THE PLATTE VALLEY’S NEWSPAPER SINCE 1888 THE SARATOGA SUN WEDNESDAY • JULY 24, 2013 • VOLUME 126 • NO. 52 • $1 Coaches fi ght cut Coaches make goal-line stand to prevent loss of position By Zachary Laux who promoted a 21-to-3 ratio for year because of last year’s player Spiering said it was unfair to Three Saratoga football coaches football, Sandlian said. numbers. measure football with other sports, are concerned with safety and the “Throughout the school year, the Saratoga High School, a 1A, when football has a higher chance success of the program as one of principals and athletic directors football team, was given the option of injury for players. their positions faces elimination. were working on these policies and to play six-man this season, even “No other sport is designed for The Carbon County School Dis- they made a recommendation to the though the school is too big to play a violent collision,” Spiering said. trict No. 2 Board of Trustees voted board,” Sandlian said. “Their rec- six-man. But they will have to All the coaches’ concerns went to change the student-to-coach ommendation for football was 21. switch back to 11-man for the 2014- beyond safety for their reason ratio for all sports in the district to At the meeting, (the school board) 15 year if they want to compete in of recommending three coaches. 28-to-3, meaning the football team went with 28 as the number for all the playoffs for a state champion- Bokelman said it was also about will most likely lose one coach as sports across the school district.” ship game. If Saratoga High School providing a quality program. they start a six-man season this The school board’s decision came stuck with a six-man team, they “You lose the relationship that fall. after reviewing data provided would not be able to compete in the coach had with the kids. You lose Saratoga High School football by Superintendent Bob Gates, playoffs, Sandlian said. that coach’s ability to get other kids coaches Scott Bokelman, Josh said school board member Tonya Bokelman said three coaches is out. ... You lose that extra teaching Sandlian and Luke Spiering do not Bartholomew. One of the key piec- the most reasonable. that could take place in smaller know how many players they will es of data Gates showed to board “My recommendation is we groups,” Bokelman said. “The fi eld have this year, but, based on last members was that all other six- should have three coaches in foot- is our classroom when we are in year’s numbers, it won’t be enough man teams in Wyoming only had ball, regardless of number of kids,” football, and the fi eld is big, and to support three coaching positions, two coaches, and Saratoga High Bokelman said. when you divide it up, the more for a sport they believe needs more School will play six-man football The Saratoga High School foot- one-on-one teaching they get.” than two. this season. ball team used to operate with four Bartholomew said if the football “I think it’s hard for a district to Wyoming six-man teams include certifi ed coaches, but Bob Merlo, team goes back to 11-man, the blanket all sports under one poli- Dubois, Hanna, Hulett, Kaycee, who helped coach the team for two school board may revisit the policy cy,” said Spiering. Midwest, Little Snake River Valley years, left Saratoga for medical and allow three coaches. The policy used to provide dif- and Ten Sleep. reasons. Bokelman said he may resign as ferent coaching standards for indi- But Saratoga High School is not “We truly believe that at least a coach if the policy sticks, but has vidual sports, but the school board going to stick with a six-man team, three coaches are needed to provide not confi rmed if he will or not. Bo- voted to change that in June. Bokelman said. the best supervision and safety for kelman said he still remains hope- The school board’s decision went The Saratoga High School foot- our kids,” Sandlian said. “My rec- ful the school district will change against a recommendation from ball team is switching from 11-man ommendation is that we maintain the policy to allow three high school activity directors and principals, to six-man for the 2013-14 school three coaches.” football coaches this year. In the Crime spree leads High-speed chase Boatload of trouble WHAT Fest returns Cowboy Gathering Sun: to arrests 3 laps Saratoga 5 with water bills 6 to Riverside 9 photos 14-15 Page 2, July 24, 2013 The Saratoga Sun Here is where you can make Gerald G. Palm Gerald G. Palm, 85, of Elk Burial was at Green Hill Salt Lake City, UT 84103, or Mountain died Sunday, July Cemetery. the Wyoming FFA Foundation, 14, 2013, at Ivinson Memorial Memorials may be made to P.O. Box 71, Cheyenne, WY