University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 1-7-1968 Kabul Times (January 7, 1968, vol. 6, no. 226) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (January 7, 1968, vol. 6, no. 226)" (1968). Kabul Times. 1670. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1670 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,'. :,,' '.' ,.\· ... '-1j·/.\lh ...... ,~ I"~; ~\~!",':.,,'l'·'"': , , .'.. .. ':.. /,. .... 1... ,1.' r" '" . ';" ': " r r , l~ .,'. I~ '\' • •••• ~~t.II.,.... { ~: , ',' •, ','! " ,~. ' :.'" ,.'" 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AR ~ ~"\i,\~",ar;"\.llasua .,:,~ 'I·'\·l·/i"'~'~":'r·:;i;:"bvaJUjt: ·t;·~:~~·':t~M~~RT T~E~T J"IIII ,; k~l '1'" J.~' .:1:1].1 ne i."" " ..(~·\" '~l" ·: PA rrO I' .. ", ,•.•• ""' ,I •••• . "'1 ." ... ' \. • n . J \""" . GR#$I';2~5000 ',.,'~., \,."It~!Id'J~~V.·". '. , .FR:OMI NIBe! ';'''RTU'R'ES:''::: '':',In':):t96lr:ukJd Cbud,t '·9'3$,3·,: "'\, / DErft ", ·.i :M. \'j{'b1'" ·"r} I 1..;'\., ,1I:\~)lr ,.. .:.'~ .~,'_~ ':;.•.ld· i'~' IC:' .. 1,':1, ~ '!~'"!' ~ ''l.t~. ~"- ,',' Ip11;~.' !.'" ,~' , ! ,.\. '" I,'SAIG N ':'Jan: 6 .(Reuil:f~e- The', SP91S~sll1ll!l 8,"! ,v"t,t' "ong.;! i\ .' \. ,.':, ., , " ~ ..ric8# .trOo';'~ have', bad. mop,: '7~_ gueri)ll"·iho,t,:\ do'f;lba ~u~nabre~ ,'" -rl.. " ~ ·~'Zf. :" ., . " ... ~. 'CAPE TOWN, jan. 6, (AFP).­ ~7,OOO ,mo~urloil Tbu~- 't ':'I~ , "No photographs. !lave been KABUL. Jan, 6, (Bakhlar};T;" 'altles:-:.about; I 140 mUes northeast.of Salgoo - . I, , , /. (c. '0'" ,­ ~~l :' ',' II .. '. 'The general con'dition and blood taken by NBC either dUri':,g o~ , Dr. Ghulam Sediq Mohebi, a f'!-7. the,lJil't ;Blniile~,~ ':t!'ail irI,;l\ll' the 8~ay as: l}1e jet div~ on their .~s,- . PI\,/mUB .;'. J~\6 "q.~~~:. I circulation of Dr. Philip Blaib­ since the operation." the sp kes culty JDemhet:. of the Kabul PolYc ,'"'lst o~ th~'.Vletr1J\m' w....,put, toge- lions. 'The ;pllot was rescued, " Central",Corrinllllee ''Of..th61 ~ /II,- r , erg, the man with ;J. new heart, rnan stated. technic Institu'te, 4aft Kab~ fpr thei, sa:otdinr .to,oUlc181 'fi~ rc..' " T,he, 1~l\1lkea"!Jiti(1aid ;,,{(9,,; \~m .. , lo~k":'A'w.lnunJ!,f, pffiy:'~~i ,tll\d •,. '.::.,:' '. "are good", the Groote Schuur No instructions had been rece- Mos~ow for research iJY'nuclear I......d 'M,~",. w.edn"":'!ay;. I '. ( ,ricaJ!: :plaliesl~~~~, tieell"'anolr down., ~e'.lea~~p·,~of,:,the :partyt~4 ,the ", " Hospital announced in an after­ L·~ ~nd , . PRICE AF."3 ived from NBC in New Yorl< to .'PhYSIcs, U.S. t8JUaltl", ,tronl. the' stsrt of over. North' VIetnam 220 over nalion yesterday In a move .io end' , ~ ...~:':.....'j ~ ,,--.. .... ". _.--v.~.,... ... noon,bulletin here Friday. oppose attempts by the Cape Mohammad Hassan Sarwari, 1961 :t'1 ..the end"of 19,67 ate 'H6,/;!7 South VI.tnilln~999 jn all.. • three months of political c~s,.; , Meanwhile twenty-five thou­ provincial administration to have 'and Ghulam' a.soul teachers at men dead, wowided or " missing An!\th~. S66 plan~s have been lost ," • ~;'. • sand' will be paid to Blaiberg and photos taken of Blaiberg at the the Kabul T~chnicai. School, lett ($9,997 dead). ,.'. " 'i ill ,the war in,lirounfl auacks, cra· It retsllied Antonin NovoUiy' . as W~:s~~"gton" Resists· Pressure his "';ife Eileen, for their own aiJ~ b~t ARAB . use. trom the $50.000 contract Groote Schuur Hospital. for the :Federal 'Republlc of Ger-' But in 1967 .. alone, there.', were' shes 'other 'inCidents. president of· the rel!ublic, liave lDany for further training in au- 71,163 casualties (9,353 dell'l!). In .fairly clear wcather Thursday ,his other post as fint.""c~ry , of ~t9P Viet~am they. signed with ,·the NatlO)lal "J do not belleve that NBC pla~ fi~w ~is~ To:: Bo'mb'ing ·N,. BroadCasting Company (NBC) would oppose any official move tomatille repair. Meanwhile, three more U.S: ,-!:S. flghttl,r-.boinhers: 135 the party to'.. A1eXai!ClFt 'Doltsiun ". SUMMIT; television network of the United to have Dr, B1aiberg photogra­ nes ha.ve been shot. out of thC sky s,ons over North Vietnam, bomhmg 46 first secretary of the SloValt ClI- Mohammad Hassan Amlpi; an over Vielnam' llringi,!g American two 'of Haiphong'. four main brid- m;"uiust Party. - . WAS!'trNGTON, Jan. 7, (Reu­ overtures from -Hanoi have to a States. phed for the flreSs provided they terl.