UNITED STATES bulletin POSTAL SERVICE Published Since March 4, 1880 PB 21758—March 8, 1990—32 Pages HISPANIC PROGRAM The USPS Hispanic Program was established in 1973 to assure that Hispanics are fully utilized in the postal work force and have an equal opportunity to compete in every aspect of employment, including recruitment, hiring, training, and promotions. As such, the Hispanic Program is an integral part of the Postal Service's affirmative action/ equal employment opportunity policy and program. Hispanics constitute one of the largest minority groups in the United States, and Bureau of the Census statistics clearly indicate a rapid growth rate extending well beyond the coming decade. In view of this trend, and consistent with our continuing commitment to provide equal employment opportunity to all persons, we need to strengthen our efforts to utilize fully the skills and talents of Hispanics in the community at large and in our work force. The Postal Service is committed to ensuring that the Hispanic Program receives the necessary management attention and support. Managers at all levels must be sensitive to the concerns of Hispanic employees and the Hispanic community to determine if there are operational or other barriers to equal opportunity inherent in our s.u. employment practices, and must take prompt action to correct any deficiencies. Further, all postal managers must ensure that sufficient financial and personnel resources are allocated to implement an effective and progressive „ ., USPS Hispanic Program. A I" 12 1990 PROGRAMA HISPANO IT —•* " El Programa Hispano del Servicio Postal se establecio en 1973 para asegurar que todo- Hispano fuera ampliamente utilizado dentro de la fuerza laboral postal y tuviera igualdad de oportunidad de competir en todo aspecto de empleo incluyendo, reclutamiento, seleccion, entrenamiento, y ascensos. Como tal el Programa Hispano es parte integral de la posicion oficial y del Programa de Accion Afirmativa e Igualdad de Oportuni- dades de Empleo del Servicio Postal. Los Hispanos constituyen uno de los grupos minoritarios mas grandes de los Estados Unidos y las estadisticas del Negociado del Censo reflejan claramente un rapido crecimiento, el cual se extiende mas alia de la proxima decada. En cumplimiento a nuestro objetivo de proveer igualdad de oportunidad a toda persona, necesitamos reforzar nuestros esfuerzos para utilizar al maximo las habilidades y talentos existentes en nuestra~Tuerza laboral y comunidad Hispana. El Servicio Postal esta altamente comprometido en asegurar que el Programa Hispano reciba la atencion y el respaldo necesario de parte de nuestros administradores. Cada nivel administrativo debera demostrar sensibili- dad hacia las preocupaciones de nuestros empleados Hispanos asi como las de la comunidad Hispana, y habran de determinar si existen barreras operacionales u otras que eviten igualdad de oportunidad debido a nuestras practicas de empleo. Asi miso, tomaran accion inmediata para corregir cualquier deficiencia que exista. Todo Ejecutivo, Adminis trader, Gerente, Superintendente p Supervisor, comparte la responsabilidad de asignar fondos y personal para asegurar la ejecucion progresiva y efectiva del Programa Hispano del Servicio Postal. ANTHONY M. FRANK Postmaster General CONTENTS Page paSe 1989 Commemorative Mint Set Reevaluation 6 Lobby Displays/Promotions for March 1990 16 1990 Decennial Census—Postal Activities 5 Maintenance Information Orders, Modification Work • 25-Cent Classic Films Commemorative Stamps 3 Orders, Software Modification Orders 15 25-Cent Stamp Vending Packets 3 Manifest Mailing System: Certified Mail 2 APO/FPO Changes 2 Missing Money Orders—Canadian 27 Dinosaur T-Shirt 3 Missing Money Orders—U.S.... 28 Directives Update 2 Panama Task Force: End of Free Mailing (DMM Notice). 5 Domestic Orders 6 Possible Deliveries—City-Delivery 7 Foreign Order No. 291 4 Preservation Order Rescinded—COD Delivery Records 8 Form 991—Promotion or Assignment 3 Prohibition Against Purchasing Mail-Hauling Vehicles... 2 Form CA-1—Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim ... 8 Revenue Unit, GFY 1989 17 Forms Update 13 Special Cancellations 17 Hispanic Program (Message From the Postmaster General) . 1 Stamp Poster 90-6 (American Paper-making Postal Card) 9 Incentive Awards (ELM Revision) , 17 Stamp Poster 90-7 (Official Mail Envelope) 11 International Business Reply Service 8 Third-Class Catalogs Over 1 Ounce 4 International/Domestic First Flight Cachets 16 Training Record Maintenance 3 Invalid Express Mail Corporate Account Numbers 29 Withholding of Mail Orders 6 Page 2, 3-8-90, 21758 POSTAL BULLEI Directives Update APO/FPO Conditions This update lists all'new, revised,-and obsolete _The table on pages 18 through 25 outlines ca directives since POSTAL BULLETIN 21754, January ditions that apply to mail addressed to military pc 11, 1990. See Publication 223, Directives and Forms offices overseas. This POSTAL BULLETIN (PB) i Catalog, for ordering instructions. In the list of new eludes the