Volume 50 a Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 1995 Inhaltsverzeichnis N u m b er 1 Dielectric Relaxation of NaC104 Solutions in For- mamide, N-Methylformamide, and N,N-Dimethyl- Original Communications formamide J. Barthel, K. Bachhuber, and R. Büchner 65 7Li-NMR Studies on Molecular Motion of Hydrated The Electronic Structure of the Fe4S4+ Cluster in Lithium Ions in Concentrated Aqueous Solutions Proteins: The Importance of Double Exchange Pa­ of LiCl, LiBr, and LiSCN at Low Temperatures rameter T. Hasebe and K. Tanaka 1 M. Belinskii, I. Bertini, O. Galas, and C. Luchinat 75 Dynamics of the Sulfate Ion in Dilute Water-DMF Solutions Molecular Dynamics in the Solid Trimethylamine- H. Nomura, S. Koda, and T. Sakurai 7 Borane Complex: A Deuterium NMR Study G. H. Penner, B. Zhao, and K. R. Jeffrey 81 Thermodynamics and Structure of Isothyiocyanate Complexes of Manganese (II), Cobalt (II) and Is Solid State 91Zr NMR Feasible? Zinc (II) Ions in N,N-Dimethylacetamide P. Hartmann and G. Scheler 90 M. Koide and S. Ishiguro 11 Deuteron NMR of Methyl Groups in the Tunneling On the Structure Factor for Water at Small Regime. A Single Crystal Study of Aspirin-CD3 Wavenumbers A. Detken, P. Focke, H. Zimmermann, A. D. Trokhymchuk, M. F. Holovko, U. Haeberlen, Z. Olejniczak, and K. Heinzinger 18 and Z. T. Lalowicz 95 Structure of the Solvated Strontium and Barium Ions in Aqueous, Dimethyl Sulfoxide and Pyridine Solu­ tion, and Crystal Structure of Strontium and Bar­ N u m b er 2/3 ium Hydroxide Octahydrate I. Persson, M. Sandström, H. Yokoyama, Original Communications and M. Chaudhry 21 Tunable Real Space Transfer Oscillator by Delayed Comparison of the Structure of Liquid Amides as Feedback Control of Chaos Determined by Diffraction Experiments and D. P. Cooper and E. Schöll 117 Molecular Dynamics Simulations P. C. Schoester, M. D. Zeidler, T. Radnai, Explosive Instability in Superposed Fluids in Hydro- and P. A. Bopp 38 magnetics G. K. Gill and S. K. Trehan 125 Transfer Gibbs Free Energies of Divalent Anions from Water to Organic and Mixed Aqueous-Or­ The 33S Nuclear Quadrupole Hyperfine Structure in ganic Solvents the Rotational Spectrum of 32S, 33S Dimethyl Y. Marcus 51 Disulfide H. Hartwig, U. Kretschmer, Solid-Solute Phase Equilibria in Aqueous Solutions. and H. Dreizler 131 IX. Thermodynamic Analysis of Solubility Mea­ surements: La(0H)m(C03)9 • rH 20 Calculations of 14N and 2H Nuclear Quadrupolar H. Gamsjäger, H. Marhold, E. Königsberger, Coupling Constants for Liquid Ammonia Y. J. Tsai, and H. Kolmer 59 A. Laaksonen and R. E. Wasylishen 137 I nhaltsverzeichnis VII Self-Diffusion in Compressed Dimethylether: The In­ Oxidation of Fe — Cr — AI and Fe — Cr — AI — Y Single fluence of Dipole-Dipole Interaction and Hydro­ Crystals gen Bonding Upon Translation Diffusivity in Sim­ H.J. Grabke, M. Siegers, ple Fluids and V. K. Tolpygo 217 A. Heinrich-Schramm, W. E. Price, and H.-D. Lüdemann 145 Acceleration of Mass Transfer in Gas/Liquid-Reac- tions by Sonic Vibrations: Fat Hydrogenation as a Test Reaction (In German) p, T-Dependence of Self Diffusion in Mixtures of A. Bartsch 228 Hexane/Ethanol and Hexane/Dimethylether A. Heinrich-Schramm, W. E. Price, Influence of Molecular Size on Adsorption Isotherms and H.