-The United, States resisted certain extent overshadowed were also permitted to do, sb. official of, the Rural Development plane loss<;s to \'iet COng 'anli'North lies' in the ,city centre and ballering Departml!ht left for London un­ Vietoalliese fire to 999, an Ameri~ pontoon' add ferry by passes near It also moved' Jeisef' Lepllli out molintin~ pressure Saturday to Monday's meeting" the Phnom The contract. giving NBC ex­ However this matter involves Dr. minIBt~.r declare a' halt In the bombing of Penh talks have raised high hp­ POSTPONED clusive rights to photograph the Blaiberg's privacy as well, 110 it der " ,United Nations program­ can spokes"!-an said Friday.' - both' bridges. .. of tho post of ptfme and me to studY local administration. .During hea~y raids on tho. J!:anoi- have his job to Oldrich,' !!etltraUy North Vietnam to test Hanoi's pes here of improVed relations' Blaillergs "hefore, during and will be his decision that ~ou'!ts" offer to t'alk if the bombardment between the U.S. and Cambodia, CAIRO. Jan. (AFPj-The Arab after the operation." provides for Ens. Alunad Farid Eshaq, a Haiphong 'area Thursday that stre- Tho Hanoi high*ay and rail considered as the country's' leading the spokesman said. ~taff ,• stopped. ' Bowles's visit results from a summit meettng Will be postponed, the outstanding amount to be member of the Water and' t"hed .10 within 10 miles of the bridge, three miles norlh of tlie city economist., political quarJcrs in Culro s:ud yes­ Soil Survey Department. of tlie Cl1ili'ese border, anIi-aircraft fire centre, and a ferry bypass around , I Officials said the U.S. govern­ surprise invitation by Prince Sih- . given either to the ?oroote Sch­ ment was not going to he rushed terday as the Arob League Council ~ar. Ministry of Agriculture:. and 11'­ ripped thrciug4 a silver crusader jel the mile-Ions Paul Doumer bridge dep~ty anouk last week to' the U.S. to uur Hospital, or the ChrIS RED CROSS TO Cemik had he... • prlme . lOto .anything ani!' preferred to reo' ~n met here for n special Ihrce-day ll rigatlon also left for 1.on<\on un­ sending' It plttnjing to the ground. across' the Red River, conoei:tmg talk with him in effort to prc­ nard Fund (for research IOto minister and chairman of tile' state lyon'!Iuiet round-the-world dip­ session. der the United Na~ions program­ The pilot is' miSSIng. " Hanoi with China and Haiphong. vent his country becoming a heart surgery) and the estate of planning commission. lomacy to'4lscov:er if Hanoi' teal­ The council must now choose 0 Clive Houpt. the heart donor, VISIT PRISONS me to studY water resourcea., ." Wednesday a bomb·laden U.S. were also bombed, ' battleground. through American ,,. On Cernik. had been· tipped in recent ly was Interested in peace talks new dote for the summit whkh WIlS Tllis was announced Friday by Thundercliief was caught alone by There was no accurate assessment troops trying to prevent Viet weeks as most Ilkely to succeed bot nr was just trying to get Ii bomb· due to start In Rabal on January th~ Ghulam Nabj Nateq, II faculty a - delta-wirigelt Mig' 21 and shot of damage in the raids, the spokes- Corig guerrillas escaping from a spokesman for firm of Cape WEST BANK Lenon as prime minister, hut Nov­ Ing ureprieveJ'. the neighbouring battle zone. 17: Town attorneys actmg for NBC. ON member of the College <if Engi­ down. man said. olny as parly first secretary. neering. Kabul University, left They .aid every effort Was lie· The UAR's decision to declare , He added that It was at the JERUSALEM, Jan, 6, (AFPl,­ rng made trough both Western In favour of p091pooemcnL' was Bnliberg's discretIOn whether or for the United States under ,a The International Red Cross is "~ and Eastern capitals of explore tlrst announced early Saturday by not to give their share of .the USAlD programme to study gra­ soon to ViSlt all prisons on the .;, fully Hanoi's intentions in the the Cairo ~overnrnent daily Al contract payment to organ1sn ­ phic engineering. Israel-held west bank of the B. a winner even when you lose. wake of a statement last week­ Ahram. 110'05 cllnneclcd With the heart Jordan, a spokesman (or the end by North Vietnamese For­ Tass Says Eshko,I, organisalron said. here yester­ Mohammad Haideruddm, Mo­ A!ter UAR and Moroccan forM transplant.
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