![The Hawaiian Gazette](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE AI INDEPENDENT PAPS B, tUnw- a- Ml ISMIMIWIiallll HUaew line. 1 MM 0 SB) 1 1 rniuMiD m;i,w-- i, 1. he. I S s at T JSU n' Mi t : wh mi BY HENRY M. WHITNEY, GAZETTE, al Uk-4- 1i cAsa 4(0 : MMIII Ml IIMIII - THE HAWAIIAN Krrv W rdanidii j- fl"riiliif. ;i!S!ss,ss5asass AT SIX DOLLARS PER ANNUM. ijsr A WEEKLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. wk.il anpsst jtw bob aar. at Forelam Sahoerltwero, 00 to tlO.OO. taws, rate., waaek ere tor I I I 8. .rvartlaiwante, itH Baxter X a-- Ail fen itk .'kesay. wh asvawo aa. or a. aoete. wot k. nam Ofticr In the new Post Office Building IMI IPC t&1W aSf SaVaawV, 44.! HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, 4, 1874. I reaalttawtw Br ad in IBM BE USB E Merchant Street, Honolulu, H. L VOL. X,NO. NOVEMBER WHOLE NO. 512. io b8BB1 wotm Uirf ofIkr nrarl. BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. INSURANCE NO:ncEs. FOREIGN NOTICES. SHIPPING. VALUABLE BOOKS The It k lore that speaketh . Bat in ant heard aloou ; T. DO.IELL, F. a. St o.f DR. J. COLLIS BROH NK'S PT BUSHED AND FOR 5A LA BT C A. AND TTPHOLSTEKES schakfkr FIREMWS FUND lta tund laacnage breaketh MUTT KAXXK Importers and Commislon Merchants DISPATCH LIRE FM SM FRARCISCO! K"t on the bo.y crowd. fCfC PtTwXPt, rtOtrVlwria.. OPpCkitr LfWlf' CoOprT 5bop. Wfll 507 HonolQlu, Hawaiian lalantla. fly MS bar and .all eeeonri-hau- u F.rnitar.. ly OHLOROD YNB -- Ttt heard la wrcrrt pt.ee. INSURANCE COMPANY, It THE ORIGINAL AMD OVLT t?BB0mE. C. Brewer A Co. Agents. At M. WHITNEY, It aorrow to daarnlae ; C. K. WILLI 4k- received Slorafje Pre. an.1avV)c H. 41. DR. MOTT SMITH, llbwral caah iffsaasss nude oa ifclpmsnts bv this Ms.. T writ In Bottom face., ANvTACTiraXR, IMPORTER AND DEALER BAM FRANCISCO, y Or TBB PUBLIC ARK CAUTIONED AGAINST C. 11X1111 CO. Attfl Tneditettve rrr. Is FumiHit fTrrvdenrriptior, Furnittirt-ffurr-Rno- on H.rinjr rwramad practice, can h fonnd at bis roontt or.r unfounded statements frequently made, "that It coaaes to render fmi Stress, tpNWrtc Oiw's rhntnsrr&phtt.llrn W?rk-- ! Strrht A Co.'t Drug Storr, corx.r of Port aad Hnt.1 Stl. AND M ARIWE. tbe composition of CnLoaooma is known to Cbein-itt- i ch M stand on n-- Fort. BOSTON ADD HONOLULU PICKET LINE! K iMl'tli'iaKhM war bad onajput; at 8t inar SOU. Fill aad the Medical profession." The fact is, e M Ordr rmmtht? oibrr ialaadw promptly atlTrdl to. '1. Caah Capital, WoM, $500,000, HONOLULU. N. I. Iit lone are rwwataad tendr. was discovered and inrented by Dr. J. COL- - A Ta tar laocaaf. of ta. n ran. K.. TOW.1SE.1D O'HAIXOKA.1, AI.FRKD B. HARTWELL, By writing small lines on carefully directed risks, LIS BKOWXE (ce Army Medical Staff), and so sJBL Brewer Co. Agents. or Hawaiian COTJNSELLOE AT named by him. and it has baffled all attempts at anal- JSAahas Favorable .rrangeaaettta dictiohabt the Attori.ey-tt-U- Solicitor, Proctor A ATTORJtIT AID LAW. t--V. - awwWa. wmvtm, i Conrejancer, io e of caa taach at well distributed, aflers ot" mad. far storage us) shieaaeal of Oil, a'wrinwK A au 499 OAlor ysis