.-v , M HC •■■ ■. Y '•\ Y‘ * i\.' •esh ‘X ', .- . , ,v'• •- r . MONifAY, U A Y 2a!. 19W A vorsfe Piflljr N et Frees Bmt The Weather titQ|ininB»Ty . Weather Bureau l9!tattri;(0ti?r lEe^uittg l^raUi ■k- . Fwte'W deRlhiM Foreoaiit o f IK iB> ■ ■ -:;>>Miqr'#8* l 8 « Fair and oobt'agahi tofdghh er Of the ear, Robert D. Abalr, in Otromt c o u r t '12,. IMaaoiwstar, ard Mark Johnaoh, 18; o f 28 Sun; liow near M. WedBMday. some 22, of 23 DeNfMd Or., who was ju n o u , set St, we^ each dbajribd with early nioiratng.clOUdInces tbm b o r 13^89 coming partly simtiy and Warmer, Town Pblice drresU teaching (iuennevUle how to drive, Two other youths were ar­ breach of tba paaoa by Patoobnaa y eu f wjha. wh g e was also arrested, on a' charge rested ycstarday afternoon at 2 « of <Bo Aadlt Rlglrnear 80. ^ - -*---^ ^.stMiaaalmtoafr Mem* BU TambUng Jr. lha youths post- Cd • —y » - • WAIJAI8BH t o f OIreelsHou '^ ; M«ncIiiHter >.«lri Scout lamders of operating a motor vebiolo. 4 ManehMt0r-^ A City o f VUiage Charm , Qoorgo A Qtuumevll^ 18, of while hla license wae under alis- ad |50 oash bonda e ^ add ars PBABMAOT. “ wlU mMt in unlfonin tonlKiit 8 Bast Hartford, last night ' Was pension. QuenhwiUe poetedX *60 free while awedUng appaafanee in - 80 at tliB Watkina-West F u n e ra l = V charged with driving a motor ve­ boind end Aidair poetedyla 91100 Circuit Court , l5, Manchester, / MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1962 (Olaartfled Advertiaing on *age 18) ♦ PRICE FIVE Ce n t s Home, 1«2 K. Center SU to i>ay hicle without a license. The own­ bond while both await pppearanee ; and 1 ^ ' J u n e lg .' / TOL.L3EXXI,N6.20S (TWBNTT PAGES) reapecta to the late Rusaell R. Van- :_____________ ^_____ :_____: aait,'a^oae wife, la leader of Olrl / Seoul Troop 8*0. X n . Angela Goiangoa and Mn. HejfJLvy Mail Estes Aide to TestifyAeius • X a r y OranoUo urill he co-chairmen o f an InataUation dinner o f the MAIN STREET Manchester Business and Profes- OnMedlcare aKMial Women’s Club June 26 at MANCHESTER WUHe’a Steak House. They were \ Id Deatlf of Probe .‘appointed by M n. Karen KUbanoff, HOUSE k HALE Hard to Tatty ■president, at a recent meeting at the home of Mra. Irene Roy, 83 ^ _ Ma^ Supporters WASHINGTON (A P)— By JBRRV nUABD owMow and hU brother, Bob W alker S t tU! Lots of pSople are writing FRANKLIN, Tex. (AP)— MariSaU: and two otter men nrt C 1 o i In V l c t O r V govetriunent officials and otterwlae Identified, UJL Owenej'-' * “ * sag v aaxaxxa j Daniel T. Banavlge, son of Mr. The Robertson County grand and Brwtn Bennett, Therv waa and Mra. Joseph Banavlga 38 Hud' congiessmen aboot President jury looking into the mysterl- nothing to Indicate they had any CHESHIRE\(AP) — Now aon St, has been initiated into Kennedy's proposals for pus death of Henry H. Mar­ connection with the case- .Haven County ddegntee to Olynyiia, honorary athletic or- health care for the aged; but fantaatlon, at Rensselaer Polytech­ shall was to hear from Billie Peoples refused to disci^ J?* the Republican sti^ conven- nic Institute, Troy, N.Y. Banavlge, it’s difficult to find a definite Sol Estes’ lawyer, John Den­ tion endorsed Edwin H. May Movie Benefits LaCroix Fund trend. a graduate of Manchester High nison, today. Diet. Atty. Bryan Ruu and Tex-| Jl". ^or tlw gubeniatorial School, is a senior in electrical en- lYoceeds from three performances of the movie comedy, "Please AI* -chediaad to trotUy wtr. _— ination last night, a GOP glneeri^. He was baseball team Doii’t Ehit the Daises," at the State Theater tomorrow at 3:30, coftexiwMmta fm r L«wl« David, ateta exe.?atlva Sales Still captain and leading .hitter for the 6 and 8:30 p.m. will benefit the LaCroix Trust Fund. The eight for all^your Decoration Day needs! Uia P r o r a t a propoa^, diractor ot tba Agrlcuitutml 8UbU- (Coattnoed on Page Niaeteea) | source said. past two years. LaCroix children will attend the show with neighbors. Doris Day The caucus waa boycotted by 11 is? !