat­ Stop those drlPPY faucets, cut lC prlest who became splrltual advl­ down on your shower tlme and use ser to mlillons through hlS radlo and paper plates and cups to conserve Resign Under fire televlslon broadcasts and best sell­ our water supply Your cooperatlon PRAGUF (UPI) -- Alexander Dubcek and lng books, reslgned today as B1Shop lS needed Josef Smrkovsky, the prlme movers In of the Roman Cathollc Dlocese of Czechoslovakla's shortllved bld for Rochester VC flag Appears freedom, reslgned under flre today Sheen sald he was In "perfect as leaders ln Parllament Elght other health" and refused to dlSCUSS hlS reformers also fell reasons for leavlng Rochester after At Chicago Trial Dubcek, as flrst secretary of the less than three years as leader of CHICAGO (UPI) -- A U S Marshal Communlst Party, and Smrkovsky, as one the dlocese of 361,000 Cathollcs and a defendant ln the trlal of the of hlS top lleutenants, trled to llb­ Vatlcan sources sald the 74-year-old "Chlcago Elght" fought a tug of war erallze Czechoslovak soclety ln the B1Shop asked to be re11eved of hlS today over a Vlet Cong flag whlch sprlng of 1968 Sovlet troops crush­ dutles because of hlS age appeared spread across the defense ed the movement wlth an lnvaSlon ln "I am reslgnlng the dlocese, I am table August, 1968 not reslgnlng work I am not retlr­ The hectlc, shoutlng outburst In the moves today, Dubcek qUlt as lng, I am regeneratlng," he sald at wound up wlth U S D1St Court Judge Chalrman of the Federal Parllament a news conference to lntroduce hlS J J Hoffman denounclng the attempt and Smrkovsky as head of ltS lower successor, Msgr Joseph L Hogan, 43, to "dlsplay a flag of an enemy na­ chamber the House of People pastor of St Margaret Mercy Church tlon ln thlS courtroom the most Both remalned members of Parllament, Sheen, who has been transferred to outrageous courtroom conduct I have thus retalnlng thelr lmmunlty from the honorary post of Tltular Arch­ ever seen " arrest and trlal Dubcek lS also blShop of Newport, sald he would re­ Today's chlef wltness was DennlS stlll a member of the party's Central turn to New York to preach, make re­ Oklapec, who worked an undercover re­ Commlttee Smrkovsky remalns only a treats, appear on televlslon and ra- , porter for the then Chlcago's Amerl­ party member dlO, wrlte and lecture can durlng the conventlon He testl­ The actlon today followed purge rec­ He wlil be deve10plng dlalogue fled hearlng Rennle Davls, one of the ommendatlons lssued three weeks ago wlth athelsts and Communlsts defendants, outllne tactlcs by the Central Commlttee Page 2 HOURGLA<;S Wednesday, October 15, J9~9 Chi f of Flight Sqfety MAJ James Schaaf Jr , Chief of AROUND TOWN Flight Safety Dlvislon at KMR, mlsses Vlrginla and cltes Vlet Nam COMMAND~~~ HOUR and Shreveport, La , as his most Blasting Warning 1815 - 1845 HOURS rewardln~ assignments Blastlng wlll contlnue at hlgh tlde today and A natlve of Rlchmond, MAJ Schaaf wlll go on for approxlmately two weeks Island­ has spent four years In the tropl­ ers are lnstructed to stay out of the hazard ThlS week Father Hezel, Father cal cllmates of Panama and Vlet area as shown In the drawlng below Boyle's vacatlon stand ln, dlS­ Nam Reeflng south of the Alr Termlnal wlll not be cusses hlS work on KwaJaleln Cow­ "We mlSS mountalns, plne trees permltted durlng these perlods of hlgh tldes boy John lS a KwaJ Good Guy and and the change of seasons," he ex­ Motorlsts on Ocean Road and the general area sports wlth LT Lee Rhoades and Jlm plalned, "We had a camper traller may be stopped temporarlly because of blastlng Neale before comlng here and dld a lot In the vlclnlty Slgns wlll be posted Llsten to the Commander's Hour of camplng " over AFRS on Wednesday The pro­ Boats are to stay 1,500 feet off shore In 1967, ~AJ Schaaf was In Vlet ReSldents are asked to llsten to AFRS for gram wll1 also follow the regular Nam as an advlser to two Vletnam­ further detalls FM Program on Hednesday mpht ese malntenance companles support­ lng lsolated areas H1S Job took ALTAIR Engineer hlm from the Cambodlan border to The Unlted States lS the most the South Chlna Sea technlcally advanced natlon 10 the As MAJ Schaaf recalls, "We work­ world Englneers from most coun­ ed closely wlth the Vletnamese, trles would llke to go to Amerlca trYlng to lnstlll malntenance and A West German Electrlcal Englneer supply concepts that are respon­ says, "I've found Amerlca not only Slve to a modern army's needs satlsfactory to work In but also "They were very receptlve and appreclate the way of llvlng In many we were able to make progress " ways so dlfferent from the old coun­ He recalls a humorous lncldent, try " although not funny at the tlme, Before gOlng to the States, Egll whlch occurred when he was caught Halloween Time Engllsch worked several years for a on the road durlng a nlght attack The annual Speclal Servlces Halloween Cos- large German company In Amerlca, "My drlver snapped off the head­ tume Contest wlll be held on Oct 31st at 6 30 he got lnto the transmltter fleld llghts, promptly mlssed the road, pm at the Rlchardson Theater All chlldren deslgnlng hlgh-power power supplles, and dumped the Jeep lnto a commun­ through the 6th Grade of Elementary School are modulators and transmltter systems lty garbage plt lnvlted to partlclpate Egll spent two years ln the de­ "After some sllPPlng and slldlng, Halloween costume Judglng prlzes wlll be slgn and check out of the UHF trans­ we cllmbed out and trlpped lnto a awarded 1n the followlng categorles mltter WhlCh lS one of the two AL­ plle of dlscarded barbed Wlre " MOST ORIGINAL FUNNIEST SCARIEST TAIR super power transmltters MAJ Schaaf enjoyed local food and Chlldren wlll be Judged ln age groups Pre­ Now on ROl-Namur, Egil lS the upon leavlng, hlS fellow advlsers schoolers and Klndergarten, 1st & 2nd r,rades, Transmltter Supervlsor for Sylvanla gave hlm a "Duncan Hlnes Certlfl­ 3rd & 4th Grades, 5th & 6th Grades at ALTAIR cate" congratulatlng hlm for hlS Pre-Teen Halloween Party Friday Asked about educatl0n In West Ger- prowess many, Egl1 sald that after grammar Fe also was awarded the Bronze lhere w1ll be a ~alloween Costume Party school when a Chl1d lS ten, he has Star and the Alr Medal for all pre-teens at the Teen Club th1S .
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