Peace Corps Madi Instructions a 4 4 , Preface' A few and simple language instructions in'Mndi for Peace Corps Volunteers who will work in the area where Madi is spoken; to enable them to meet -and communicate ' Ugandans in and around the ,7.ress to*whictitheylare posted: It ha's been the responsibility of rr. Frederick K..Kamegn: of Makertre'University, Kampala asisted by MessrsSeverione Uudigc. and Delfino Cau Mulngo, the Madi speakers. Typing his been done by Mr. Joseph Muwnngn. This work has been undertaken nt tt)e request of Mkissrs James' Senkubuge and Stephen Neiman; Director and Technical Cooidinator for Peace Corps Training programrliu 1971; in which this text has been used for the first time. Jt.hns been work &One two weeks before the lnngunge programme. -t. I DIRECTOR . UNITED STATE-, PEACE CORPS, UGANDA. 4h 3 1" I SO r. HINTS TO THE STUDENT . r i. Wat-eh very .carefully the.way -.. the madj 1. .. speakers opun thpir mouths, play mitt their.toungups, thro it . ' . 114 . .. out the words', shake parts-of their bodies; as iw'sothe ..' - f . I v , o . .i tripes shaking apart of the body car Mean something. 1 , ., . -. ii. Try rto r,epeat all ti-r':t you hear frob the. Medi speakers, 64z that you get used 7,o the intonation' -of the.language although, sometimes, you may be still Unable to understand the meanings of the. u;ords,you heL,r. A, 1/4 : - . ,, 0. iii. .Try to learn vocabulary ,'- .,\ which is.very-important 1S" --. -. r in learning languages; .. as by ityou will' be able to'axpress - \ ,.. ., . yourself regqrdless of grammar.: . % , . 0, . iv. Tryo use all, that yod;loirn by : . : talking to .: . 1 t . / ..... Medi speakers: . , , .... * I \ i .. .'.. , . .% v. Try to keep Your Aloe level, when speaking, .1 .' until you can speck with thenative intonation;:: , ' e . , * vi. Tty to notice how much,smilingthere'i's / in the language, howmuch stammering, hour Cmuch humoring, etc. A A : A '4 4 4 11 St 4 M4DI INSTRUCTIONS' , .TALLE CC,NiUTTS ( Pb GE Introductory Phrases LESSON ii-lhat is your name 1 LESSON 2 3 . 4 This person's name is LESSON 3 No my name is not ( 5 L'..3SSCN 8 .4 Dialo,,,ue for breakfast 4 10. ..,LESS:..1,1 .5 Aro you an American -3 I- ..ESSON 6 Play's , for forming- Le, ITLcobulary . L... r- 12 . LESSON 7 Cl5n-tersation I r' 14 . LESSON 3 A am frdm iiperica - 17. 11' L.ESS0g, ) Dili lding 13.1., ,cif* Vocabulary re 19. - LESSON 10 I come from North.rn l'..art of ivaorica .- el 22 LESSON,11 Common health iroblem/C,,nversition ....r6.' 24.: , LESSON' 12 I am not from Indio 2, 27. , ,s -- " LESSON.13 I 'live hc.re now 2a. LESSON 14 Useful phrases inw(Anthar 29 Tky -Doctor ^nd Iaticnt -- 31 34' LESS6I' 16 t . 36 to LESSON 17 This is my rencil 4 , - LE,SSON Corivarsakti-n 2 'Wee .. 7. LES..,01T 19 7. o . LESSON 2' t the grocery siore/fonversaitions .40 4 42 LESSON 1 141.0 :et ul) .. LESSO 2 1 cot up at' .6.00 44 . Trying- to buy prances o...71 tomatoes 24 Thjs book is mint 48 ON 25 Taking' a trip by ear/con-Vo'rcatiohs ! 