Was Customs Official China Under Northern SCORE TWICE Alliance-Married Amer­ ican Girl; In Many Disputes Well Known North End Easi­ 3 HITS, 2 FLIES Tientsin, China, Oct. 1.— (AP) — ness Man Suctumbs to | OpiMses Grimes on Mound in First Game of World Bertram Lenox Simpson, an 'Eng­ lishman also known as Putnam Weale, was shot tonight by a group Series—President Hoover and Cabinet Members At- ol Chinese who entered his house. He was taken to a hospital (Jharles Ira Balch died suddenly tend—SUrefigg Crowd of 33,(HH) Huddled in Fws critical condition. at 1:15 this morning at his home, J A i. T* *. TL n P i a • A ftorm has revolved about 622 North Main street The news and Uvercoats—first Inree Runs scored on Sacn- Lenox Simpson for some time, as brought sadness to a host of friends £ ««* n *p*l in T**i he was appointed commissioner of customs in the city when it was throughout the town. While he had nco fues—‘foxx inplos and i^oroa Imtiai isn- taken over by Yen Hsi-Shan, of the PARALYSIS CLAIMS suffered from heart attacks during liV n o n i > iv 11 n Northern Alliance now conducting a JAPAN RAHFIES Queenjielen to Leave the past few years, he ^ad enjoyed Op WdlkS, SCOrOS Od DykOS Doublo tO Put A S Ahoad civil war against the Nationalist good health the past summer and government. yesterday appeared to be as well as Lenox Simpson replaced Col. Hay- STORKS PROFESSOR usual. ley Bell, also a British subjeq^ His THE NAVAL P A a Rumania and Her Son action formed the basis of a protest Mr. Balch was bom in Norwalk Shibe Park, Philadelphia, Oct. 1.— (AP)—The PhiladelpTiia by the Chinese government to the March 20, 1865, and had lived prawr- Athletics were leading the St. Louis Cardinals, 4, to 2, at the British minister. Death Liat Now Totals Six; tically his who,le life in Manchester. end of the seventh inning in the first game of the World Series Second Nation to 0. K. Vienna,^ct. 1.—(AP.)—Sorrow-<^socn go to Germany where she could He was the son of Ira F. and Mary being played here today before President Hoover and a shiver­ Bertram Lenox Simpson is a pic­ ful but determined not to grovel at take up nermanent residence near E. Risley Balch and when Charles turesque figure who has American the feet of the handsome King other m ^bers of the former Greek Disease Spreading, De­ Ira was only a year old his parents ing crowd ()f 33,000 persons. Twice the Mackmen came from connections by both descent and Treaty—Emperor to S ip Carol, Queen Helen of Rumania, royal family, themselves denied ' a moved from Norwalk to the home­ behind to tie the score. First it was A1 Simmons’ home run marriage. His grandmother was was represented here today as in­ home in their native land, now a stead which he has occupied ever that did the trick and then it was a triple by Haas and a perfect Sarah Hollis Putnam, a grand­ tending to leave Rumania forever republic. clares Dr. Osborne. since. As a child he attmded the s^iueeze, play by Boley. Foxx’s triple and MilleVs sacrifice : fly daughter of General Israel Putnam the Document Tomorrow. and to seek a plaje of exile else­ The Rumanian politician said that Huckland school and later the Ol Revolutionary War fame, and in where in Europe. (Jarol recently had remarked in the Eighth District school. Ujader Prin-. scored the A’s other run. 1917 he married Mary Louise Par­ A Rumanian politician arriving in presence of many persons tl^at, the Hartford, Oct. 1.—(AP)— The ciptd Fred Lathrop,.whu was-a. Har­ The Cards scored their two runs on three successive sin­ rott of San Francisco. Tokyo, Oct. 1,—(AP.)—The last Vienna from Bucharest, said that be^.H elen could do would.be outbreak^ 'of - “ '•garalysis vard. graduate, he studied Latin, gles by Mancuso, Gilbert and Grimes, followect,^'^sa(5nfice flies His first notoriety came shortly faint doubts about Japan’s adher­ after many tears Helen: had decidi-! -leave Bumanla of her own accord.:: philosophy, physics and mathema­ by Douthit and Adams. Mickey Cochrane hi#^h homer in the after the siege of Peiping, then The remark was repeated to the- which has. taken a.-toU of five lives ence to the London Naval Treaty ed to comply with Carol’s wishes tics. There was no High school In eighth to make the score 5-2. known as Peking, through publica­ and leave Little Michael, their Queen, whp after a painful struggle in Middletown in the past two Manchester In those days but young tion of a book called “Indiscreet were removed today by the imani- with herself made up her mind that mous vote of the Privy Council ad­ bright-faced son entirely to the care weeks, including that of a Wes­ Balch received the equivalent of two FRESIDET AT GAME Letters from Peking.’’ The book of his father. she must abandon her dream of leyan student, today had spread to years in High school.' was out to Foxx. No runs. No hits. criticized diplomats and other offi­ vising Emperor Hirohito to ratify raising her much loved son and Shibe Park, Philadelphia, Oct. 1— it. Among the Queen’s immediate en­ a second Connecticut college town, His Businesa life No errors. None left. ' ^ cials for their conduct during the tourage it was expected she would leave the country. After graduating from the Eighth (AP)—Robert Mosea Grove, south­ Athletics—Bishop uj)—Strike one. trouble. Wielding a waiting .brush, the Em­ increasing the death list to six. paw ace of the Philadelphia Ath­ In Public Eye ^ peror will attach his signature to District school, he studied for near­ Ball one. Strike one. Foul into-tee William Forsythe, assistant pro­ ly a year at Hannum’s business col­ letics, was selected by Connie Mack stands. Ball two. Strike three, call­ From that time on he. frequently the compact probably tomorrow. He fessor of dairy husbandry at the to pitch for the world’s champion' ed. It was a spitter. Dykes up— was in the Orient and last Jime will^ trace “Hirohito” in Japanese lege, one of the , leading schools of Athletics today against the St. Louis Connecticut Agricultural College, business in Hartford at that time. Strike one. Dykes rolled to Bottoin- again came Into the public eye after idedgraphs on a copy of the treaty Storrs, died yesterday from the dis­ (Jardinals in the opening game of General Yen Hsi-Shan seized Tient­ After completing his business ley and was out imassisted. Ck)Cb- and Count Makimo, lord keeper of REPUBUCANS WILL WIN ease at a .Hartford hospi^» He had. the World’s Series. rane up--^Ball one. Strike one. Strike sin and placed the British author in the Privy Council, will affix the gold course he was employed as a-hddk- His opponent' was Burleigh been lU since Friday. One other in­ keeper by H. W. (JonWin, a lead­ two. lb-was a curve ball. Ball twn.i. charge of the customs. symbol of the Emperor, completing fantile paralysis patient:.' is ,, nnder- Grimes, spitball veteran of the'Card- Much difficulty ensued. Col. Hay- ing men’s furnishing store, near the inals. ^ Cochrane hiad to duck. Ball three. the ratification. %^ng tr^tment in Harford while Cochrane walked. Sinunons up-^ ley Bell ordered his staff not to Sent to London ON four remain in a' I^ddletoWn hos­ comer of Mtdat and: Asylum stre ^ . Crowd of 38,(XK) sign the Custom House books and to He remained with Mr. Conklin for Strike one. Ball one. Mancuso al­ The document probably will be pital. - A crowd of close to 33,000, the most caught Cochrane napping at await instructions from him. Lenox dispatched in the diplomatic mails Students Leave two and a half years and returned Simpson thereupon warned the em­ park's capacity. Including President first.' Grimes tried to catch Coch­ ployees that all who remained away to the Japanese Embassy in Lon­ State Candidate for Governor An exodus of. students from Wes­ Hoover and. a distinguished party of rane but failed. Strike two. Sim­ from work would be dismissed. For don, where Ambassador Matsudaira PRICES ON MARKET leyan was underway todAy after high govSmndmt officials, gathered mons swimg hard. Grimes drove a time there was no Customs super­ will formally deposit it. President James L. McUonaughy to see the'Major League champions Cochrane back to first. Foul. Coch­ vision whatever, with the result that By this action Japan becomes th Predicts Victory for Party had announced that any student open the classic battle for suprem­ rane went out trying to steal.sec­ foreign consuls had to issue their second nation after the United IN SHARP UPTURN vndth the consent of his parents acy with their two acknowledged ond Mancuso to Frisch. No nms. No own clearances to ships of their na­ States to ratify the treaty. The might leave , the, school for two hurling, aces in action. ^hits. No errors. None left. tionals. British government has approved it Because of Past Perform­ weeks. Sixty students, about one- M i^’S selection of the great Trouble Again but the action of India and the Irish tenth of the total had left today Grove, leading pitcher of baseball Second. Inning Eventually Lenox Simpson had the Free State must ratify the pact be­ with the expectation that more for 1930, end^ days of speculation ances; Rogers Address.
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