"whom he greatly resembles in action. To get results from his new infield Only in steadiness has Doolan had Hank O'Day will have to curb the un- even a slight edge on Weaver in the tutored arm of Heinie Zimmerman, past. Buck can make any stops that the reconstructed shortstop. Every are possible for Doolan, and his. great- cog of the new machine worked well er youth and speed " enable him to in the last game against the Mack-me- n get to balls that would be impossible but Zimmerman. play for the former Philly. Twice Heinie unloaded wild pegs to Both can throw from any position, first base, and' he also muffed a high but Doolan draws a shade in accur- fly. Eight other chances came the acy of his pegging to the first station. Dutchman's way, and he handled It was along this line that Weaver them successfully. It is not fair to took lessons, and those who were Zim, of course, to expect him to be a with, the tourists are touting him to whirlwind with three days' practice in greatly decrease his number of weird the new position, and opinion must pegs at Hal Chase. be reserved until he haskhad time to In batting Weaver has shown study the ground hits from the new steady improvement, until, when the angles and gauge the new throwing season closed, he vas one of the most distance to first base. , dangerous batters on the Sox team. To make up for his bum fielding ' This was brought about mainly by Zim walloped' two doubles and a his ability to bat as well from one side single. of the plate as the other. At the Humphries and Pierce pitched for start oMast season he was new at O'Day, and "held the packmen to the swinging, and showed eight hitsj but were unable to hold a tendency to go fishing after bad the score down because of poor field- balls. This was greatly overcome, ing work behind them. The final and on the globe trip he was picking score was a tie, 8 to 8. Bresnahan the good ones and letting the bad' and Sweeney also took a hand in the ones slip by unmolested. bum chucking business, and helped' Playing next to Blackburne will al- put the skids under the pitchers. so help Weaver. Buck will have a side In batting, however, the showing partner that equals him in speed, and 'was encouraging. Bullet Joe Bush he will be able to try all kinds of cir- was one of the Mack pitchers treated cus stunts in attempting double plays. to a lacing. Good and Bresnahan each Blackburne, too, will profit by the got a pair of hits. nvalry. He will try to play up to The Cubs were out of Florida to- Veaver's fielding standard, and may day, and the long hike toward Cincin- lcrease his natural speed. nati and opening day has begun. This Taking it all around, second base afternoon a game is on with Savan- looks like a well protected position nah, and tomorrow an engagement for the Sox this year. And Callahan will be filled in Birmingham. will have two infielders who can All of the athletes but a couple of whale into the ball and run bases recruit pitchers are in good health. after they get on. There will ba no change in the Buck and Russell were factors in ownership of the Cubs, for at least a defeating Sacramento, 9 to 0. Weav- year. Charles P. Taft made this plain er soaked two doubles and Black- yesterday when he turned down all burne nailed a single and double. bids and appointed Charles H. Thom- Jack Fournier continued to bid for as, treasurer under Murphy, to the .otice with a home run, and Daly, the presidency of the organization. young catcher who went around the Charles Schmalstitch, Taft's secre- world, uncorked a single and tary, will act in a similar capacity for the Cubs, and' Rube Cook, at present sj-- i ;.
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