-· . l\!.C. DQG~ l~~ENTS • FEB !J !996 . '-'• v Tr, ..: L IBAARY Rr .. LEIGH Historical Publications Section Division of Archives and History Department of Cultural Resources 109 East J ones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2807 Telephone (919) 733-7442 Fax (919) 733-1439 The cover sho,vs the officers of Company G (the "Washington Volunteers•), 1st Regiment, N.C. State Troops: Captain Louis Charles Latham (center), First Lieutena nt Nehemiah .J . Whitehurst (right), a nd Second Lieutenant Julian A. Latha1n (left). The photograph is from State Troops and Volunteers : A Photographic Record of North Carolina's Civil \Va1· Soldiers, described on page 2 of this catalog. Image courtesy of Mrs. Carolyn Brinkley (niece of Louis and Julian Latham) a nd the Historical Society of Washington County, Inc. 22,000 copies of this catalog ,vere printed at a cost of $7,438.00, or $.34 each. CONTENTS New Civil War Titles----------------------------- 2 North Carolina Troops, 1861-1865: A Roster ----·-·--•---------------------- -............ ----·---·---------3 Coastal North Carolina------------------------ 4 North Carolina Historical Review ----------------- --- 6 Carolina Comments -------------------------------------- 6 Old Favorites --------------------------------------7 North Carolina's African American Heritage ---- 8 County History Series ---------------------------- 9 Life and Culture in North Carolina ----------------11 North Carolina at War -----------------------13 Publications of General Interest--------------------15 Modern Governors Papers ---------------------17 Colonial Records of Nortlt Carolina [Second Series] ----------------------------------------18 Documentary Books -----------------------------19 Sir Walter Raleigh and the First Colonists -- 22 North Carolina and the Revolution----------------- 23 North Carolina and the Constitution --------------24 Posters-----------------·---------------------------·------ 25 Guides to State Historic Sites -------------------25 Maps, Charts, Documents---------------------26 Archival Guides------------------------------------- 28 Sales Information --------------------- See Order Form HISTORICAL PUBLICATIONS SECTION Joe A. Mobley Acting Administrator DIVISION OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY Jeffrey J. Crow Acting Director Larry G. Misenheimer Deputy Director NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES Betty Ray McCain Secretary Elizabeth F. Buford Deputy Secretary The Historical Publications Section of the Division ofArchives and History serves to stimulate historical investigation, to promote knowledge of the history of the state, and to encourage the study of history in North Carolina's schools. The division insists upon high editorial and scholarly standards for the books, papers, manuscripts, documents, and maps that it publishes. 1 New Civil War Titles *STATE TROOPS AND VOLUNTEERS: A PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD OF NORTH CAROLINA'S CML WAR SOLDIERS Greg Mast. Pp. 381. 603 illus. Index. (1995) ISBN 0-86526-264-0 -------·--·····------ Tr $50.00 The first book of Civil War images devoted exclusjvely to North Carolina. Contains 603 rare and striking photographs, most never before published. T\vo of the five chapters are chronological and together present a brief narrative of the campaigns and battles of North Carolina's soldiers through 1862. The remaining chapters are topical in nature and deal ,vith antebellum military photography, cavalry, and family portraits. A second volume of State Troops and Volunteers is projected. THE PAPERS OF ZEBULON BAIRD VANCE "Volume 2, 1863. Edited by Joe A. Mobley. Pp. xxix, 436. Illus. Index. (1995) lSBN 0-86526-262-4 -·- ·-- ·- -----$35.00 Edited papers of North Carolina's famous Civil War governor for the crucial year 1863. Includes 406 document s which provide insight into problems ,vithin the Tar Heel State thal contributed to growing disillusionment v.•ith the Confederate cause. Among Vance's correspondents during 1863 were Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, and James A. Seddon, the Confederate secretary of,var. A previously unpublished picture of Vance is featured on the dust jacket. *SHERMAN'S MARCH THROUGH NORTH CAROLINA: A CHRONOLOGY Wilson Angley, Jerry L. Cross, and Michael Hill. Pp. 129. Index. (1995) ISBN 0-86526-266-7 -·-----···--------- Tr $8.00 Presents a thorough and compelling day-to-day account of General William T. Sherman's progress through North Carolina from early March 1865, ,vhen hls troops entered the state from South Carolina, through May 4, 1865, when they crossed its northern border into Virginia. Research is based on eyewitness accounts, ne,vspaper reports, and published sources. Includes 4 maps. l'ltllfllltl Zebulon Baird Yance •New in this catalog 2 • "JOURNAL OF A SECESH LADY": THE DIARY OF