Canadian Folk Music Bulletin Cumulative Table of Contents, 1999 Compiled by John Leeder

Canadian Folk Music Bulletin Cumulative Table of Contents, 1999 Compiled by John Leeder

34... BULLETIN de musique folklorique canadienne 34.1/2 (2000) Canadian Folk Music Bulletin Cumulative Table of Contents, 1999 compiled by John Leeder Articles, Features, &c. This listing doesn't include purely housekeeping features such as "Lost Souls," but includes columns and editorials, especially as these often have different authors from issue to issue. In alphabetizing in this and other sections, articles, e.g., "The"," "A"," "El," "La," &&., are inverted where necessary, but not otherwise. Abstracts from me 1998 Confcfeoce...(1999) 33/1-22 j in the Sand (Steve Rnitman)...(1999) 33/2-18 Belated Greeting! to Fete Seeger for His 80m Birthday on May 3, 1999 (Barry Loft)...(1999) 33/3-13 Moshing (Justin Harmon)...(1999) 33/4-18 Canadian Folk Festival Directory (John Leeder, compiler).. .(1999) 33/1-48 1998 Annual General Meeting—IinredBtttion (George W. Lyon)...(1999) 33/1-14 ...(1999) 33/2-35 1998 Annual General Meeting Mmum...(1999) 33/1-14 ...(1999) 33/3-31 1998 Membership Survey (John Leeder).(1999) 33/1-28 ...(1999) 33/4-43 Our Back Fages (John Leeder)...(1999) 33/1-27 Canadian Folk Music Bulletin Qimnlative Table of Contents 1998 (John Leeder, compiler)...(1999) ...(1999)33/2-19 33/1-25 ...(1999) 33/3-22 CerarefcM (The) (George W. Lyon)...(1999) 33/2-18 ...(1999) 33/4-23 (John Leeder)...(1999) 33/4-24 Peak in Darien (A) (John Leeder, compiler)...(1999) 33/1-31 Dread (The) (CordeD Cbmmmgi)...(1999) 33/4-20 ...(1999)33/2-24 Editorial (George W. Lyon)...(1999) 33/2-2 ...(1999) 33/3-25 ...(1999) 33/3-2 ...(1999) 33/4-33 ...(1999) 33/4-2 '...still looking fa home...' (Paddy Tutty, interviewed by George W. Lyon and John Leeder). (1999) Editorials (George W. Lyon, John Leeder)...(1999) 33/1-2 33/2-3 EtJmoMk Letters Lucky 13 (The) (Tamar Adams)...(1999) 33/2-17 Transauantic Troubadours: Pete Seeger, John Hasted and the English Folk Song Revival • EthnoFolk Letters 14 (The) (Judhh Cohen)...(1999) 33/3-21 (E. DavidGregory)...(1999) 33/3-18 "Everybody can write, and everybody can sing.': A Musical Journey Wednesday October 14,1998 (Jon Tribute to Graham Townsend (A) (Al Yetman)...(1999) 33/1-5 Bank*)...(1999) 33/4-5 Vincent Ierfino—Ave atone vale (Stan Triggs)...(1999) 33/1-11 •Fiddlers (The) will pay on three strings tar quite a while' (Dorothy Hogan)...(1999) 33/1-7 Woo-Hool (Justin Saott)...(1999) 33/4-19 Glory and Joy Crown the King! Tory Songs from the American Revolution (George W. Lyon)...(1999) 33/3-3 Authors and Contributors Ethnonk Letters Lucky 13 (The)...(1999) 33/2-17 Quarrel with Whisky (A) (review)...(1999) 33/2-31 Ballaurjrne, Mike Up She Flew (review)...(1999) 33/2-31 Heritage (review)...(1999) 33/2-25 Deschenes, Donald In the Greenwood (review).. .(1999) 33/1-42 D'autres nouveautes au Canada francos...(1999) 33/2-34 Live (reriew)...(1999) 33/4-37 •L'fle anx Loups* (song contributor)...(1999) 33/3-16 Barden, Jon Queknes nouveautes au Quebec a l'antonme 99...