CHARACTERIZATION OF ORGANIC MATTER IN SEDIMENTS FROM GULF OF ALASKA, BERING SEA, AND BEAUFORT SEA by I. R. Kaplan and M. I. Venkatesan Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics University of California Los Angeles, California 90024 Final Report Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program Research Unit 480 June 1981 TABLE OF CONTENTS INDEX OF DATA SUBMITTED IN PREVIOUS ANNUAL REPORTS. ● . ● . ● . 105 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND SPECIAL NOTE . ● . ● ● , ● ✎ . 110 SUMMARY . ✎ . ✎ ● , ● ✎ . 111 INTRODUCTION . ✎ ● ● ✎ ● ✎ ✎ ● 113 General Nature and Scope of Study . ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ● ✎ ● ✎ 113 Specific Objectives . ● ✎ ● ● ✎ ● ✎ ✎ 113 Relevance to Problems of Petroleum Development. ✎ ● ✎ o ● ✎ ✎ ✎ 114 Current State of Knowledge . ..0.. .00 ✎ ✎ ✎ . ✎ ● ✎ ● 114 STUDY AREA AND CRUISES. ● ..000 ✎ ✎ e . ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ 115 METHODS . .0.0.. ● ****O ✎ ✎ . ● ✎ ✎ ✎ 115 Elemental Analysis. ✎ ✎ . ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ 115 Analysis of High Molecu” ar We”ght Hydrocarbons. ✎ ✎ . ✎ ✎ ✎ ● 116 Materials . ..*O ● ...*. ✎ ✎ . ✎ ✎ ✎ ● 118 RESULTS. ● ☛☛✎✎✎ ✎ ✎ ✎✎✎☛ ● e . ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ 120 Tables. ...* . .* ✎ ● . ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ 122 Figures . ● ..0.0 . ...00 ✎ . ● ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ 139 DISCUSSION. ● ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ● . ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ 158 Beaufort Sea. ..9*** ✎ . ● . ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ 158 Southeastern Bering Sea . ..** . ✎ . ● ✎ ✎ ✎ 161 Norton Sound. ✎ ● . ✎ ● ☛ ✎ 165 Navarin Basin . ..000 ● .* ✎ . ● . ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ 166 Gulf of Alaska. ...* . ..0 ✎ . ● . ● ✎ ✎ ✎ 170 Kodiak Shelf. ...00 ● *. ✎ . ● ● ● ✎ 172 Cook Inlet . ...00 ● ** ✎ ● * . ✎ ● ● ✎ 175 103 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page CONCLUSIONS . ..*..* ● ☛✎☛☛✎ ● . 179 Organic Carbon. ● ✎✎☛☛☛ ● . ● ● . 179 Hydrocarbons. ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ● ☛☛☛☛☛ ● .0.0.. ● . ● . 179 Distribution and Dynamics of Hydrocarbons in.- Difierent. Areas of Alaskan Outer Continental Shelf: A Study and its Implications. * . ✎ . ✎ . 182 ✎ REFERENCES. ● . ● ● . ● ● . ● . 185 PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS. ✎ ✎ ● . ✎ ● . ● . ✎ . 190 APPENDIX I: STRUCTURES CITED IN THE TEXT. ✎ ✎ . ✎ ✎ . ● ● . ✎ ● 191 ’104 INDEX OF DATA SUBMITTED IN PREVIOUS ANNUAL REPORTS April 1976 Tables: 1Elemental. Analysis of Eastern Bering Sea, Western Gulf of Alaska and Eastern Gulf of Alaska sediments 2. Characterization of sediment organic fractions determined by gravimetric analysis of extracts 3. Gas chromatographic data - high molecular weight hydrocarbons 4. Gas chromatographic data - low molecular weight hydrocarbons Figures: 1. Locations of stations occupied during Legs Ill (EBBS) and v (GASS) Of NOAA Ship, DISCOVERER 2. Locations of stations during Leg IV (GASS) of NOAA Ship, D SCOVERER 3-10. Gas chromatographic traces of aliphatic fractions from GASS sediments 11. ~-Alkane standard( gas chromatogram) 12. Low molecular weight hydrocarbon standard (gas chromatogram) April 1977 Tables: 1. Elemental analysis of sediments from Eastern Bering Sea and Western Gulf of Alaska 2. Gravimetric