BURMA G·AZETTEE'R BHAMO DISTRICT VOl~UME B INCLUDING TOWN AND VILLAGE CENSUS TABLES AND CONSTITUENT VILLAGE-TRACTS OF GROUPS AND CIRCLES NOTIFIED UNDER THE BURMA RURAL SELF-GOVERNMENT ACT, 1921 No. 28 RANGOON OFFICE OF THE SUPDT., GOVT. PRINTING AND STY., BURMA LIST OF AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. IN INDIA. AMRRICAN BAPTIST MISSION PRESS. Rangoon. BISWAS & Co•• 30. Lewis Street. Rangoon. INTERNATIONAL BUDDHIST BOOH DEPOT. Post Box No. 971 Rangoon. iVI.ODERN PUBLISHING HouSE. Ltd., Rangoon. RANGOON TIMES PRESS. Rangoon. MAUNG Lu GALE, Law Book Depot, 42, Ayo-Q·gale. Mandalay. BUIHu PUBLISHING Co.• 71. Upper Main Road. l\'Ioulmein. BUTTERWORTH & Co. (India). Ltd.• Calcutta. W. NEWMAN & Co., Calcutta. THACKER, SPiNK & CO.. Calcutta and Simla• .. D. B. TARAPOREVALA. SONS & Co.. Bombay. THAOKER & Co., Ltd., Bombay. HIGGINBOTHAM & Co.• Madras. IN EUROPE. A. CONSTABLE & Co., 10. Orange Street. Leicester Square, W.C. BERNARD QUARITOH, 11. Grafton Street. New Bond Street. W. EAST & WEST. Ltd., 3, Victoria Street, S.W. 1. GRINDLAY & Co" 54, Parliament Street. S.W. REGAN PAUL. TRENOH. TRUBNER & CO" Ltd., 68-74, Carter Lane E.C., and 39, New Oxford Street. W.C. LUZAC & Co.• 46. Great Russell Street, W.C. P. S. KING & SON. 2 and 4. Great Smith Street, Westminster. S,W T. FISHER UNWIN. Ltd. I, Adelphi Terraoe. W.C. WHELDON & \VESLBY. L.td.• 2. 3 and 4. Arthur Street. New Oxford Street, London, W.C. 2. W. THACKER & CO" 2, Creed L.ane. Ludgate Hill. E.C. B. H. BLAOKWELL, 50 and 51, Broad Street, Oxford. DEIGHTON. BELL & Co., Ltd.. Trinity Street. Cambl"idge. OLIVER & BOYD, Tweeddate Court. Edinburgh, Scotland. ERNEST LEROUX, 28, Rue .Bonaparte, Paris. France. MARTINUS NIJIIOPF, The Hague. Holland. OTTO HARRASSOWITZ. Leipzig. Germany, R. r'RIBDL<\NllgR & SOHN. II. 0arl'itrasse. Berlin. Germany. For the sale of official publications excludinll those of the Legi!llntive Department· PRE F ACE. I. This preface has been written with reference to all the Gazetteers of the series, not for this volume in particular. 2. All the tables and other statistics in Parts I and II of the B Volumes of the Gazetteers have been prepared in the offices of the respective districts from their ONn records; we have referred to the Deputy Commissioner for corrections in numerous cases in which an apparent error has been noticed in th e Census Office, but we could not accept responsibility for the accuracy of the figures. The vital statistics in Part I I have been noted as differing in many cases from the corresponding figures in the provincial sanitary or health reports, but have generally been allowed to stand as submitted by the Deputy Commissioner. 3. Part Ill, which was also prepared in the District offices, is probably correct as a rule so far as it relates to the Census of I <)2 I and within the normal range of error of such a tabulation. There are doubtles31y a few errOrs stilI remaining in some districts in the list of -existing village-tracts. The names of some village-tracts have no -doubt been omitted and the correspond ing population assigned to some other village-tracts; while on the other hand SOme hamlets which form only parts of village~tracts may have been listed as separate village-tracts. But persistent efforts have been made in the Census Office to remove these defects, and district officers have generally seconded these efforts willingly j the residue of error is a result of the defects in the records of village-tracts in most districts to which reference was made in the preface to the 19 II edition of this Gazetteer. The entries in the column t 9 of the tables of Part III must always be regarded as approxi mate unless all the serial numbers of the table of 1911 are accounted for j efforts were made to get this column as correct as possible, but it would hardly be possible to achieve finality and in some localities it had to be given up. In many cases it has been reported that the village-tract represented by some name in the 191 I edition could not be discovered; but generally if a blank is shown in this column it may be supposed that the village-tract has been formed by the subdivision of some tract of 191 I. In any particular case in which further enquiry is necessary it is suggested that an examination of the Kwin maps of the Land Records Depart­ ,ment and of the corresponding assessment roll (which are required to \ ii ) be divided according to the tracts of the headmen who collect the revenue), will furnish the required information if carried through a series of years. 