THE LONDON GAZETTE, OCTOBER 12, 1860. 3697 2324. To Josiah Vavasseur, of 28, Gravel- .2345. To Marc Antoine Fran$ois Mennons, of lane, Southwark, ih the county of Surrey, the British and Foreign Patent Offices, 39, Rue Engineer, for the invention of " improve- de I'Echiquier, Paris, in the Empire of France, ments in machinery for rolling or polishing for the invention of " improved processes for leather." dyeing or printing with certain products of 2326. To John Haworth, of Thorncliffe, Old aniline on cotton, and other textile matters of Trafford, near the city of Manchester, Gentle- vegetable origin." — A communication from man, for the invention of "improvements in J. C. Guigon, a person resident at Lyons (Dept. tramways for streets and ordinary roads, and du Rhone). in carriages for funning thereon." 2328. To James Ball Mannix, of London, in 2347. To John Henry Johnson, fbf 47, Lincoln's- the county of Middlesex, Civil Engineer, for inn-fields, in the county of Middlesex, and of the invention of "an improved wheel to be 166, Buchanan-street, in the city of Glasgow, used for carriages or other purposes." North Britain, Gentleman, for the invention of 2330. And to William Gossage, of" Widnes, in " improvements in forging and rolling metals, -.. the county of Lancaster, Chemist, for the in- applicable to the manufacture of wheels, spades, vention of "improvements in the manufacture shovels, axles, buffers, and other articles of of certain kinds of soap." wrought iron."—A communication to him from On their several petitions, recorded in the Office abroad, by Messrs. H. Petin Gaudet and Com- of the Commissioners on the 25th day of Septem- pany, of Paris, in the Empire of Fr&nce, En- ber, 1860. gineers. 2333r- To Thomas 'Seaville Truss, of No. 53, 2348. To Moritz Jacoby, of the town of Notting- Gracechurch-street, in the city of London, and ham, Merchant, and Joseph Stones, of the town of No. 2, Grove-terrace, Plaistow, in the of Nottingham aforesaid, Designer and Draughts- county of Essex, Civil Engineer, for the in- man, for the invention of " improvements in vention of " improvements in apparatus for the manufacture of bobbin-net or twist-lace, in the traction and propulsion of ships, boats, and bobbin-net or twist-lace machines." other nautical vessels:" 2334." To William Hollis, of No. 6, Railway- 2349. To William Hodgkinson, of New Lenton, arches, Victoria-station, Sheffield, in the county in the county of Nottingham, Mechanist and. of York, Mineral Grinder, for the invention Draughtsman, for the invention of " improve- - of" an improved composition for steel moulders." ments in machinery, or apparatus, in the manu- 2335. To Walmsley Hargreaves, of Crawshaw- facture of figured laces made on bobbin-net booth, near Rawstentall, in the county of machines." Lancaster, Gentleman, for the * invention of 2350. And to James Winram, of Liverpool, in "improvements in machinery or apparatus for the county of Lancaster, Boat Builder, for the washing woven fabrics." invention of " improvements in machinery for 2337. To Charles Burn, of Delahay-street, the manufacture of casks, and other like vessels Westminster, Civil Engineer, for the .inven- of capacity." tion of "an improved tram-rail for street On their several petitions, recorded in the Office railways^' of the Commissioners on the 27th day of Sep- 2339.. To William Boulton, Iron and Brass tember, 1860. Founder, of Burslem, in the county of Stafford, for the invention of " an improvement in the 2351. To William Arena Martin and James construction of potter's drying stoves and Purdie, of Old Barge House Wharf, Upper workshops, and in apparatus for preparing Ground-street, in the county of Surrey, Engi- the clay for the moulds used by the potter, so as neers, for the invention of " an improved to render the process of drying more effectual." method of mounting and giving motion to fire- 2340. To Joseph McCrossan, of Glasgow, in bars." the county of Lanark, North Britain,. Merchant, fl 2353. To Henry Gilbee, of No. 4, South-street, . for the invention of improvements in sewing Finsbury, in the county of Middlesex, for the machines."—A communication to him from invention of " an improved medicament to pre* abroad by George Juengst, residing at New vent and cure venereal diseases."—A communi- York. cation to him from abroad, by Noel Pascal, of 2341. And to William Macnab, of Greenock, in Paris, France. the county of Renfrew, North Britain, Engineer, for the invention of " improvements in steam 2355. To George Henry Birkbeck, of the firm engines and boilers." of Tongue and Birkbeck, of 34, Southamptor.- On tlieir several petitions, recorded in the Office buildings, Chancery-lane, in'the county of Mid- of the Commissioners on the 26th day of Septem- dlesex, Patent Agents and Engineers, for the ber, 1860. invention of " improvements in electro-mag- netic apparatus."—A communication to him 2343. To William Fulford Brown, of Westgate- from abroad, by Gabriel Perrin, of Paris, in street, Gloucester, and Walter Jeffery, of East- the Empire of France. gate-street, Gloucester, for the invention of " a more convenient and effectual method of 2357. And to John Alexander Callander, of attaching and securing brooches and such like Springfield House, near Ryde, in the Isle of articles, and for improved fastenings to be used Wight, for the invention of an improved therewith, and for other purposes." method of hanging doors." On their several petitions, recorded in the office 2344. To Thomas Brookes, of Birmingham, in of the Commissioners on the 28th day of Sep- • the county of Warwick, Manufacturer, and tember, 1860. Thomas Adams, of Birmingham aforesaid, Manufacturer, for the invention of "an im- 2359. To William Green, of Dod-street, Victoria- provement or improvements in the manufacture road, Limehouse, in the county of Middlesex, of the joints of brooches, and other similar for the invention of " improvements in refining .dress fastenings." . or treating sugar and molasses." D 2.
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