Standard Code Table Report Tax Year: 2017 Code Table: Land Type Codes Sorted By: Code Report Options: None Code Description Effective Date Inherited From A0 Other 02/17/2004 A1 Front Acreage 02/17/2004 A1.BA.4 FRONT AC*Bee Apiary*Lnd Class 4 A1.DC.1 Front Ac Dryland Crop 02/17/2004 Land Class 1 A1.HF.1 Frnt Ac*hdwd Reforestatn*sl Typ 1 A1.HF.2 Frnt Ac*hdwd Reforestatn*sl Typ 2 A1.HF.3 Frnt Ac*hdwd Reforestatn*sl Typ 3 A1.HF.4 Frnt Ac*hdwd Reforestatn*sl Typ 4 A1.HR.1 Frnt Ac*hdwd Rstrictd Use*sl Typ 1 A1.HR.2 Frnt Ac*hdwd Rstrictd 02/17/2004 Use*sl Typ 2 A1.HR.3 Frnt Ac*hdwd Rstrictd Use*sl Typ 3 A1.HR.4 Frnt Ac*hdwd Rstrictd Use*sl Typ 4 A1.HW.1 Frnt Acreage*HdWd Forest*soil typ 1 A1.HW.2 Frnt Acreage*HdWd Forest*soil typ 2 A1.HW.3 Frnt Acreage*HdWd Forest*soil typ 3 A1.HW.4 Frnt Acreage*HdWd Forest*soil typ 4 A1.IP.4 Frnt Ac*imprvd 02/17/2004 Pasture*lnd Class 4 A1.MF.1 Frnt Acreage*mxd Reforst*soil Typ 1 A1.MF.2 Frnt Acreage*mxd 02/17/2004 Reforst*soil Typ 2 A1.MF.3 Frnt Acreage*mxd Reforst*soil Typ 3 A1.MF.4 Frnt Acreage*mxd Reforst*soil Typ 4 6/27/2017 1:13:42 PM Page 1 of 11 Code Description Effective Date Inherited From A1.MR.1 Frnt Ac*mxd Rstrctd Use*soil Typ 1 A1.MR.2 Frnt Ac*mxd Rstrctd 02/17/2004 Use*soil Typ 2 A1.MR.3 Frnt Ac*mxd Rstrctd Use*soil Typ 3 A1.MR.4 Frnt Ac*mxd Rstrctd Use*soil Typ 4 A1.MX.1 Front Acreage*mixed*soil Type 1 A1.MX.2 Front Acreage*mixed*soil 02/17/2004 Type 2 A1.MX.3 Front Acreage*mixed*soil Type 3 A1.MX.4 Front Acreage*mixed*soil Type 4 A1.NP.4 Frnt Ac*native Pasture*lnd 02/17/2004 Class 4 A1.OR.4 Front 02/17/2004 Acreage*orchard*land Class 4 A1.OT.4 Front Acreage*other*land 02/17/2004 Class 4 A1.PF.1 Frnt Ac*pine Reforestatn*sl Typ 1 A1.PF.2 Frnt Ac*pine Reforestatn*sl Typ 2 A1.PF.3 Frnt Ac*pine Reforestatn*sl Typ 3 A1.PF.4 Frnt Ac*pine Reforestatn*sl Typ 4 A1.PN.1 Frnt Acreage*Pine Forest*soil type 1 A1.PN.2 Frnt Acreage*Pine Forest*soil type 2 A1.PN.3 Frnt Acreage*Pine Forest*soil type 3 A1.PN.4 Frnt Acreage*Pine Forest*soil type 4 A1.PR.1 Frnt Ac*pine Rstrictd Use*sl Typ 1 A1.PR.2 Frnt Ac*pine Rstrictd 02/17/2004 Use*sl Typ 2 A1.PR.3 Frnt Ac*pine Rstrictd Use*sl Typ 3 A1.PR.4 Frnt Ac*pine Rstrictd Use*sl Typ 4 6/27/2017 1:13:42 PM Page 2 of 11 Frnt Ac*pine Rstrictd Code Use*slDescription Typ 4 Effective Date Inherited From A2 Secondary Acreage 02/17/2004 A2.BA.4 2ndary Ac*Bee Apiary*lnd Class 4 A2.HF.1 2ndary Ac*hw Reforestatn*sl