Jrnqunis nst • AND MAT'IL DA ADVOCATE ~ ' Authorized as Se<>nnd Class Mail, Vt ~~ XXXI No. 43 Post Offiee DeI)al"tm~nt, OttawL IROQUOIS, ONT., THURSDAY, FEB. 26. 1953 $2.00 pet· Y:~ar in Advance ·= Mrs. Harne Seely ,consider Establishment Develop. Corp.oration Honored On 75 Bfrthday Grenville-Dundas Presbytery Mrs. Harrie <Seely, !College 'Street, :Instrument of Council, T)trough Planning Bd. was m ost pleasa ntly surprised •on Co~venes At Iroquois United 'Monday. 'F1ebruary 23·r,d, when a The Gr,enville-'Dundas Presbytery ❖------. ---------­ ···----------------:--------- -------- number of her friends and rel-a tives • that they could purchase lots at fair m et in the United ,Ch,urch, Iroqu ois, 'To Conduct Canvass gat-heTed ,at her home to cele·brate on Thurs·day, with a• large attend- 'F . Flood v· . F and reasona'ble prices in the new Red Cross Society ance from both •Counties present. The 01 1cbrns und tc•wn. with ·her on the occasi•on •Of her 75th TO WORK IN In Annual Drive morning sessi<Tn opened with devo­ Attention is drawn to the Con trolled Loe.ally birthday. A ttending the 6.30 supper tions by •Rev. G. F . !Dangerfield, pas­ were the. following ladies, 'Mrs. 1:YI . N. large a,dvertisement appearing BEST INTERESTS In an exclusive intervrew with the Canvassing Coming Soon tor of Iroquois United •Chmch~ T•he elsewhere in this issue announc­ offciial consulting architect-planner, Davis, Miss Edith Forward, !Mrs. Les. lesson was followed by a choir selec­ llhe annual Red Croas cam­ J,ohnsto11. Mrs. George Bouck, Mrs. ing a canvass to be made •by the Dr. Wells •Coates, O.B.E., Ph.D., tion "8.e:arc'h •Me O God," ,beautifully Iroqu·o is Branch of the Canadian OF AREA AFFECTED F.R.I.B.A., of London, Eng., ·and aig'n opens in Iroquois on Fri• Bella Sterling, Mrs. A. <D. IMacLel­ rendered. day, March 6th. W ill the resi­ lan, Mis:;; Jennie Cameron, 1::\1:rs. Wm. •Legion for the flood victims of formerly of ·Prescott, Ont., aloll'g Chafrman of Presbytery, Rev. ,Mr. 1Britain. This canvass will be with. ,Planning ,Bo·ard Secretary, B. dents o f the town and vicinity Fisher and Mrs. C. B. ISe·ely. W. If. Legrow of Merrickville, and Coming as a sequel to several kindly be prepared to greet the made on· Monday, March 9th by J. !Saver, and Planning Board Vice­ . The ladies presented Mis. Seely .Secreta•ry, IR.ev. J ·ohn Hurst, of ,Shan­ the members of the ,Ladies Aux­ years of planning behind closed c anvassei:s w ith a g enerous do­ 1 Chairman, J. Hume Grisdale, The with a l:rasket of beautiful sprino­ ly, toO'k eharge of the 'business meet­ iliary of the local Legion and doors, the Friday evening meeting in Post was informed that ,as a basis nation. Owing to the aid already flowers along with their cordial ing-. g iven flood disaster victims thi, all funds collected will be turll'ed t!1e Town 'Hall of over ,55 property £or the individual's protection, com­ biJlli<!ay wishes. Miss J. Cameron Fath r and Sons Honored •over to the Governor-'General's mon stock price in the proposed Cor­ money is urgently needed. The 1:.\frs .. C. B. Seely and 1I1frs. Rani~ ILa:yman Freeman Brown, of .Ox­ owners, ,business men and farmers of officers in charge o f the cam• Flood R:eiief Fund. poration could be kept so low as to Seely were game winnE;rs during a ford Mills, ,o n <be half of the Presby­ "l'l'le focal merchants are assist­ foe area, were told by the Iroquois be within everyone's means. It was paign w ill meet the c anvasser! sodi1l ·hour. tery, presented Samuel Brown, super­ and ,Suburban Planning Board of the ing ~n this drive by allowing a also stated by these officials a"t the in the Red Cross rooms in the Miss Eleanor 'Seely and ;\lrci. 'Lloyd intendent of the United •Church Sun­ work planned and achieved to date. portion of their advertising interview that tpe stock would poss­ Town Hall f rom 1.30 to 5 p.m. Steinburg, 1Cardinal, were hostesses d!!:y Soh0-0l at 'Spencerville, with a The purpose cf the meeting, con­ and 7 to 9 p.m. on that date. spac-o to •be used in urtherino­ ibly be on a basis. of one .sh'.1-re per for their mother. Bible in honor of his faithful church this worthy cause. It is hoped Yened by J. Hume Gri,dalc, promi­ member of a family or s11111lar ,ar­ nent local farmer, a member of and that the canvassers will meet rangement, if they wished to pur­ with a generous response. on behalf of the Planning Board, chase stock. Their