50 *. - # c I. J MADI INSTRUCTINS s. - LESSON 26 51 Time (conti) .,... LESSON 27 "feace Corys persOnnel ,s-et u: . 53 .. at 6.00 a.m. ,. Np-ON 28 hat timedid-you'e---,,u1,. today '4F-, LESSON p No I did net dot qp t1,1, ( ,.. o... -') 55 > but I of up.nt(..'..,.) . %. 1. LESSOY 30 Sampan of free convcreati7m . - LESSON;31 'Today : at lunch we will cot mcnt 9 ..,mSti 32. I came heie by plapc 6G . .. A list of. verbs in Madi follows t V .1 , . ,/. "' r - f AL 4 1 UNITED STIITES PEACE CORPS/UGANDA . IN .COUNTRY TRAINING PRPdRAM .1971 MA DI LA NGUA G.13 INING INTRODUdTORY .PHRASI'S Similar ; Plural (A) bwiraa?` Pwi anyi raa? Good mcernirig; (B) Oo di owinyiea raa? . k di owinyi4a.raa? 7 (1.) Ebe nyfraa? Ebeany raa? Good afternoon. 1 (B) Oo ebe .mara ' OO eZe amara (A) Nyi gni a? Anyi cui a ---..., Are you well? Nyi lot) a? Anyd loso a ti (B) 0o, ma lOso, Oo ama loso We are well. 4 . (A). Ingoni? a Irigoni? .flow are you? (B) .Ingoni ku Ingoni tcu am quite well thank you (it). Lejo adu? Lejo adut, , What is the nevin (B) Lejo *iyo Lejo iyo ilo news The f011owing terms will be usedrin your MADIciassei' ' instead of their English equdvalents: Pleasebecome familiar with- them during the next feww days. Plural Terms / Nyijo madi ti_si Anyijo madi Say it in MADI. 04o munduti 0 cfmundu ti ku Dan' t 'speak English Mekwi ria-a-? e kwi waa? Can I' come aXekWi wa Oo arvekwi wa Come in (ye). / , s- t 0 (ii) . 1 s I ' , LANd6hAOE TRAINING.' INTROJNCTORY IIHRA.E 1 Singular Zlural Terms N,yiri Any ri Be seated. Nyer. ri 'Listen. Nyijo di 't di Say it again. Nyatewaei Anyate wasi Please. Nyinga oru , 4 Anyinga oru Stand up. Nyawi Bugimi Anyawi buguni Open the book. Nyawi joti ni "Anyawi joti ni Opcin the doo. Nyabu,jotini Anyabu joti ni close thq door: .Nyolu ciri Anyolu ciri Be quiet. Nyi ekwia -ni eria? Anyi eria? Do you understana.., eniku lyo,ameri:Atiani ku No, I do not UndLrstand. Anyaci andraga Continue.. .Anyido Anyalou bUgunk close the book. k . Di Pkwodru All., Any pkwodru *All of yoi. elii(da)(loso) O.K. Nyii adite Only you.. Nyeco.,.. Translate into Ce ' It is correct., .Ifbi (ceku) It is nwly correct. '.% - MADI NGUA-GE Int\JNING. I IIIPRODUC ToRY PH'1' D- s e banjo Iv/ oulswosi" niank you-very much \ /14ja dalcu Very, very much . Where is (the',book47) niAngo, ;.: ' % Singular Plural Tria hyolu Dria ka*olu Goodbye... I. Iye dria nYii; lye dria agy5vu ,Goodbye.'. LuDogyi Lapogyi Teacher. Bafftglgari i BafOgyigara Student. Penzia/kalannr Penzil/kalamu sPehcil, pen. Coki Coki .Chalk., Lazi, -1 Lazi Question. Ti (lejo ekwi5 Ti(lejo ekwi) "Statement. mani Any-ijo mani Tell me. I 1., Ani aeti 4 ekwini I do not know. the meaning, of the word . 