CATHERINE ANN DEVEREUX EDMONDSTON, 1860-1866 Edited by Beth G. Crabtree and James W. Patton. Pp. xxxviii, 850. Illus. Index. (3rd printing, 1995) ISBN 0-86526-047-8 --·-· ------·----$35.00 Civil War diary of Catherine Edmondston, wife of a prominent planter in Halifax County, North Carolina. Reveals family, class, and sectional ties, while providing an intimate glimpse of plantation life, women's responsibilities, and home front conditions during the ,var. The volu.me's dust jacket features the only known likeness of Kate Edmondston, discovered in 1993. t North Carolina Troops, 1861-1865: A Roster Acclaimed as a "magnificent achievement" and "the finest state roster ever published." North Carolina Troops is an invaluable resource for scholars, local historians, genealogists, and Civil War buffs. Each indexed volume contains unit histories and the names and service records of approximately 7,000 North Carolinians ,vho served in the Civil War. Vo lume m , Infantry (49th-52nd Regiments) Edited by 'vVeymouth T. Jordan, Jr. Pp. xx, 565. Illus. Index. ( 1990) ISBN 0-86526-017-6 - - - --- ----- ···········-·-····· $27 .00 Volume Xlll, Infantry (53rd-56th Regiments) Edited by Weymouth T. Jordan, Jr. Pp. xx, 752. Illus. Index. (1993) ISBN 0-86526-018-4 --·-----~---·······-· $38.00 'l'o order the t,vo volumes listed above, use colored order form in the center of this catalog. Some separate addenda sections for insertion in earlier printings of volumes I through VI I of North Carolina Troops are available for $4.60 each. For details and an order form, write: H istorical Publications Section, Division of Archives and History, 109 E. Jones St., Raleigh, NC 27601-2807. No discounts on addenda sections. tOf special interest to ger1ealogists 3 r TRIUMPH AT KITTY HJ\\VK Coastal North Carolina SHIP ASHORE! THE U.S. LIFESAVERS OF COASTAL NORTH CAROLINA J oe A. Mobley. Pp. 197. Illus. Index. ( 1994) IS BN 0-86526-260-8 - ------------- Tr $10.00 Recounts events leading to the establishment of 29 lifesaving stations along North Carolina's treacherous coastline and the role of their gallant lifesavers in the state's maritime history. Included are dramatic accounts of numerous shipwrecks and the daring rescues of their victims. The paperbouod volume is illustrated with more than 75 photographs, engravings, and maps. TRIUMPH AT KITTY HAWK: THE WRIGHT BROTHERS AND POWERED FLIGHT Thomas C. Parramore. Pp. 124. IUus. Index. (1993) ISBN 0-86526-259-4 ---------- - ----T.r $8.00 Examines the Wright brothers' ex ploits from a North Carolina pers pective and focuses on the major role played by Tar Heels in their s uccessful flights at Kitty Ha,vk. Contains a chapter on aviation in North Carolina before 1903, featuring early Tar Heel aeronauts and their attempts to fly. Illustrations include photographs of scenes around Kitty Hawk and oflocaJ residents who helped the Wrights. THE LOST COLONISTS: THEffi FORTUNE AND PROBABLE FATE David B. Quinn. Pp. xviii, 53. Illus. (6th printing, 1993) ISBN 0-86526-204-7 -------------------- Tr $5.00 Discusses the composition of the Lost Colony of 1587 as well as conditions on Roanoke Island and the activities of the English colonists after landing the.re. The author speculates about what happened to the colonists between 1587 and 1590 and offers his conclusion as to their fate. Includes a briefevaluation ofth e sources.. 4 NORTH CAROLINA LIGHTHOUSES David Stick. Pp. xi, 85. Illus. (11th printing, 1995) ISBN 0-86526-191-l ------------··--··-·--•• Tr $5.00 Account of a heretofore unexplored part of North Carolina's maritime history. The book details the various means by ,vhich the state's treacherous coast, rivers, and inland waterways have been marked \vith ,varning devices to assure safe passage. THE PIRATES OF COLONIAL NORTH CAROLINA Hugh F. Rankin. Pp. viii, 72. Jllus. (18th printing, 1994) ISBN 0-86526-100-8 ---- --------·-· Tr $5.00 Story of piracy along North Carotina coast in seventeenth century. Appendix listing pirates of the period ,vho were active in North Carolina. THE "UNPAJNTED ARISTOCRACY": THE BEACH COTI'AGES OF OLD NAGS HEAD Catherine Bishir. Pp. 28. Illus. (5th printing, 1992) ISBN 0-86526-105-9 ··---·-· -- -- -- - ·--···-·-···-· Tr $3.00 Story of Nags Head as beach resort in nineteenth, early twentieth centuries. Reprinted from Autumn 1977 issue of the North Carolina Historical Reuiew. WHALING ON THE NORTH CAROLINA COAST Marcus B. Simpson, Jr., and Sallie W. Simpson. Pp. 51. Illus. (1990) ISBN 0-86526-242-X--·------------·--·-Tr $4.00 Originally published as an award winning article in the North Carolina Historical Reuietu, this fascinating study traces the history of whaling in the state from the seventeenth century until World War I. Includes a number of colorful accounts of local ,vhaling around Shackleford Banks in the
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