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Work is underway by 660-1100-110 DDECIBELSECIBELS the Chamber of Com- merce to develop concrete WWhenhen a ddogog bbarks,arks, iitt works of art in the shape iiss a mminimuminimum ooff 6600 Photo by NICK BROTHERS of steam engines to help ddecibels,ecibels, aaccordingccording ttoo commemorate Leander’s Russell Patronella lives about 100 feet south of what could soon be a Pet Paradise, a 250-capacity luxury pet boarding facil- tthehe SSouthwarkouthwark CCoun-oun- establishment along the ity. Patronella said he gathered about 30 signatures from his neighbors who share his opposition against the project amid concerns of loud barking. ccilil iinn tthehe UUnitednited KKing-ing- Austin & Northwestern ddom.om. IInn ssomeome ccases,ases, iitt railroad. ccanan iincreasencrease ttoo mmoreore “It will be something Neighbors, new business at odds over noise concerns than 110 decibels.bels. similar to the hippos in Hutto, or the boots in By NICK BROTHERS Wimberly,” said Brandt. Managing Editor “These will be approved “I really do feel there’s works of art which will proposed pet help people recall that Le- boarding facility common ground here, ander was created because off Whitestone of the railroad.” Blvd. in Cedar and we’re sensitive to The Leander Trail of Park has nearby Trains project is being community members concerned the concerns.” A developed by the Leander the 250-capacity “pet resort” SSHOUTINGHOUTING will create a headache from the — ERIC BOYCE, Planning and Zoning chair Chamber of Commerce DDECIBELSECIBELS and Visitors Center and barking. Pet Paradise, the proposed high- the City of Leander. care, grooming services, private residence of Russell A hhumanuman end dog kennel, is planned to build “We are very excited overnight boarding suites Patronella, and 400 feet away 8800 sshoutinghouting iiss on a 2.04 acre tract of land at 2200 for this project as it is go- aaroundround 8800 E. Whitestone Blvd. — right next with “patios”, and an interi- are a few dozen homeowners ing to bring art, history, to Serrano’s restaurant — and will or, open air play area — the in the Cottages and Abrantes ddecibels.ecibels. and activity to Leander,” share a driveway with BMC offices. source of the concern. subdivisions. Brandt said. The approximately 15,000 square- About 100 feet south of After the art work is foot building will offer a pet day the proposed facility sits the See WORRIES, pg. 9 completed, concrete rep- licas of the original steam engine that came through UPCOMING CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS Leander in the 1800s will be placed around the city. “The objective is to Hegar holds event build a sense of commu- Christine Eady Mann nity while paying tribute to kick off campaign See TRAIL, pg. 10 suspends campaign for seat in Congress Inside By RICHARD LEGGITT and then kept firing from Community ..........................2 Health CCAMPAIGNAMPAIGN UUPDATEPDATE Hill Country News the skids of the helicop- ter that rescued her un- Schools ................................3 concerns force MANN CAMPAIGN RECAP Joined by a cheering til her crew and patients Opinion ...............................4 • First Democrat to crowd of friends and sup- were safe. Democrat to announce campaign for porters, Mary Jennings “She thrived in a male Faith ....................................5 postpone run 31st District seat Hegar, dominated world,” long- Classifieds ............................7 • Suspending campaign the dec- time friend Conley Giles indefi nitely due to orated told the crowd of sup- Sports ..................................8 By RICHARD LEGGITT ulcerative colitis battle Afghani- porters and friends at the • Family physician in Entertainment ......................9 Hill Country News stan war Old Coupland Dance Hall Cedar Park hero and Saturday. www.hillcountrynews.com Dr. Christine Eady • Challenged incumbent author, Hegar is seeking the Republican Congressman Mann, the first Demo- MMANNANN officially Democratic nomination John Rice Carter Hegar cratic candidate to of- kicked in the March 6, 2018 ficially announce their off her campaign Satur- Democratic primary for bid for the 31st District I will make a final deci- she was a girl. day for the District 31 the chance to face the Congressional seat in the sion over the next few “Unlike many people congressional seat cur- incumbent 75-year-old 2018 elections, said Sun- months.” with this illness, once it rently held by a longtime John Rice