(1999) 33/4-38 'Everybody can write, and everybody can sing.': A Musical Journey Wednesday Oct 14, Diduck, Deborah (leuer)...(1999) 33/4-31 1998...(1999) 33/4-5 Duffy, Ron Dkey RHey (review)...(1999) 33/3-30 •The Log Driver's Song' (song)...(1999) 33/4-17 Goldberg, Sue 0eucr)...(1999) 33/1-30 Eitonuy* Dinitiira •L-fie anx Loops" (song source)...(1999) 33/3-16 Here the Tides Flow (review)...(1999) 33/1-41 BoBtMliier, Robert Foster, Dave •L'fle an Loups' (song source)...(1999) 33/3-16 Celery Stalks at Midnight (review)...(1999) 33/1-35 Briggs, Ana Henchmen Reunion (The) (review)...(1999) 33/2-30 •The Cuckoo- (song source)...(1999) 33/2-16 Something's Fishy at Camp Wigamshn- (review)...(1999) 33/1-35 Brunskill, Gregg (letter)...(1999) 33/1-30 (with Pat Keenan) •The Other Side of Christmas* (song)...(1999) 33/4-22 Burrows, Budge Fiiutflun, Sieve When I Say I Do (review)...(1999) 33/3-30 Islands in the Sand...(1999) 33/2-18 Ostfc, Keiths Gregory, E. David Legacy (review)...(1999) 33/2-27 ** i i1' •'* Troubadours: Fete Seeger, John Hasted and the English Folk Song Revival.. (1999) Cohen, Judith 33/3-18 EthnoFolk Letters 14 (The) (Judhh Cohen).. .(1999) 33/3-21 Hal-Beyer, Mryka r nan (tetter)...(1999) 33/4-31 More Hometown Tunes (review)...(1999) 33/1-47 Two Canadian/Gypsy-based Recordings...(1999) 33/2-32 Harrison, J.F.W. ('Scrams') - Cole, Jack (letter)...(1999) 33/1-31 •Rose LatuKppe (poem, portion quoted)...(1999) 33/1-4 • A>6 iJnjBjj; CoUedge, Vm nSrtlDSfli JlJSDfi Battery Included (review)...(1999) 33/1-44 Mashing...(1999) 33/4-18 Cowboy Ceilidh (review)...(1999) 33/2-29 Hiscott, Jim 2 Worlds United (review)...(1999) 33/3-27 Trafic d'Influences (review)...(1999) 33/1-45 Conn, Stephanie (letter)...(1999) 33/4-31 Kogan, Dorothy Cowper, William "The fiddlers will par/ on three strings for quite a while* ...(1999) 33/1-7 'Sweet Meat has Sour Sauce, or. The Slave Trader in the Dumps' (song, lyrics)...(1999) lea film, Vincent 33/3-12 -Apple Picking Man (The)- (song)...(1999) 33/1-13 Crawford, Isabella Valency •Old Country Waltz (An)' (song)...(1999) 33/1-10 'Curtiui* (poem, portion quoted)...(1999) 33/4-20 Ingle, David (letter)...(1999) 33/4-31 •Iinpuaiiuu of Song (The)' (poem, portion quoted)...(1999) 33/1-14 l ntfif HI *•. HftSBXtf •King's Garments (The)' (poem, portion quoted)...(1999) 33/2-17 Chanm populatearnuSaieus (review)...(1999) 33/1-39 Crawley, Beth (fcner)...(1999) 33/4-30 Johnson, Vera (letter)...(1999) 33/4-32 Croft, Clary (letter)...(1999) 33/3-24 Keenan, Fat (with Dave Foster) Cummmgs, Cordell "The Other Side of Christinas' (song)...(1999) 33/4-22 Dread (The)...(1999) 33/4-20 Kerhn, Jerry DaJbey, Ed Come from Every Way: Canadian Songs for Children (review)...(1999) 33/3-28 'Way Up the Ucktaw" (song source). ..(1999) 33/4-4 Khby, Alan <fe Lint, Chutes The Barley Grain for Me (review)...(1999) 33/2-28 Lately Come Over (review)...(1999) 33/1-42 Laurie, Vivian Canadian Folk Music BULLETIN 34.112 (2000) ...35 •L'fle HI Lorn)' (song source).. (1999) 33/3-16 Maori, Rod UGueveLYves Md Bay Presents the Fiddle Music of Prince Edward Island (review)...(1999) 33/1-34 Hammage a Alfred Mbntinarquette (review)...