DOCUMENT RESUME ED 427 002 SP 038 302 TITLE EI Handbook. Third Edition. INSTITUTION Education International, Brussels (Belgium). PUB DATE 1998-10-00 NOTE 136p.; For second edition, see ED 394 946. AVAILABLE FROM Education International, 155, boulevard Emile-Jacqmain, 8th floor, 1210 Brussels, Belgium; Tel: +32-2-224-06-11; Fax: +32-2-224-06-06; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site: http://www.ei-ie.org PUB TYPE Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials (090) Reports Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC06 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Democratic Values; Elementary Secondary Education; Equal Education; Foreign Countries; International Programs; *Teacher Empowerment; *Teacher Rights; Teaching (Occupation) IDENTIFIERS *Education International (Belgium) ABSTRACT This booklet presents information on Education International, a group that promotes teacher rights, trade union rights (including teacher unions), fair teaching conditions, and equal education for all people. The booklet includes information on the following: the Education International executive board (name, address, telephone, fax, and e-mail) ;a listing of Education International headquarters staff; Education International regional offices and staff; the constitution of Education International; by-laws of Education International; bv-laws of Africa; by-laws of Asia and the Pacific; by-laws of Europe; by-laws of Latin America; a country list by region; and Education International member organizations. 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TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) official OERI position or policy. 1 El Handbook TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE BOARD 3 El HEADQUARTERS STAFF 7 El REGIONAL OFFICES AND STAFF 8 CONSTITUTION OF EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL 11 BY-LAWS OF EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL 29 BY-LAWS AFRICA 49 BY-LAWS OF ASIA & PACIFIC 57 BY-LAWS EUROPE 63 BY-LAWS LATIN AMERICA 69 COUNTRY LIST BY REGION 78 . El MEMBER ORGANISATIONS 79 Third Edition October 1998 3 Executive Board President General Secretary Ms. Mary HATWOOD FUTRELL Mr. Fred VAN LEEUWEN Dean Education International, El Graduate School of Education & 155, Boulevard Emile-Jacqmain (8) Human Development 1210 Brussels George Washington University Belgium 2134 G. Street N.W. Tel: + 32-2-224.0611 Washington D.C. 20052 Fax: + 32-2-224.0606 United States of America E-mail: [email protected] Tel: + 1-202-994.6161 Fax: + 1-202-994.7207 E-mail: [email protected] VICE-PRESIDENTS Ms. Georgina BAIDEN Ms. Sharan BURROW Ghana National Association of Australian Education Union, AEU Teachers, GNAT 120 Clarendon Street P.O. Box 209 South Melbourne 3205 Accra Australia Ghana Tel: + 61-3-9254.1800 Tel: + 233-21-221.515/226.286 Fax:+ 61-3-9254.1804/1805 Fax: + 223-21-224.917 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Sandra FELDMAN Mr. Charlie LENNON United Federation of Teachers, AFT Association of Secondary Teachers, 555 New Jersey Ave. N.W. Ireland, ASTI Washington D.C. 20001 ASTI House, Winetavern Street United States of America Dublin 8 Tel: + 1-202-879.4440 Ireland Fax: + 1-202-879.4545 Tel: + 353-1-671.9515 E-mail: [email protected] Fax:+ 353-1-671.9039 E-mail: [email protected] October 1998 3 REGIONAL SEATS Mr. Carlos Augusto ABICALIL Ms. Anni HERFORT ANDERSEN Confederaçao Nacional dos The Danish Union of Teachers, Trabalhadores em Educacao, CNTE DLF SDS-Ed. Venancio III, Salas 101/103 Vandkunsten 12 CEP 70.393.900 Brasilia-DF DK-1467 Copenhagen K Brazil Denmark Tel: + 55-61-225.1003 Tel:+ 45-33-696.300 Fax: + 55-61-225.2685 Fax:+ 45-33-123.337 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Robert CHASE Ms. Jan EASTMAN National Education Association, NEA Canadian Teachers' Federation, 1201 Sixteenth Street N.W. CTF/FCE Washington, D.C. 20036 110 Argyle Avenue United States of America Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1B4 Tel: + 1-202-822.7389 Canada Fax: + 1-202-822.7974 Tel: + 1-613-232.1505 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: + 1-613-232.1886 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Yuji KAWAKAMI Ms. Marta MAFFEI Japan Teachers Union, JTU Confederación de Trabajadores de la (NIKKYOSO) Educaci6n de la Repüblica Argentina, Nihon Kyoiku Kaikan CTERA 2-6-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-Ku Rivadavia 3619-3623 Tokyo 101-0003 1204 Capital Federal Japan Buenos Aires Tel: + 81-3-326.521.92 Argentina Fax: + 81-3-323.001.72 Tel: + 54-1-865.0360/0347 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: + 54-1-865.3588 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Assibi NAPOE Mr. Thembelani Thu las NXESI