Combined Pack Democratic Services Section Chief Executive’s Department Belfast City Council City Hall Belfast BT1 5GS 16th February, 2017 MEETING OF STRATEGIC POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE Dear Alderman/Councillor, The above-named Committee will meet in the Lavery Room - City Hall on Friday, 17th February, 2017 at 9.30 am for the transaction of the business noted below. You are requested to attend. Yours faithfully, SUZANNE WYLIE Chief Executive AGENDA: 1. Routine Matters (a) Apologies (b) Minutes (c) Declarations of Interest 2. Restricted Items (a) City Centre investment Fund (Pages 1 - 18) (b) Capital of Culture (Pages 19 - 26) (c) Financial Reporting Quarter 3 2016-17 (Pages 27 - 48) (d) Leisure Transformation Programme- Assets Update (Pages 49 - 58) (e) Giant’s Park, North Foreshore (Pages 59 - 64) - 2 - 3. Matters referred back from Council/Notices of Motion (a) Notice of Motion - Donations to Political Parties – Response (Pages 65 - 68) (b) Notice of Motion - Renewal Heat Incentive Scheme - Response (Pages 69 - 72) (c) Notice of Motion - Concessionary Travel Pass (Pages 73 - 78) 4. Governance (a) Consultation on a Revision of the Northern Ireland Local Government Code of Conduct (Pages 79 - 138) 5. Physical Programme and Asset Management (a) Capital Programme Update (Pages 139 - 144) (b) Area Working Update (Pages 145 - 204) (c) Assets Report (Pages 205 - 210) (d) Belfast Wi-Fi Update (Pages 211 - 218) 6. Finance, Procurement and Performance (a) Contracts for Award (Pages 219 - 222) (b) Belfast City Council discretionary policies under the Local Government Pension Scheme (Northern Ireland) Regulations and other related Regulations (Pages 223 - 244) 7. Equality and Good Relations (a) Minutes of Meeting of Shared City Partnership (Pages 245 - 264) (b) Review and purpose of the Diversity Working Group (Pages 265 - 268) (c) Northern Ireland Equality and Diversity Gala and Awards 2017 (Pages 269 - 272) 8. Operational Issues (a) Volunteering Policy (Pages 273 - 280) (b) IT Equipment Package (Pages 281 - 286) (c) Minutes of Active Belfast Limited Board 16.01.17 (Pages 287 - 304) (d) Minutes of Meeting of Budget and Transformation Panel February 2017 (Pages 305 - 308) (e) Minutes of Elected Members Development Working Group (Pages 309 - 312) - 3 - (f) Request for the Use of the Council Chamber (Pages 313 - 314) (g) Request for the Use of City Hall (Pages 315 - 318) STRATEGIC POLICY & RESOURCES COMMITTEE Subject: Notice of Motion : Donations to Political Parties – Response from the Secretary of State Date: 17th February, 2017 Reporting Officer: Stephen McCrory, Democratic Services Manager Contact Officer: Jim Hanna, Senior Democratic Services Officer Is this report restricted? Yes No X Is the decision eligible for Call-in? Yes No X 1.0 Purpose of Report/Summary of Main Issues 1.1 To consider the response from the Secretary of State in relation to the Council’s Motion on Donations to Political Parties. 2.0 Recommendation 2.1 The Committee is asked to; Note the response and take any such action as may be determined. 3.0 Main Report Key Issues 3.1 The Council, at its meeting on 3rd January, passed the following motion on Donations to Political Parties, which had been proposed by Councillor Nicholl and seconded by Councillor Councillor McDonough-Brown: "This Council notes a motion passed in March, 2016, regarding the transparency of donations made to political parties, recognises the importance which the citizens of Belfast place on being able to trust their Elected Representatives to work for the common good, further recognises the corrupting influence which money can have on the political decision- making process and considers it unacceptable that donations to political parties continue to remain secret in Northern Ireland. The Council notes correspondence which was received from the previous Secretary of State, dated 5th April, 2016, stating that the time was not appropriate to move to full transparency, however, given current low levels of public confidence in transparency of Government, it calls on the new Secretary of State to immediately lift the exemption to reveal all declared donations to political parties since January 2014 and calls also on all political parties to voluntarily publish donations from this time." 3.2 A response has now been received on behalf of the Secretary of State, a copy of which is attached. The response welcomes the Council’s motion and confirms that the Secretary of State wrote to Northern Ireland’s political parties earlier in January inviting their views on moving to full transparency and stating his desire to progress the matter. 3.3 Financial and Resource Implications None 3.4 Equality or Good Relations Implications None 4.0 Appendices - Documents Attached Appendix 1 - Response from the Secretary of State STRATEGIC POLICY & RESOURCES COMMITTEE Subject: Notice of Motion : Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme – Response from the Secretary of State Date: 17th February, 2017 Reporting Officer: Stephen McCrory, Democratic Services Manager Contact Officer: Jim Hanna, Senior Democratic Services Officer Is this report restricted? Yes No X Is the decision eligible for Call-in? Yes No X 1.0 Purpose of Report/Summary of Main Issues 1.1 To consider the response from the Secretary of State in relation to the Council’s Motion on the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme. 2.0 Recommendation 2.1 The Committee is asked to; Note the response and take any such action as may be determined. 