APPENDIX A NewProgram/Major or Minor/Concentration , McGill Proposal Form (0712004) 1,0 DegreeTitle 2,0 Administering Faculty/Unit Please specifythe two degrees for concurrentdegree programs Agricultural &Environmental SdencesIPlant Science Dept. 1.1 Major (Legacy:: Subject)(30-char. max.) . Offering Faculty/Department IBarbadOS Inter.Trop. Studies Aglicultural & Environmental SciencesIPlant Science Dept. 1.2 Concentration(Legacy =ConcentrationJOption) 30 EffectiveTerm of Implementation If applicableto Majors only (30 char, max) (Ex. Sept 2004 == 200409) Term IMay 2009 1200905 1,3 Minor (withConcentration, if Applicable)(30 char. max.) I ~ I 4.0 Rationalefor new proposal I There tsa growing need forprofessionals with international experience intheunlversilles, government, non-govemmental agencies. and theprivate sector. This program is course- and project-intensive butinterdisciplinary in nature. Thecombination ofsolk! academic training intropical Island a91i-fooo. nutrition, and energy Ina tourist-based economy anda focus onproject work oncurrent 'realwortd' development issues arelikely tobe ofinterest toother McGill units and the University of thewest Indies (please see attached fora more detailed program description). - 5.0 ProgramInformation Please check appropriate boxtes) 5.1 Program Type 5.2 Category 5.3 Level o Bachelor'sProgram o FacultyProgram(FP) . ~ Undergraduate o Master's o Major o DentistryfLawlMedicine o M.Sc. (Applied) Program o Joint Major o Continuing Ed (Non-Credit) o Dual Degree/ConcurrentProgram o MajorConcentration (CON) o Collegial o Certificate o Minor o Masters & Grad Dips & Certs o Diploma o Minor Concentration (CON) o Doctorate o GraduateCertificate o Honours(HON) o Post-GraduateMedicinelDentistry o GraduateDiploma o Joint HonoursComponent (HC) o Graduate Qualifying o Ph.D. Program o IntemshipfCo-op o Postdoctoral Fellows o DoctorateProgram o Thesis(T) (Otberthan Ph.D.) o Non-Thesis (N) o PrivateProgram o Other o Off-GampusProgram Please specify o Distance Education Program (By Correspondence) I I IEJ Other (Please specify) IField Semesler. SELF-FUNDED I 6.0 Total Credits 7.0 Consultation with Related Units Yes I!J No 0 115 credits I FinancialConsult Yes 0 No 0 I Attach list of consultations. PH 8.0 Program Description (Maximum 150 words) The Barbados interdisdplinary TropicalStudies(BITS) FieldSemester Is an actMty-filled, hands-on, experience for students with an interestin international studies with a Caribbean-flavour. Thefocusis on sustainable agri-food andenergy production and nutrition on a tropicalislandwith a tourist-based economy. Itwill be offered annually(In the summer). It consistsof a 2·day orientation course conducted on the Macdonald Campusfollowed by three 3-eredit courses and one 6-eredit projectcourseat Bellalrs Research Institute In Barbados. This program integrates Intensive course worjc withgroupprojectworil andcontributes to the formation ofprofessiorialswith planning, managing. dedsion-making, and communication skills. Theprogramaddresses a globalneed for experienced professionals capable of interacting withvariouslevelsof government, nori-govemmental organizations, and theprI\Iate sector. 9.0 List Ofproposed program for the New ProgramlMajor or Minor/Concentration. If new concentration (option) of existing Major/Minor (program), please attach a program layout (list of all courses) of existing MajorlMinor. Proposed program (listcoursesas follows: SubjCodeICrse Num,Title.Credit weight underthe headings of. Required Courses, ComplementarY Courses, Elective Courses) Required Courses (15 credits): AEBI421 Tropical Horticultural Ecology(3 cr.) AEBI423 Sustainable LandUse (3 cr.) AEBI425 Tropical Energy andFood (3 cr.) AEBI 427 Barbados Interdisdplinary Project(6 cr.) Attachextra pagels)as needed New ProgramIMaJor or Minor! Concentratlon Propos" Fonn P1·2 100 Approvals Routing Sequence Name _--~-Si~na~~~~ Date Department ~;:::Pla:::;nl::=sCl=.e::;::nce==;==:::::;===~){~.~=~ CurridAcad Committee [ uJ. q:.eod~1" S{~ Faculty 1 'QQ. I ~.:Rn fq (£ I ~::::::::::<:~====::::::=:::=:=:.:~.'::;z '- •. Faculty 2 I I Faculty 3 I I scrp iNov·1ohz I GS I APPC :I sIY;",~;",~ Senate I Submitted-------------------------------1 by To be completed by ARR: Name I I Phone I::::=:::===============I CIPCode C===~====I Email I [ I ---------- I Submission Date New progrlmiMajot or Minor! Con~nttaljon Proposal Form Pl·) Danielle Donnelly (plant Science Dept.) 514-398-7856 [email protected] New Program Submission Barbados Interdisciplinary Tropical Studies (BITS) Location: Bellairs Research Institute, Holetown, Barbados Semester: May-August (summer) Starting Date: 2009 Introduction The Barbados Interdisciplinary Tropical Studies (BITS) Summer Field Semester consists ofthree intensive courses of3 credits each and