The Name of the Title is Hope Ben Trovato∗ Lars Thørväld Valerie Béranger G.K.M. Tobin∗ The Thørväld Group Inria Paris-Rocquencourt [email protected] Hekla, Iceland Rocquencourt, France [email protected] [email protected] Institute for Clarity in Documentation Dublin, Ohio Aparna Patel Huifen Chan Charles Palmer Rajiv Gandhi University Tsinghua University Palmer Research Laboratories Doimukh, Arunachal Pradesh, India Haidian Qu, Beijing Shi, China San Antonio, Texas [email protected] John Smith Julius P. Kumquat The Thørväld Group The Kumquat Consortium [email protected] [email protected] Figure 1: Seattle Mariners at Spring Training, 2010. ABSTRACT KEYWORDS A clear and well-documented LATEX document is presented as an datasets, neural networks, gaze detection, text tagging article formatted for publication by ACM in a conference proceed- ings or journal publication. Based on the “acmart” document class, ACM Reference Format: this article presents and explains many of the common variations, Ben Trovato, G.K.M. Tobin, Lars Thørväld, Valerie Béranger, Aparna Patel, as well as many of the formatting elements an author may use in Huifen Chan, Charles Palmer, John Smith, and Julius P. Kumquat. 2021. The Name of the Title is Hope. In ASP-DAC 2021: ACM Asia South Pacific Design the preparation of the documentation of their work. Automation Conference, June 18–21, 2021, Tokyo, Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages. CCS CONCEPTS • Computer systems organization ! Embedded systems; Re- dundancy; Robotics; • Networks ! Network reliability. 1 INTRODUCTION ACM’s consolidated article template, introduced in 2017, provides ∗Both authors contributed equally to this research. a consistent LATEX style for use across ACM publications, and in- corporates accessibility and metadata-extraction functionality nec- Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed essary for future Digital Library endeavors. Numerous ACM and for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation SIG-specificA LTEX templates have been examined, and their unique on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM features incorporated into this single new template. must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a If you are new to publishing with ACM, this document is a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. valuable guide to the process of preparing your work for publication. ASP-DAC 2021, June 18–21, 2021, Tokyo, Japan If you have published with ACM before, this document provides © 2021 Association for Computing Machinery. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-XXXX-X/18/06...$15.00 insight and instruction into more recent changes to the article template. ASP-DAC 2021, June 18–21, 2021, Tokyo, Japan Trovato and Tobin, et al. The “acmart” document class can be used to prepare articles for 3 MODIFICATIONS any ACM publication — conference or journal, and for any stage Modifying the template — including but not limited to: adjusting of publication, from review to final “camera-ready” copy, to the margins, typeface sizes, line spacing, paragraph and list definitions, author’s own version, with very few changes to the source. and the use of the \vspace command to manually adjust the vertical spacing between elements of your work — is not allowed. 2 TEMPLATE OVERVIEW Your document will be returned to you for revision if mod- As noted in the introduction, the “acmart” document class can ifications are discovered. be used to prepare many different kinds of documentation —a double-blind initial submission of a full-length technical paper, a 4 TYPEFACES two-page SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies abstract, a “camera- The “acmart” document class requires the use of the “Libertine” ready” journal article, a SIGCHI Extended Abstract, and more — all typeface family. Your T X installation should include this set of by selecting the appropriate template style and template parameters. E packages. Please do not substitute other typefaces. The “lmodern” This document will explain the major features of the document and “ltimes” packages should not be used, as they will override class. For further information, the LAT X User’s Guide is available E the built-in typeface families. from 2.1 Template Styles 5 TITLE INFORMATION The primary parameter given to the “acmart” document class is the The title of your work should use capital letters appropriately - template style which corresponds to the kind of publication or SIG has useful rules for capitalization. title publishing the work. This parameter is enclosed in square brackets Use the command to define the title of your work. If your subtitle and is a part of the documentclass command: work has a subtitle, define it with the command. Do not insert line breaks