Nicholas Jones package 15 Nov 2018 This package is intended only for personal or professional family history research. It is a read-only format that cannot be edited or changed. Users must cite the author and sourceof of the content that is used just as for a printed work, and the citation must include “The Swedish Colonial Society” and its URL www.colonialswedes.net. For example: “Nicholas SocietyJones package 15 Nov 2018 from the Swedish Colonial Society (www.ColonialSwedes.net).” The Swedish Colonial Society makes no express or implied warranties or representations as to the quality and accuracy of the content of the package and offers the package on an “as is” basis, accepting no responsibility for any use of or reliance upon it. This PDF can be searched for matching text; be aware that OCR errors abound. Most handwritten family sheets have been transcribed, and a search will usually take you to the correct page, significantly above and to the left of the actual matching words. This package includes all Peter Craig’s annotated family group sheets for NicholasProperty Jones and his ancestors . It is about 34 pages long and contains sheets relating to Nicholas Jones starting with his son Peter JonasonColonial (1747- 1795) m. Elizabeth Rose, Nils Jones/ Nicholas Jones (-1784) m. Christiana (~1724->1784), his parents Peter Jonason (1687-1760) m. Deborah (~1709Distribution- 1754), his grandparents Nils Jonasson (1655-1735) m. Christiana Gausenberg, his great-grandparents Jonas Nilsson (1620-1693) m. Yertrue (Gertrude) Svensdotter (-after 1691) and Olle Nilsson Justberg (-1692) m. Cynthia (1619- 1703), and one great-great-grandparent Sven Gunnarsson (~1610-~1678). Contents: Introduction and contents 3 pages Peter Jonason m. Elizabeth Rose family group sheets 2 pages Nils Jones m. Christiana family group sheets 3 pages Peter Jonason m. Deborah family group sheetsSwedish 3 pages Nils Jonasson m. Christiana Gausenberg family group sheets 3 pages Jonas Nilsson m. Gertrude Svensdotter family group sheets, etc. 7 pages Olle Nilsson Justberg m. Cynthia family group sheets 3 pages Sven Gunnarsson family group sheets 10 pages source: www.ColonialSwedes.net The web version is lacking the following 103 pagesThe . Correspondence etc. concerning this Peter Jones lineage Prohibited103 pages Unauthorized Two watermarks have been applied to this document. The first, along the left margin, gives the URL of the original source of this document, i.e. the URL “www.ColonialSwedes.net.” This serves to remind all of us genealogists to cite our sources, and it gives the location of the source so that anyone using any part of this document knows where to go for more information. of The Swedish Colonial Society encourages ethical behavior as regards giSociety ving credit where credit is due and to that end has applied a second watermark which reads “Property of the Swedish Colonial Society. Unauthorized distribution prohibited.” The Society owns this material, and we insist that you not copy this package onto other web sites. We prefer that you create a link to the appropriate page on the Swedish Colonial Society web site so that updated information is available to those who want it. So much on the web has been copied here, there and everywhere to huge disadvantage, because when corrections are made, they are drowned in a sea of spurious copies. If you would like to have a copy of this document for your own use, we do charge a fee since so much time and effort went into its creation. The Property downloaded copy can be printed, copied,Colonial or sent to close cousins, but please do not distribute it to lists or web sites or imbed it into Ancestry files. The “Property of the Swedish Colonial Society” watermark on the downloaded Distribution copies will be faint (as it is on this page), although the URL “ColonialSwedes.net” will still be quite strong. Source citations on these hand-written family group sheets were assiduously recorded by Dr. Peter Craig, FASG, as numbers in the circles following each field. (FASG is “Fellow of the American Society of Genealogists” - a society which honors significant scholarship and achievement in genealogy.) At the bottom of every printed sheet is an explanation that the “footnoting” numbers in the circles following every field give the source(s) for the data filling that field, and the numberSwedished sources appear at the bottom of the sheet. Dr. Craig used abbreviations to indicate his sources. For published abstracts, Dr. Craig often cited the original source page number, as given in the abstract, rather than citing the page number within the abstract. source: www.ColonialSwedes.net The Prohibited Unauthorized Do not write in this space FAMILY SHEET Husband's Code ..................................... Wife's Code ......................................... HUSBAND·SNAME ____~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~------_r~------~--------------------~~ o Date of Birth __________--::~y~9_-~:..