one project course of 6 credits (total of 15 credits). This will be offered during the summer semester (end ofMay-end ofAugust; total of 14 weeks in Barbados). Once BITS is fully established, it will be financially self-sustaining. Initially, the funding will come through fees paid by student participants. Efforts will be made to identify sponsors who will contribute to the support of the Program. BITS will be managed by a collaborative committee, composed of McGill and Bellairs Research Institute staff, and administered through services provided by the staffofMacdonald Campus and ofBellairs Research Institute. BITS will be an activity-filled, hands-on, study experience for students with an interest in international studies with a Caribbean-flavour. This Program is course- and project-intensive but interdisciplinary in nature. The focus is on sustainable agri-food systems, including energy and nutrition in a tropical, tourist-intensive island setting. The BITS Field Semester integrates intensive course work with mentored group project work and contributes to the formation of professionals with international planning, managing, decision-making, and communication skills. This Program addresses a global need for experienced professionals capable of interacting with various levels of government, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector. It also provides an interdisciplinary living and learning environment; an exceptional opportunity for personal growth. Intellectual Focus The BITS Field Semester will have students in an exciting international location exposed to the complexities of "real-life" field situations. They will be absorbed in a semester of work equivalent to a semester at McGill University here in Montreal, but in a unique international setting. Groups of primarily Canadian students, from diverse upper-level backgrounds (final year students) in agricultural, biological, environmental, and nutritional sciences as well as the international development studies program, will be faced with planning, organizing, researching, .and completing both in-course projects and the 6-credit 'Barbados Interdisciplinary Project' in a third-world environment. Students willieam to work cohesively in groups to better understand and contribute to real issues. They wi1lleam to interact with local mentors to realize goals at the local, regional, national, or intemationallevel during these projects. Danielle Donnelly (Plant Science Dept.) 514-398-7856 [email protected] These student projects have the potential to alter the landscape and to educate large numbers of people. Examples of such projects involve participation in building 0 f annotated garden displays or creation of teaching materials used for touristic garden tours or museum exhibits visited by thousands oftourists annually. Examples where student project work could promote environmental remediation include participation in planting programs to control coastal erosion or increase and distribute endangered species such as mahogany. Some projects could contribute more immediately to improvements to the life or health oflocal islanders. Examples in this category include participation in projects related to home energy efficiency (better solar collectors, biodiesel refinement, etc.) or improved patient diets in hospitals and clinics. Please see attached list of proposed Project Sites. Rational for location in Barbados Bel/airs Research Insitute The presence of McGill's Bellairs Research Institute is one major draw for studies in Barbados. It would be highly beneficial to Bellairs to have an annual cohort of McGill students in residence during the summer. The Institute has recently expanded its living quarters for students, built a large classroom, and renovated its kitchens. Bellairs has a small library. It also has a new computer room with internet access. Bellairs can accommodate approx. 23-25 students enrolled in this Field Semester during the summer. Close Proximity and Interactions with the University ofthe West Indies (UWl) and National Conservation Commission (NCC) Bellairs Research Institute, in Holetown, is close to the University of the West Indies (UWI) campus at Cave Hill. UWI has an extensive library that McGill students can use. UWI students will be participating in the "Tropical Horticultural Ecology" course under a separate UWI course code (Horticulture, ECOL 2055). OWl staff will be lecturing and interacting with McGill teaching staff for the duration ofthis course. Every attempt will be made to encourage further collaborative teaching activities for the other two intensive courses and for the project. This will contribute to the internationalization experience and the sustainability of the program. Bellairs
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