analysis of hydrocarbons extracted from Eastern Bering Sea (EBBS) stations 3. Gravimetric analysis of hydrocarbons extracted from Western Gulf of Alaska (GASS) stations 4. Gravimetric analysis of benzene fractions of extracts after thin-layer chromatography 5. Gas chromatographic analysis of hexane fraction of hydrocarbons extracted from Eastern Bering Sea (EBBS) surface sediments 6. Gas chromatographic analysis of hexane fraction of hydrocarbons from Western Gulf of Alaska (GASS) surface sediments 7. Odd-even and ~-alkane/isoprenoid ratios of hexane fractions . ..Eastern Bering Sea (EBBS) stations 8. Odd-even and ~-alkane/isoprenoid ratios . from Gulf of Alaska (GASS) stations 9. Total hydrocarbon/organic carbon and ~-alkane/organic carbon ratios of surface sediments from E. Bering Sea (EBBS) samples 10. Total hydrocarbon/organic carbon and ~-alkane/organic carbon . from Western Gulf of Alaska (GASS) samples Figures: 1. Locations of Eastern Bering Sea and Western Gulf of Alaska stations during Legs Ill and IV of DISCOVERER, 1975 2 and 3. Distribution of n-alkanes and C19 and C20 isoprenoicls in Eastern Bering Sea surface se~ments 4 and 5. Distribution of ~-alkanes and Clg and C20 isoprenoids in western Gulf of Alaska surface sediments 6-8. Gas chromatograms of hexane fractions extracted from surface sediments of Eastern Bering Sea 9. Gas chromatograms of hexane fractions from surface sediments of Western Gulf of Alaska APPENDIX 1: Gas chromatograms of hexane fractions extracted from surface sediments of Eastern Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska April ]978 Figures: 1. Sampling stations in Lower Cook Inlet 2. Total carbon distribution 3. Organic carbon distribution 4. Nonsaponifiable fraction distribution Tables: 1. Elemental sulfur in samples 2. Gravimetric data for 1976 samples 3. Gravimetric data for 1977 samples 4. Aliphatic hydrocarbon concentrations in 1976 samp’ es 5. Aliphatic hydrocarbon concentrations in 1977 samp es 6. Characterist c parameters for Cook Inlet hydrocarbons 7. Major aromat c hydrocarbons from GC/MS data April 1979 Tables: 1. Beaufort sea samples (1976 cruises) 2. Aliphatic hydrocarbon concentrations in Beaufort Sea sediment samples, 1976 curises 3. Characteristic parameters for Beafort Sea hydrocarbons (1976 cruise) 4. Norton Sound sediment samples (1976 cruises) 5. Aliphatic hydrocarbon concentrations in Norton Sound sediment samples (1976 cruise) 6. Characteristic parameters for Norton Sound hydrocarbons (1976) 7. Norton sound sediment samples (1977 cruises) 8. Aliphatic hydrocarbon concentrations in Norton Sound sediment samples (1977 cruise) 9. Characteristic parameters for Norton Sound hydrocarbons (1977 cruise) 10. Kodiak shelf sediment samples (]976 cruises) 11. Aliphatic hydrocarbon concentrations in Kodiak Shelf sediment samples, 1976 cruise 12. Characteristic parameters for Kodiak Shelf hydrocarbons (1976 cruise) 13. Cook Inlet sediment samples (1978, Spring Cruise) 14. Aliphatic hydrocarbon concentrations in Cook Inlet sediment samples, Spring, 1978 Cruise 15. Characteristic parameters for Cook Inlet hydrocarbons (Spring, 1978) 16. Cook inlet sediment samples (1978 - Summer Cruise) 17. Aliphatic hydrocarbons concentrations in Cook Inlet samples (Summer, 1978) 107 18. Characteristic parameters for Ccmk Inlet hydrocarbons (Summer, 1978) 19. