24 Parliamentary Intelligence. Medical News. HOUSE OF LORDS. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON.-At a FRIDAY, JUNE 26TH. general meeting of the Fellows held on Thursday, the 25th ult., the BETHLEHEM HOSPITAL. the following gentlemen, having undergone necessary exa- mination, were duly admitted Members of the in for College := Lord SHAFTESBURY, moving certain information re- Day, Edwin Edmand, 42, Curzon-street, Mayfair. garding Bethlehem Hospital, commented at great length on Dickson, John Robinson, M.D. New York, Kingston, Canada West. the inadequacy of the present site for the successful treatment Falls, William Stewart, M.D. St. Andrews, Bournemouth. of insane The limited of seventeen Head, Edward A. H., M.B. Lond., 44, Harley-street. patients. space acres, Jolinston, William Woods, M.D. Edin., (of Java,) 21, Clifton-gardens, which it occupied, was totally insufficient for the moral means Maida-hill. employed in the cure of insanity, such as agricultural employ- Playfair, Wm. Smoult, M.D. Edin., 8, Princes-street, Hanover-square. ments and plenty of fresh and good air. The Lunacy Commis- At this meeting the following officers of the College were sioners had long since pointed out the evils of the present site, elected for the ensuing year : - Censors: George Owen Rees, and endeavoured to remedy it. He considered in detail the M.D.; Edmund Lloyd Birkett, M.D ; Charles West, M.D.;. various objections which had been raised to the removal of the Charles Handfield Jones, M. B. - Treasurer : James Alderson, hospital into the country, and showed that they were not only M.D. -Registrar: Henry Alfred Pitman, M. D. - Examiners, absurd in themselves, but entirely in disregard of the interests on the subjects of General Education : John Spurgin, M.D.; of the patients. If the offer of the Governors of St. Thomas’s Wm. Augustus Guy, M.B.; Robert Gordon Latham, M.D. -- Hospital were accepted, a site could be procured in the country Examiners on the subjects of Professional Education :-Ana- within a short distance of London, a building better adapted to r and Physiology: Francis Sibson, M.D.; Wm. Senhouse for the modern treatment of the insane could be built, and land Kirkes, M. D. Materia Medica, Chemistry, &c. : Alfred to the extent of 500 acres annexed to the institution for William aqri--- Baring Garrod, M.D.; Odiing, M.B. Principles and cultural and other industrial purposes. Practice of Medicine: William Emanuel Page, M.D.; James Lord GRANVILLE said there would be no objection to the pro- Risdon Bennett, M.D. Principles and Practice of Surgery: duction of the returns moved for. John Eric Erichsen, Esq., F.R.C.S. ; Frederick Le Gros Clark, The motion was then agreed to. Esq., F.R.C.S. Midwifery and the Diseases peculiar to Women: Arthur Farre, M.D.; Henry Oldham, M.D.- HOUSE OF COMMONS. Librarian : William Munk, M.D. - Curators of the Museums James Alderson, M.D.; Patrick Black, M.D.; William Wegg, TUESDAY, JUNE 23RD. M.D.; Francis Sibson. M.D. From the above list it will be VACCINATION (SCOTLAND) BILL. seen that the course which we suggested of electing two ex- aminers in has now been The names of the The House went into committee on this Bill. On clause Surgery adopted. 1, will the Mr. DUNLOP to the of vaccina- examiners guarantee value of the examination and objected appointment public the to the licence of the Col- tors. There were medical officers in and give highest importance general already every parish, in and Medicine. so far as the poor of these parishes were concerned, therefore, lege Surgery they were already provided for; but as far as all other parties ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. The were concerned, it was proposed by this Bill to provide public following gentlemen having undergone the necessary examina. vaccinators. This was justly considered an interference with tions, received the diploma of Dental Surgery at a meeting of the ordinary practice of medical practitioners. the Board, on the 17th ult. :- The LORD ADVOCATE said it was never intended that the Breunies, Daniel