first Ktk The News! For Value - Shop TheAdvs All The Activities The Largest And Best Shops And TheT«w With Tout Services In The Area Are Our iome-Town P«pw, Advertisers' Patronize Them! (EarterCARTERET, N. J., FRIDAYd, MARCH 18, 1955 PRICE EIOHT CENTS )istrict Catholic Veterans Honor NewspapermanDraft Code Mayor and Council J jCaders On Housing nopposed Standards Fire Geza Horvath L|h 1'arlios Kile County Itorough Attornry (Jets i Members Housing; Authority's Proposed Program From Recreation Bd. , 1PTPH|. r Borough Clerk C A RT ERE T—Frank Haury, AI( Claims Threats Used to L ', ,,in.|,ka today made chairman of the Garteret Houslns i i ,ii county committee Authority revealed yesterday that Question Legality of Job Get Him out of GOP Vni' li.ii !> parties who will the Authority has submitted to V ,i iho primary, April Soroush Attorney Nathaniey A. Council Primary contests. Jncoby a proposed code, dealing On Board Paying $1,900 Tlv: no with housing rehabilitation. CARTERET — Geza Horvath, sioner of the State Legal Divi- Ions active in the Republican i Michael Breza, 83 Thr code, on which the Author- CARTERET — County School sion, who held a similar view- party here, has been fired from his ,,,ul Mrs. A. C. Hun- ity has been working for months Superintendent Robert R. ;l provides certain minimum housing Blunt revealed today thnt he point. He referred to the State post as n member of the four-man |WN Strect; second, stnndnrds, statues of occupancy, is questioning the legality of the Statute 18-5-1-22. recreation board. man'' Atlantic Street, iu *'• sanitary conditions and safety fac- job of assistant secretary of the The way Commissioner Blunt His dismissal, he said last night ,!;,,• Bonnell, 69 Wash- tors. < Board of Education. sees It, an assistant secretnry was due to the fact that he entered i Mr- ,,,,,, third, Joseph Ko- |tor. A' This code Is in line with the The Job, which pays $1,900 per can assume duties only in the the Republican primary for the , un,' Avenue, and Mrs. absence or inability of the secre- 1,1 f overall program contained in the annum Is now held by Mrs. Ann councllmnnlc race. ik 21 Chrome Avenue; tary to function and for this Mr. Horvath said that he re- Federal Housing Act of 1954, which McLeod, Republican member of ' .,,1 Rusnak, 41 Kdwln provides for Federal aid by muni- service could receive pay. ceived a letter from Borough Clerk the board. • M;uv Bama, SI Edwin cipalities who have a "workable Payment of funds to an as- OeoiRe J. Brechka advising him :-t; Michael Hlla, 29 program." This code and a zoning In the opinion of Commis- sistant secretary under other that the Mayor and Council have ( street, and Mrs, An- ACCORDED HONOR: A scene at the brief ceremony last night during which Julian Pollak, news- ordinance would provide the two sioner Blunt, the current pro- circumstances, he holds Is not terminated his sen Ices as member :ci Laurel street; sixth, paperman, was presented with the Cross of Peace award for 1955 by St. Slias' Post, 797, Catholic fundamental parts In which the cedure in naming an assistant Is rightful. of the recreation board effective ,i 108 Lowell Street, Veterans. Shown from left to right are: Alex Fazckai, John Mcdwick, Mr. Pollak, Mrs, Faiekas and borough could apply for the aid. not legal. A letter explaining his view- March 11, \tvM Banick. 12» Lowell Michael Maskaly. (Photo by loth). Meanwhile the Zoning Commis- He said he discussed the mat* point has been sent to school "I'm In the r%ce and no one can sion Is continuing to work quietly ter with an assistant commis- authorities here, he said. change my mind," Mr. Horvath on the preparation of a zoning or- declared. "They tried to use my ; .jhirift, 8tanley Mar i: Rtndolph Street, and dinance. It has been on this task dismissal from the recreation post for four months. Members of the as a weapon to threaten me." .,. nbanskl, 118 8,harot Students Visit Pollak Cited Fellowship Will commission have made a number Easter Egg Hunt Legion Planning ;.::::i. William Baldwin Brimming with fury, Mr. Hor- of trips about the borough and vath declared: "As long as I am Awmie, and Mrs. Betty I.S.M.R. Plant For His Help Sponsor Conclave surveyed every section. There were an American, no one Is going to ,-,4 Christopher Street; Indications that such an ordi- Planned by PAL To Build Quarters threaten me how to think or how , ; H orohman. $6 U*>- ; CARTERET—The Westminster nance may be ready for study by to vote. „• ;,nfi Mrs, Marie Har- CARTERET — On Tuesday To Veterans CARTERET—Commander Steve morning, March 15, forty-four stu- Fellowship of the Carteret, Pres- the Borough at the end of May or CARTERET—The first monthly He said that up to the last min- ,:v