--_:_::;:::_-~ Date of Death _______ 1--------------~~--------------------~~~ft7~----~~------------~, His Father __~:.....l--£..L...::....M!-.....;h--~------__::"7'""~~P7J , H is Mother's MA!den Name Date of Marriage of HUSBAND and WIFE on jIthis sheet,~tYi / '/6 7 ® Place ___________________--7"~ When? ______ Check hereif there was another marriage: By 0 ofhusbandBy WJ?O ~ this couple divorced? Yes 0 NoD WIFE'S MAIDEN NAME ~;;'24 he~ I'\D~gW '(Use separate sheet for each marriage) Dat. of Birth ()Place -----------------------::8~ Date of Death r J Place ----------------------------.... Society Present Address(or! Place of Burial _________~~-------------------------------'---..."."""'" HerFather ___________________ Her Mother's Maiden Name ______________________ Items of interest about the above couple (occupations. hobbies, achievements; social, civil, and political activities; physical descriptions-includeif photos possible; military service; cause of death): o o cD Do not write in this space Do not write in this space Use reverse sidefor additional intormation J, -I- E o u. Have III 1J Birth Death Marriage family CHILDREN o U Information Information I nformati,on s.leet (Arrange in or·:.erof tirth) ON O )~ j'J ~ ,y }771 ....... ~ .......... T~··························O. AT Property ON o 2 Colonial ;~······················-'···O ~ J »4 J j7~ ON 3 .......... ~ ....... T·O···························O AT Distribution ON o ~!..~J.~~~.~ ?~.~.. 10 4 ;~··························O AT N N ON ON 5 AT Check hereif there are additional children0 Footnoting. To substantiate the information recorded on this page, please use the footnotes listed below. One of these numbers should be placed in the circle provided next to each answer on the questionnaire. If you got the information from a source not listed, place that source on a vacant line and use the number next to which it has been placed as your footnote number. Use CD only if you have filled in the blank from personal knowledge (such as the If nameyou mustof yourlook brother).up his marriage date, give as the source whereveryou lookedSwedish it up. If you asked him, give his name as the source. Date __________________________ ___ CD Name and address of person filling in this sheet. ...en c:: co ~ ® CD C .t: 0 enu source: www.ColonialSwedes.net @ .~.,. The Prohibited ~. ~ C...........'. en ® of, ® }) h CD Unauthorized @ J ~Lf ~,JP6~-/Z;l4<~j'f~- ~ti 7Y1y-~ /h-(~yt-~ .p' 2!L/).~6Y~" 7111 -J Jc!/~ r.d{; ~ ?u5rn ~£. If:; ~~ VJI'7-. /1'71;,,)./I JI~ ' ,,{/~ ~t.£ ~ /19i/. /1 /I I '-e f 0 J 9tJJ....... II h ~J-l- I, " of Society Property Colonial o Distribution Swedish source: www.ColonialSwedes.net The Prohibited 0, Unauthorized ! I 00 not write in this space FAMILY SHEET Husband's Code ..................................... Wife's Code ......................................... HUSBAND'SNAME ____~ ~~~~~~--~~~~--~------~--------------------------~ Date of Birth--~-'1"r---7'r--:----:;.---__::_::_"?:"''"':''7--~~ Date of Death_~::....:...:..:...!:..--~-~~~---------~ Present Address{or His Father__ ..... Date of Marriage of HUSB When ? _____ 0 No 0 Check here if there was another marriage: ofBy.0 husband Yes WI FE'S M%9.:~ N~ME (!.t,,:,;y,'"t!ll1eV j '(Use separate sheet for each marriage) Date of Birthpt, ~ f) /~ /?tf t. 12/ ~ Ptace _____________________8~ Date of Death ____________________ Society Present Address (or) Placeof Burial _________ ..,......,,.--___________________________ Her Father _________________....::.....L Her Mother's Maiden Name ___________________ Items of interest about the above couple (occupations,~chie:'ements;.social, hob,bies, civi~ aQd political activities; physical~s~i.Ption)-inCIU~e photos if possible; military service; cause of death):Mt/tJto ~/:a.a4./~ ,...ItL-O /70/ ~ ~ ~4.7'l~ '-"'t.J o ~'7@ . o cO Do not write in this space Do not write in this space Use reverse sidefor additional information E J, -l. o Have LI. QI Death Marriage family CHILDREN '0 Birth 0 Information s.,eet (Arrange in or·:'dr of tirth) U Information Information 7' Jldhdv /?hl T~iii '~~~~fA' )?t~~ 0 X ~Property .. ... X 2 ?/hMJ Colonial 3 T·O·······~···· ··········O ~ Distribution.. o ttl 4 ~4t~ ;~······~····· ·······:··O N N c :~ 5 Mit ~~······~···············o > -1JItV> '0' ,~ 01 .S 0. 1,1) Footnoting. To substantiate the information recorded on this page, please use the footnotes listed below. One of these numbers should be placed in the circle QI" provided nex t to each answer on the questionnaire. If you got the information from a source not Iisted, place that source on a vacant line and use the number next
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