Vol. 47, No. 13, November 2018 Serving the Greater Stuttgart Military Community www.stuttgartcitizen.com 1 2 3 ‘Wardawgs’ at home on the range By John Reese Photos by visual information specialist Rey USAG Stuttgart Public A airs Ramon (1, 2), and Jason Johnston (3, 4 and 5), 7th Army Training Command. Soldiers of the 554th Military 1. The Wardawgs approach the fi ring Police Company, 709th MP Battalion line as the day begins. “Warriors,” 18th MP Brigade, 21st 2. Sgt. Amore Archer, 554th range Theater Sustainment Command, safety offi cer, provides marksman- conducted M-4 rifle training during ship guidance to Pfc. Christopher a live-fire qualification course, Oct. Smith. 17, on the Panzer Kaserne range. 3. The view as you approach the The 554th “Wardawgs” serve as the range. police force for the USAG Stuttgart’s 4. Clips of 5.56 mm rifl e rounds await military community and are the the fi ring line. MPs who patrol the garrison to keep 5. Staff Sgt. Brian Shipway gives di- it safe. rections to the Wardawgs. 4 5 Page 2 NEWS The Citizen, November 2018 Retirees offered one-stop shop of services and appreciation at RAD Story and photos by 24 agencies, according to organizer not been forgotten,” Norvel said. “It’s nearly two-hour drive in the best of Bardia Khajenoori and garrison Retiree Services O cer important to have all these agencies tra c conditions. USAG Stuttgart Public A airs Gus Norvel. here at one time because many retir- Emily Valles, an Air Force re- “Retiree Appreciation Day is ees in Europe are in remote areas or tiree who has been in the Stuttgart USAG Stuttgart welcomed re- meant to pay tribute to retirees who far from their old post.” region nearly twenty years, agreed tired U.S. military personnel from have honorably served in our mili- Norvel said that participants came that convenience is a major factor in all services to its annual Retiree tary and to show them that they have from as far away as Augsburg—a a community whose members and Appreciation Day held on October 25 installations can be so geographi- at Patch Barracks. cally dispersed. “It’s really hard to e event brought together a va- keep track of so many changes, from riety of di erent agencies and orga- Tricare policies to postal availability, nizations to provide information and so the one-stop shop is very helpful to services under one roof, with par- stay connected,” said Valles. ticipants ranging from the Veterans Col. Neal Corson, garrison com- Administration to the American mander, pointed out in his opening Legion. e Stuttgart Law Center remarks that retirees play an important and Dental Clinic were on hand to ambassadorial role—not only at home, arrange appointments (with some to areas and people who may have little dental patients being seen within connection to the armed forces, but hours), and the Health Clinic even of- also to the German communities in fered u shots on site. Attendees were which many are now integrated. For also treated to brie ngs from Mark that reason and others, “retirees are an Overberg and Stacy Hendrix, retiree extremely important population for us services chiefs of the Department of to support,” said Corson. the Army and IMCOM Directorate- To that end, the garrison is active- Europe, respectively. New to this ly recruiting members to its Retiree year’s agenda was a presentation on Council, which gives voice to the host nation tax implications for ac- needs and concerns of local retirees tive and retired service members in of any service. Interested candidates Germany. Phil Masterson, of the garrison Directorate of Human Resources, looks up should contact the Retiree Services Coordination for the gathering state ballot information for Emily Valles at the Voter Assistance table at Re- O ce at 07031-15-2641 for more took nearly ve months and involved tiree Appreciation Day. information. Classifi ed document destruction facility just got more destructive Story and photo by Larry Reilly instead of piecemeal shredding. could do was dispose of it, which was USAG Stuttgart Public A airs “Being able to shred our classi ed not always so easily done,” said Burgess. documents in large bulk quantities re- “ e upgraded machine produces After nearly two months of being ally saves us time,” said intelligence good-sized combustible briquettes closed for some upgrades to its de- specialist Petty O cer 3rd Class Sara that can be burned to create fuel. e structive capability, the 405th AFSB Jacobs, Special Operations-Europe. briquettes are so much more environ- Logistics Readiness Center-Stuttgart “We would spend up to six hours at a mentally friendly than the pulp.” Classi ed Document Destruction time shredding our classi ed docu- Along with the destructive upgrade Facility (CDDF) on Patch Barracks re- ments. With the upgrades, we are done capabilities of the facility, the following opened its doors, Oct. 15. Petty Offi cer 3rd Class Sara Jacobs