(1999) 33/1-44 Prince Edward Island Style of Fiddling (The): The Fiddlers of Eaaen Prinw Edward Island Louis Boudreralt: Viotannii a l'nsaenne mode de Chjcontum, Quebec/Old Time Fiddler of (review)...(1999) 33/1-34 Oiicootimi, Quebec (review)...(1999) 33/3-26 Prince Edward Island Style of Fiddling (The): The Fiddlers of Western Prince Edward Island Leeder, Jobu (review)...(1999) 33/1-34 Canadian Folk Festival Directory (compiler)...(1999) 33/1-48 Postnts, Lnvric ...(1999) 33/2-3J Fun Throated Abandon (review)...(1999) 33/2-31 ...(1999) 33/3-31 Music in the Wind (The) (review)...(1999) 33/2-31 ...(1999) 33/4-43 Robb, Ian Canadian Folk Music Bulletin Cumulative Table of Cos-ana 1998 (compiler). ..(1999) 33/1-23 'Hbtnetess Wassail* (nog)...(1999) 33/4-21 Centrefold (Ibe)...(1999) 33/4-24 Rodriquex, Robert Edncrial...(1999) 33/1-3 At the Edge: A Book of Risky Stories (review)...(1999) 33/2-24 Grace Under Pressure (review)...(1999) 33/2-26 The Man From Eldorado (review)...(1999) 33/4-36 My Father's Songs (review)...(1999) 33/1-45 St James, Terry 1998 Membership Survey...(1999) 33/1-28 Almost Overnight (review)...(1999) 33/1-37 Our Back Pages...(1999) 33/1-27 Greggorian Chance (review)...(1999) 33/1-37 ...(1999) 33/2-19 Serjeant, William A.S. ...(1999) 33/3-22 Chieftains (The): The Authorised Biography (review)...(1999) 33/1-33 ...(1999) 33/4-23 Cochrane Lake Seasons (The): vols. 1 and 2 (review)...(1999) 33/4-36 Peek in Darien (A) (compiler)...(1999) 33/1-31 Like Ducks (review)...(1999) 33/1-46 ...(1999) 33/2-24 Shoolhiaid, Murray ...(1999) 33/3-25 Winston Frtzgenud: A Collection of Fiddle Tunes (review)...(1999) 33/1-32 ...(1999) 33/4-33 Spalding, David A.E. (letter)...(1999) 33/4-32 "...anil looking for home...' (interviewer)...(1999) 33/2-3 Sttiambwy, Joseph Lewis, Tom 'God Save the Xing' (poem)...(1999) 33/3-8 Bound forme be (review)...(1999) 33/3-30 'Lords of the Mam (The)' (song)...(1999) 33/3-10 Marco Polo Suite (The) (review)...(1999) 33/3-29 •When Good Queen Elizabeth Governed the Realm* (song)...(1999) 33/3-8 Songs and Sounds of Csnadnm Steam: Canadian Railway Stewart, Jim (letter)...(1999) 33/4-32 History m Song (review)...(1999) 33/1-41 Szott, Justin TUs Land is What I Am (review)...(1999) 33/1-41 Woo-Hoo!...(1999) 33/4-19 Lofmouse, Derek Thomas, Nod (tetter)...(1999) 33/1-30 Ransom (The) (review)...(1999) 33/2-27 Thomas, Phil 25 ahs tardus: Aits de vidon de Quebec—25 Croaked Tunes: Quebec Fiddle Tuna flethx)...(1999) 33/4-30 (review)...(1999) 33/1-32 'Way Up the Ucktaw' (song contributor)...(1999) 33/4-4 Luft, Barry Thome, Cory W. Belated Greetings to Pete Seeger for His 80th Birthday on May 3, 1999 ...(1999)33/3-13 We WiU Remain: Patriotic Songs of Mtwinuaalsad (review)...(1999) 33/1-35 Lyon, George W. Triggs, Stan Balkan Journeys Close to Home (review)...(1999) 33/3-25 Vincent fcrfinc—Ave ateque vale.. .(1999) 33/1-11 'Birthday Song (A)' (song, melody)...(1999) 33/3-7 Tutry, Paddy Calgary Chinese Orchestra (review)...(1999) 33/4-34 "Burr Oak' (tune)...(1999) 33/2-2 Centrefold (The)...(1999) 33/2-18 'Cuckoo (The)' (song contributor).

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