EARLY BRANCHES OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS 1830-1850 Lyman D. PW Branches, as an organization of the Church, are first ALBANY, NEW YORK mentioned in the D&C 20:65. Verses 65-67 were added to 8 members. (HC4:6; OP5:107) the D&C by the prophet some time after the original revelation was given I April of 1830. ALEXANDER OR ALEXANDRIA, GENESEE, NEW In 1840 the role of a branch was noL unders~oodas it is YORK today. At tha time a branch contained within its boundaries Jun 1835, 4 members. It belonged to the Black River one or more stakes. This would seem to indicale L-hatche Conference. (HC2:225; IHC6:98) tirst branches of the church should actually be called stakes in the modem sense. (HC4: 143- 144) ALLERTON, OCEAN, NEW JERSEY Approximately 575 branches of the church have been In 1837 there appeared to have been a branch. identitied in the United Sktes and Canada prior to the Utah (Allerron Messenger, Allerton, NJ, 24 Aug J 955) period. Many of hese were abandoned in the 1830s as the church moved to Missouri and Illinois. Others were ALLRED, POTTAWATTAME, IOWA disbanded as the church prepared to move west. In some 2 Jan1 848, list of 13 high priests: Isaac Allred; Moscs cases there was an initial organization, a disorganization Harris; Thomas Richardson; Nathaniel 13. Riggs; William and a reorganization as successive waves of missionary Allridge; John Hanlond; hnyFisher; Edmund Fisher; work and migration hit an area. John Walker; William Faucett; . Allred; Nathaniel Taylor; Statistics are sketchy and inaccurate at best as to the Isaac Phippin. (PHP:3.7) toal membership of branches, and the data changes from lime to time as new information is located. In some cases to ALQUINA, FAmTTE, INDLANA date, only the name of the branch has been identified. AJI 15 Apr 1844, might be in Iowa. (JHC, 15 Apr 1844) presently known branches are listed here with idenhfying information. ALTON, MADISON, ILLINOIS Dissention in tids branch was overcome by intercession ACADAMY, HENRY, TENh'ESSEE lrom church leaders ar St. Louis. The branch was 26 Feb 1836, 8 members in good standing. 29 May reorganized in March of 1849. Saints in the branches were 1836: 10 members. By 27 Apr 1837,200 members of tl~e preparing to emigrate to the Salt Lake Valley in June of church in some forty wagons left Tennessee and Kenlucky 1850. (St Louis Branch Records, 1847- 1850:88,103,180) for Far West. This branch was undoubtedly included in the group because of the residences of some mcmbers that have AMI-IERST, LORALNE, OHIO been identified. (WWJ 159: So. States Ms.: AOS:17) 20 Sep 1831, Elder's license issued to Joel IWls Johnson. (CIP: 15) AKRON, NEW YORK 3 1 Oct I84 1, John Tyson. Elder; Clarissa LeBarron AMBROSIA, LEE, IOWA and Malinda Tyson. (C0R:X; LDSCR 1842:55) Organized 14 Sep 1844 with Lewis Zabriskie as presiding elder. 8 Aug 1841, 109 members reported at the Zarahertda stake conference as being from this branch. AKRON. 01-110 Another record lists 119 members, 2 high priests. 