4 ) ekwini ado? What is the meaning' of the words% ** - 444444444 joa insoni? kow do you say I I N . E a 4 t 4 AlepievTO THE STUDENT k t , se. e, . Ar" please learn off by eart the following pasbpge 1 for prQctising ybur pri)nounciatign:7'- Pisi cops- lo4o.rii'ba ovuka Uganda a din obu iderb vu itujd rii. .Ai .ba 'rii vut oleki bazi sa Tdro. tAi be_ ant ba rueko,c4.1Si I - foforii vua' ebu ikeka kc vico tro ,Kaki Jejo -. dri, saa )oria vuma ba dia' rii sa 'atini katujo aini cu. vua bleki oleki lonya On dra riii dri, sa ndro. , cfs a ( a. , ego 10 . o . WI INSTRUCTIONS Or' ti CYriv a* ' I\ Antirati , . k ' o D tilikofo Driniti x I 4- Bi I- I Mj- < c41:44:,/ Epkwi .\ Oulogo dri Kopgo(odu lb. .. 6 - /-- Aga 7 ',.. , :14' ( . i . i nvoroliti:p ..,. ' .., , . ,..._ . / . Otu ! .i .. -.1 t i t Opi ' i i . ., f- l ..----'. ...,,,, r ; a 4 t #4 $ /* A a A jn ; 711p. ( . , 5,4 . ,1 ' 1 : .. 11. 4 .. e al . < c 11"DI.-litTRUCTIONS 4 / 114 V , ' .t''' . f ,. %. t . ° . LUSS.ON I .. IL' 74 . :107-` i . * t .. 7'.* r:- V ...., . , i .." S'.. , .. .,.. , r , . TO- THE,RISTRIOT-OR , ... .. - . ...,, . -4' , , - ,..1k' . ..: .I. ' . , .' , . : l l , .4 % .46 a ilt,t y,pur studentEf justircreat ',..tarfy-lcu' thu fcilloirj.ng s"tence -", ":-.....: `,.." 416: 'ft n't !1"71.....7t17.1em wh7,7.t the -.Words rricran't but let- each ofty °Cap 1 ;, LI , _. ., stuclen't pronounce correctly. .I' i. ...\ II) 4 4 4 1 . Nya What is your* mills? nya fu what -is 'your name? 4. / a T9-THE INST.PkUCTOlis a . ro ' 0 f 4 . , . 1( Let 'your studpnts go through the followingvocabulary as yoftdeinstrate. - .. ,. Is 461, . '%)._t- , . tie riu mime ... adii whQ v. -.. ,. 1 41 4 'ny'arl..1.'i your name , ,. 1 V, i TO THE 'INSTRUCTOR .' - . _f , .. When eac\ h4 of your -students is -olyle to "pronounce ,- . , . well - then you :-:nst.ger it by ikoi. n., Four own name. Thur., : I t . .. ___,/ 4 .0. Is ma tri( ) i my n zme 'is ( nr.i 5) ;J. my namL. i ( ) 3 ' 4 \ \ AC. , r . - 5/ -..... p Y $ , .. 41/ .1 2 $ r r N . qt . .- 4 TO diL INSAUCTO 4, ASk each of the students Itry:a'rU ani adiA.? What is y,ur apd,see that they allwanswer cor-edtly'as each of th,qm say = 'Ma'ru ni ( i my pamp is ( :L. ).. , II ii. Have all_students2 one .by one, ast yol./ your name'. iii.Correct their pronounciation as they're -cite the,questiOns about tames and answer. 1 10 ve-your. students recite the. words you use for figures from 1 - 10, then go nn to ilhelnwing dialvgue. 0 ,..{ )IA .100d E (A) ..-, Owiraa? Gond-selrnli. - . (B) =*-!-----Oo di nyisa-raa? Goo... nornlig. I. !-.. I (A) . NY1 go,rif*.. linvi are you? to (B) manjora Quite Nell I thank y$1.k. .0101 ,(A) Le 5c ado? T,' what-ia M Q- (B) lejo yd. *0;' hothi4g,-, (A) Nya #u ni adii. - t, hat 3.b' your name? (B) Ma ru ni ( ) My -name. is . TO ISE IV..iiUC2OR .1. B eforp you go nn to leAson. II; make sure tbat yOur stuyts can . 0.4 freely Ose that-dialogue. '0 y ; t , . .0.
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