(No Model.) J. GRAHAM. 3 Sheets-Sheet 1. SMOKE CONSUMING FURNACE, No. 521,586, Patented June 19, 1894. Z722/e7zzoz. Z7ZZzzesses. See4a-4- y 723razzorvaeys: THE NATIONA. Littoartariana company. WAHNGTON, o. (No Model.) J. GRAHAM. 3 Sheets-Sheet 2. SMOKE CONSUMING FURNACE, No. 521,586. Patented June 19, 1894. Z,7zz/e7zzo 7 . Zezirazzorree2/(i. (No Model.) 3. Sheets-Sheet 3. J. GRAHAM. SMOKE CONSUMING FURNACE. No. 521,586, Patented June 19, 1894. - . Y 1 /, A. 4AY71 al Z7-Z2/e7 ZZo 7. A7ZZ72 assa s. e2.-- 2-4. As . 42 Zaz 42207-72e273. NANA Tidaftarts MPANY A3INGSN, d, . UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JESSE G R A H AM, OF MOR LEY, ENGLAN D. SMOKE-CONSUMING FURNACE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 521,586, dated June 19, 1894, Application filed August 1, 1893, Serial No. 482,099. (No model.) Patented in England July 29, 1892, No. 13,793, To all whom, it may concern: to slide in the manner as hereinafter de Beit known that, JESSE GRAHAM, a subject scribed into the position for the slotted open of the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, ings in the plates to correspond with those 55 residing at Morley, in the county of York, through the respective doors for the purpose England, have invented certain Improve of admitting cold air to the front of the fur ments in Apparatus for the Consumption of naces when the doors are closed. Smoke in the Furnaces of Steam-Boilers and Behind the ordinary bridge D of each fur the Like, (for which a patent has been granted nace is a perforated and hollow arch or pro to me and Henry Gowan Hudson and William jection Eextending round the flue, and formed Milne Rennie by the Government of Great of brick or other refractory material, the space Britain and Ireland, No. 13,793, dated July between the internal circumference of same 29, 1892) of which the following is a specifi at E'E' being unobstructed. cation. Connected to the hollow portion of the per This invention has for its object the more forated arch E is a pipe H. open at one end effectual consumption of smoke by combining to the atmosphere and fitted with a hinged . With a fire box or furnace, an apparatus con door H coupled by a rod H to the ever Z. structed by the combination of the several secured to hinge pin C". To the hinge pin parts in such a manner that, after supplying C is secured a lever K. coupled by a rod J to o the fire with fuel, a volume of cold air is ad bar L. supported by brackets in a manner mitted to the front portion of the furnace, that the said bar may slide therein. On and a Volume of air heated and distributed opening the door A the hinge pin C and lever at the back end of the furnace in such a Kare operated, thereby causing the bar I, to manner that the Smoke emitted from the slide some distance in the direction of arrow, 75 fuel is consumed; also to so arrange the ap and a projecting pin M, fixed to bar L to come 25 paratus that the volumes of cold and heated in contact with all arm N and operate same air are automatically stopped when required. along with the attached vessels O and O’ sup In describing my invention in detail, refer ported on fulcrumpin P. to the position shown ence is made to the accompanying drawings, by dotted lines. On the bar L. sliding in the in which direction described, another pin Q secured to Figure 1 represents the front view of the the said bar comes in contact with the lever 30 furnaces of a boiler fitted with my improve R attached to the plug of a tap, in the steam ment. Fig. 2 is a plan of such portions of pipe J, and operates the said lever such a the apparatus as are fitted to the front of a distance that steam is allowed to pass and boiler; Fig. 3 a detail of that portion which flow into the cylinders S. S. through pipes J. 35 automatically governs the time the air is J. and escape through suitable jets into the allowed to enter the front and back ends of the open end of the respective pipes H. thus in furnace, and Fig. 4 a sectional detail through ducing a current of air to flow into the heated the back part of a furnace fitted with the hol arches E. which distribute the airin a heated low arch portion of the apparatus. condition by the perforations P in a manner 4O The combined apparatus is shown as ap that it amalgamates with the heated gases of plied to a two flued boiler, the furnace doors the furnaces escaping over the bridges D. A and A' of which are each provided with a On admitting steam to the cylinders S. S. in series of slotted openings and a sliding plate the manner described, the piston in each is 95 B having similar openings B' cut through forced to the end S', thus operating the re 45 same. The hinge pin C of the door A extends spective levers Z, and hinge pins C’ through about half way down the door and is secured the connecting rods Z'. The pins C" turning to thereto so that, when opened or closed, the some extent in the door hinges cause the plates hinge pin C is operated. The sliding plate B Bin the respective doors to slide to the position IOC of each door is connected by a rod B° to a for the slotted openings to correspond with 50 short lever secured to the bottom portion C those in the door, where they remain so long as of the hinge pin. When the door A is opened, steam is allowed to flow. The lever R is held the plate B in each door A. and A'. is caused in the position for keeping the tap open, by the 521,586 end of said lever engaging with a catch bar T 3. In combination in a Smoke consuming 65 supported on a pin secured to fixed bar L'. furnace, the fire box, the perforated arch in The vessels O and O' are connected by a pipe rear thereof, the steam jet, the air pipe II W which allows the liquid in the vessels to leading from said steam jet to the perforated flow from O' to O, when in the position shown arch, the valve controlling the air pipe H, the by dotted lines; the said vessels are also con connection to the said valve controlled by the nected by a pipe U provided with a tap V pressure of steam, the steam valve for con for allowing the liquid to flow from vessel O trolling the pressure and the supply to the to O' when in the position shown by Fig. 3 steam jet and the connection for operating O after the door has been closed. On closing the steam valve extending from the furnace the door A. the sliding bar L is moved in the door whereby when said door is opened the 75 opposite direction to that before described. steam pressure will open the air valve of pipe When a support Q on the bar L. sliding un H and then supply the steam jet, substan der the arm N' moves the vessels to the posi tially as described. tion shown by Fig. 3, the liquid in the ves 4. In combination in a smoke consuming sel O will then flow into vessel O' through furnace the air pipe H leading into the same, pipel J and regulating tap V. and when the sur the steam jet directed to the pipe II, the steam face of the liquid in the two vessels is about supply, the valve controlling the same, the level, the end O' being slightly heavier, causes tipping vessels O O' with connections be the vessels to tip to the position shown by tween them, said vessels being arranged to full lines in Fig. 1, and on the descent of control the closing of the steam valve, the O. it strikes one end of catch lever T and sliding bar I, and the connection therefrom thereby liberates the lever R, which is then to the furnace door to be operated thereby, moved in the direction for closing the tap by substantially as described. 25 the contraction of the spiral spring X, thus 5. In combination, in a smoke consuming stopping the supply of steam. So long as furnace, the door, the draft slide B thereon, steam is passing through the pipes J. the pis the hinge pin C connected to and movable tons in the respective cylinders S. S. allow with the door, the hinge pin C arranged to steam to be injected into the respective pipes have movement independent of the door, the H. and the air to be distributed in a heated air pipe H extending into the furnace, the condition through the perforations P as be steam jet leading thereto, the steam supply 95 fore described; but when the flow of steam and valve, the piston S, connected with the is cut off, the extended spiral springs Y con steam supply, the connections from the hinge tract, and operate the respective hinge pins pin C for operating the steam valve when the 35 C. thus moving the pistons and sliding plates door is opened, the valve plate H' for the pipe B back to their original position, thereby H, and the connections from the piston Sto stopping the supply of air to the back and the hinge pin C, and the valve plate H', sub front of the furnaces.
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