Tp 1 A2.HF.2 2ndary Ac*hw Reforestatn*sl Tp 2 A2.HF.3 2ndary Ac*hw Reforestatn*sl Tp 3 A2.HF.4 2ndary Ac*hw Reforestatn*sl Tp 4 A2.HR.1 2ndary Ac*hdwd Rstrctd Use*sl Tp 1 A2.HR.2 2ndary Ac*hdwd Rstrctd 02/17/2004 Use*sl Tp 2 A2.HR.3 2ndary Ac*hdwd Rstrctd Use*sl Tp 3 A2.HR.4 2ndary Ac*hdwd Rstrctd Use*sl Tp 4 A2.HW.1 2ndary Acrge*HdWd Forest*soil typ 1 A2.HW.2 2ndary Acrge*HdWd Forest*soil typ 2 A2.HW.3 2ndary Acrge*HdWd Forest*soil typ 3 A2.HW.4 2ndary Acrge*HdWd Forest*soil typ 4 A2.IP.4 2ndary Ac*imprvd 02/17/2004 Pastr*lnd Class 4 A2.MF.1 2ndary Acrge*mxd Reforst*soil Typ 1 A2.MF.2 2ndary Acrge*mxd 02/17/2004 Reforst*soil Typ 2 A2.MF.3 2ndary Acrge*mxd Reforst*soil Typ 3 A2.MF.4 2ndary Acrge*mxd Reforst*soil Typ 4 A2.MR.1 2ndary Ac*mxd Rstrctd Use*sl Typ 1 A2.MR.2 2ndary Ac*mxd Rstrctd 02/17/2004 Use*sl Typ 2 A2.MR.3 2ndary Ac*mxd Rstrctd Use*sl Typ 3 A2.MR.4 2ndary Ac*mxd Rstrctd Use*sl Typ 4 6/27/2017 1:13:42 PM Page 3 of 11 Code Description Effective Date Inherited From A2.MX.1 Secondary Ac*mixed 78*soil Type 1 A2.MX.2 Secondary Ac*mixed 02/17/2004 78*soil Type 2 A2.MX.3 Secondary Ac*mixed 78*soil Type 3 A2.MX.4 Secondary Ac*mixed 78*soil Type 4 A2.NP.4 2ndary Ac*native Pastr*lnd 02/17/2004 Class 4 A2.OR.4 Secondary 02/17/2004 Ac*orchard*land Class 4 A2.OT.4 2ndary Acreage*other*land 02/17/2004 Class 4 A2.PF.1 2ndary Ac*pine Refrestatn*sl Tp 1 A2.PF.2 2ndary Ac*pine Refrestatn*sl Tp 2 A2.PF.3 2ndary Ac*pine Refrestatn*sl Tp 3 A2.PF.4 2ndary Ac*pine Refrestatn*sl Tp 4 A2.PN.1 2ndary Acrge*Pine Forest*soil type 1 A2.PN.2 2ndary Acrge*Pine Forest*soil type 2 A2.PN.3 2ndary Acrge*Pine Forest*soil type 3 A2.PN.4 2ndary Acrge*Pine Forest*soil type 4 A2.PR.1 2ndary Ac*pine Rstrctd Use*sl Tp 1 A2.PR.2 2ndary Ac*pine Rstrctd 02/17/2004 Use*sl Tp 2 A2.PR.3 2ndary Ac*pine Rstrctd Use*sl Tp 3 A2.PR.4 2ndary Ac*pine Rstrctd Use*sl Tp 4 A3 Residual 02/17/2004 A3.HF.1 Residual*hw Reforestatn*sl Typ 1 A3.HF.2 Residual*hw Reforestatn*sl Typ 2 A3.HF.3 Residual*hw Reforestatn*sl Typ 3 6/27/2017 1:13:42 PM Page 4 of 11 Code Description Effective Date Inherited From A3.HF.4 Residual*hw Reforestatn*sl Typ 4 A3.HR.1 Residual*hdwd Rstrctd Use*sl Typ 1 A3.HR.2 Residual*hdwd Rstrctd 02/17/2004 Use*sl Typ 2 A3.HR.3 Residual*hdwd Rstrctd Use*sl Typ 3 A3.HR.4 Residual*hdwd Rstrctd Use*sl Typ 4 A3.HW.1 Residual*HdWd Forest*soil type 1 A3.HW.2 Residual*HdWd Forest*soil type 2 A3.HW.3 Residual*HdWd