13 7 Oct 1841, Daniel Russell. President-; Leonard E. seventies, 4 elders, I priest, 13 teachers and I deacon. Harrington, Clerk; Larnan H. Calkins; Mehitable Calkins; Some members of the branch are Lewis Abbot and wife, Isaiah M. Call. (COR:2) Ann Marsh, their chlldren Abigail, Thomas Marsh, and Joseph; Ruth Juliana Davis who n~aniedCyrus Peck: May Sprague. (JHC. 8 Aug 1541.3- Apr 1843: COR: 108; Sa~nuelMcBride married Mrs. Lemira Smi~Caulkins: HC5:3 18: I-IC6:278) Allen Buck nliuried Emily Jane Smith; Lcvi Stewart; Malinda Stewan: George W. Gec, clerk. (JI-IC 8 Aug 1841; AUGUSTA AND VAN BRAN. MICISlGAN NMR:22,47,66; COR:4; FGR Lewis Abbott: NRI; IHS:36) June 1841. Brignet Manzu, chairman: John Manzu, clerk: John Reily; Celestia Sison; Adaline Dun; Charles 0. AMBROSIA. DAVIESS. MISSOURI Franklin, Elder. (COR: 1.5) Jun 1837, kvi Taylor, Ann Rowlett and their family seltled thcre. (AOS: 18) AURORA, NEW YORK Eastern Stak5 Mission I-lisror-y scam that in May 1835. ANDOVER, ASI-ITABULA. OHIO Aurora belonged to heFreedom Conference. (HC2:224) 23 May 1841, a branch existed in the area at that time. 23 Jun 1845, Dinah Ilousel. (TS, 23 May 184 1 ; COR: l l 1) AVOCA, NEW YORK 23 Mar 1841, William Hyde, Elder: lulius I. Guenard, Elder; Tracy Squire; SaUy Squire; Almon P. Squire. ANDOVER. WINDT-Mh4, VERMONT (COR: 1 10) Jul 1835, 15 members in the branch. Jared and J. Sims Carter baptizcd 17 in gencral area [no exact List]. Mt. Holly AVON, LIVINGSTON, NEW YORK (Rutland) and Ches~er(Windham) seem to be included. 7 1832, 18-20 persons baptized by Ezra Landon in Avon were baptized in Chester. Mr. and widow Wood, Miss and Genesee area in Lhe fall. Some menibcrs of thc branch Sheldon. Others mentioned, maybe not members, are were Alvah Beaman, Brother Bosley. Brother Niclerson, daughter of he Woods, Mr. Howard and mother, Mr. Elder McWithey, Roger Orton. May 1835, Eastein Smres Atwood, Mr. Blood. Tliomas Sharles [?I> widow Hands. Mission History states that Avon belonged to the Freedom (IIC2:238; Journals of John S., Jared, 8: Gideon H. Carter) Conference. (HC2:3-34; OPJ:35; JOB:S: OFW:40) ANTWERP BRANCH BANGOR, MAINE Asahel Trumbult a member (OPJ:88) L 842, 15 members. (JI-IC, 13 Jun 1844) APPANOOSE. HANCOCK, ILLINOIS BARRY, CANADA 1 l Jan 1842, Enoch Bums married Elizabeth Jane 24 Apr 1844, Daniel Wood. Presiding Elder: Philip Pierce by Lucius N. Scovil. 1 i Apr 1844, Samuel Marrill Packard. (OR: 106) married Nancy TuU by Leonard E. Harrington. (NMR:59,74) BASTARD. LEEDS, CANADA Baslard Township also included Podand, Delta, Leeds, ATTICA, NEW YORK Ontario, Canada. LDS baptisms commenced in Fal.1 of Aug 1841, the Auica conference includcd 146 1835. Some names and families were: Joel and Phebe Smith members in six branches. (HC4:412) Judd and adult children, Thomas A. And William; Arza and Lois Knapp Judd and adulL children, Arza Jr. and family, including loel and Zadok or Mormon Battalion: Ira Judd AUGUSTA, LEE, IOWA and family; Hugh and Rhoda Ann Nichols Day and children; 8 Aug 1841, 50 members. 2 Apr 1843, 84 members. Susannah Chipman Nichols; son Alvin Nichols; Stephen 2 high priests, I I elders (onc a Larnanite of the Delaware and Arni Chipman families; Truman and Lyman Beach; tribe). 4 priests, 2 teachers, and 1 deacon. Conference Truman and Mary A. Ferne Smddard; Lyman and Mary presided over by John Smith. 