ALEX DOC!ql F NEW JERSEY'S 145 .06 1'448 2002 VISITORS GUIDE NEW JERSEY COMMERCE & ECONOMIC GROWTH COMMISSION OFFICE OF TRAVEL & TOURISM NEW ]ERSEY'S SITO' TABLE OF CONTENTS I IN UCTION CULTURE 3 CULTURAL INSTITUTION 7 ART EXHIBITS 10 MUSIC 6: D' N FESTIVALS 13 : IV ALS ITINERARIES 20 SKYLANDS REGION 21 ATEWAY REGION This guide is representative of sites, attractions and other offerings 26 D LAWARE RIVER REGION for those visiting New Jersey. Information supplied in this publication is believed to 27 SH RE REGI© • be correct at the time of publication. 28 ,-•TLANTIC CITY REGION The New Jersey Commerce and Economic Growth Commission is not responsible for 29 U ERN SHORE changes and/or typographical errors. Many events in this Guide are held annually. If you miss an event, 30 N GARDENS contact the event's organizers for next year's schedule. 32 GAM S • RE 34 ß SIA To receive details on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)compliance, please contact each location directly. www.vlsitnj.org ! N GovernorJames E. McGreeveyand Mrs.Dina MatosMcGreevey wtth R theirdaughter Jacqueline at the JerseyShore. 0 D U C T ! 0 N Today, nearly half a millionAsian-Americans make their homein theGarden State. They have come seeking opportu- nityfrom places as varied as the Indian subcontinent, the Far Eastand Southeast Asia. As theylive the American dream, theyenrich New Jersey not onlythrough hard work and love of learning,but also through a hostof festivals,art exhibits, concerts and restaurants that reflect their traditions. AsianAmericans are proud of theirvaried cultures. Thisbrochure will takeyou to theplaces where you can enjoy the bestof Asiain NewJersey, whether you are seeking to visita Japanesegarden, hear Indian music, enjoy a Chinese danceperformance, check out a Filipinoparade or taste Korean food in our state's own little Seoul. Now theyhave become part of thefabric of life in NewJersey. And thatgives even more meaning to whatwe liketo say:New Jersey and you, per•ct together. ScenesofAsian culture that flourishesin New Jersey: (top) lg•man writestraditional Chinese calk•raphy; (center)Trying on a Japanesedress kimono; (bottom)Celebrating at the Indian American j•stivalat Sri I•nkateswara•mple and CommunityCenter in Bridgewater. NEW JERSEY NEW JERSEY REGIONS MAP INFORMATION • WELCOME CENTERS ATLANTIC CITY EXPRESSWAY FarleyPlaza Rest Area Mile Marker 21 Hammonton,NJ 08037 609-96%6316 ATLANTIC CITY SKYLANDS Mile Maker 3.5 OF•nm•.GATEWAY; East of Pleasantville Toll Plaza Pleasantville,NJ 08232 -- •nho•e•'•iF? Paters• 609-383-2727 DEEPWATER Route 1-295 North Deepwater,NJ 08023 856-299-5272 -3 KNOWLTON PerthAmbo¾ Route 1-80 East, Mile Marker 7 Columbia,NJ 07832 908-496-4994 Ptlncetm•0 H•mdel LIBERTY STATE PARK Exit14B offNJ Turnpike,Morris Pesin Drive JerseyCity, NJ 07305 2O 1-915-344O LIBERTY VILLAGE LibertyVillage Premium Outlets One Church Street ,. SHORE Flemington,NJ 08822 908-788-8550 •a •,••. DELAWARERIVER MOLLY PITCHER Molly PitcherTravel Phza NJTurnpike South Mile Marker 71.7 Cranbury,NJ 08512 609-655-1610 • •/ v AT•CI•/ MONTVALE Montvale Travel Plaza GardenState Parkway, Mile Maker172 North L•OUTHEeNSHORE • " Montvale,NJ 07645 201-391-5737 NEWARK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Terminal B, International Arrivals CondergeSatellite Center Newark,NJ 07114 973-624-1014 OCEAN VIEW GardenState Parkway SKYLANOS REGION •,-IORE RECIO Mile Marker 18.3 South 908 496-8598 856 757-9400 OceanView, NJ 08230 TOLL FREE 1 800-4oSKYLAN 609-624-0918 GREATER ATLANTIC CITY REGI• www. njskylands.com TOLL FREE I 888-AC-VISIT SOMERSET GATEWAY REGION 360 Grove Street & Route 22 East 201 436-6009 •'•UTHERN SHORE REGION Bridgewater,NJ 08807 TOLL FREE I 877-498-3930 908 463-6415 908-725-1552 TOLL FREE 1 800-227-2297 DELAWARE RIVER REGION TRENTON 856 757-9400 Lafayette& BarrackStreets P.O. Box 206 Trenton,NJ 08625-0206 609-777-1770 c u L T U R A L ! N $ T ! T U T ! * 3 Chinese warriors standguard at The Art Museum, Princeton University. CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS ATLANTIC COUNTY StocktonPerforming Arts Center RichardStockton College of NewJersey Jimrole Leeds Road Pomona 609-652-9000 www.stockton.edu/pac Celebratingits 25th yearof outstandingprogramming, the (\ StocktonPerforming Arts Center continues to be a cultural oasis in South3ersey. Featured on April 6 A little more about Seabrook- - wiLLbe a performanceof "he Songof Mu[an." CAMDEN COUNTY Thetown of Seabrookis30 milessouth of Chero/Hil•, in thecul-de-sac that dead ends Garden State intothe De{aware Bay. It issurrounded by BERGEN COUNTY DiscoveryMuseum vegetable•elds in an areaso rural that a 16 N. SpringdaleRoad Seabrookfamily member said, "You can drive American Labor CherryHill east.for40 miles•fthout seeing a mall." Museum/BottoHouse 856-424-1233 Thetown is named.forCharles F. 83 Norwood