Forest*soil type 3 A3.HW.4 Residual*HdWd Forest*soil type 4 A3.IP.4 Residual*imprvd 02/17/2004 Pastr*land Class 4 A3.MF.1 Residual*mixed Reforest*soil Type 1 A3.MF.2 Residual*mixed 02/17/2004 Reforest*soil Type 2 A3.MF.3 Residual*mixed Reforest*soil Type 3 A3.MF.4 Residual*mixed Reforest*soil Type 4 A3.MR.1 Residual*mxd Rstrctd Use*soil Tp 1 A3.MR.2 Residual*mxd Rstrctd 02/17/2004 Use*soil Tp 2 A3.MR.3 Residual*mxd Rstrctd Use*soil Tp 3 A3.MR.4 Residual*mxd Rstrctd Use*soil Tp 4 A3.MX.1 Residual*mixed 78*soil Type 1 A3.MX.2 Residual*mixed 78*soil 02/17/2004 Type 2 A3.MX.3 Residual*mixed 78*soil Type 3 A3.MX.4 Residual*mixed 78*soil Type 4 A3.NP.4 Residual*native Pastr*land 02/17/2004 Class 4 6/27/2017 1:13:42 PM Page 5 of 11 Code Description Effective Date Inherited From A3.OR.4 Residual*orchard*land 02/17/2004 Class 4 A3.OT.4 Residual*other*land Class 02/17/2004 4 A3.PF.1 Residual*pine Reforestatn*sl Typ 1 A3.PF.2 Residual*pine Reforestatn*sl Typ 2 A3.PF.3 Residual*pine Reforestatn*sl Typ 3 A3.PF.4 Residual*pine Reforestatn*sl Typ 4 A3.PN.1 Residual*Pine Forest*soil type 1 A3.PN.2 Residual*Pine Forest*soil type 2 A3.PN.3 Residual*Pine Forest*soil type 3 A3.PN.4 Residual*Pine Forest*soil type 4 A3.PR.1 Residual*pine Rstrctd Use*sl Typ 1 A3.PR.2 Residual*pine Rstrctd 02/17/2004 Use*sl Typ 2 A3.PR.3 Residual*pine Rstrctd Use*sl Typ 3 A3.PR.4 Residual*pine Rstrctd Use*sl Typ 4 A4 Restricted Use 02/17/2004 A4.NP.4 Rstrictd Use*native 02/17/2004 Pastr*land Cl 4 A5 Rangeland 02/17/2004 A5.NP.4 Rangeland*native 02/17/2004 Pasture*land Cls 4 A6 Waterfront 02/17/2004 A6.HW.1 Waterfront*HdWd Forest*soil type 1 A6.HW.2 Waterfront*HdWd Forest*soil type 2 A6.HW.3 Waterfront*HdWd Forest*soil type 3 A6.HW.4 Waterfront*HdWd Forest*soil type 4 A6.IP.4 Waterfront*imprvd 02/17/2004 Pastr*land Cls 4 6/27/2017 1:13:42 PM Page 6 of 11 Code Description Effective Date Inherited From A6.MX.1 Waterfront*mixed 78*soil Type 1 A6.MX.2 Waterfront*mixed 78*soil 02/17/2004 Type 2 A6.MX.3 Waterfront*mixed 78*soil Type 3 A6.MX.4 Waterfront*mixed 78*soil Type 4 A6.NP.4 Waterfront*native 02/17/2004 Pastr*land Cls 4 A6.PN.1 Waterfront*Pine Forest*soil type 1 A6.PN.2 Waterfront*Pine Forest*soil type 2 A6.PN.3 Waterfront*Pine Forest*soil type 3 A6.PN.4 Waterfront*Pine Forest*soil type 4 A7 Woodland 02/17/2004 A7.HW.1 Woodland*HdWd Forest*soil type 1 A7.HW.2 Woodland*HdWd Forest*soil type 2 A7.HW.3 Woodland*HdWd