>: 'X •EBE WEATHER > ^ .t * Forecast by U» .8* Weather. Borean, i \ . Btortford. n e t PRESS RtIN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION :, ShOwieni late' tonight ahd Satur* for the Month of May, 19S® day; angh'«y wanner tonight and cooler S a tis f y ... ' . Conn. State Llibrary—Comp. ■r ■■/■* ■'. • ____• 5 , 5 1 8 - i Members of tbe Audit Bureau of ‘ til Clrculatloaa ________ _ EIGHTEENi PAGES m C E THREE CEN!1PS ■>/ ; 1 SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1930,. ■ S '^ i . •'TVa^.. 3'*-^' j 3i' (Classified Advertising on Page 16) VOL. XLIV., NO. 211. NOSilBPOENA AMERICANS WARNED SHAU TEXAS BE CUT OP t , I - '■>' Man of Suggested Division of Gigantic Lone Star Empire Along Lines Proposed by f II hTIS SiG STORM; TO QUIT WAR AREA Hei e s Map or sugg Garner, Ve teran Democratic Solon CANNOT AFFORD TO BET AFTER'WINNING $149,000 Chairnfan of Ubby Cbmmii- Over 300 h China Where I ADPRPSSED TO COUNTESS, Ottawa, June 6.—(AP)—A HOLDS A BOMB. Giaot Dirigible Com ^eiei Battle Is On-^Smoke dollar is still one hundred cents ' tee Says Bishop Caimou . PA CI^Q E to Wilfred Leblanc. j Paris,' June ,- 6.—(AP) — A 18,000 Mile Trip to Unit- The middle aged bachelor-car- j Is Not Compelled to An­ small mail parcel addressed to and Fire of Guns Are Seen penter won $149,000 Wednesday ^ with a ticket on the English | the Baroness Edouard dp Roto- Derby, and yesterday he attend- | swer All Questions. child today exploded in the Cen­ ed States and South In the City. ed his first horse race. | tral postoffice while employees But not a cent did he wager ; were sorting, mail. ica— Complete Jonm e; at Connaught Park. ' Although the explosion caused Jonesboro, Ark., June 6.—(AP)— ! a heavy detonation, no em­ Washington, June 6.—(AP) The “I can’t afford to,” he said, : Visiting his home here today for a; State Department records today “and I don’t intend to start bor­ ployee was near the basket in Lasted 19 Days; Course rowing.” J few hours before leaving for Dex-1 which the parcel was lying and showed that 305 Americans are m ter,' Mo., and then for Washington, i none was injured. the Tsiana-Fu district where Shansi Senator T. H. Caraway, chairman ; This was'the third occurance Changed Over France to troops are concentrating along the of the Senate lobby committee, said| of this nature in three months. ? o X m bank ol the Yellow m e r i he had . no intention a t present ofj The first two were of parcels Avoid Electrical Disturb- E F. Stranton, American consu FAMOUS EDUCATOR ordering - a subpoena issued for addressed to the Covmtess at Tsiana-Fu. informed the depart­ Bishop James Cannon, Jr., who yes-1 Ja’cques de Vienna- and Count ment that Shansi troops on June 4 terday walked out on the lobby '. de Boisselin. ance. were firing against troops under OF STATE IS DEAD committee General Han at Lokow, five miles “I see'nd oGcaSion to insist on north of Tsiana-Fu. The message the bishop testifying,” Caraway Friedrichshafen, Germany, JvSm' °ald a number of junke lnclu*ng said. ‘“The investigation is aimed some with cargoes of American oil 6.—(AP)—The Graf Zeppelin, homm at lobbying tmd not political mat­ MRS. HAMMESTEIN from her 18,000-mile voyage to' were burned and sank. Marcus White Was Head of ters. I do not know all the facts The city was panicky and the •*T Ob « that have developed since I left South America and the United smoke of fire from the guns could Normal School for Thirty- Washington but as he came to his IN POLICE COURT States, landed at Friedrichshafen at 36 COUNTIES IN own request, if he did not care to 7:22 p. ni., (1:22 p. m., E. S. T.). ^ ^ h f message said the Shansi SAN Ov THIS AREA answer questions he should be ex­ The Graf thus completed safely, a columns probably five Years. ANTONIO »' cused, is the view I have taken.” cruise lasting 19 days during which to the east and west of Tsiana i<u (.Battle of the Alamo) Cancels Engagement. she made landings in Spain, Brazil and that the consul was urging Senator Caraway yesterday can- Widow of Famous Opera and the United States and flew over Americans in the district, pa New Britain, June 6.—(AP.)— What would be the result if Tex­ 133 COUNTIES IN I celled an engagement to speak be- the northern African coast. larly women and children to leave. Marcus White, who until his retire­ as, biggest state in the ■ Union, THIS AREA I fore tbe Arkansas Bar Association Of the Americans in the district, Impressario to .Be Sen­ ment last year was prominently should be divided into five states, as convention at Fort Smith and it ENCOUNTERS STORM 1 S7 are men, women 129 and children suggested by Congressman John was reported there th&t he had .left Basel, Switzerland, June 6.