-D. Lüdemann 149 (In German) C. Meyer und D. Hesse 235 Stability of (N i^ L i,) (L i^ N i^ O j Ordered Solid Solution The Structural and Dynamic Properties of some Tran­ V. M assarotti, D. Capsoni, and M. Bini 155 sition Metal Aqua Cations: Results from Neutron Scattering G. W. Neilson, S. Ansell, and J. Wilson 247 2D 31P Exchange NMR: A new Approach for a Di­ rect Probing of the Connectivities of Q" Units in A Raman Study of Alcoholic Lithium Perchlorate Glasses Solutions in the Glassy State R. Born, M. Feike, C. Jäger, H. Kanno, M. Honshon, and S. Yamauchi 257 and H.W. Spiess 169 The Structure of Hydroxylamine - Water Mixtures. A New Weak Field Double Resonance NMR Spec­ Results of Monte Carlo Simulations trometer S. Vizoso and B. M. Rode 263 C. Akay and A. Yal^iner 177 Raman Spectral Studies of Aqueous Acidic Pyrazine Solutions On the Use of Pulsed Field Gradients in a High-Field A. G. Brolo and D. E. Irish 274 NMR Spectrometer to Study Restricted Diffusion in Zeolites Photosensitized Reduction of Carbon Dioxide in So­ J. Kärger, N.-K. Bär, W. Heink, H. Pfeifer, lution Using Noble-Metal Clusters for Electron and G. Seiffert 186 Transfer N. Toshima, Y. Yamaji, T. Teranishi, The Nature of the Mn Moment in Laves Phase Com­ and T. Yonezawa 283 pounds: Evolution of the Magnetic Order in H o ^ Y .M n ; Raman Spectroscopic Study of the Ion Association of C. R itter, R. Cywinski, Lithium Sulfate Aqueous Solutions and S. H. Kilcoyne 191 F. R u ll 292 X-Ray Diffraction Study of the Solvation Structure A Study of the Distribution of Sodium Cations in the of the Cobalt (II) Ion in N,N-Dimethylformamide Zeolites NaX, NaY, and ZnNaY Using Carbon Solution Monoxide Adsorption and 23Na NMR Techniques H. Yokoyama, S. Suzuki, M. Goto, A. Seidel and B. Boddenberg 199 K. Shinozaki, Y. Abe, and S. Ishiguro 301 The Anisotropy of the Molecular Reorientational MD Simulation of Crystal Growth from Sodium Motions in Liquid Methanol Chloride Melt R. Ludwig, Ch. Rusbüldt, Ph. A. Bopp, I. Okada, T. Nakashima, Y. Takahagi, and M. D. Zeidler 211 and J. Habasaki 307 Inhaltsverzeichnis VII Effects of Pressure, Temperature, and Concentration Deuteron NMR Spectra of ND4 Tunneling at Low on the Viscosity of Aqueous Ammonium Bromide Frequencies in (ND4)2SnBr6 Solution Z.T. Lalowicz, R. Serafin, M. Punkkinen, Y. Yoshimura, S. Sawamura, A. H. Vuorimäki, and E. E. Ylinen 373 and Y. Taniguchi 316 XPS Investigations on Solid and Vaccuum Deposited, Oxidized and Non-oxidized Palladium J. Kintrup and H. Züchner 381 Enhanced Sensitivity of Zero-Field NMR Spectros­ Number 4/5 copy at High Magnetic Fields H. Ernst, M. Fechtelkord, Original Communications D. Fenzke, D. Freude, B. Knorr, H. Kolley, and H. Pfeifer 388 Bose-Einstein Condensation and Condensate Tunnel­ ing Depolymerization Kinetics of Glass-Forming Chalco- S. Grossmann and M. Holthaus 323 genide Melts. Coherence Transfer NMR Studies of Phosphorus Selenide On the High Ionic Conductivity of Solid Solutions of R. Maxwell, H. Erickson, and H. Eckert 395 Lithium Sulphate in Hexagonal Sodium Sulphate Na2S04 (I) Rotational Tunnelling in Binary Tetramethylmetal A. Lunden and L. Nilsson 327 Mixtures M. Prager, Da Zhang, and Al. Weiss 405 Model Calculations of the Structure