Street www.discoverymuseum.com Seabrookca•ed the "SpinachKing," and Haledon A museum for children where .foundero.f what Life magazine called "the 973-595-7953 they enjoyLearning and taking biggestvegetob{e factory on earth." He trans- TheAmerican Labor Museum/Botto part in fun activities.Young .formeda 57-acrefarm purchased in 1893 by House National Landmark offers visitorswiLL giggle with delight hisfather, Arthur, into a 20,000-acrefad•ity free Lendingbooks, an audioand whenthey experiencethe hands- .forgro•ng, processing and j•eezfng vegetab{es. videocassetteLibrary, restored on exhibits,special events Charles'singenuity was such that thepress periodrooms, changing exhibits, and annual celebrations. dubbedhim "TheHenry Ford o.f Agricultura" a museumstore, OLd WorLd gar- It was in 1944 that Seabrookbecame dens, educationaland cultural notab{enot as theheadquarters o.fan programs.PeriodicaLLy the Botto CUMBERLAND COUNTY Americanindustrial giant, but ashome to a Housepresents cultural exhibits. burgeoning$apanese American community. Seabrook Educationat It wasin thatyear that WorldWar II-era {abor 3ohn Harms and Cultura[ Center shortagesprompted Charles Seabrook to search Center for the Arts 1325 State Highway77 far and•de .forworkers. His quest {ed him to 30 North Van Brunt Street Seabrook campsin the Westernstates where $apanese EngLewood 856~451-8393 Americanswere interned.for the durotiono.f the 201-567-3600 war.Ignoring the viru{ent anti-,7apanese sen•: Visitors wiLLsee exhibits www.johnharms.org mentthat gripped the nation, Seabrook oj•ered depictingthe muLticuLturaLhistory $apaneseinternees a going wage, a house•fth Locatedjust minutesfrom the of Seabrook in the 1940s and heatand utilities,and schools.for children - in GeorgeWashington Bridge, this 1950s,when Japanese Americans exchange.fora six-month commitment to work northernNew 3ersey theater andJapanese Peruvians relocated at Seabrook Farms. providesthe perfectsetting to frominternment camps and settied By1946, more than 500 $apanese fami- showcasegreat entertainment. therealong with wartimerefugees liestook Seabrook up on hisoj•er and began The •ohn Harms Center for fromEurope and migrant workers. to builda communitythat b•endedAsian and the Arts hasbeen recognized Thereis a Large-scaLemodel of the Americanculture. A•though the size o.f the as a "RegionalCenter for Arts viLLage,exhibits of cuLturaLarti- $apaneseAmerican community has d•nd•ed ExceLLence"by the NewJersey facts,period photographs and overthe years, it is a communitythat has State Council of the Arts. printedand recordedmemoirs. tenadouslyheld on to its traditions. Institutions that indude the Seabrook BuddhistTemple and Seabrook Community Houseare still the anchors.for such events asthe BonOdori and 6irl• Day.festivals. < "OnceUpon a •me in ChineseAmerica" headlines a packed2002 schedule at theNew Jersey Per•rming Arts Center in Newark. œSSœX COUNTY The Newark Museum 49 WashingtonStreet Newark 973-596-6550 or 1-800-7MUSEUM www.newarkmuseum.org Newaersey's largest museum contains a wealth of cultural The Newark treasuresincluding a world- Museum•atures an renowned Tibetan art collection extensivecollection of as well as importantcollections Asianart, including celebratingAsian cultures. a TibetanBuddhist altar(left) and a New 3ersey beerjug •om Eastern PerformingArts Center Tibet•aturing iron, One Center Street goMand silver Newark decorations. 1-888-GO-NaPAC or 973-642-0404 www.njpac.org Heraldedby the mediaas one of the mostprominent art centers HUDSON COUNTY in the country,NaPAC promises to providethe finest entertainment. Liberty ScienceCenter N3PACis the ultimatesetting for LibertyState Park award-winningperformances by Norris Pesin Drive Asian ensembles and artists. JerseyCity 201-200-1000 www.state. nj.us/dep/forestry/ Seton Hall University 5 Asia Center parks/Uberty.htm Alfieri Hall 2g www.tsc.org 400 SouthOrange Avenue South Orange Thisinnovative learning resource 973-275-2305 for the lifelongexploration of http://academic.sh u.ed u/asia- nature,humanity and technology center has dozens of hands-on exhibits for all ages,a 3-D laserlight show, The mission of the Asian Center an INAX © theater and more. of Seton Hall Universityis to NearbyLiberty State Parkis the bridgethe politicaland cultural launchingpoint for ferryfides Exhibitsat theLiberty Science divide between East and West. to the Statue of Liberty,a beacon Center,in JerseyCity, are sure to The AsianCenter promotes to generationsof immigrants, exciteboth young and old as they researchon Asianaffairs, develops and Ellis Island, which housesa teach and entertain. diplomatand scholarexchange museumchronicling the immigrant programs,provides multicuLtural experience. educationopportunities, and sponsorsforums and conferences. I CULTU
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