3.0 Main Report Key Issues 3.1 The Council, at its meeting on 3rd January, passed the following motion on the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme, which had been proposed by Alderman Ruth Patterson and seconded by Councillor Heading: “This Council notes the serious public concern amongst our constituents in relation to financial squander around the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme. The Council agrees to write to the Secretary of State, as public representatives, highlighting the huge public interest in relation to this matter and, accordingly, requests that he initiates a full public inquiry, pursuant to his discretion contained within Section 1 of the Inquiries Act 2005. The Council agrees also to write to the Joint First Minister, Arlene Foster, expressing our 3.2 belief, as a Council, that she should step aside pending a full public inquiry into this extraordinarily serious matter and the allegations of corruption which have been made by a former Government Minister from her own Party.” A response has now been received on behalf of the Secretary of State, a copy of which is 3.3 attached. The response affirms the Secretary of State’s view that the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme is a devolved matter and that it should be the subject of an independent inquiry established by the devolved institutions. The Secretary of State has welcomed the establishment of such an inquiry and considers it to be an important step in building confidence in the institutions. The response states also that the Secretary of State is encouraging full co-operation with the 3.4 inquiry and hopes that it will quickly and effectively establish the facts around the Scheme. It adds that the UK Government will do everything in its power to support the inquiry. Financial and Resource Implications 3.5 None Equality or Good Relations Implications 3.6 None 4.0 Appendices - Documents Attached Appendix 1 - Response from the Secretary of State STRATEGIC POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE Subject: Notice of Motion : Concessionary Travel Pass – Responses from the Minister for Infrastructure/Minister for Finance Date: 17th February, 2017 Reporting Officer: Stephen McCrory, Democratic Services Manager Contact Officer: Jim Hanna, Senior Democratic Services Officer Is this report restricted? Yes No X Is the decision eligible for Call-in? Yes No X 1.0 Purpose of Report/Summary of Main Issues 1.1 To consider the responses from the Minister for Infrastructure and the Minister for Finance in relation to the Council’s motion on the Concessionary Travel Pass. 2.0 Recommendation 2.1 The Committee is asked to; Note the responses and take any such action as may be determined. 3.0 Main Report Key Issues 3.1 The Council, at its meeting on 3rd January, passed the following motion on the Concessionary Travel Pass, which had been proposed by Councillor Heading and seconded by Councillor McCusker: "This Council notes the recent establishment of the Smart Pass Equality Campaign, endorses its call for the full fare concessionary travel pass to be issued to all people who are unable to drive for medical reasons and agrees to write to the Minister for Infrastructure and the Minister for Finance urging them to implement this extension as soon as possible." 3.2 Responses have now been received from both Ministers, copies of which are attached (Appendix 1 & 2). Minister Hazzard states that, currently, anyone who has had a driving licence refused or revoked on medical grounds can avail of a half fare travel concession and points out that everyone in Northern Ireland can avail of full fare concessionary travel once they reach the age of 60. The Minister adds that, whilst he is sympathetic towards extending the Concessionary Fares Scheme to provide full fare concessionary travel for those people who are under the age of 60 and are unable to drive on medical grounds, there are already numerous competing priorities for resources across his Department. As such, any extension to the concessionary fares scheme could not be considered at this time. 3.3 Minister Ó Muilleoir reiterates the comments which have been made by the Minister for Infrastructure, that a person who has had a driving licence refused or revoked on medical grounds can avail of a half fare travel concession and that everyone in Northern Ireland can avail of full fare concessionary travel once they reach the age of 60. He concludes by recommending that the Council should, in future, liaise with the Minister for Infrastructure around the concessionary fares scheme, as that issue falls within his area of responsibility.
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