is in half that time.” new operating hours were established. e facility added some new teeth one of the fi rst customers in Europe Stronger and faster chewing capa- to its bite with an upgraded hard drive to shred classifi ed documents using bility weren’t the only improvements shredder that literally chews up laptop the CDDF’s new system, Oct. 15. to the destructive power of the CDDF. How to make your CDDF computers and spits the pieces out in A new system that processes the shred- appointment a matter of moments. e destructive phones is a nice added feature,” said ded documents to its nal product has Use of the CDDF is by metal shredder also chews up lap top Curtis Burgess, facility manager. earned praise from environmental- appointment only, Monday– computers and cell phones, and dis- One of the two large paper shred- friendly folks. Thursday, 7:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. charges the shredded metal pieces into ding disintegrator machines housed “In the past, after the documents The facility is closed on a bin for easy disposal. in the facility also received some up- had gone through the entire process, Fridays and American holidays. “ e shedder’s ability to quickly grades that now enable it to shred the nal product was nothing more Call 430-5500 or 0711-680-5500. dispose of laptop computers and cell classi ed paper documents in bulk than a ne powdery pulp, and all we UNITED STATES ARMY Contributors Web: www.StuttgartCitizen.com The Stuttgart Citizen is an authorized use or patronage without regard to GARRISON STUTTGART Carola Meusel Facebook: www.facebook.com/ newspaper, produced in the interest of race, color, religion, sex, national ori- Bardia Khajenoori USAGarrisonStuttgart/ the U.S. Army community in Stuttgart by gin, age, marital status, physical handi- Commander Angelika Aguilar the U.S. Army-Garrison Stuttgart Public cap, political affi liation, or any other Col. Neal A. Corson PUBLISHER Affairs Offi ce. Contents of the Citizen non-merit factor of the purchaser, user USAG STUTTGART AdvantiPro GmbH are not necessarily the offi cial views of, or patron. Senior Enlisted Adviser PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICE Europaallee 3 or endorsed by, the U.S. Government or Command Sgt. Maj. 67657 Kaiserslautern the Department of the Army. The appearance of advertising herein, Toese Tia Building 2949, Panzer Kaserne Telephone: +49 (0) 631-30 3355 30 including inserts and supplements, Web: www.AdvantiPro.com The Stuttgart Citizen is printed by does not constitute endorsement by Public Affairs Offi cer Army Post Offi ce Mailing Address Managing Director AvantiPro, a private fi rm in no way the Dept. of the Army, or AvantiPro, Larry Reilly Unit 30401, APO AE 09107 Bret Helenius connected with the U.S. Govt., under of the fi rms, products or services exclusive written agreement with U.S. advertised. Command Information Chief German Mailing Address ADVERTISING IN THE CITIZEN Army Stuttgart. It is published monthly Kevin S. Abel Panzer Kaserne Geb. 2949, 3rd Floor, Display Advertising Contact using the offset method of reproduction Unless otherwise indicated, all Panzerstrasse, 70032 Böblingen Jaqueline Samad and has a printed circulation of 5,000 six-digit phone numbers in The Editor Telephone: +49 07031-15-3105 Telephone: +49 (0) 631-30 3355 37 copies. Everything advertised herein Stuttgart Citizen are DSN numbers John Reese DSN (314) 431-3105 Email:[email protected] shall be made available for purchase, and all longer numbers are civilian. The Citizen, November 2018 NEWS Page 3 Pumpkin 5k and Harvest Fest heats up Patch on a cold fall day Story and photos by John Reese runners. Since the familiar race clock USAG Stuttgart Public A airs was for personal best only, names and times weren’t recorded. A bitterly cold Saturday morning May Siegrist, herself a marathoner, didn’t dissuade costumed runners, didn’t run, but endured the cold to cheer walkers, babies in strollers and a half- on her 16-year-old daughter, Isabella. dozen dogs from participating in the “We came from Hawaii,” Siegrist Great Pumpkin 5k, or keep hundreds of said, noting she was born in the warm community members, especially little Philippines but grew up in Germany. ones, from enjoying the garrison’s an- “ is weather is a very big di erence nual Harvest Festival, Oct. 27. from Honolulu. We just got here last e day began with runners doing summer.” laps around Patch Barracks’ Husky Field By the time the 5k was done, the just to stay warm before loudspeakers Harvest Fest was in full swing. Costumed heralded the start of the 5k with Michael kids went down a lane of 15 decorated Jackson’s “ riller.” cars for trunk-or-treat, played assorted “ is race is not timed, so no el- games or made crafts, and a popular bowing, no tripping and no ghting to new addition, pony rides, were all busy.
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