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediment samples analyzed by GC/MS Figures: 1. Station locations in Beaufort Sea 2. Station locations (1976 and 1977) in Norton Sound 3. Stat-ion locations in Kodiak Shelf 4. Station locations (1978 Spring and Summer) in Cook Inlet 5. Total and organic carbon distribution in Beaufort Sea sediments 6. Nonsaponifiable fractions in Beaufort Sea sediments 7. Representative gas chromatographic traces of hexane and benzene fraction of Beaufort Sea sediments 8. Total and Organic carbon distribution in Norton Sound Sediments 9. Nonsaponifiable fractions in Norton Sound sediments 10. Representative gas chromatographic traces of hexane and benzene fractions of Norton Sound sediments 11. Total and organic carbon distribution in Kodiak Shelf sediments 12. Nonsaponifiable fractions in Kodjak Shelf sediments 13. Representative gas chromatographic traces of hexane and benzene fractions of Kodiak Shelf sediments 14. Total organic carbon distribution in Cook Inlet sediments 15. Nonsaponifiable fractions in Cook Inlet sediments 16. Representative gas chromatographic traces of hexane fractions of Cook Inlet sediments April 1980 Tables: 1. Gravimetric data for Cook Inlet sediment samples (1976 cruises) 2. Gravimetric data for Cook Inlet sediment samples (1977 cruise) 3. Characteristic parameters for Cook Inlet hydrocarbons (1976 and 1977 cruises) 4. Cook Inlet sediment samples (1978 - Spring Cruise) 5. Characteristic parameters for Cook Inlet hydrocarbons (Spring, 1978) 6. Cook Inlet sediment samples (1978 - summer cruise) 7. Characteristic parameters for Cook Inlet hydrocarbons (Summer, 1978) 8. Cook Inlet sediment samples (1979 - Spring Cruise) 9. Aliphatic hydrocarbon concentrations in Cook Inlet sediment samples (1979 - Spring Cruise) 10. Characteristic parameters for Cook Inlet sediment samples (1979- Spring cruise) 11. Norton Sound sediment samples (1976 cruises) 12. Characteristic parameters for Norton Sound hydrocarbons (1976) 13. Norton Sound sediment samples (1977 cruises) 14. Characteristic parameters for Norton Sound hydrocarbons (1977 cruise) 15. Norton Sound sediment samples (1979 cruise) 16. Aliphatic hydrocarbon concentrations in 1979 Norton Sound sediment samples 17. Characteristic parameters for 1979 Norton Sound sediment samples 18. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sed ment samples analyzed by GC/MS Figures: 1. Sample locations in Cook Inlet 2. Total organic carbon content (%) in Cook Inlet samples 3. Nonsaponifiable fraction (pg/g) in Cook Inlet samples 4. Sample locations in Norton Sound 5. Total organic carbon content (%) in Norton Sound samples 6. Nonsaponifiable fraction (pg/g) in Norton Sound samples 7. Gas chromatographic traces of hexane fractions from Cook Inlet sediments 8. Gas chromatographic traces of hexane and benzene fractions from Norton Sound sediments 9. Gas chromatographic traces of hexane fractions from 197! Cook Inlet and Norton Sound sediments 10. Relative distribution histograms of di- and triterpeno ds based upon m/z 191 mass chromatograms. 109 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals for their contributions that made this report possible: Research Scientists: Mark Sandstrom, who took an active interest in the initial stages of the project in sample co’ lection and analysis; Shmuel Brenner, who helped to organize the project; Edward Ruth, who performed GC/MS analysis of the
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