The Fra.nkl’in N EWS,R’ECOrD Enteredas second’classmatter on July 5, 1961 I0c pcr copy VOL. 14, NO. 13 SOMERSET, NEW JERSEY 08873, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1969 at the PostOffice in Somerset,New Jersey. Council Offering Property ,i ¸ ¯ Eight Tracts Slated For Public Sale Residentiallots willbe among the eightlots offered for public saletonight by TownshipCouncL1. JOHN POTTS JOSEPH P. KNOLIVIAYER GEORGE W. KOZAR DAVID DeVRIES :~iiii Tonightwill be thefirst time that the townshiphas offered land for salej withouta covenant residentialconstruc- on it. Eight Residents Announce Moneyraised by the sale wlllbe earmarkedfor constructionof a *:’~ ’~ new municipalbuilding, accord- : ;~ , ~i . .: ( :. ~ lingto MayorBruce Willlams. Each ,. , ,’, ;~ " / ; : lot will be offered at the request o, at least one person interested Township Ward Candidacy i The minimum bid has been Sp r ing Came I n Lik e ALl on set at "the current market value of the property," Mayor Williams John Potts, First Ward can- Joseph P. Knolmayer, 39 Commencinghis campaignDavid DeVries,of Somerset,iiiiii! As ourstaff photographer was raging torrents of the Millstone ship were flooded, causing many said, and a 20 per cent deposit dldatefor TownshipCouncil, for ThirdWard Councilman of has officiallyannounced hlsen- iilill in cash or certified check, will PleasantPlains Road,Franklin outtrudging through the mud and River to take this photograph, travelers to make detours, or resides on Cresent Drive, Park,today announced his can- Franklin Township, George water Tuesday morning, he Many motorists were treated to stay home and waltforbetter, be required to close the deal. The tranceinto the ThirdWard iii!ii Griggstown, with his wife Ar- didacy for FirstWard Council- Kozar said last Friday: cameacross this scene. to this same view of the cause- days. balance will be due in 30 days. councilman race ill Franklin ilii!: way connectingRiver Road in Springdefinitely came In~ Finalpassage is expectedtonigi~t lens,and sons JohnScott and man in FranklinTownship. "Franklin Township has Township.At a campaignor- !~!i~i A boat and swlm fins would Brian. Mr. Knolmayeris 52yearsof ganizationalmeeting held i:ili! have been more appropriate MontgomeryTownship to Canal likea llon. for the 1989 municlpalbudget, moved towarda level of Ix)- age,is married,with five chil- liticalmaturity. The coming earlierthis week at thecandl- !i!iii than a car and walkingshoes, Roadin Griggstown. See relatedstory and plc- which was raised $10,000 at a Mr. Potts,who at presentis Roads throughoutthe town- specialpublic meeting Thursday drenand has livedin Franklin campaignshould be entirely date’shome, Mr. DeVrtes out- ii::i::i butnevertheless, he bravedthe lureson Page servingthe townshipas presi- Parkfor elevenyears, March 20. dentot the ZoningBoard GlAd- devotedto constructiveaug- linedcampaign plans and dis- i;i~ii He is the founderand pros- gestionsfor theplanned growth The increase, bringing the total Justment,has been active inthe cussedhis reasonsfor enter- Identof CentralCutter Corpo- of FranklinTownship. Ideas tugthe race. general appropriations for the year civicand politloal areas of the :~:~:~ up to $2,914,91~, willhelp finance township, ration, a local industry, pros- should be offered and debated. Mr. Devrie~ noted that the ili!il theoperation of the HamiltonPark Idealof CentralIndustrial Serv- Personal attacks must be ThirdWard, which includes the ::~::~::i Mr. Pelts, a life-long rest- according ice, a former officer of the Mid- avoided. Strathmore, Queens Estates, iiiiii Youth Project, toMayor dent of Franklin - with 18 Editor,Franklin News Record:ll uck,eyE,ec,ed Williams.He said at last week’s dlesex Industrial Management "I shall offer duringthe cam- and Foxwoodhomes, is the fast- if:ill It is my sincerebelief that, meetingthat the money will be yearsin the FirstWard - at- Club and servedfor two years pMgn a programfor the plmmed estgrowing community in theiiiii A the residentsof FranklinTown- Of C President used for specificexpenditures, tendedlocal schools,and in as a Republicanappointment growthof FranklinTownship. Township.He said,"New and ii!iii -’:.~have been given the oppor- At the ninth annualdlnnermeet- whole."Programs such as side-such as salaries,and that the 1956 enlistedin the Marine to theFranklin Industrial Corn- This program will contain a dynamicapproaches are re- ::::iiii .-.