Ship Files in the Centre for Newfoundland Studies (* indicates that the item named is not a ship) A | B | C | D-E | F-G | H-I | J-K | L | M | N | O-Q | R-S | T-U | V-W | X-Y-Z | A Alpha and Omega A.C. Crosbie Alsatian A.T. Cameron Amanka Explorer Abagail Anissa Amazon Abigail Grace Ambrose Shea Ada Maude Best America World City Adamant Amphion Adelaide Folquet Andrea Rose Adventure Angelus Agnes Anglo-Saxon Ahelaid Anna Agatha Ahern Trader (S.S.) Anna V. Fagan Aiden Isabella Annaville Albatross Anne Harvey Alex Gordon Anne Risley Alfred Needler (CCGS) Anne S. Pierce (M.V.) Algerine Annie Healy Alice A. Marie Antelope Alice Lyne Anticosti Alice M. Jacobs Anton Van Driel (S.S.) Allison Harvey (M.V.) Apollo Arabella Atlantic Destiny Arctic Explorer Atlantic Endeavour Arctic Princess Atlantic Freighter Arctic Prowler Atlantic Future Arctic Sealer Atlantic Jet Arctic Sunrise Atlantic Kestrel Arctic Tern Atlantic Lady Arethusa Atlantic Marie Argyle Atlantic Miss II Arizona Atlantic Optimist Arlene Adonna Atlantic Predator Arran Atlantic Prize Artela Atlantic Prowler Ashbourne (S.S.) Atlantic Puffin Ashley Colleen Atlantic Pursuit Ashley's Pride Atlantic Reaper ASL Sanderling Atlantic Storm Astron Atlantic Vigour Atalanta Atlantic Vision Athenian Venture Atlanticat Atlantic Champion see also Gadus Atlantica Atlantis Atlantic Charger Augusta Atlantic Commander Aureola Aurigae (Tamil refugee ship) Aurora (S.S.) Autauga Avalon Princess Avenger B (top) Bel Espoir Baby Leeyn (M.V.) see also Jana Bella Desgagnes Baccalieu Bella Scott Baccalieu Endeavour Bellaventure Baccalieu Run Belle Carnell Badger Bay Belle Isle Banker Baffin Sound Belzebub II Balder Challenger Beothic Bamafash Beothuk (chalupa) Bamareng Bertha E. Way Bar Haven Berwick (H.M.S.) Baracudina Besborough Barbara and Ronnie Bessie Louise Barbara Lynn Bessie Marie Bartlett (CCGS) Betty Lyn II Bassilour Beverley Bayrupert Bibb Bear Bickley Beatrice and Grace Bill Crosbie Beau Bois Black Punt Beaumont Hamel (M.V) Blain M. Beaverburn Blake Beinir Blanche Blossom Brookline Blue Charm I Bruarfoss (M.V.) Blue Cloud Bruce Blue Comet Bullbird Blue Dolphin Burfish Blue Haze Burgeo Blue Jacket Burin Bay Blue Mist II Burin Sea Blue Peter Burin Star Blue Puttees (M.V.) Blue Wave Blueback Bluenose Bonaventure Bonavista Bonavista (M.V.) Bowdoin Bradley Venture Brandal Breaker Brendan Briggen Hialmar Briton (H.M.S.) see also Calypso (H.M.S.) C (top) Cape Norman C.B. Whidden Cape Richards CMBC Missions to Seamen see Missions to Cape Roger Seamen Cape Sambro Cabot Sea Captain Earl W. Winsor Cabot Strait Capitaine Torres Caines Pride Cardenia Calitro Caribou (1925) Callidora Caribou (1985) - Marine Atlantic ship Calypso (H.M.S.) see also Briton (H.M.S.) Caribou Reefer Camilla Carl R. Tibbo Canada C3 Carranza Canso Mariner Catalina Cap Blanc Catalina Venture Cape Agulhas Cathelia Cape Brule Catherine B. Cape Dawn Catherine Mary Hann Cape Dorset Cathy B Cape Farewell Celtic Crossing Cape Fintos Celtic Explorer (RV) Cape Fox Centennial Cape Freels (M.V.) Challenge One (M.V.) Cape Harrison Challenger Cape Mariner Challenger '89 Clare Challenger Traveller Clare Simard Chance Clarenville (M.V.) Chanticleer Classic Bel-Air Charcot (S.S.) Cleopatra Charlene Hunt (tugboat) Cleveland Armoury see Biography File: Watson, Paul Chebucto Clio Check-Mate III Clorinde, LA Chesley