street; tenth. Paul meeting of the re-organized Police Stek of Carteret Post No. 263 The dents from Cftrteret High School byterian Church, along with other June. American Legion, announced to- ute on March 11, Republican lead- : Mrs. Jessie Bagala, IS CARTERET — St. Ellas' Post, Members of the zorilng com- Athletic League was held Monday ers "used alMfind of threats" to toured the U. S. Metals Refining fellowships from Woodbrldge, day the naming of a new building „,:, eleventh, George I. 797, Catholic War Veterans, last mission Include Mr. Haury, George evening in the court room of the get him to withdraw from the race. Company. The boys e^jkd girls are Avenel, and Rahway Is sponsoring committee for the post. He stated in (teorge Street, and night presented Julian Pollak, Durett, Matthew Ayres, Dr. Mur- Borough Hall. John Abatemarco Mr. Horvath, vice president ol members of the Economic Geog- a weekend conference for high that the local post has intentions :;!•.,• vandcrmark. 16 New with the 1955 ray Gottlieb and Erwln Wantoch. president presided.' A large repre- the Carteret Republican Club and raphy Classes conducted by Prank j newspaperman school students. The conference of constructing a building on its •..•:;:ii\ twelfth, Joseph Cross of Peace award, marking 'The preparation of a zoning sentation was present from alll 1 chairman of the executive board O'Brien. The group was divided " ' " will be held the weekend of March property in West Carteret during the opening of the annual Cross ordinance is a slow process" Mr. sections of Carteret. Qf the club, indicated that he may •r, Hickory Street, and Into four sections of eleven stu- 25 and 26. 1956, Carteret Golden Jubilee. of Peace Crusade of the Catholic Haury said. "It takes plenty of A membership drive Is now on attend tonight's Republican meet- >: ,,-iiy Hepworth, 109 dents each and escorted by the A group of young men Irom While he did not disclose the size ing to determine what prompted S! :•('(•[. following plant technical person- War Veterans of the United States study and consideration." with three classes of membership, of the post home, it Is generally Princeton Theloglcal Seminary the firing. Democrats nel: S. Srulowttz, D. Nagy, R. Ztro, of America. regular, decal, and businessmen's conceded that the post is seeking will lead the conference. Donn classification. Plans were made Mr. Horvath is errtptoyed by :vt peorge Walko, 74 P. Whiting, V. Sanz. M, Dumtinski, The presentation was made by| ; AU-Amerlcan football sufficient funds for a 50 by 100 Moomaw for an Easter egg hunt to be held Merck & Co., In Rahway for the ••;. md Mrs. Elizabeth H. Sobleskl and C, Gerlng. building on Its ten lots. Commander John J. Medwlck in star from the University of Cali- at the Soldiers and Sailors Me- John Street: second, CWV to Ask Help past 20 years. He Is married and Immediately upon arrival in the the presence of Alex R. Fazek&s, fornia at Los Angeles and member morial Park, Saturday, April 9 Serving on the committee are has three children, Jane, Bobby Hum. l Washington plant, the students were officially state first vice commander; for- of Billy Graham's team in Cru- with Sgt. Edward Czajkowskl and Francis T, Tomczuk, chairman and Gale. He is secretary of the : Mrs Margaret Burke, welcomed by Joseph L Carney, mer Borough Clerk Michael Mas- sade In London, will be the key- In Emblem Drive Deputy Chief Makwlnski as chair- Emll Stremlau, William Babies, Carteret High School PTA and H.m-rM'it Avenue; third, Director of Industrial Relations, kaly, county second vice com- note speaker, On Friday evening men. Plans were also completed Walter W. Wadlak, Paul Bagala also active In the Columbus-Cleve- S/vmborskl, 84 Union who explained the general nature mander and program chairman, there will be i a Youth Banquet at CARTERET — Members of the for a special joint meeting with James Yacullo and Jack Price land PTA. • ii : Mis. Mary Lehoskl 50 of the plant operations and pointed and Mrs. Fazekas, president of the the Hungarian. Hefortned Church Catholic War Veterans' posts will the ladles auxiliary to be held AprtJ, Thomas Jakeway will serve as Also running inlthe Bepbullcan out that this was the first time >:. S'l'tM: fourth, Stephen Middlesex County Catholic. Vet- of Woodbrldge at 6:00 P. M. solicit donations to their .welfare 4: ' '"' ' " • " ' "• treasurer for the new building primary for councu Is Michael Pu- iv ii Warren Street, and such a large group of high school erans Auxiliaries. Reservations must 'be made by fund and will distribute the "Cross Future plans were also made to fund. Commander Stek will remain slllo. ' students was permitted to tour.
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