Carter, a Re- day she is suspending her Mann, a Cedar Park was under control, I en- incumbent. publican, in next year’s campaign indefinitely. family physician and a joyed many symptom- Hegar, an Air Force general election. Thank a Veteran and “I am deeply saddened longtime Democratic ac- free years, with only oc- major and a helicopter Also seeking the nom- Serviceman Every Day. to announce the suspen- tivist with a record of casional problems,” Mann pilot, was wounded and ination are former U.S. sion of my campaign for fighting for women’s said. “A few weeks ago, shot down while flying a Army officer and former Congress, effective imme- rights, said she is strug- the symptoms returned. rescue mission in Afghan- educator Kent Lester diately,” Mann said. “As gling with ulcerative coli- I had hoped that they istan. She used a rifle to of Cedar Park and Mike of now, my campaign is tis, a disease she has been protect her patients and suspended and on hold. battling off and on since See MANN, pg. 10 crew from the Taliban See HEGAR, pg. 10 www.ResearchPest.com Voted Best Residential Remodeler Probate? Voted Best of the Year last 7 years in a row. Residential • Commercial BEST Advertise Your Lawyer 1st OF Locally Owned & BESTTHE Divorce? by Hill Place Family Operated 2015 Business Here! Country 2 Howton 2 2 2 2 C News 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 Reach over 37,000 Wills? 0 0 A 1 0 0 L Construction Readers 8 9 1 E R 1 ES CH 1 1 1 0 R 2 4 readers weekly 3 AFFORDABLE • RELIABLE • EXPERIENCED DWI? Call 512-259-4449 KITCHEN & BATHROOM COMPLETE • TILE & HARDWOOD FLOORS CallC ll forf an appointment P E OL RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL REMODELS • CUSTOM CARPENTRY 512-918-3958 ST CONTR for more information 512-296-4580 www.terrydavis.com Terry Davis & Associates 512-258-5228 Serving Cedar Park & www.clhowtonconstruction.com surrounding communities for over 30 yrs Insured (bonding avail.) • Read our rating reviews on Yelp.com ATTORNEYS AT LAW Page 10 • Hill Country News, Thursday, July 27, 2017 MANN, from pg. 1 STERLING, from pg. 4 would improve quickly so sent the 31st District, if and my job.” Paxton to appeal ruling conditioning systems, largest private-indus- that I could continue my she is successful. The suspension of Attorney General Ken which are unnecessary try gain over the month campaign. Unfortunately, “I am so thankful and Mann’s campaign leaves Paxton on July 19 an- and not constitutionally with 13,100 jobs added. that did not happen.” exceedingly grateful for three current Democrat- nounced his intention to mandated.” Mann said the last time all of the time, effort ic challengers for the appeal a federal judge’s DSHS: Cyclospora her illness flared up, she and support people have congressional seat cur- ruling siding with a Job growth continues on rise was sick for more than a given to me,” Mann said rently held by Republi- group of Texas inmates The Texas economy The Texas Depart- year and now she is con- Sunday. “It is very diffi- can incumbent John Rice who sued the Texas De- expanded in June for ment of State Health cerned about whether her cult to walk away from Carter, a former Wil- partment of Criminal the 12th consecutive Services on July 17 an- health will allow her the that. But I must put my liamson County Judge Justice over summer month with the addition nounced a spike in intes- time and energy required time and energy into who was first elected 14 heat conditions at the of 40,200 seasonally ad- tinal illnesses caused by to campaign and to repre- my health, my family, years ago. Wallace Pack Unit north- justed nonfarm jobs, the the parasite Cyclospora. west of Houston. Texas Workforce Com- With 68 cases having U.S. District Judge mission announced July been reported in the last TRAIL, from pg. 1 Keith Ellison granted a 21. month in Texas, DSHS preliminary injunction Texas’ seasonally ad- is asking health care to the city’s history, as ed to be continuing our ander was established in that orders the TDCJ justed unemployment providers to be watch well as to create a unique work on this project with 1882. The town of Lean- to lower the tempera- rate fell to 4.6 percent, for the illness, pursue activity and experience the Chamber,” said Lean- der was named after Lean- tures in the Pack Unit’s down from 4.8 percent testing and report cases while increasing traffic der Mayor Christopher der “Catfish” Brown, who housing areas where in May.
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