A. Crosbie Clyde (S.S.) Chesley R. Clyde Valley Chesterfield Codroy (M.V.) Chisolm Codseeker Christen Smith Columbia Christie and Eleanor Columbus-Caravelle Christmas Seal Come-by-Chance Christoph V. Doornum Commeraskie Cicero Commerce Cindy & Diane Commodore Cindy's Dream Connie James Circassian Cordelia City of Philadelphia Corisande Clan MacNaughton Corner Brook (HMCS) Clara Corner Brook (S.S.) Cornwall II Coronet Corsair Covenant II Creoula Crystal Sea Crystal Stream Crystal Waters (M.V.) CSO Deep Pioneer Curlew Cygnus (CCGS) Czar D-E Diogenes D (top) Dipper D.J. Thornhill Dispatch see Despatch D.P. Ingraham Dolores T. Janda Dahinda Dolphin Daisey Minnie Dominion Sea Daishin Maru Donna K Daisy (S.S.) Dorothy Baird Dalfoss (M.V.) Dorothy Marie Danny Goodwin (M.V.) Dorothy Melita Danzic Double Identity Dapo Alecos see Maria S. Drake (H.M.S.) Dauntless Draken Harald Harfagre Deane Duchess of Cornwall Dee Jay Dundee (S.S.) Deer Lake Dunure Democracy Desdemona Desola (S.S.) Despatch Devil S.S. Diana Digby E (top) Eldon John Russell E. Morine Elite Voyager (M.V.) E.S. Hocken Elizabeth Fletcher Eagle (S.S.) Elizabeth Marie Earl of Devon Elizabeth Wareham Earl W. Rose Ella M. Rudolph Earl Winsor (M.V.) Elm (M.V.) Earlshall Elsie L. Corkum Eastern Explorer Emily Belliveau Eastern Point Emily H. Patten Eastern Power Emm Cat Eastward HO Empire Commerce see Christoph V. Doornum Edgar Dawe Empire Energy (S.S.) Edinburgh Empire Light Edith M. Cavell Empire Ocean Edmund B. Alexander Ena A. Moulton Edna and Deborah Endurance Edouard et Suzanne Eneman Edulis (barge) Enid E. Legge Edward Erema H. Effie M. Morrisey see Ernestina Eric and Jack Eileen Lake Erik Elcho Ernestina Estai Ethie Euphrates Europa Eva Evelyn Evelyn B. Evelyn V. Miller Evohe Exotic Explorer (M.V.) Express Eyelander F-G Flirt F (top) Florence (S.S.) F.J. Hodder Florence Swyers F.P.U. Florencia (S.S.) Falcon (1851) Florizel Falcon (1894) Fogota (S.S.) Fame Foley Brothers Fame V Fond Return Fanny Forest Hills Fanny W. Freeman Forfarshire Fedor Dostoevskiy Fort Garry Ferryland (M.V.) Fort Ross Fife Fort Walsh (MP33) Finnica Forte Fins 'n Skins Fortune Star Fiona Foundation Franklin Fisherman Frances E. Moulton The Fivla Francis L. Spindler Flamingo Francis P. Duke Flanders Freda M. Flare Frederick G. Creed Flash Freedom Fleetway Fundy Mistress Funk Island Banker G (top) Glad Tidings G. Peddle S.C. (CCGS) Gladys Gadus Atlantica see also Atlantic Champion Glen Clova Gaia Glencoe I Gale Glencoe II Galiano Glenmont Gallipoli (M.V.) Golden Dawn Gander Deal Goodwill Gannet Goose Bay Garia Bay Gordon Moulton Garland Gordon T. Tibbo Gaspé Gorton Gasper Grace Boehner Gazela Primero Grace Sparkes (M.V.) General Byng Grampian Geneva Herridge Grampus George A. Wood Grand Knight George Kendell Grand Lake (S.S.) George Kentner Grand Monarch George R. Pearkes (CCGS) Grand Prince George Washington Grasshopper Geraldine Mary Gratitude Gil Eannes Great Eastern Grebe Green Bay Transport (M.V.) Greenland Grenfell (CCGS) Grete Groswater Bay Gulf Spirit Gulnare Gypsy Mariner H-I Helen Vair H (top) Hemmer Jane H.A. Walker Henry Larsen Hamilton Baker Henry W. Stone Hamilton Sound Herbert Green Hannie and Bennie Herbert L. Rawding Harilaid (M.V.) Hermitage Harlaw Hermitage II Harmon Hero Harmon II Hiawatha II Harmony Hibernia Harold Highland Laird see Blue Peter