LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL C1148 QUESTION WITHOUT NOTICE (Of which some notice has been given) Thursday, 24 September 2015 Hon Lynn MacLaren to the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs. I. Will the Minister table the agendas and the attachments for the meetings of the Aboriginal Cultural Materials Committee held on 13 February 2013 and 10 June 2015? 1. This is a substantial body of work to provide this information therefore I have requested that the Department of Aboriginal Affairs provides the agendas and only the documents from these two Aboriginal Cultural Material Committee meetings relevant to submissions regarding the extension of Roe Highway. I have the information in tabular form and I table it. Minister for Aboriginal Affairs REPORT TITLE AUTHOR ID 28946 Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Survey Of The Proposed Roe Highway Peter Gifford Extension 28947 A Desktop Aboriginal Heritage Survey Of The Roe Highway Extension Jacqueline Harris 2013 Within The City Of Cockburn, In Perth, Western Australia 24160 Further Noongar Consultation Regarding the Proposed Roe Highway Peter Gifford Extension 27822 Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Survey of Proposed Roe Highway Extension Peter Gifford Revised Report 21662 Report on further archaeological and ethnographic consultation of the Australian Interaction proposed Phoenix Road Industrial Estate Development at Lot 502 Bibra Consultants Lake, Western Australia to accompany s18 application 22514 Report on a heritage survey of the proposed Coo gee Lakes residential Joe Dortch estate at Munster, WA. 22808 Report on a consultation to recognise and interpret Aboriginal Culture Australian Interaction and History at Swamp 81 (DIA 4103) : regarding S18 consent issued to Consultants 2015 Landcorp in August 2005 under the Aboriginal Heritage Act (WA) 1972; in Beeliar Regional Park near Cockburn Commercial Park, Bibra Lake, WA 18203 Ethnographic Reports Natural Gas Laterals Pelih Metropolitan Area. P. Baines (South and East.). 27043 An Archaeological Survey OfBibra Lake, Pelih John Cecchi 20946 The Metro Sites audit review Bryn Coldrick 20865 Farrington Road Traffic Calming Proposal: (Bibra Drive to NOlih Lake Combined Local Communities Road) 23011 Report on an Aboriginal Heritage Survey of Proposed Rehabilitation Joe Dortch Areas, Beeliar Regional Park, City of Cockburn '----_. - -, h:llmeekingllc qwnlnovember 2015126tl11cl148 [table i].docx 21067 A repolt of an Aboriginal Heritage survey of the proposed Bibra Lake Nicholas Green kiosk development Progress Drive, Bibra Lake. 104379 Australian Research Grants Scheme: Final Report on the Project the Swan S. Hallam Coastal Plain, Western Australia . • 103280 Report of an Aboriginal Sites Survey of the Thompson's Lake Area. May R. Locke 1990. 105699 Aboriginal Heritage issues and cable crossings: upper Canning River Barrie Machin downstream from Nicholson Road traffic bridge adjacent downstream from Canning Bridge and Narrows bridge utilzing internal bridge structure Swan River adjacent upstream to Causeway 19409 RepOit of an Aboriginal Heritage Survey of the proposed Thomsons Lake T. Venz Regional Centre, North Jandakot 20868 Proposed Roe Highway extension through the Beeliar Regional Park North Lake Residents NOith Lake Community Survey: repOit on local submissions Association Inc Action Committee 102670 Preliminary Report on the Survey of Aboriginal Areas of Significance in Rory O'connor the Perth Metropolitan & Murray River Regions July 1985. 104261 RepOit on Aboriginal Heritage Assessment of North Lake/Bibra Lake Rory O'connor Region. [Appendix D of a Transportation Study, 1988, by Sinclair Knight & Pmtners.] March 1987. 22406 RepOit on an Aboriginal heritage survey of proposed work areas North R & E O'Connor Pty Ltd Lake 28485 Ethnographic Survey of Proposed Boardwalk and Bird Hide Site at Bibra R & E O'Connor Pty Ltd Lake 27042 Ethnographic Survey Of Lands And Waters Included Within Draft Bibra R & E O'Connor Pty Ltd Lake Management Plan 20097 The Aboriginal heritage significance of the Coolbellup I Walliabup Ray Polglaze wetlands: (NOlih-Lake - Bibra Lake) -- -- -- h:llmeekingllc qwnlnovember 20 15126thlcl 148 [table i].docx 28486 Report on an Archaeological Investigation for Aboriginal Sites Proposed Gary Quartermaine Narma Kularck Bird Walk at Bibra Lake 104505 Aboriginal Sites in the Perth Metropolitan Area: A Management Scheme. Linda Strawbridge June 1987, Revised 1988 [Centre for Prehistory, Uwa]. 