stock would rnsure was to ,bring the assembled interested them orotection, and no group or service and praised him for the ex-. J)ersons up to date on plans made individual would be able to get con d'or a new and to consider es­ ample he set f?r his three sons, who town trol of the •Corporation. are. also superrntendents. The three ita bl ishment ,of a co-operatior, ·Devel­ sons, also present, were: Ambert -0pment •Corporation, to act in the Appoint Committee best intei-ests of di,placed ratepay­ At the Friday meeting a commit­ BT-uwn, superintendent of Iroquois •ers, residents of the village, farm­ tee was appointed by those attend­ United Sunday !School; Lyall Brown, ers and ·others in the propo;ed dcvel­ ina to look into the cost, the legal supenntendent at Shanlv· Earl aspects of such a scheme, and to .Br,own, superin,endent at V~ntnor. <>vment area. The proposal comes on In rep:y, :\fr. Brown said h,1 was the eve •Of Lhe presentation, for ap­ dr•aw up a constitution for a -Develop­ ,proval, of pilot plans for a new Iro­ .inent ·Corporation, and ~o pres~nt pron d of. hi~ three, sons and hie pray­ their findings at a public meetmg ers and mfluence nas been answerecl quois to th·e Department of Planning in that they have acquired hi~ aims. and De\•elopmEnt. of all concerned as soon as poss-ible. The committee, of equal representa­ Following the presentation .. Faith Outlines Corporation Plans tion from the village and the rive1 Of Ou1· Fathers" was sung. front includes; for the village, Ar. · Guest Speaker Chairman of the meeting, Hume nold Johnston, James Andel'son, Dr . Th~ guest speaker, Re.-. A. L. • isdale, deln,d into the pu.rposa of C. R. •~arcellus; from the front, J. Griffiths, B.A., Chalmers Church, forming such a corporation, havinR Hume Grisdale, Don ,Robenson, John Ottawa, gave an inspiri•rig address. as its basic necessity the prntection Parker; ex-officio member iReeve L. hasing •his talk on "I Know Wh-0m I -0f the aforEmentioned affected bod­ Have Believed" He stre,,:;c•d that man ies of people in this area, providing C. Davis. must believe. Facts ,to not answer lor ample and just remuneration to · Prefe,·ence to Present Residents) basic questions. He said tlie · ,most the affected fanners whose land It was firmly stressed 'by the chair\. dangerous threat to christianity is would be needed for a new town site man that present residents of the communism. and also ensuring displaced people of Villao-e ·of Iroquois, busienssmen. He stated re;,11 Christianity is an the village, ·business men and farmers farm:rs and •others in the proposed intellectual understanding of God's Word, and Our Fir;;t beliPf is in t·he reality of a living loving judging . God, who overrules the wickedness of man. We must believe in life ever­ lastin~\ The morning session closed with · }lrayer by ,Rev. Mr. Griffiths and Li hten your Cleaning benediction by the chairman. 'Rev. Griffiths was thanked ,by Rev. :Mr. Ferguson of Kemptville. WITH A The ladies of the ll'oquois Unite.cl S UNDAY SCHOOL FAMILY-T:1is• pho,o m:1d 2 a, the '..;~c 'fhtnsda:, meet\ng- ol the Grenvllle-Dundas 1 W.A. se1 nc a turkey dinner in the Presbytery of the United Churc:1 of Canada s:1ows a fari1<c1· m~d thn;; sons. all of whom act as Urrited ,Sunday 'School Hall. Church Sunday School ::uperintendenls in C1is a1·ea. L eft,, 1:~:1t are: Ly:dl Brn\\'11, of ,Shanly; Sanmel l The rY. A. wa$ thank ti bf .Rev. B1own (father, of Spencerville; Eat! Eiown. of YeP.:::c.r, ar:d AmbErt B,own, of Iroqllois. The Po.st · 'Iaxwell Allen, oi :lfoni,bur.sr. and all ir3 reader.s feel jt•~ i,i·oud :o h'lvc th:, oppc,·:ui::rr .of wiEhini·· lhi., fami!~· grouµ t' c ,,om- i 'The afternoon session was ooened I "'ith de,·otions b~· :\11·. ')Ieivyn Peten p.limenls clue them and be!' i:1at their equal achi2vcmt1~: might he hard to find e1sewh,re. ' - of !Spencerville. Hoover Cleaner 0 development ·area, would receive, or, .o those present that tht: C.,1poration ! Cost of Forming I Rev.;~r}'~:Cay.,.-superintende~t f \\.i:'1 :-;pr:ng Housecleaning just "around the corner no,,· a p1iority basis .to •he ,,·orkcd out, would in no \\'ay tak2 aiL1Y :inY pow- · ., . Home ,_Iis,io ,, O.taw11:, gave a ::,hoit fi1st choice of lots in the new town ers of the J).l'e.sent Cou1:ei'. nor its·1 " ·,1~~e .a LenLat1ve csuma:e cf r.0t talk on Ch~rch Ext~ns1on .
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