by the first Chemists the day. The method liwl w.raa aawaiiaa. aawl atsaaaw- - NwtfJWWp WHwa, tjrttoffo A Lrmmm, mmt Orrr Hoirmnn'. Dmr ?torr. ly other NerehaBdlK to New Bedferd. SL. ?1T!S Baalish raatsraa at ThwMcrot .peach ofluv.; of ttnfnrv Mftprr, and secret of the preparation hare never been pub- - Cootmcfb ; altrO, dTfoea all brmiicbef cf Law, and leods otner Eastern ron. oar- uua Advance Evade. logieal table of Though bare tone, au; reach us, m : aEConat xo lished. is obvious, therefore, sold 4S-l- iu toa rr tm rrmi pmpprtr wevrity. a. .. i ty hose. It that anything C. BREWER A CO. Bv Lorrio Aaati ahlaaist.a;a 1 ) cbo first under the name, save Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S atyhs. Taas wiB ha abo... Bj AfTDta lit Lmtlon, and in all parti of Australia Has M Nnuann Ptraet, near Kins. Losses Promptly Adjusted. M la half assrsaas librarv wa CHLORODYNE, is a spurious imitation. Sta-w- .. Tii baa il in aratk OfflA H. X. WhitBj'i Book Slorr WcrcLart Strrct, aailed to any part of la. EsM froa of ovr CAUTION. W. In pleaoiaa. aaft and I Hnnnluln. 1S03 3oi Importer of and Dealer in Dry Goods and BISHOP A CO., Sir P. Wood stated PHOTOGRAPHS waliaB or Atawneaa awataga. rer a. Dr. Collis Brown, - that war undoubtedly the inventor ms taw Braas ar wowau It In lilrttt aaaes 501 3m Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. lamps, aaWftiia ta taa ti. bsWEtKCJi- - lailTLU. Clothing, Eats and Caps, of Chlorodyne. V bat Use cuald Drrrr REMEDIAL USER FOR SALE ALL KINDS AND SIZES! . AND ACTION. jarves' histort or ras Hawaii 5 With .truer, electm fl.et.ew.. 6E6GLEE.V Sl FVRSISHIXO GOODS, A c. oawkWa. tc, tc, This Invaluable remedy prfidacas quiet, refraablaf sleep, AT TUX aads. By I. J. Jarvas. Fsasta aaa AJTD CALIFORNIA tawaaao-wa- It. bat; braatbiar. mart. Tiff, ZINC AKD COPPER SMITHS, relieves pain, calms the systnm, restores tbe deranged In ac- T. which ia added as aMwaeiz. afcowewg t Ko speech caa match ita .a SHEET IKOK WORKEKS, COMPANY. tions, and stimulates healthy action of tbe secretions of tbe eotaanreial aaal isjll III saeaatioa of ta. paid for INSURANCE cieating an of tboae nnpleasant rwsalu at- - ! The Hlarbrat FHee REN Douy, witnoul COSMOPOLITAN GALLERY! with a iheteh of Oa ilsaafl 1 ... Ulicvarr "f the brart. Street, between Merchant and Queen HIDES and DKi I'.tDKRMOXED, AtiEMTS OF THE t.oding the nse of opinm. Old ana voaaar diet It at all T.laads. saiaa. Hvtun HISt. isle . Whitney, ef Bawaahwa awww Hit roavtaDtlron bud, StovsM, rip.tialravoiid rrwEA. above Company, hare been authorised to insure risks hours and timts when requisite. Thousands of persons tes by H. adfter taa t. Iron Pnw, and I4wr;il?.5rop-fockm- . and from Honolulu tily to Its marvellous good enacts and wonderrut enres. while rawaww. WVth a fall ihHegrayh .f watt-fel- rlait su Craro, Frclgttt Treasure, 64 and 66 Fort Street. Cipar laa Rhwr Worn Uat !n tmtrtLar i ad bO toaiiijorts or the world, and vice versa. medical men extol its virtue, sjojt extensively, wing; It In Kamehameha V. Priow SlM j III froa, ,ffrt, witb fouplinpfc and pips? cnmplrtf . II. UACKFBXD