THE DIAMOND OF PSI UPSILON ' >4 ^ . ^ / JUNE, 1948 VOLUME XXXIV NUMBER FOUR Dr. Howard Christian Naffziger, Epsilon '07 Psi U Personality of the Month The Diamond of Psi Upsilon OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF PSI UPSILON FRATERNITY Volume XXXIV June, 1948 Number 4 AN OPEN FORUM FOR THE FREE DISCUSSION OF FRATERNITY MATTERS IN THIS ISSUE Page Psi U Personality of the Month 106 Names in the News 108 Psi U Lettermen 109 Alumni Notes Ill The Chapters Speak 114 The Convention at the Tau�Some Observations 120 In Memoriam 129 The Executive Council and Alumni Association, Officers and Mem bers Cover III Roll of Psi Upsilon Chapters and Alumni Presidents Cover IV EDITOR Edward C. Peattie, Phi '06 ASSOCIATE EDITOR Albert J. Elias, Upsilon '46 ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE DIAMOND Albert C. Jacobs, Phi '21, Chairman Herbert J. Flagg, Theta Theta '12 Oliver B. Merrill, Jr., Gamma '25 J. J. E. Hessey, Nu '13 Walter S. Robinson, Lambda '19 A. Northey Jones, Beta Beta '17 LeRoy J. Weed, Theta '01 (ex-officio) (ex-officio) Publication Office, 450 Ahnaip St., Menasha, Wis. Executive and Editorial Offices Room 510, 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N.Y. Life Subscription, $15; By Subscription, $1.00 per year; Single Copies, 50 cents Published in November, January, March and June by the Psi UpsUori Fraternity. Entered as Second Class Matter January 8, 1936, at the Post Office at Menasha, Wisconsin, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Paragraph 4, Section 538, Act of February 28, 1925, authorized January 8, 1936 PSI U PERSONALITY OF THE MONTH Howard Christian Naffziger, Epsilon '07 By Stuabt O'Melveny, Epsilon '10 CHRISTIAN NAFFZIGER, development of brain surgery was made HOWARDB.S., M.S., M.D., F.A.C.S., F.R.C.S. his responsibility and the hospital became (Eng.) Hon., whose picture painted by Mr. under his guidance the first center of this Seymour Thomas for the American Col type west of the Atlantic seaboard. He lege of Surgeons is on the inside cover filled various positions on the faculty until page of this issue of The Diamond, was 1924 when he was made Clinical Profes born in Nevada City, California in 1884. sor of Surgery. In 1929 he became Profes Nevada City is situated amongst the pines sor of Surgery and Chairman, Department and dogwood on the western slope of the of Surgery, of the Medical School, and Sierra Nevadas. It is one of the most beau Surgeon in Chief of the Hospital. Doctor tiful of the old mining towns with a color Naffziger specializes in neurological sur ful history in the Gold Rush Days. By 1884 gery and when under his guidance a sepa the placer miners had come and gone but rate new department in this branch was Nevada City, by vhtue of being the county created in 1947, he became Professor of seat, was far from being a ghost town. Neurological Surgery and Chairman of that Amid these pleasant surroundings Howard department, which position he still oc Naffziger acquired his early education cupies. He is also consulting Surgeon for graduating from the Nevada City High the San Francisco Hospital, for the School in 1900. Langley Porter Clinic, and for the U. S. Naffziger did his undergraduate and Veterans Facihty, San Francisco. pre-medical work at the University of Doctor Naffziger's war record has been California situated in Berkeley. At that a brilliant one. During the First World time the general educational program of War he served as Lieutenant Colonel of the University was conducted at Berkeley the Medical Corps of the United States while the medical department and hospi Army and was with the American Expedi tal were located in San Francisco. It was tionary Forces. At the conclusion of that at Berkeley, therefore, that Howard joined war he accepted a commission as Colonel the Epsilon Chapter of the Psi Upsilon. in the Medical Reserve Corps, which com While he lived in the fraternity house and mission he held until 1928. During the took an active interest in the affairs of the Second World War he was a member of chapter, the seriousness with which he the . Surgical Committee of the National devoted himself to his medical training Research Council and Chairrnan of the necessitated his absence from most col Sub-Committee of this Council on Neuro lege activities. However, his kindhness, logical Surgery. He was consultant and innate wisdom, and good humor endeared special advisor for the Office of Scientific him to his fraternity brothers so that his Research and Development and was sent popularity was exceeded by no one. to England and Scotland in 1943, as well After leaving Berkeley, Doctor Naffziger as to the North African Theatre and Mid identified himself with the University of dle East to correlate research and as surgi California Hospital in San Francisco