table in its entirety, and it supersedes t] directives, a column has been added to indicate the table on pages 11 through 18 in PB 21746, 10-li USPS/public supply source. The revised list shows 89. the oldest usable date; the new list indicates if the Keep this table until the next complete table new directive rescinds another; and the obsolete issued. From time to time, the Bulletin will incluc list indicates if and by what the directive was re- instructions to make pen and ink changes to th placed. table. —Delivery, Distribution, an Transportation Dept., 3-8-9 New Directives Supply Document and date Title source USPS/ Public Manifest Mailing System: Certified Mail HBKEL-701A, 6-89.. New Employee MD/NA Training for The Manifest Mailing System (MMS) pro gran Nonmaintenance allows mailers to combine nonidentical weight anc Employees (replaces HBK P-23, TLS 12- rate pieces of mail of the same class and processing 17). category in a single permit imprint mailing. Postal NOT 67 8-89 Automation Template... MD/NA Service policy and post office requirements and re- POS 61 7-89 Policy Statement on MD/NA sponsibilities appear in DOMESTIC MAIL MANUAL Drug Abuse. (DMM) 145.7. Mailer requirements and responsi- bilities, qualifying criteria, the Manifest Mailing Revised Directives System application, and a sample Manifest Mailing System Service agreement for MMS are described Oldest in detail in customer publications. Document and date Title usable Currently, the mailing options available under date the MMS program include First-, third-, and fourth-class mail and special service options for HBK PO-405T, 12- Operator Training for 12-89 registered, COD, and insured mail. 89. Sorting Machines. The Manifest Mailing System now includes a new HBK RE-3, TL 4, 7- Facilities Management 7-31-89 31-89. System. option for certified mail as part of the program. NOT 231 1-90 Free Loan Films 1-90 Publication 404-D, Manifest Mailing System NOT 244, 9-89 Programming for Presort ... 9-89 (MMS)—Certified Mail, contains easy to read in- PUB 192 12-89 Treasury of Stamps 12-89 structions designed to assist customers in under- Album. standing the requirements for authorization and mailing under the certified mail option. Obsolete Directives Initial distribution of Publication 404-D will be made to each division and management sectional Obsolete center, with additional copies available from the Document and date Title date materiel distribution centers, using Form 7380, MDC Supply Requisition. HBKE-16, 8-82 Registry Operations Sys- 1-23-90 —Rates and Classification Dept., 3-8-90. tems Guidelines. LAB 154, 5-84 Express Mail International 11-08-89 Service. NOT 65, 8-85 Five Pound Rate for Ex- 1-18-90 press Mail. Prohibition Against Purchasing POS 203-A, 4-87 Get What' Is Coming to 1-23-90 You, Use Your Apt. #. Mail-Hauling Vehicles POS 203-C, 4-87 ....... Get What Is Coming to 1-23-90 You, Use Your Apt. #. Management Instruction FM 120-87-4, dated 5- PUB 176, 7-28-72 Repair Parts Catalog — 1-05-90 11-87, summarizes the approval authority for pur- Single Position Letter chasing vehicles other than those used for hauling Sorting Machine. PUB 222, 11-80 Satisfy All Your Package' 2-01-90 mail. In the attachment to the Management In- Delivery Needs Under struction, it makes it clear that the purchase of One Roof at the USPS. mail-hauling vehicles is prohibited (see Note 2 on the attachment). •—Operations Systems and —Office of Information Services, 3-8-90. Performance Dept, 3-8-90. POSTAL BULLETIN 21758, 3-8-90, Page 3 25-Cent Stamp Vending Packets 25-Cent Classic Films Effective immediately, sales restrictions on se- Commemorative Stamps lected commemorative vending packets are being A block of four 25-cent Classic Films commemo- revised because of excess volume remaining in in- rative stamps will be issued March 23 in Holly- ventory at the stamp distribution offices (SDOs). wood, California. The four featured films are Beau The following commemorative vending packets Geste, Gone With the Wind, Stagecoach, and The must be sold over the counter as well as in the Wizard of Oz. multicommodity vending machines. Do Not Place on Sale Before March 24, 1990 Item Description A future issue will include collector information. No. Issued in panes of 40. 3689 25-cent Washington Statehood. Supply. All post offices will receive their standard 3648 25-cent House of Representatives. automatic distribution quantities for a 40-subject 3649 25-cent U.S. Senate. commemorative stamp. Due to production delays, 3653 25-cent Executive Branch. four-position stock will not be shipped until March 3658 25-cent Lou Gehrig. 3660 25-cent Ernest Hemingway. 30 to post offices with authorized philatelic centers. 3654 25-cent Letter Carriers. Because a private contractor printed this stamp 3655 25-cent Bill of Rights. issue, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing will 3657 25-cent Prehistoric Animals. not honor supplemental/requisitions for Item 4476. 3683 25-cent Love (1989).
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