Federation des Syndicats de South African Democratic Teachers' l'Education Nationale, FESEN Union, SADTU B.P. No. 30 694 P.O. Box 6401 Lome Johannesburg 2000 Togo South Africa Tel:+ 228-269.155 Tel: + 27-11-334.4830/5 Fax:+ 228-221.411 Fax: + 27-11-334.4836/8 Ms. Laures PARK Mr. Jean-Paul ROUX New Zealand Educational Institute, Fédération de l'Education Nationale, NZEI FEN P.O. Box 466 48, rue la Bruyére Wellington 6015 75440 Paris Cedex 09 New Zealand France Tel: + 64-4-384.9689 Tel: + 33-1- Fax: + 64-4-385.1772 Fax: + 33-1- E-mail: [email protected] OPEN SEATS Ms. Agneta ANDERLUND Mr. Edgar Enrique CAMPBELL LararfOrbundet, Segelbatsvegan 15 CARR P.O. Box 12229 Sindicato de Trabajadores de la S 102 26 Stockholm Educaci6n Costarricense, SEC Sweden San Pedro de Montes de Oca, Tel:+ 46-8-737.6500 Apartado 6534-1000 Fax:+ 46-8-656.9415 200 mts. este de la Iglesia de E-mail: Lourdes [email protected] San José Costa Rica Tel: + 506-2-283.5360 Fax: + 506-2-225.8305 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Marguerite CUMMINS- Mr. Lee DONG-JIN WILLIAMS Korean Teachers and Educational Barbados Secondary Teachers' Workers Union, KTU (CHUNKYOJO) Union, BSTU 121-115 Dangsandong 6 Str "Sea Rock" Youngdungpo-gu Enterprise Coast Road Seoul 150-046 Christ Church Korea Barbados Tel: + 82-2-675.6181 Tel:+ 1-246-428.7361 Fax: + 82-2-675.6184 Fax:+ 1-246-428.7361 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] October 1998 5 Mr. Nigel de GRUCHY Ms. Eva-Maria STANGE National Association of Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Schoolmasters/Union of Women Wissenschaft, GEW Teachers, NASUWT Reifenberger Strasse 21 5, King Street, Covent Garden D-60489 Frankfurt-am-Main London WC2E 8HN Germany United Kingdom Tel: + 49-69-789.730 Tel:+ 44-171-420.9670 Fax: + 49-69-789.732.01 /.02 Fax:+ 44-171-420.9679 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Alpha Osman TIMBO Sierra Leone Teachers Union, SLTU Rogaland House Kissy Low Cost Step P.O. Box 477 Freetown Sierra Leone Tel: + 232-22-263.253/263.254 Fax: + 232-22-264.439 7 ED Headquarters Staff 155, BOULEVARD EMILE JACOMAIN (8) 1210 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM TEL: + 32-2-224 0611 / FAx: + 32-2-224 0606 Internet: www.ei-ie.org E-mail: [email protected] Deputy General Secretaries Chief Administrative Coordinator Sheena Hanley Elie Jouen George Kux (consultant) Coordinators Professional Assistants Alain Chantry Natasha Cox Monique Fouilloux Claire Degbomont Ulf Fredriksson Patrice Guénard Dominique Mar let Marianne Hanekroot Rosslyn Noonan Emmanuel Nicaise Marta Scarpato Edwin Pijman Patrice Vézina Catherine Tinnin Wouter van der Schaaf Florence Trauscht Anabel Val lines Secretaries Clerical Aid Serge Kikangala Véronique Vanbrabant Paul del Blanco Isabelle Vanden Bemdem Alexandra Vanhoff Consultants to the General Secretary Yves Baunay Krishna Datt Peter Dawson Jack De Mars Nona lliukhina Richard Lang lois Robert Harris October 1998 7 El Regional Offices and Staff AFRICA Education International Chief Regional Coordinator B.P. 14058 Mr. Thomas BEDIAKO Lomé Togo Coordinators Tel:+ 228-222.547 Dr. Nana ABABIO Fax:+ 228-221-411 Mr. Emanuel FATOMA Mr. Samuel NGOUA NGOU ASIA & THE PACIFIC Education International Chief Regional Coordinator 12A Jalan Telawi Empat Mr. Aloysius MATHEWS Bangsar Baru 59100 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Coordinators Tel:+ 60-3-284.2140 Mr. Sagar Nath PYAKURYAL + 60-3-284.2142 Ms. Shashi Bala SINGH Fax:+ 60-3-284.7395 E-mail: [email protected] Consultant to the General Secretary Mr. Krishna DATT Education International, El do COPE P.O. Box 2203 Government Buildings Suva Fiji Tel:+ 67-9-315.664 Fax:+ 67-9-305.945 EUROPE Education International, El 155, Bd. Emile Jacqmain (8) 1210 Brussels Belgium Tel:+ 32-2-224.0611 Fax:+ 32-2-224.0606 E-mail: [email protected] 9 LATIN AMERICA Education International, El De la Casa Italia Chief Coordinator 2da Casa a mano izquierda, 2do piso Mr. Napoleon MORAZAN P.O. Box 7174 Coordinator 1000 San Jose Mr. Combertty RODRIGUEZ Costa Rica GARCIA Tel:+ 506-283.7378 Fax:+ 506-283.7378 E-mail:[email protected] CARIBBEAN Education International, El Coordinator Caribbean Fond Assau Post Office Ms. Virginia ALBERT St. Lucia St. Lucia Tel:+ 1-758-450.5840 Fax:+ 1-758-450.5247 E-mail: albertv@candwic October 1998 9 0 CONSTITUTION OF EDUCATION I JTENIA\TION ARTICLE 1. NAME 13 ARTICLE 2. AIMS 13 ARTICLE 3. GENERAL PRINCIPLES 14 ARTICLE 4. MEMBERSHIP 15 ARTICLE 5. COMMITTEE OF EXPERTS ON MEMBERSHIP 16 ARTICLE 6. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS 17 ARTICLE 7. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP 17 ARTICLE 8. ORGANISATION 18 ARTICLE 9. WORLD CONGRESS 18 ARTICLE 10.
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