as cal advisor. After the war he was ap interne and assistant resident surgeon and pointed Chairman of the Educational Mis then went on to spend some time at Johns sion to Poland under the auspices of the Hopkins as assistant resident surgeon. He UNRRA, visiting London, Paris, Berlin, returned to the University of Calffornia and various Pohsh Universities and medi Hospital in 1913 and has been identified cal schools. with that institution ever since. When No biographical account of Doctor Doctor Naffziger joined the faculty the Naffziger would be complete without some 106 THE DIAMOND OF PSI UPSILON 107 of the many honors which he has re American Journal of Surgery; Western ceived by reason of his prominence in his Journal of Surgery, Geriatrics; Journal of chosen field of neurological surgery. Neurological Surgery; and Journal of He is a founder member of the Ameri Neurological Sciences. can Board of Surgery and has acted as Membership in learned societies^ ad Chairman of the American Board of Neuro visory "positions on the staff of technical logical Surgery since its founding in 1939. journals, appointment to government com He is a Fellow of the American College of missions�all these are the laurels that Surgeons and a Regent since 1934 and was crown his career of study and practice. He President ui 1938 and 1939. He is a Fellow has reached that point of eminence which of the Royal College of Surgeons (hon.) of causes men to look to him for counsel, England. He is a member and past Presi but he does not yet think of resting on his dent of the San Francisco County Medical laurels. Society; the San Francisco County Neuro In addition to being a member of Psi logical Society; California Academy of Upsilon, he is also a member of Nu Sigma Medicine; the Society of Neurological Sur Nu and Alpha Omega Alpha. geons; and is still President of the Pacific The fact that Doctor Naffziger is one Coast Surgical Association. He is a mem of the most distinguished surgeons of his ber of the American Medical Association; time has in no way detracted from the American Surgical Association; American attractiveness of his personality. He is a Neurological Association; International very human person. He married Louise Surgical Association; International Neuro McNear, the daughter of an old and dis logical Association; Association of Re tinguished pioneer family and they have search in Nervous and Mental Diseases; three daughters and a home filled with Western Surgical Association; and Hon the good things of life. The exactions of orary Consultant to the Library of the his job have often caused the Doctor to Surgeon General. During the coming No seek rest and relaxation in inaccessible vember Doctor Naffziger will act as Chair places, so his golf has been supplemented man of an educational mission to the with big game hunting and fishing. High Philippines to visit the medical schools. up in the Sierras Doctor Naffziger has a Doctor Naffziger, in addition to his in summer home and nowhere is he so con as when he is the music terest in so many societies and associations, tented enjoying finds time to serve on the editorial and ad of the mountain breezes through the pines. call memories of his visory boards of the following medical pe Perhaps they up riodicals: Annals of Surgery; Surgery; youth before he scaled the heights. CHANGE OF ADDRESS BLANK Name � Chapter Class Street�nev\^ address City State NAMES IN THE NEWS Theodore P. Gould, Pi '23 Dr. Charles Packard, Pi "07 Formerly vice-president of Scandinavian Is the Director of the Marine Biological Airlines System, has been appointed di Laboratoiy, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. rector of passenger sales for American Air Dr. Packard reported last May that the lines. He assumed his new position July 15. Atomic Energy Commission had made A veteran of sixteen years in the travel grants for research to be conducted by business. Brother Gould brings to his new several scientists during the summer at post a unique knowledge of overseas air the Marine Biological Laboratory on the transportation. He was a partner in the effects of isotopes on various forms of ma Flick (John W. Flick, Pi '24)-Gould Travel rine life. Bureau with offices in Syracuse and Albany for seven years before joining American W. NiverWynkoop, Psi'2l Airlines in 1940 as a sales representative Was elected president of the Syracuse at New York. his career During five-year (New York) Boys' Club. He has been con with that company he was system man tinuously associated with the Boys' Club of reservations and ticket offices and ager as a director since 1934, and has served as sales at and New York manager Syracuse chairman of the camp committee, secre He left American in 1945 to City.
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