Forest*soil type 3 A7.HW.4 Woodland*HdWd Forest*soil type 4 A7.MX.1 Woodland*mixed 78*soil Type 1 A7.MX.2 Woodland*mixed 78*soil 02/17/2004 Type 2 A7.MX.3 Woodland*mixed 78*soil Type 3 A7.MX.4 Woodland*mixed 78*soil Type 4 A7.PN.1 Woodland*Pine Forest*soil type 1 A7.PN.2 Woodland*Pine Forest*soil type 2 A7.PN.3 Woodland*Pine Forest*soil type 3 A7.PN.4 Woodland*Pine Forest*soil type 4 A8 Wasteland/fldway 02/17/2004 A8.HF.1 Wstld/fldwy*hw Refrestatn*sl Tp 1 6/27/2017 1:13:42 PM Page 7 of 11 Wstld/fldwy*hw Code Refrestatn*slDescription Tp 1 Effective Date Inherited From A8.HF.2 Wstld/fldwy*hw Refrestatn*sl Tp 2 A8.HF.3 Wstld/fldwy*hw Refrestatn*sl Tp 3 A8.HF.4 Wstld/fldwy*hw Refrestatn*sl Tp 4 A8.HR.1 Wstld/fldwy*hw Rstrctd Use*sl Tp 1 A8.HR.2 Wstld/fldwy*hw Rstrctd 02/17/2004 Use*sl Tp 2 A8.HR.3 Wstld/fldwy*hw Rstrctd Use*sl Tp 3 A8.HR.4 Wstld/fldwy*hw Rstrctd Use*sl Tp 4 A8.HW.1 Wstlnd/fldwy*HdWd Frest*soil typ 1 A8.HW.2 Wstlnd/fldwy*HdWd Frest*soil typ 2 A8.HW.3 Wstlnd/fldwy*HdWd Frest*soil typ 3 A8.HW.4 Wstlnd/fldwy*HdWd Frest*soil typ 4 A8.IP.4 Wastlnd/fldwy*imprvd 02/17/2004 Pstr*lnd Cl 4 A8.MF.1 Wstlnd/fldwy*mxd Reforst*soil Typ 1 A8.MF.2 Wstlnd/fldwy*mxd 02/17/2004 Reforst*soil Typ 2 A8.MF.3 Wstlnd/fldwy*mxd Reforst*soil Typ 3 A8.MF.4 Wstlnd/fldwy*mxd Reforst*soil Typ 4 A8.MR.1 Wstld/fldwy*mx Rstrctd Use*sl Tp 1 A8.MR.2 Wstld/fldwy*mx Rstrctd 02/17/2004 Use*sl Tp 2 A8.MR.3 Wstld/fldwy*mx Rstrctd Use*sl Tp 3 A8.MR.4 Wstld/fldwy*mx Rstrctd Use*sl Tp 4 A8.MX.1 Wastlnd/fldwy*mixed 78*soil Type 1 A8.MX.2 Wastlnd/fldwy*mixed 02/17/2004 78*soil Type 2 A8.MX.3 Wastlnd/fldwy*mixed 78*soil Type 3 6/27/2017 1:13:42 PM Page 8 of 11 Code Description Effective Date Inherited From A8.MX.4 Wastlnd/fldwy*mixed 78*soil Type 4 A8.NP.4 Wastlnd/fldwy*native 02/17/2004 Pstr*lnd Cl 4 A8.PF.1 Wstld/fldwy*pn Refrestatn*sl Tp 1 A8.PF.2 Wstld/fldwy*pn Refrestatn*sl Tp 2 A8.PF.3 Wstld/fldwy*pn Refrestatn*sl Tp 3 A8.PF.4 Wstld/fldwy*pn Refrestatn*sl Tp 4 A8.PN.1 Wstlnd/fldwy*Pine Forest*soil typ 1 A8.PN.2 Wstlnd/fldwy*Pine Forest*soil typ 2 A8.PN.3 Wstlnd/fldwy*Pine Forest*soil typ 3 A8.PN.4 Wstlnd/fldwy*Pine Forest*soil typ 4 A8.PR.1 Wstld/fldwy*pn Rstrctd Use*sl Tp 1 A8.PR.2 Wstld/fldwy*pn Rstrctd 02/17/2004 Use*sl Tp 2 A8.PR.3 Wstld/fldwy*pn Rstrctd Use*sl Tp 3 A8.PR.4 Wstld/fldwy*pn Rstrctd Use*sl Tp 4 A9 Flood Prone 02/17/2004 AW Lake
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