• «ff( •-• i •••• i i>n ' 1 • I m 1 • E3 • - rit ^ s^tr-i. f , '/, * f ' Ivtv' 1/Awl 9H ttIBfal B • * HH [HThousandsI watch as a unit opens fire on the enemy forces in yesterday's Battle ofMonmouth re-creation. Photo by Carl Forino. More details on page 13. The Daily Register VOL. 100 NO. 307 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1978 15 CENTS 'Copter both to special center '/ Two youths badly burned Propane gas explosion sets pair's car afire •' LITTLE SILVER — Two Red Bank teenagers were burned over ttto-n percent ol their bodies, after the car In which they wtn riding struck a propane gas valve behind Red Bank Itaghliil High School last night, officials report. Oat of the youths Ignited a cigarette lighter, which aet off the prtpane, while Investigating a "hissing noise" under the car, polk* laid Anthony S. George, 17, of 78 McLaren St., and Douglas L. HavUand, II, of 75 McLaren St., were rushed by Coast Guard helicopters to St. Barnabas Medical Center Burn Unit, Liv- IngUton, after being treated at Rivervlew Hospital shortly before midnight. The two were in "stable, but critical" condition this morn- tag. * hospital spokeswoman said. Mr. HavUand was burned over 75 percent of nil body, and Mr. George over 63 percent of ftis body, she said The pair was riding in a IMS Mercury Cougar behind the high school, when It struck a 12-inch valve protruding from the lawn behind the school cafeteria, police said. The valve Is attached to a 500 gallon underground propane Story by David Turner and Mark Graven, All photos by George Andrews. tank, which contained approximately 350 gallons of gas before the accident, according to police. The youths apparently heard a "hissing noise" under the car, and looked underneath, thinking there was a flat tire, police said. - "One kid had a cigarette lighter, and lit it. That's when it went," said Patrolman Barry Parker of the borough police. ' Firefighters were unable to close the damaged valve, and Suburban Propane Co. officials estimated the gas will continue to bun into tomorrow, according to police. Borough Fire Chief David Clapp said that volunteer firemen would stay at the scene until all the gas Is bumed off. He said that firemen could put out the (ire, but noted that unburned gas Aathsiy Gevrge Rescue workers lift one of two victims into 'copter for trip leaking from the valve could endanger nearby residents and the high school building. Police said there is no danger ol an explosion, but added that firemen will continue to spray water on the valve to keep it cool 2d fire in within 3 hours levels Eatontown building and the school property will be off-limits to everyone. By WARREN RICHEV mostly spared during the ground level as the West Long of a suspicious nature, the sec- wooden roof for signs of fire. was reported, a patrol car had Patrolman Parker said that he was in police headquarters earlier, 7 p.m. fire—was Branch aerial hose worked ond fire was "definitely sus- The police had also con- driven through the club park- when the alarm was sounded shortly before 10 p.m. last night. EATONTOWN - Four engulfed in flames. from above spraying water on picious." ducted periodic checks of the Ing lot. He said the patrolman, He said he was driving on Harding Road when he heard an brick walls and scattered, He said he Immediately ra- the collapsed roof. The chief said that his men building throughout the night, seeing nothing suspicious, pro- explosion. S melted golf carts were all that dioed the West Long Branch Chief Emmons said that bad taken special precautions he said. ceeded on patrol in the direc- "It was probably the gas tank on the car," he said. "It was remained after a "suspicious" Fire Department for as- within 30 minutes the blaze to prevent • flare-up. Kc Mid Chief Emmons said that 4-5 tion of the Motor Vehicle In- Just a boom." early morning flare-up that sistance. was brought under control. that before 'hey left the scene minutes before the second fire See 2nd fire, page ] He said that two girls claimed to see the car "come racing was the second fire at the fire- Fire Fighters from the two He said that though he after the earlier fire, firemen In." The girls said they heard a "hissing sound" that sounded ravaged maintenance and boroughs manned hoses from didn't think the earlier fire was had inspected the charred like a lawn mower." Patrolman Parker said. He said he called for the fire department and the first aid Story on earlier squad-as soon as he arrived at the high school. The Inside Story "One kid came up to me before I could get out of the car," fire on page 3 Patrolman Parker said. "He said,'I'm really burned, I'm really