30 Apr 1843, 200 Saints held Wright Stoddard and 4 children; Flora Chiprtan Weston a meeting. Feb hou& Mar 1845, James Brown, presiden~. and husband: William B, and Amanda Chipman Simmons; George Black. Jane Black, Joseph Black, William Black, Ami's wife. Ann Kish and 2 children, plus mother-in-law, Thoinas Baternan, Mary Baceman, Hamet Bateman, Samuel Lrene Stoddard. Other Judd connections who traveled across Bateman. Elizabeth Bateman, Thomas Batemlm, John the St Lawrence for Ohio were Lois Knapp Judd, Susan C. Walker, Charlotte Walker, Robert Walker, James Rigby, Judd and husband Benjamin Boyce; Chester ludd and 2nd Jane Rigby. Frederic Kesler, Emeline Kesler, L. L. Sprague, wife, Mary Byington Southworth and 7 children; Arza M. Judd and Sabina Clarke Adams and 4 children, and Conference. (JIIC, 12 Apr 1844: So. States Ms.. 16 Feb probably William Dickson. 1845) May 1837, John E. Page, Presiden~:James Blakesly, Clerk. 10- 11 Jun 1837. conference held wi~300 present. BEmCREEK. HANCOCK. ILLINOIS 20 Feb 1838, Arza Judd, Mrs. Arza Judd. 1 Dec 1840. L. B. Frost. Elder; Lysander Ghee: Some who left Bastard with J. E. Page were Thomas Amanda M. Ghee; Erastus Derby; Ruhamah Derby. 7 Feb and Anna Boswod~Downey; Davis and L. Sally Downey 1841, Howud Col-ay manied Martha Jane Knowlton by McOlney and 4 children; 3 unmarried Downey brothers. Robert B. Thompson. l 1 Feb 1841, P. Lrcland married Harvey, James, and Jonathan; Calvin and Naucy Myers Susannah Sumner by Andrew W. llarnilton. 4 June 1843. Downey and 6 children; also probably John and Sarah Brigham Young visited the Sain~sand preachcd on the Dickson Myers; William Buckminster and Sarah Myers subject of building the Nauvoo House and the Temple. Ldndsayand 8 children; Absolom and Erastus Downey and (COR:4; DUP, 1947, p. 234: NMR:20,40; JHC, 4 June Lodemia Downey; Christopher and Sarah Davis Merkley 1843) and family: Barnabas Adams and family; Zenos H. And Margaret Hickey Gurley and children; Stephen Kettle family BEAVER CREEK. CWRK. 0130 and other Lindsays, Meyers, Dicksons and Hicks families. 9 Oct 1842, serveral elders, I priest, 9 members. (HALE:30; COR:7; Journals ol' John S.: Jarcd, and Gideon Branch belonged to thc Dayton Conference. (JHC, 9 Oct H. Carter: History of Leeds and Grenville; "Lucy Anna 1842) Olney Nichols-Daughter of Destiny": Journal of Zadok Knapp Judd) BEDFORD, UPPER CANADA 40 mcmbcrs. (CAN:75) BATAVIA, GENESEE, NEW YORK Fall of 1832, 18-20 persons baplized by Ezra Landon BEDFORD COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA in Avon and Gcness arca. 19 May 1841. J. Shamp and Sarah Veach. J-lannah Veach, Susan Veach. (J1lF:I) Margaret Shamp had a child healed through thc admin~strationof thc eldcrs. 7 Apr 1843. 1 I branches met BENTON'S POST, IOWA in a conference at Batavia. (JHC, 7 Apr 1843; HC4:484; I5 Sep 1844, David Tade. President; Samuel Moore; HC5:352; 0FU':JO; MS2: 101- 102) Eunice Moore; Sophronia Moore; Stephen Bliss Moore. (COR: 107) BATH, GRAFTON. NEW 11AMPSHIRE BENNmGTON, WYOMING, NEW YORK 8 Jun 1833, branch conference held, including 4 high 28 Aug 1841, Luman I-lopkins Calkins manied priests: 8 eldcrs and 2 priests, including Willard Mehitable Russell by Almon W.
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