Harp Highlanders (M.V.) Harpooner Hiiumaa (M.V.) Havelstern Hilda R Hawk Hillcrest Hawke Bay Home (S.S.) Hazel McIsaac (M.V.) Hood (CCGS) Heather Hood (H.M.S.) Heather Knutsen Hope Hebe Hopedale Helen Forsey Horizon Electra Helen Isabel Horizon Star Howard and Donald Hudson (CCGS) Hull 37 Hull 100 Hungarian (SS) Huntsman Huron I (top) S.S. Icarion Ice Hunter Iceland (S.S.) Ida Campbell Ile de St. Pierre Ilex I'm Alone Imogene Imperial Quebec Inch Arran Indeavour Infante de Sagres III Ingraham see D.P. Ingraham Inspiration Invermore Investigator II Iris Island Joiner (M.V.) Islendingur IT Intrepid Ituna Izzaro J-K Joanna B J (top) John J & B John Cabot J.E. Bernier John Cabot (1901) J.H. Blackmore John Crosbie see Sir John Crosbie J.W. Wiscombe John Franklin see Sir John Franklin Jacob Brinton see Missions to Seamen John Green Jacob Louisa John Guy James Spurrell John Harvey James Strong John Knox (S.S.) Jana see also Baby Leeyn (M.V.) John McAdam Jane and Shirley John I (M.V.) Janeway II John Shaw see VF: Oilwell Drilling Rigs Jara Johnny & Sisters Javelin (H.M.S.) Joides Resolution Jean and Mary Jolly Sailor Jean Charcot Joseph & Clara Smallwood Jeannie Johnston Joseph R. Smallwood (oil tanker) Jennie Foote Joseph Squires Jennie W. Joyce's Dream Jennifer Ryan Joyce’s Journey Jervis Bay Julia IV Jessie Julia B. Joan Hickman Juno K (top) Kyle KMKA Voyager * Kailey Venture Kaliutik Kamutik W Karluk Kate Katherine Kathy Ann Katrina Charlene Katsheshuk Katsheshuk II Kentucky Kipawo Kiruna Kite Kloster Knorr Kometik Kristianiafjord Kristina Logos Kronen Kure Harbour L (top) Langleecraq L.A. Dunton Lannie and Sisters II LJ Kennedy Larpool L.M. Tuck Latona Labrador Laura J. Labrador (HMCS) Laurentian Labrador (Royal Mail ship) Laurentic (H.M.S.) Labrador One Lauzier Labrador Storm Lavina Bride Laddie Le Berge (or La Berge) Lady Anderson (M.V.) Le Cabestan Lady Anna Le Eithne Lady Elaine II Le Fulmar Lady Elibank Leah Caroline Lady Johnson Leander Gould Lady Glover Legend AS Lady Hawkins Legionnaire (M.V.) Lady of the Lake Leicester Lady M Leif Ericson Lady Madge Leonard J. Cowley Lady Rosella Regina B Leopard Lady Sherbrook Leslie and Sons Langlade see Northern Cruiser Lilian Lillian M. Richard Lindblad Explorer Line Fisher Lintrose Lion Lively Lady Livingston Lizzie M. Kendall Lobelia Lone Flier Lord Strathcona see also Community File: Bell Island Lornina Louis St. Laurent Luciana Lucerne Luckimee Lucy House Lynette Marie Lyubov Orlova M (top) Margaret B. Tanner M.&.L. Lodge Margaret Lake Mabel Dorothy Margaret M. Riggs McClure Margarita Weston Mabel A. Frye Marguerite Madonna Marie Galanta Maersk Detector Maria S. (Dapo Alecos) Maersk Mobiliser Maria Margarita Maersk Nascopie Marika 7 Maersk Norseman Marilla Maggie Marina Reefer Maggie Bell Marine Atlantica Magne Viking Marine Clipper II Maiden Creek Marine Coaster Majestic Marine Coaster III Makkovik Banker Marine Courier Maneco (M.V.) Marine Eagle Manolis L Marine Nautica Manta Ray Marine Packer Maranee Marine Transport Maraval Marine Voyager M.V. Mares Marinus Margaree Marion Rogers Mariposa Matthew (original) Marite, Le Max Mols Mark H. Grey Maxwell Marshall Frank Maxwell R. Marsland Mayflower II Martin's Pride No.1 McClure Marvale Medway Mary Meigle (S.S.) Mary Cory Melina and Keith II Mary H.
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