-—< identified as principal with the C. Garner of Uvalde, Tex., veterM S9. _____ O f hurriedly ■ for Washington as a re­ tenced on Monday. (AP.)—After encountering a terfi- growth and development of the New i Lojjg Star solon and the Democratic Q\)l^ sult of the controversy between the fic elect-ical storm in the Rhouo r eb e ls VICTORIOUS Britain State Normal School, died leader in Congress? TtROWNSVlUU lobby committee and Bishop Can­ Valley early this morning whi<^ Shanghai, June This map presents a suggested non. He explained he- cancelled the caused her to veer southward out though the artUlery fire of the fight­ at his home early today following a division, along the lines proposed by New York, June 6.—(AP)—Mrs. long illness, at the age o f‘68 years. 1 TT .f Qfofoa finp- Fort Smith engagement in order to of its path, the Graf Zeppelin flew ing Northern and Nationalist troops Representative Gamer, The boun­ southwest of Houston. Each fall | changing every United Stotes flag ^ ^lis home, Oscar Hammerstein, widow of the over the Swiss border at Soleetrai^^ w fs plainiy audible, the naUve Mr. White’s retirement last year daries, however, are not his own as turkev farmers drive them to mar-1 by the addition of four stars. The senator Caraway delivered an ad- opera impressario, today was con­ at 11:15 p. m. today at an elevation population of Tsinan, canital of brought to a close a teaching career Garner has refrained from suggest­ continued nor­ ket in droves, just as cattle a re , state’s estimated populaUon is summer school stu- victed of immoral conduct in Wo­ of 600 feet. The big ship was buck­ Shantung province. of 42 years of which 35 years were ing definite boundaries, confining driven. 5.600,000. I dents at Jonesboro A. and M. col- ing a strong north wind, and al" mal activities today, spent as principal of the Normal himself for the present to the prin- I men’s Court and was remanded for In population, Texas ——ranks ------fifth-------------------- [lege. He is scheduled to speak to- though flying slowly, was steadily advices received by way of Tsintao, School. i ciple involved Fisheries form an important in-on i among all the states, being exceed-! morrow at- a Democratic ra..^,^t- sentence Monday. nearingnonrino* herViPir homehnmft. port,nnrt. Friedricba-I**riedrlclia* Shantung seaport. Outstanding was his work at the The map gives a clear idea of er which he '.vill go to Washington. iiafen. The dispatches said many Japa Normal School and so marked his Texas’ great size and its wide di­ Mrs. Hammerstein was arrested May 12 in her room at the IJotcl The big air liner left Seville fpp nese women and children were ar­ influence that a dormitory erected versity of products. They range all Tex.8 now grows more eotton! O'"”- i Friedrichshafen at 12:35 p. m., and riving at Tsingtao from the west, at the school last year was named the way from mining, cattle and (five million bales) than any other' Representative Gamer says tnat Winthrop by a detective who said at midnight was out over the Me- as well as numerous wealthy the Marcus White Hall. sheep in the west to grain and oil state the principal producing re-1 the consent of Congress would not she accepted $30 from him. He diteranean, passing over the Belear- Chinese merchants. Made 4,000 Teachers in the central portions and cotton, eions being in the Houston and San , be necessary, as 'Texas was granted AVIATRIX DECLINES charged' she had solicited from otho. ic Isles.' As was lUs custom in past The Japanese counsel-General at During his principalship at the corn, timber, rice and sugar in the Antonio areas. i authority, upon its admission to the men ih the hotel. tours, Dr. Eckener took the Rhone Mrs. Hammerstein testified the Tsinan today urged Chinese authori­ school, more than 4,000 teachers south and east. In the extreme Division into five states would j Union 84 years ^ o , .‘“J® Valley, course which would bring ties to establish a neutral zone were graduated. When Mr. White j south, near Brownsville, are citrus charge was a “frameup.” Her attor­ him just west of the Swiss .border assumed charge there was an en­ give the people 10 United States states of convenient about the capital city, as a step erroves and winter truck farms. SnatSs, instead of two as at pres-, ney said she would appeal. on his way borne to Germany.
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