of Ni-Nb Metal­ lic Glasses Progress in Structural Elucidation of Glasses by 27A1 P. Lamparter 329 and 1XB Satellite Transition NMR Spectroscopy G. Kunath-Fandrei, D. Ehrt, Thermodynamic Analysis of Isotope Effects on Triple and C. Jäger 413 Points and/or Melting Temperatures W. A. Van Hook 337 CP/MAS NMR of Heavy Spin-1/2 Nuclei at B0 = 2.35 T The High-Frequency Rotational Spectrum of 1,1- F. Ambrosius, E. Klaus, T. Schaller, Dichloroethylene and A. Sebald 423 Z. Kisiel and L. Pszczölkowski 347 Computer Simulation of a Simple Model for Rota­ Dynamic Behaviour of Tetramethylethylene Diamine tional Moment Fluctuations in an Associating (TMEDA) Ligands in Solid Organolithium Com­ Liquid pounds: A Variable Temperature 13C and 15N H.-G. Köhne and M. Stockhausen 352 CP/MAS NMR Study W. Baumann, Y. Oprunenko, Thermodynamic Excess Functions for Quasiternary and H. Günther 429 Solid Solutions of Type M (X, Y, Z). I. The System Pb (S, Te, Se) Critical Curves and Phase Equilibria of Binary V. Leute 357 Methanol-Systems for High Pressures and Temper­ atures 2H and 14N NMR Studies of the Dynamics in the M. Neichel and E. U. Franck 439 Incommensurate Phases of Betaine Calciumchlo- ride Dihydrate Polarizabilities of Isolated Silicon Clusters U. Hacker, D. Michel, K.-P. Holzer, R. Schäfer, J. Woenckhaus, J. A. Becker, and J. Petersson 368 and F. Hensel 445 I nhaltsverzeichnis VII Structural Analysis of a Cs + O Coadsorption Phase Some Aspects of Spinodal Decomposition in Spinel on a Ru (0001) Surface Solid Solutions M. Gierer, H. Bludau, H. Over, N. Burkert, R. Grüne, H. Schmalzried, and G. E rtl 453 and S. Rahman 525 The Phase Diagram of the Quasiternary System (Sn, SIMS Investigations on the SmCo5D„ and LaNi5H„ Pb) (S, Te) Systems V. Leute, S. Brinkmann, J. Linnenbrink, R. Dobrileit and H. Züchner 533 and H. M. Schmidtke 459 Proton Diffusion in Strontium Cerate Ceramics Stud­ Helium Atom Scattering from CF4, CF3C1, CF2C12 ied by Quasielastic Neutron Scattering and and CFC13 in Crossed Molecular Beams Impedance Spectroscopy C. Gebauer, O. Klein, R. Schmidt, Ch. Karmonik, R. Hempelmann, Th. Matzke, and W. Seidel 468 and T. Springer 539 Thermodynamics and Hysteresis for Hydrogen Solu­ Computer-Aided Arrhenius-Evaluation of Kinetic tion and Hydride Formation in Pd-Ni Alloys Data T. B. Flanagan and H. Noh 475 P. Hugo, J. Leonhardt, and S. Wagner 549 Ion-Ion De-Association and Association of Strong Electrolytes at High Dilution from Nuclear Mag­ On the Madelung Part of Lattice Energy. New Path­ netic Relaxation Measurements ways to use it as a Tool in Solid State Chemistry E. Detscher, H. G. Hertz, M. Holz, (Part 1) and Xi-an Mao 487 R. Hoppe 555 Modelling of Wall-cooled Fixed-bed Chemical Reac­ Notes tors with One- and Two-phase Models St. Hein and D. Vortmeyer 568 Differential Thermal Analysis and Dielectric Studies on 2-Methyl-2-Nitro-Propane under High Pressure Decomposition of Plane Waves into Irreducible Rep­ D. Büsing, M. Jenau, J. Reuter, resentations of Space Groups A. Würflinger, and J. Ll. Tamarit 502 H. Teuscher and P. Kramer 577 Adolf Butenandt zum Gedenken 505 Molecular Motion in Solid Tetraethyl- and Tetra- propylammonium Tetrafluoroborates B.
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