James, Cavendish-square. public vaccinator proposed to be appointed under this Bill Brock, John, Berners-street. should be the only anthorized vaccinator. (Hear, hear.) If Borlase, William Grenfell, Barnstaple. this were the and main to the Bill it was Cafferatta, Philip, Sunderland. only objection easily Duncan, Richard, Whitehaven. obviated. (Hear, hear.) The object was to appoint some per- Dykes. Robert Colville, Bedford-street. sons who should see that these things were done. He hoped, Good, John Sfixty, Sloane-street. therefore, his hon. friend would not press his Ross, George, South-street. objection. Haverstock-hill. After a few words from Sir J. and Colonel Small, Henry Charles, Ogilvy Sykes, Stivens, John Charles, Chester. Sir A. AGNEW said that vaccination be a might prevention, At a of the Court of Examiners on the 25tb but a far was to be from the special meeting greater danger apprehended public ultimo, Mr. John Robinson of Canada liable to be into contact in and Dickson, M. D., Kingston, being brought railway carriages the was ad- other with from He West, having undergone necessary examinations, conveyances persons sufferidg small-pox. mitted a member of the hoped the hon. and learned gentleman, the Lord Advocate, College. would turn his attention to this subject. PRINCE LEOPOLD.-The health of this young prince Sir E. COLEBROOKE drew attention to the importance of the continues to excite some uneasiness. It will be remembered Government providing for a supply of proper vaccine matter. that, about two years ago, he repaired to Madeira for a change He thought that vaccination should be carried on by visits of of climate. the vaccinators among the people. NATIONAL MEDICAL REGISTRATION ASSOCIATION. The Lonn ADVOCATE said that in towns the children large The contributions have been received since our last to the but in rural following would be brought vaccinators, places pro- towards the of debts- the vaCclOator would to the children. announcement, liquidation outstanding bably go to and for which the creditors are to, Lord ELCHO the to these amounting £200, seeking thought proposal appoint public make the John liable :—Dr. vaccinators would make vaccination more certain than treasurer, Lavies, h sq , George- at present. Budd, X2 2,’!.; Dr. John Watson, zC2 2 2s. ; Dr James Duncan,. Mr. FINLAY that for districts an itinerant suggested Highland £1 £1 G. Martin vaccinator should be ls. ; Dr. Smiles, 1 ls. ; ;Dr. Tebay, £1; Ware, appointed. .61 Xl Price, The LORD ADVOCATE saw no to the Esq., Is,; Edmund Pearse, Esq., 1 Is. ; T. Esq.,. objection adopt sugges- .61 U. tion of his hon. but as some would Deptford, £1 Is.; John White, Esq., Is ; W. Whitney,. friend, travelling expenses A. 10s. have to be allowed t would be to consider the Esq., £1 Is.; Edward Newton, Esq., 6d. Dr. Riding, necessary A. B. 10s. W. matter. 10s. Dr. Duncan, 6d. Hugh Statham, Esq.’ Peter Carr 10s. ; The clause was then agreed to. 10s.; Marshall, Esq., 10s.; Jackson, Esq. Dr. Henry C. Andrews, 10s.; Booth, ;S1 Is. Clauses from 2 to 8, inclusive, with some amendments, were George Esq., agreed to. THE HARVEIAN ORATION was delivered at the Royal! Clauses from 9 up to 14, inclusive, were, with some verbal College of Physicians, on Friday last, before a somewhat meagre amendments, ordered to stand part of the Bill. audience. The oration, it is understood, was written by Dr. Clause 15 was omitted. Sutherland; but, in consequence of illness, he could not read it. The remaining clauses (with the exception of clause 27, This task devolved on Dr. Page. The oration was of the which was struck out) were, after some verbal amendments, ordinary type. It congratulated the Fellows on the prosperity agreed to. of the College, and gave a short sketch of those members who The schedules, with the exception of Schedule H, which had died during the preceding two years. There was nothing was struck out, were agreed to, and the chairman was ordered striking either in the composition of the oration or in the sub- to report the Bill. jects treated..
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