in your title. \documentclass[STYLE]{acmart} If your title is lengthy, you must define a short version to be used in the page headers, to prevent overlapping text. The title Journals use one of three template styles. All but three ACM command has a “short title” parameter: journals use the acmsmall template style: • acmsmall: The default journal template style. \title[short title]{full title} • acmlarge: Used by JOCCH and TAP. • acmtog: Used by TOG. 6 AUTHORS AND AFFILIATIONS The majority of conference proceedings documentation will use Each author must be defined separately for accurate metadata identi- the acmconf template style. fication. Multiple authors may share one affiliation. Authors’ names should not be abbreviated; use full first names wherever possible. • acmconf : The default proceedings template style. Include authors’ e-mail addresses whenever possible. • sigchi : Used for SIGCHI conference articles. Grouping authors’ names or e-mail addresses, or providing an • sigchi-a : Used for SIGCHI “Extended Abstract” articles. “e-mail alias,” as shown below, is not acceptable: • sigplan: Used for SIGPLAN conference articles. \author{Brooke Aster, David Mehldau} 2.2 Template Parameters \email{dave,judy,[email protected]} \email{[email protected]} In addition to specifying the template style to be used in formatting your work, there are a number of template parameters which modify The authornote and authornotemark commands allow a note some part of the applied template style. A complete list of these to apply to multiple authors — for example, if the first two authors parameters can be found in the LATEX User’s Guide. of an article contributed equally to the work. Frequently-used parameters, or combinations of parameters, in- If your author list is lengthy, you must define a shortened version clude: of the list of authors to be used in the page headers, to prevent • anonymous,review: Suitable for a “double-blind” conference overlapping text. The following command should be placed just submission. Anonymizes the work and includes line num- after the last \author{} definition: bers. Use with the \acmSubmissionID command to print the \renewcommand{\shortauthors}{McCartney, et al.} submission’s unique ID on each page of the work. • authorversion: Produces a version of the work suitable for Omitting this command will force the use of a concatenated list of posting by the author. all of the authors’ names, which may result in overlapping text in • screen: Produces colored hyperlinks. the page headers. The article template’s documentation, available at https://www. This document uses the following string as the first command, has a complete expla- in the source file: nation of these commands and tips for their effective use. \documentclass[sigconf]{acmart} Note that authors’ addresses are mandatory for journal articles. The Name of the Title is Hope ASP-DAC 2021, June 18–21, 2021, Tokyo, Japan 7 RIGHTS INFORMATION Table 1: Frequency of Special Characters Authors of any work published by ACM will need to complete a rights form. Depending on the kind of work, and the rights man- Non-English or Math Frequency Comments agement choice made by the author, this may be copyright transfer, Ø 1 in 1,000 For Swedish names permission, license, or an OA (open access) agreement. c 1 in 5 Common in math Regardless of the rights management choice, the author will $ 4 in 5 Used in business receive a copy of the completed rights form once it has been sub- 2 Ψ1 1 in 40,000 Unexplained usage mitted. This form contains LATEX commands that must be copied into the source document. When the document source is compiled, these commands and their parameters add formatted text to several areas of the final document: to be aligned properly in rows and columns, with the desired hori- • the “ACM Reference Format” text on the first page. zontal and vertical rules. Again, detailed instructions on tabular • the “rights management” text on the first page. material are found in the LATEX User’s Guide. • the conference information in the page header(s). Immediately following this sentence is the point at which Table 1 is included in the input file; compare the placement of the table Rights information is unique to the work; if you are preparing here with the table in the printed output of this document. several works for an event, make sure to use the correct set of To set a wider table, which takes up the whole width of the page’s commands with each of the works. live area, use the environment table* to enclose the table’s contents The ACM Reference Format text is required for all articles over and the table caption. As with a single-column table, this wide one page in length, and is optional for one-page articles (abstracts).
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