106204 Metropolitan Sites Project Southern Region: draft report Yates Heritage Consultants N/A DAA Internal 2014 Bibra Lake Inspection Henry Thomason & Sarah Lewis -- -- - h:\lmeeking\Jc qwn\november 2015\26th\c1148 [table i].docx Agenda Item 3.10.1 Site Assessment sections 5 Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 ACMC Meeting: 13 February 2013 DIA File No: 12/1592 Landowners: Department of Housing, Water Corporation, Murdoch University, Morven Rural Development Pty Ltd, Department of Education, Commissioner of Main Roads Western Australia, Minister for Lands on behalf of the State of Western Australia Applicant: Commissioner of Main Roads Western Australia Land: The Land is comprised of following cadastral parcels (Volume/Folio): LR3150/988, 2179/968, 2627/81, Road Reserve (PIN = 1202910), 2617/471, 1934/863, 1547/853, 2510/564, 1212/271, LR3113/690, 1711/364, 1761/162, 2010/.421, 1974/639, LR3141/787, 1715/679, 2525/232, LR3128/96, 1761/163, 1761/161, Road Reserve (PIN = 11573034), 861/55, 2138/957, 1042/184, Lot 40 on Plan 2073, LR3125/840, LR3139/539, 2087/317, 2184/368, 1073/385, LR3145/755, 1761/159, 740/142, 1121/349, 1060/229, 330/137A, 2138/958, 1476/17, 2138/959, 2140/362, 1942/7, 2715/591, 2715/589, 1376/188, Road Reserves (PIN = 1202907, 11798250, 11837698, 11837695, 11837450, 1259211, 1259209, 1259210, 11837452 & 11803933), 1711/293, 1909/762, 1898/737, Road Reserve (PIN =1174739), 1742/50, 896/66, 1657/879, Road Reserve (PIN = 382075), 2098/797, LR3151/168, LR3100/731, 1843/559, Road Reserve (PIN = 1066730), Road Reserve (PIN = 382900), 1843/556, 1898/737, 1898/736, 1715/683, 1934/863 and Road Reserves (PIN = 1045162, 1045168, 11824306, 1173648, 11842640, 11837698, 11837465, 11813684, 11837463, 11798251, 11798250, 11798249, 1307730, 284123, 11667314, 11418693, 11418695, 11668348, 11418696, 11470677, 11667315 & 11667528) located within the City of Melville and City of Cockburn and defined by the map attached to Item 5 of the Notice dated 26 October 2012. Purpose: Investigation, design, construction, operation and maintenance for the extension of Roe Highway from I<winana Freeway to Stock Road. Reports: 1. Gifford P et al. December 2011. Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Survey of the Proposed Roe Highway Extension: Revised Report vA. OIA Accession No: 28946 2. Gifford P & Sutherland F. July 2012. Further Noongar Consultation regarding the proposed Roe Highway Extension OlA Accession No: TBC 3. Harris J. February 2010. A Desktop Aboriginal Heritage Survey of the Roe Highway Extension within the City of Cockburn, Western Australia OIA Accession No: 28947 Attachments: 1. Letter to Applicant from Registrar dated 21 December 2012 requesting further information. 2. Letter from Applicant to Registrar dated 14 January 2013. Native Title Claims: j 1 ICLAIM NAME '!STATUS 11 !~W~CO~~~6~!s~ln~gl~eN~O~On~ga~rc~.~~~~~re-a~1)-----il~U~nre~gi~ste-re~d---I 1f-2-+IW-C-1--112--+! s-,,::'an-R-ive-r p'-,-op-le-2 -'--'------1 Unregistered 13 !WC1119 IWhadJuk People IRegistered Location Map: WESTERN AUSTRALIA INDIAN OCEAN INDIAN Cit!lALOTOII OCE.AN , W~f, GPrJlT Au:;rllAl/AIi I1IGIIT SOUTHERN OCEAN AUJAtlY 2 Heritage Places for Resolution: Current Status Item DlA# Site Name Site Type No. s5 Access Places to be reassessed by ACMC: Nil Places newly reported to be assessed by ACMC: Nil 3 Agenda Item 3.10.2 Assessment for a section 18 Notice Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 Category Page Ref Ownership Ownership demonstrated (title), signed by owner, Minister or delegated authority Consultation Site informants included, native liUe claimants, knowledgeable persons, and sample adequacy. Sufficient time. information and inspection to make decision Support or objection, issues and concems noted in HSR. \"IFleDclrt 1: 4 Purpose. He was also of the opinion that sacred sites would be impacted by the Purpose. Although he was not able to specifically identify an area of potential burials, he did indicate his understanding that they were to the immediate west of the Bibra Lake area. This gentleman was encouraged to write to the Aboriginal Cultural Material Committee to further express his concerns but this has not occurred to date. Aboriginal· e9 DIA 23567 (Teller Archaic) heritage places on the There are three Aboriginal heritage places upon the Land; three of these are Land registered Aboriginal heritage sites. They are DIA 3296 (Hope Road Register Swamp/Bibra Lake) - Insufficient Information, DIA 3709 (North Lake and Bibra Lake) - 5(a)(b)(c} and DIA 4107 (Bibra Lake North) - 5(a}. Significance Period, rarity, representativeness, group value, survival condition, fragility, and vulnerability, documentation, polenHal, diversity DIA 3709 (North Lake and Bibra Lake) is a place accorded a very high de9ree of significance by the local Aboriginal community. The place is strongly associated with the Waugal sacred narrative (it is a place inhabited by the Waugal) as well as being the location for a rain making ceremony practiced by Mubarn which is also strongly associated with the Wauga/. One informant has previously described how Mubarn would sing to the Waugal and utilise rushes in an effort to get the
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