your voice count! Hospital. Funeral services were the Shriners Hospital for Crip- 82003. Carbon County Commissioners meeting 9 a.m., held Monday, July 22, 2013 at pled Children, Memorial Foun- Services were under the di- Aug. 6, Rawlins the First Baptist Church in dation Fund-Intermountain rector of Montgomery Stryker Laramie. Unit; Virginia St. at Fairfax, Funeral Home. BLM Rawlins Seeks Public Comments on site-specifi c plans of development (SPODs) related to the Choke- cherry/Sierra Madre (CCSM) Wind Energy Project immediately southPOSTPONED of Rawlins, Wyo. The BLM will conduct two scoping meetings, July 30 at the Platte Valley CommunityUNTIL Center, FURTHER Saratoga, WY., from 5-7 p.m., and July 31 at theNOTICE Jeffrey Memorial Community, Rawlins, WY. Landon Trevor Robinson The Notice of Availability for the TransWest Draft Eva and Philip Robinson, of Encamp- Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). The NOA ment, announce the birth of their son published July 3, 2013 and will start the 90 day com- Landon Trevor Robinson who was born at ment period, which will close September 30, 2013. An 1:51 p.m. June 28, 2013 at Ivinson Memo- electronic copy of the DEIS is available on our BLM rial Hospital. Landon weighed 5 pounds, website. Public comment on the DEIS will be consid- 13 ounces and was 17.5 inches long. ered and the agency preferred alternative may change Maternal grandparents are Kathleen before publication of the Final EIS, based on public and James Lane, of Saratoga. Paternal and stakeholder input and/or additional feedback from grandparents are Cordy and Woody cooperating agencies. Our BLM project website is: Crawford, of Laramie. http://www.blm.gov/wy/st/en/info/NEPA/documents/ Logan, 7, and Lane, 5, welcome their hdd/transwest.html new brother into the family. Voices of the Valley 307-710-8646 [email protected] For details, check out Voices of the Valley on Facebook is ad co-sponsored by e Saratoga Sun American Legion Auxiliary The Sun is on Facebook! The 92nd annual convention vice presidents- about 104 percent year-end The Sun is on Facebook! of the Wyoming American Saratoga Unit 54, through membership, which gained Legion Auxiliary (ALA) held untiring efforts, work, money the unit a goal fl ag ribbon and With more photos & video! in Cheyenne June 26-29, was and time donated by the mem- certifi cate. attended by Unit 54 President bers, brought back several rec- Joyce Menke, department Fran Payne-Rogers, secre- ognition certifi cates, awards president, presented several tary Pat Faust and historian and another goal membership personal awards to depart- Kathleen Martin. Serving the ribbon. ment officers and district Department for 2013 Unit 54 Carrie Craig received a cer- presidents. members were Martin, Junior tifi cate of appreciation for her Payne-Rogers, president of Activities Co-chairman, and outstanding service and re- the Saratoga unit, was award- Fran Payne, Public Relations. port for Veteran’s Affairs and ed the honor of “Unit Presi- Following the opening of the Rehabilitation (VA&R) and dent of the Year” out of the convention, processional was Field Service. Craig gave 869 43 units in the department of UPCOMING EVENTS led by Pat (Payne) Faust, past hours of service for veterans. Wyoming. Payne-Rogers wish- Unit 54 department president, In addition, Unit 54 members es to congratulate and thank July 25, 9 a.m. followed by 10 other past de- served 504 hours and donated all the ladies for all their hard WY State Engineers Offi ce partment presidents. All were $2,486 for this program. work during the past year. Public Water Hearing, Shively Room introduced later during the Deb Clark was recognized Fran was also appointed as meeting. for her service in the U.S. 2014 department leadership July 27, 8 p.m., Brush Creek Ranch Presents ... “Valley Strong” - Cheyenne Mayor Rick Kay- Navy. Clark is a dual member chairman with Faust as her A Concert Benefi t Event Featuring KATHY MATTEA! sen greeted the ladies with a of the American Legion and co-chair. GET YOUR TICKETS AT THE PVCC OFFICE OR hearty welcome to the city. Auxiliary, serving as Legion During the meeting, Unit CALL 326-7822. Tickets are NOT available online. During the three-day ses- Adjutant and Auxiliary Ser- 54 presented donations of Ticket prices vary. Please inquire. sions, offi cers were elected and geant at Arms. $250 for Girl’s State, $290 for installed for the 2013-14 year. Nellie Wood was awarded child welfare and $1,000 to the Aug 2-3, Saratoga Museum Quilt Show The offi cers are as follows: a certificate and check for 2013 Department President’s 10 a.m.
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