~’.yto be proudof them- lug of the FranklinTownship walks, road improvements,and project will receive the money Corps. mlttee, sound method of planning,a quiredto solvethe problems i ilii -t-=z.I am referringto the Chamberof Commerce,at the streetlighting were given prim-only as long as it abidesby a con- Hiscivic activities have in- A former memberof theNew bold conceptof decision,a of increasingtaxes, l~ighway ~!iili ..... Board of Education BrunswickInn in EastBrunswick ary emphasis.Many of the pro-tract that is to be signed. cludedservIng as a scoutlead- Brunswick Elks, Mr. Knol- meaningfuldirection for prog- safety,recreational facilities~ iiiili mayeris thirdvice-president meetingheld at the SampsonG. on Saturday,Ronald Fletcher, the grams of the Chamberhave been Adoptionof the amendmentlast er in Griggstown,an officer ross,a directcall for effec- and townshipgrowth. We can SmithSchool. currentpresident of the chamber,adopted by the MunlclpalCouncil week was the causeof the post- of the GriggstownFire Corn- of the FranklinLipns Club, a tlveutilizationofpublicparticl- no longerrely on old estab- Anytimewhen alarmedand in will turn the gavel over to Wtl- and the Board of Freeholders, and ponement of the final passage until member of the Franklin Chain- patten, and a healthy respect ltshment solutions which have iiiii~ pany, a member of the Board bar of Commerceand president some cases outragedcitizens ilamBuckley. willbe initiatedin 1969. tonight,according to Councilman of trusteesof the Kingston forthe legitimate interests of failedto resolvethe Town- i!i!!i conveneby the hundredsat one Mr. Buckiey,who is now sere- Followinghis electionas Pros- HarrySUlwoII. Homeowners Association and of the RingbrookRod and Gun all the citizensof the Third ship’sincreasing problems. I ::::!i!! of our public meetings,one Ing as SecondVice-president oil ident,Mr. Buckleypraised Mr. In other businesstonight, Coun- a memberof the ZoningBoard ClUb. Ward," he said. havediscussed a number of is-iiii!:: wouldexpect a torrentof ver- the Chamber,has been activein Fletcherfor the excellentlead- icll is expectedto begincondemna- forthe wast two years. Formerlyhe was supervisor Mr. Kozar,a longtime rest- sueswith manypeople in the ~;~ bal abuseto be thrownabout. orga,izingthe industrialdivision, ership he had providedduring tlon proceedingstoacquire landfor of De Laval Industries in Tren- dent of this area, is a gradu- weard, whofeel tha’t it is nowiilii Thiswas notthe case thls past and alsoworked closely with Mr. the year and said that he hopedthe proposedSomerset Hills Park~ Mr. ~otis’ political activity ton, supervisor of Mack Truck ate of St. Peter’s High School essential to establish a new iili Mondayevening. Fletcher last year in initiating to continue Mr. Fletcher’s pro- along EastonAvenuenorthofI-28’L has been in the Republican Par- in Plainfield, factory manager in New Brunswick and has re- and vigorous political action The board and its members a Memorial Day parade in Frank- gram of service to the member- Acquisition of the land for this ty,. where he served’as Vice- of Excel Products and super- sided in the Third Ward of gronp within the Third Ward, ]i::!: are to be commendedon the Township. Municipal Chairman, and was intendent of production at Stude- Franklin Township for the last I lin ship as the mainstay of his ad- ~ark had been stalled, awaiting inot only for the special, ira- ilii smoothand orderlymanner in ministration.Mr. Buckleyalso stateapproval of a townshipre- the Municipal Chairman in 1967 baker Corp. eight years, mediate needs of ThirdWard ii!ii whichthey conducted the meet- RoyO’Brlen will serve as FirstpraisedMr. Al O~Brlen,the execu- quest to transferstate Green Acres when the Republicans "gained He attends St. Augustine’s He and his wife, the former residents but also to offer newiiiil Ing.After hearing both thepros Vice-Presldent,Miss Margarettire director,and Mrs. EstherMc- fundsfrom the proposedCanal control of Council by sweep- Church and with his wife is ac- Dorothy A. Veninger, reside at solutions to the overall needs ~i~!~ andcons of theboards decisions Clearyas SecondVice-presldent, Owen,the secretaryfor the fine Park, whichwas neverapproved, ing three of the four at-large tire in parish work. His hob- their home on Culver Street in of the township," he stated, iiiii by the board membersand the and Mr. John Baab as ThirdVlce workthey havecontributed, to SomersetHills Park. seats." bles are hunting, fishing and Franklin Township. Mr. DeVries continued, i::ili public, one leR the meeting President.Six newdirectors will Mr. Buckleyis the presidentof GreenAcres funds will pay half Mr. Pelts alsoserved as Re- golf. Mr. Kozar is a grad- "Campaignworkers represent- iiii withthe feeling that once again alsobe installedat the dinner: FrankcorpInvestments, Inc., and of the cost of the land,and the publicanCommitteeman, Ward In announcinghis candidacy, uate of Rutgsrs University inga broadspectrum of po-ii::::i orderlyconduct by responsibleJohnBaab, Margaret Cleary, Ron- is associatedwith A. W. Benkerttownship will pay the otherhalf. Committee chairman, and Mr. Knolmayersaid that "to wherehe
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