THK WKATHP.R burned. My frlends's hurt.'" ' "The kid was hysterical. I told him to be quiet. I told him his 'storage garage at Old Orchard Haxy aid humid today and tomorrow with solght friends was all right, then he sat on the curb," Patrolman Country Club. ehaace of rala tonight Complete report on page 2. Parker sab). Less than three hours after more than 100 fire fighters He said one youth had run 300 feet from the car after being Perfect weather for fishing It burneili and the other one had run 200 feet after being burned. doused flames that gutted the structure used to store golf Argentina soccer champions 14 He said that the two were first Identified by their wallets, one of Gaodhalrcitlsabaslc t which was found lying on the ground. clubs and electric golf carts, 50 firemen from Eatontown and •Patrolman Parker said he began giving first aid treatment Bridge Advice It DAILY REGISTER to the youths, until members of the borough first aid squad could West Long Branch returned to the scene at about 12:30 a.m. to Bislatss 5 PHONE NUMBERS takeover. Classified 17-18 Mala Office S424M* , Fire and first aid units were on the scene wjlhin "three-or- attempt to control the blaze. Eatontown Fire Chief Syd Cwnics II T«fl Free I7I-13M See Two yraths, page I Emmons said when he arrived Crwsword Puzle 11 Ttil.Frer SM-UM Sal's Tavern Restaurant. Soft Twrtglt "Salty D«g" at the building shortly after the Editorials I Classified Depl S42-I7M Crabs are back, Serving lunch Tues., Phoenix. Trade Winds-. 12:24 a.m. alarm , the roof of EaterUlimeit Il-ll Circulation Dfpt S42-4MI the buU».H fcnteTfori beeiv Horoscope IS Sports Dfpl .'.....M2-4M4 U.V..:,: :....» MkMeUwa Bireai I7I4OI Detectable Shrimp MidM Baad Sail lu Make A Date It Freehold Bureau 4)1-1112 Clreese Fondue, Quiche and Sieve Calafato, dancing, Mon- Ocean Ave., Sea Bright. Great Ht«lit«f photo by Carl Forino OMtMries 4 Loog Branch Bureau ..222-ttlt Crwa Every Tueu—fashtw days, Palace Saloon, dally luncheons. Spwts Hit StaletMSf Bireai tn-in *Ut •how at Fromagerie, 842-8088 741-m 842-9681 firemen pour water into what's left of building I SHREWSBURY N J MONDAY JUNE 26, 1978 Israel & Egypt People f 9 OWENSBORO. Ky (AI'l- community. He answered t tart riUftcel former presi- questions about his urban pro- both answer no dential adviser and defense gram and the appointments of secretary, told some of Ihe more blacks in top While CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Minister Moshe Dayan. Egyp- country's lop high school stu- House positions Egypt and Israel have re- tian sources say the meeling is dents that mistakes "are not jected each other* latest pro- tentatively scheduled for July setbacks If you keep thai in posals far Israeli-occupied 9. although Dayan said Sunday PHILADELPHIA (API - mind and go on and recover Former California Gov. Arab lands, but US. pressure he had no information aboul from them " is keeping the pence effort such a meeling •••aid Rragai says Ihe Clifford was one of many stair's Proposition 1] to cut going -Expansion of Vice Presi- dent Walter F. Mondale's visit celebrities who addressed a property laxes will help Ihe President Anwar Sadat on black-tie dinner Saturday night stale's economy and thr Re- Saturday turned down Israel's to Israel this week to include a meeting with Sadat in Alexan- that ended Ihe American publican Party offer to talk about the status of Academy of Achievement's the West Bank of Ike Jordan dria U.S. Sen RlrlaH weekend -'Salute lo Ex- SrhwHktr. R-Pa.. Mid the River and the Gaza Strip after The Egyptian proposal for cellence' About 350 students, a five-year period of limited the West Bank and Gaza which proposition will boost Re- picked from among high agan's chances for Ihe presi- self-rule for the 1.1 million Israel rejected is pari of a school leaders, attended Palestinians of the two territo- peace plan still being drafted dency in 19X0 Also participating in Ihe Reugan was the main ries. that informed sources say 1 presents for the first time a weekend wen Hnara Jars Is speaker Saturday al a lunch- Prime Minister Menachem detailed alternative lo Israel's author of California's Proposi- eon and all-day workshop Begin and the Israeli cabinel proposal for the occupied terri- ton 13. allomey-aulhor Lral* sponsored by Citizens for Ihe on Sunday rejected an Egyp- tories. Nber. historian Arthur Srklra- Republic, a committee lo elect OtttCWtart tian proposal that the West lager Jr I'J, District Court conservative (iOP candidates ihe couple • pair of 11th-cen- Naor indicated one thing Is- Bank be relumed to Jordan 'Judge Juki Klrlra.
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