k CO. great qnantities in tbe following diseases Cholera, Dyscn-ter- BEST law- yon bare to ((is C. B. LEWERS. J. 0.DICI80S C4.lv QUALITY, UREATKKT $S. Don't p' to aniens nothtof aoda.laoa Ttry tarfratoclt of Tinware of erarTde- - Diarrhoea, Colics, Coughs, Asthma, Rheumatism, M.u THE and at the heads. acriptiun. afc ralgia, Whooping Cough. Cramp Hysteria, Ac. SYXOPSTB THE MOST I8SESTIAL fOTTT" lose ; Uwyera' hootei re baill on fooU' LEWER8 II KiO. NORTH BRITISH ASD MEHCANT ILE Ot l'.rtirnUrttntton jnTfTi to ihip. nrk. ONanfrom flat IMPORTERS ADD DEALERS IN LUMBER. EXTRACTS FROM MEDICAL OPINIONS. in Hawaiian Oraauaar. Tor the aee ef th sweets oarsmen, John Paul says it' other Iftlaoda will be carefnlly atteutled to. Tbe Right flon. Earl Ruasell College Iioweat Prloea, rev wad. y W. of - And all kinds of Building Materials, Fort Street, Monolnln communicated to ia Oaha Colhiaw. Sotoad eJlttoa. Tultinc Tbankfol Citiaaaa of Itowotuiu and the Inland- INSURANCE CO., . th. AlAO In to the dSS-l- y Physicians, and T. Davenport, had In- PortrnJtsi taken better style and quality - o of J. that b. received D. Alexaoier. rr asks sot ef Oata Oatassja. rrase 10 be a gentlemen and rally nr Ilaxrai faatrotMaj-- in paat. wa bofke by , great thing nowaday! trri.T tbeir tha AND to the effect the 05LT of service than at any other place In the city for the LOW run h of trict attention to bastneat to merit tbe for the future OF LOKOON EDI.VBVRGR. formation that reraedv anv in itnv Cholera waa CHLORODYNE. See Land Dec. 31. 1SS4. 5a. a caller.'' Market, s soflo-qni- tVnkhinelon !leat ESTABLISHED 1809. Dr. Lowe, Medical Missionary in India, report. (Dec.. 1S6S) $3.50 PER DOZEN! HA WAUA5 PHbASX BOOK. A 1 of 5eat door to Lore's Steam Bakery, Nuoana Street, Hooololn, that In nearly every case of Cholera In which Dr. J. COLLIS phraj.a ia the Haaafl.a By Boe. A epeclacelnr drama, foon.led on Webster's BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE was adminislcred, the patient Do not listen to any recommendation, but come haiii. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. y W. DUNNE, at9,000,000 09' and A. Bishop. Second edition. 5S coats. Paorarrroa. CAPITAL ' recovered, we for vuunt.-- f. Co-l- H. I. Dictionary, unabridged, is in coarse ot prepara- Fund, 11,838,118 CHJ.SC. STKAM EX6IKEB, Mill.. Beef, Mutton and Veal 'of tbe Beet Quality. Accumulated and Invrsled Extract from Medical Timet, Jan 12, 186." Chlorodyne is ANDREWS' nAWAIIAJi SRABTBIAR. ly tion. Coolen, Iron, BraM and Lead Casting! Also, Salt Pork, Salt Beef, Superior Pork Saoaages, always prescribed by scores of orthodox medical practitioners. Of Andrews.' Aa indispensable (laSaVkBall.r.. Sr I'KDERSIGSED HAVE BEEN course it would not thus be slngnlarly popular did It not attfttl on ti.nd ana sold at tbe lowest v.rtet rnees. acqEirtnc the native toaawa. Ia Mo a THE AGENTS for the Sandwich Islands, and are 'supply a want and All a place.' " An Eastern Journal declined to publish the Machinery of Every Description, 4S9 Meats delivered to all parts of the City.
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