UNESCO-IHP ISARM project and the cooperation with the UN ILC UNESCO-IHP Transboundary aquifers Hydrogeology and International Law Paris, France 7-9 March 2005 Raya M. Stephan UNESCOUNESCO--IHPIHP Consultant UNESCO-IHP ISARM pro jec t an d the cooperation with the UN ILC • The UNESCO-IHP ISARM project • Groundwater at the UN ILC ISARM Resolution XIV-12, June 2000 The intergovernmental Council of UNESCO’s IHP, reppgresenting 160 Member States : recoggynized that transboundary aquifer systems are important sources of fresh water in some regions of the world, decided to adopt a resolution to promote studies in reggyqard to internationally shared aquifers ISARM Resolution XIV-12, June 2000 Launch of The Project on Internationally Shared /Transboundary Aquifer Resources Management Multidisciplinary aspects of ISARM • Legal – Treaties, interstate agreements • Scientific – Hydrology, hydrogeology, conceptual modelling • Socio-economic – Water security, accesibility, efficiency, poverty reduction • Institutional Capacity Building – Awareness raising, counterp art a gencies • Environmental – Sustainability, biodiversity, risks, vulnerability The ISARM Project- Launch of Regional Inventories EUROPE Links & syygnergies with p arallel activities established e.g. UN ECE : Under the UN ECE Water Convention 1992 Inventory of transboundary aquifers in Europe The ISARM Project- Launch of Regional Inventories AFRICA International workshop “Managing shared aquifer resources in Africa”, Tripoli, June 2002 recommends, inter alia the inventory and the assessment of shared aquifer resources in Africa http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0013/001385/138581m.pdf The ISARM Project- Launch of Regional Inventories • Americas ISARM launched in the Americas Workshop in Montevideo (Uruguay) September 2003 The ISARM Project- Launch of Regional Inventories • Balkans Aquifer Resources Management, Mediterranean Consultative Meeting, Thessaloniki (Greece), October 2004 Major resu lt : u pdated inv entory of transbou ndary aquifers in South Eastern Europe (ib)(www.inweb.org) (Phase I ISARM-Balkans) Middle Sarmatian-Pontian GWB .22 2. Kupa 9. BkBacka & BtBanat 1. Dragonja 7. Sava 21.Upper Pannonian-Lower Pleistocene 3. Kupa 8 20. Central Serbia 10. Srem. 4. Una 11. West Serbia 19. East Serbia 5. Cetina 23.Sarmatian & 24.Upper Jurassic -Lower Cret.GWB 16. Gaber-Nesla 6. Neretva 12. SW Serbia 17. ZlZnepole 18. Tran 14. 13. 15. Zemen 43.Svilengrad 44.Topolograd 45.Malko Tarnovo 37.Nastan Sandansky 46.Rezovska 38.SlSmolyan Dojran 34. 41.Svilengrad Gevgelija 32. .33 35.Gotze 39.Rudozem 42.Orestiada 29. Delchev 40.Erma Reka 47.Meric 30.Pelagonija 36.Orvilos 28. & 31.Florina 25. 26.Pagoni Vjosa 27.Mourgana The ISARM Project- Launch of Regional Inventories • Mediterranean ESCWA countries Current activities : Study the Basalt aquifer : Syria and Jordan Develop a management framework for transboundary surface and groundwater resources: Syria and Lebanon The outlook will be the development of management framework on se ltdlected aqu if(thilifers (technical, soc illial, lega l and environmental aspects) The ISARM Project an example of successful cooperation among UN Agenc ies, IGO s, NGO s, S ci entifi c I nternati onal Associations UN ECE,,,,, IAH , FAO, OAS, UN-ESCWA,,, OSS, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Groundwater at the UN ILC 2002 : the ILC includes in its programme of work the top ic o f“Shf “Share dNd Natura lRl Resources ” • “confined” transboundary groundwaters • Oil • Natural gas Groundwater at the UN ILC Background • Convention on the law of non -navigational uses of international watercourses 21 may 1997 DfiDefines a wa tercourse as : A system of surface waters and groundwaters constituting by virtue of their ph ysical relationship a unitar y whole and normally flowing into a common terminus (article 2 a) Groundwater at the UN ILC The definition leaves out of the scope of the CiConvention most o fhd/iff the groundwaters/aquifers • Resolution on « confined » transboundary groundwater 1994 Recommends to States the application of the principles contained in the draft articles to regulate transboundary groundtdwater UNESCO-IHP and the United Nations International Law Commission (UNILC) 2002 Within the fkframework of UNESCO-IHP ISARM projtject,a multidisciplinary ad-hoc task force of experts has been established by UNESCO in close cooperation with FAO and IAH to assist the Special Rapporteur of the UNILC on the preparation of a new International legal instrument on Transboundary Aquifers UNESCO-IHP/ISARM scientific assitistance t o thSthe Spec ilRial Rappor teur • Experts groups meeting in Paris and in Tokyo • Preparation of documents and technical notes • Meetings/working group sessions with the ILC members in Geneva UNESCO-IHP/ISARM scientific assitistance t o thSthe Spec ilRial Rappor teur • First report on outline (2003) • Second report ( 2004): transboundary aquifers IldIncludes seven d dfttilraft articles • Third report (2005) : to be discussed at the next session of the ILC (May) Regional meetings Transbdboundary aqu ifdiillifers and international law • June 2004 : a first meeting with experts from the Arab world • March 2005 : a second meeting with experts from the Americas Regional meetings TbdTransboundary aquif ifdittillers and international law • Objectives : Identifying • regional groundwater characteristics • State practices (domestic and transboundary) Creating a common language between hydrogeologists and lawyers Thank You .
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