^*f**?? wHlxaticm and Oonaarvation Agency, _ . of New Haven's 12 delegatee, how- and David Niven portray the parents of four sroung^sters In Metro- Jrtmaon, W. a Hott and Send P r ic e ^ ^ The 'Golden Age dub's dinner Goldwyn-Mayer’s Cinemascope and color film version of Jean care through SoclaJJBrourity tkj* ji,<wiiard WUUama, all otadala oT Papers Destroyed SK meeting Jime H at the Walnut Kerr's best-seller, Jack Cleary is chairman of the LaCroix Fund CLOSED WroNESDAY, DECORATION DAY ea.' Borne aay g majority opposa it *«ncy. Restaurant will be at 1 p.m. In­ ben^t, assisted by’ Henry Skelly, "Fred Hunt, Jack La very and ■me Waltara Department report-1 ^ Herman Wierzblcki, all members of a neighbors’ committee which Accountant „h,v,,nM ,'byj® Dow n^H ^d stead of 2 p.m. as previously an­ ad Monday a breakdown on 8,26e| *Si« —: ' 1 overwhelming margin, but no rtg- nounced. launched the coUeetlon for the eight orphaned children in March. lettera received by^ the WABRINaTON (AP)—A private urea were given. By JAf^^LEFLEB ment, the-White House and theAo- accountant who submitted a roay| It waa not known how many of Anderaon-Shea Auxiliary will nical training course for munitions Several members of Anderson- cial Security Administration « JJ AP BdrincM News Writer Shea post and Auxiliary attended audit of BUUe Sol Estes’ finances tte )1« delegates attended, sponsor a kitchen social, for mem' specialists at Lowry Air Force BalUmore. AH arrived Iwt week, destroyed hta working paper a^ Ute meeting wu ceJ^ by bltts, tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Base, Col. Airman Kerrigan re­ the annual pilgrimage to the Vet­ after Kennedy’s televised N«W YORK (AP)—Faint erans Hospital, Northampton, broadcast plea at <a raUy In Hew ■‘••ne of the allotments Ulegally. ter a call from someone In BStoe’ I county GOP CHiairman W lttam J. 'psTgns of a rally appeared in posthcuna ' cently completed basic military organlsatlan, an Agriculture De- CJouslns, who v w accused by Now Mass., yesterday. Tortt May 20 for support of the Five bullets from a ;J2 eaUber j training at Lackland Air Force partment ofllcUd said today. town chalmw Henry J. the stock market this after­ Airman Basic James J. Kerrigan Baee, Texas. He was graduated WU. rine klUbd MarshaU on hia farm The Army-Navy Auxiliary will noon although emotion-pack­ Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ker from Manchester High School in Tha department said 9TB letters near here last June 8. At. the time, ^ riatemeat of net worth va. ‘ ed selling continued to send rlgen, 14 Ensign St., is being ax' 1961, ;md attended the American .sponsor a card party tonight at 8 favored the lOng-Anderem bUl the ruling whs stdcldei’ Now the presented to the goye^^Ja ^ candidates for the signed to the U.S. Air Force tech- Institute of banking, Hartford. at the clubhouse. backed by the President, 691 op- grand Jury U InveaUgatlag vrtieth- January IHt when tha nomlnsjion, and the prices downward. posed It and 1,603 m erely sought er he m ay have' been slain. , ture Department propoaed tO hi* of State GOP Chialrman A. Some losses were turned into more information or copies of the Texas Ranger Capt. CUnt Peo- creasfrlrom $700,000 to $1 minion I goarle Plnney and Connecticut’s gains and declines were shaved. bui. ~ plea said Monday that Ue detector Earlier, almost the entire field the bond Estes had to put up tol gi^uonal committeeman and com- ot prices had melted rapidly as Seveial New -Jersey congrase- testa have been given four persona ■ ire U.S. grain valued at $80U,ttteewoman Is John Aleop of selling ballooned beyond the mas­ Along with most of Man­ men reported that their mall since and their reactions indicated aU lion. I Avon. sive volume ot Monday—highest Kennedy’s epeeoh and Uie rebuttal gave truUiful answers, The state nominating convention chester’s large stores, lnJ9 years. by the American Medical Aasocia-I He named them as Marshall’s (Ooatliraed on Twelve) I opens next Monday in Hartford, Hie panicky desire to get rid of PINEHURST WILL BE tlon in a televised program May stocks swept across the nation. CLOSED ALL DAY piiicftui-' 21, shows an Increase in letters of Tedeaco Elect^ Ignoring all accounts-of good busi­ c m WEDNESDAY, MEMO­ opposition. May Disrupt Communiicaiions Bridgeport (AP)—Mayor Sam­ ness, and had worldwide reverber- RIAL DAY. Ben. - CUfford Clue, R-N.J., said uel J. Tedesco took the place of atlraa. 9''% .his mall had been running about (tonMlius F . MulvlhUl last night at The London Stock Exchange suf­ 06 sper cent for the blU but last the helm of the Democratic town fered its dewiest ^decline since toe wew switched to K per gent committee. Munich crista of September 1938. For your shopping con­ against I t MuIvibiU, chairman alnce 1955, Steep losasi on heavy Seil-.offs venience, we will open at Ben. Harrison TmUams, D-N'J., U.S. Ready to Start were felt by exchanges in Paris, Roll* From Arnold Chuck Ground did not seek re-election this year This was the scene at tha 10 Am;, BDT., opening today on the floor of the New York Stock Ex­ 8 a.m.
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