4. It should be noted that in Part III th~ columns for Christians include, besides persons of all races professing the Christian religion, all Europeans and Anglo-Indians whether they professed that religion or not. S. The term Normal Civil PojJulatz'on used in Part III of the book is defined in Chapter II of the Census Report of 192 I and includes all the population of the town or ward except the classes separately shown in the table, such as military police' or travellers. The staffs of hospitals, jails) etc., are counted fis normal civH population although the in.patients, prisoners, etc., are not. 6. Slip-copying Register A of the Census of 192 I, \\'hich is preserved in the record-room of each district, gives information similar to that of Part III of this volume for every hamlet in each village­ tract. S. GRANTHAM, Supef'intlndent of C,nsus Op1f'ationsJ BU'l'ma (19 21). MAUNG LAT, Ass.stant Supwint,nd,nt of Census Operations, Burma (19H). CONTENTS. PART I.-GSNBRAL INFORMATION­ PA(iB Introduction 1 STATEMENl'S- A.-Administrative Subdivisions H.-Administrative Towns 3 C.-Distribution of Urban Pllpu)ation 4 D.-Urban Popuhtion chssified by Religion 5 E.-Post Office, Bazaars, Hospitals, etc. .. ~ 6,9 F.-Roads 10,11 G.-Railway Stations 13 H.-Steamer Routes [a J.-Ferries 12 K.-Rates of Wages 12 L.-Police Strength and Di3tribution PART I I.-EKTR~CTS FROM ANNUAL RSTURNS- I.-Temperature and Rainfall 14 H.-Administrative Divisions (omitted; sel pages 2 and 3). III.-Vital Statistics 15 IV.-Agricultural Statistics 16 V.-Crop Outturns 17 Vl.-Loans 18 vII. --\Vages and Price! (omitted; sec p~ge II). VIll.-Forests ... 19 lX.-Minerals (no returns). X.-Trade ~o XI.-Roads 1_u XIl.-General l<evenue ... XIIl.-Land Revenue -3 XIV.-Miscellaneous Revenue XV.-Dlstrict Cess Fund I'ss XVI.-Municipalitie& '" ~6 X VIII-Crime 27 XVIll.-Criminal Justice :a8 XIX.-CivJI Justice ... -0 XX.-Registration (omitted). xxI.-Jails 3° XXU.-Hospitals (omitted; see pages 6-9). XXIII.-Vaccination ... 31 XXIV.-Education .. 3~ .. ( 11 ) PART lII.-ToWN AND VILLAGB CENSUS TABLBS- PAG_ Township­ Bhamo ... ••• 33 Shwegu .•• ••• ••• ... 38 Shwegu Kachin Hill Tracts .• 0 ••• ••• ••• 4a SinJum Kac:hin Hill Tracts ... • oo ••• 45 BHAMO DISTRICT. PART I.-GENERAL INFORMATION. INTRODUCTION. Bhamo.-A frontier district in the North-East Frontier Division of Upper I3urma, situated between 23° 37' N. and 24° 52' E., and 96° 34' and 97° 40' E. Area f,903 square miles. Population :- 1891 •• .:J ,$1,93' 19°1 ... 79,515 19 11 .' . 107t811 1911 112,960 The administrative subdivi.ions and townships in existence on the 1st April 1922 are shown in the statement on the next page. Besides those regularly administerEd townships there are two specially adminis­ tered areas known as the Sinlum Kachin Hill Tracts and Shwegtt Kachin Hill Tracts i tl'ese are also shown in the statement. These arrangements were in force at the time of the census of 1901 and. had not been changed since. NoT..-lfthe headquarters town is not shown in column I or s it bears the same name as the subdivision or township respectively. ~opulaton,1 Number of Villages. (Cenlus of 1921 in ordinary type. Census of 1911 in italics.) Area in ITownsNum""under01 Number of SubdlTision, Township. Village- j square miles. the Towns tracts. Exceeding 40 to 99 Persons per Act. i 100 houses. houses. Persons. Males, Females. square mile. \ --.-_.,-,-- 6 I 6 7 8 9 10 11 ___ ._1 ----- -- -~ -----~--- I {37,223 } 19,879 10 Bhamo Bhamo 3,643 lIS 9 51 36,558 17,343 , {22,002 } 11 1 Shwegu Sbwegu 44-8 91 4- 33 ~E,I49 11,9 10,09 49 {48,lS8 } Sinlum Kachin Hilt 1,600 276 5 69 44,035 Sl,310 25,818 3° Tracts I 8 ", {5,60 } 2,7 88 2,820 Shwegu Kachin Hill 1,!Ira 73 3 6,06 9 5 Tracts --- I--s~ -----1------ 16 Total ... 61903 ----, -:----:;r:->960}O 56,888 r 56,07' z 'l,8zz - S1'ATEMENT B.-Atlminist,.ati'Ve Towns (ut AI"'-Z 1921). Latest Notification of Boundaries. Certain Acts in force. M = Municipality. N = Notified area. T .... Towns Act in force. A .. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. l\ame of Town. L =" Town under the Upper Burma Land and Rev­ ~ A~k~~~~:rr~;g~O~~i~ enue Regulation. Act nnder := Act. which Department. No. Date. P = Police Act, section 34. issued. V "" \; accination Act, 188f1. V.A. "'" Vaccination Law Amendment Act, 1909. M. N. I T. L. .A. B.' H. ) P. - V. V.A. ~--;--------~~ ---- '----~_··--·_·~-_·~-~-·_·I·~-----'"- --~~ i 4 & 6 7 8 !J 10 11 13 13 U 15 -II:-~--~=pal-:'~4_"_'2 -~~--~-p-----v-· B-ha-m-o------1--M-._1-.-•• A V.A. and Loca1. Shwegu L L. Revenue 99 A p v V.A. STATEMENT C.-Dist,.ihuU." 0/ U".hQ,n Populati,n (Census of 1921).
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