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RECEIVED DEC t• 1998 COLU~t\llA COLLEGE LtBBARY ~~Pre111iere Night" in the TV Depart111ent Page 6 t! VITAL PICK OF THE WEEK DECEMBER 1 4, 1 998 vitality n. 1. The characteristic that distinguishes the li ving from the n J\i.la l)a.sJaci ty to grow or develop. 3. Physical or intellectual vigor: energy. 1.881tC~f! b~rr.6-. •... Concerts in Chicago this week and beyond > Jly La W;tnda Bryant du~l wilh l~ad s inger R.L . fro m Nexl. You know 1.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~================::!!.1 ! ('rnTt'.\'flflllfll'llf him a ~ the t.:u tc. youn ~c r looking version o f TcUd y Ri ley from lllackslrccl ;md fo rmer group G uy. "We Man or Astroman? Fo r tho~ c o f you who have hccn ~ l cc pi ng on the Can't Be rric nds," ill so Lo-produccd hy JorUan, is a wilh T he Causey Way R& ll scene, you may nol know ihal 23-year-old :-.ong ahout hrcaking up and trying to fight whatever Monday December 14 t\rista rcc..:ord ing ilrtist De borah Cox ha.\ come out ~t i ll kee ps your heart warm for that person. Ye s, Ax with he r scc..:ond a lbum after three years. T his we've all hccn there also. ''Couldn't We" is anoth­ Canadian singer has produced an a lbum th at i~ ~urc er. you guessed it. love song ahout trying again. lo please I he hallatl junkie. suc h as myself. While !his didn'l appeal lo my laslc, il's slill won h Cox's new cllhu m "One Wi ~h" i!-. numhcr o ne on li sle ning lo. T he nexl song, ihe li llc !rack, "One ihc Billboard R&ll Charls a nd munhcr five on ihc Wis h" is a prelly laid-hack cui produced hy DJ Billboard llo l Charls. II provides ihc liSiencr wi lh a Quik. and you Q uik fans will recogni ze ihc heal mix o r dance right away. c uts. a long w ith i\nolher slow "curling up w ith :-.inglc pu t in the your honey" category with the ly pc llHI.si c. I aforement ione d perS<>nally like "We Can·l lie the ~ l ow cuts Fri ends" is " I oiTered: surh as Won'! Give Up." the second tnu.: k It has a nit:c, s low, " li's Over rclaxinl!. hem with Now," produced jusl a - lillie bass hy Kay-Gee or tweeting in the Naugllly By backg round, defi­ N;uurc (a lso nitely a favorite of' producer o r mine. The song Nexl). This a lkr is "One Day somewhat mid­ You Will." a s low Big Bad Voodoo Daddy tempo song i!-. song that can he Wednesday December 16 about a woman associated with the who has pul up many "I Will House of Blues with a man that Survi ve" type she has basically son!.!s we hear so Dave Matthews Band had CllOUI.!h of. ofle~1 on the radio. wilh Maceo Parker II is follm~cd hy T he alhum e nds Saturday Decmeber 19 ihc firS! plal­ wilh ihc remix inum sin).!lc dant:c version of United Center from the a l h~m "Nohody 's "Nohnuy Supposed 'I<> Be Blue Meanies Supposed 1<> l! e I I e re:· you· re sure w ilh Oblivion, The Tossers, The Balli mores II e re... Lei's 10 hea r il in ihe a nd E leclric Summer f'H..:C i t, we've a ll local club scene. been in !ha l Finally. Cox Wednesday December 23 hcanbroken rounds everything Metro state when we up wilh a dance didn' l wanl lo mix named The Roots he b01hcrcd w ilh "T hings Jus l i\in'l New Year's Eve anyone. an<.J The Same." along comes A lihough Cox Congress Theatre !hal somebody len us hanging for that makes you awhile. she came Chris Isaak forge! whal you !houg h and gave wilh New Radicals and 13cllcr Than Ezra were mad ahoul. ihe people, or al New Year's Eve This !rack was co-wrillcn and produced by singer leaS! I he ballad junkies. whai lhcy wanicd. and !hal's Morllc l Jordan. If you Walch music videos, MTY or I he name or I he business. House of Blues BET, or lislcn 10 ihc radio, you've heard !his song. I r you would like lo know more ahotu Cox, you li's o nl y being played every day, al leas! every lwo can visi t her wchsitc at www.dehorahcoxon linc.com Morphine hours. and he r link al A risla (found on he r wehsilc). with The Lonesome OrganiSI The nexl c ui, which is one of my favorilcs, is a New Year's Eve r----------------- , Riviera Theatre Mighty Blue Kings wilh Andrew Ri rd's Bowl of F ire 1 Vital Pick of 1 New Year's Eve I I Vic Theater Glenn Underground w il h Vic Lavender a nd Darrel Woodson : the Week: : New Year's Eve Smart Bar IL-----~----- By Patrick M.Walsh ---------~--~-----------~oars in ihc Chicago area and drink tll llil you vomil I Mtma~ in;: ~~·dilor into your San ta hal. 1\l lthi ~ and more. ror only $20! I Call John al (773) '.12lJ-OlJ44 for lickeiS. I 'Ti~ the !'.Ca\o!l to he jolly! What a cruel state- All tllb pales in comparison to the cvCnts at I men I, whoever came up w ilh lhis saying never had Club l'ool, I X24 W. i\ug usla lllvd. Thursday. Dec. l lo lind Elmo doll; and Furhics. They never had lo 17, " Kissrnas," is c:oming lo !own. You heard plan holida~ parlics or ':':~re forced lo lislc n 10 1 1 ~~ rig bi, I he musical slylings or Kiss will he lp I I hrarn nunrhrngJIIl J;Ic ol Welcome lo my World, bring oul your lmliday c heer whe n DJ al l·i\0 Schwar11.. Chri;lma; lime i; a n cxhaus l- Don l lcdekcr and Joe Wislak break lnJ.! ti111c that lllitkc..., everyone l o~c 11 lit- out the vinyl and play all the grccll I lie lr;rir. I s; oy, Chri;lrna s. l!ah- hallan ls of ihc Ame rican 1reasurc 1 l llwnh11!!! known as Kiss. I Fe ar nol l:11 1hl ul readers, all is 1101 lo; l. I l!ud and llud Lighl wil l he priced run here to gu1de on a break I rom all your liol- at $1.50. a pril:C so cheap you will h ~.: I & Redman I 1d:~ y \ hopping anU 111dulgc in C'hicagol;md able to pee your nan1c in thl' snow Method Man h(Jiulay·..., ' \ puil\," or wo tlenllg hole'i a~ they three times over. I Tuesday January 5 I have cornc to hc k110W1 1. So Jlllt on your Santa C hristmas doc!'. not have to he a House of Blues h;1t and lllf1kc \ urc that your hoot\ ;u c on tig ht.••--......... bon.: . it's only as hcl'lic as you lllakc hetau \e we illt go111 g 011 :1 " ( 'lul\1111<1!-. il. So go out illld J'ind that Furhy and I L TJ Bukem I Bender." !-iL II I 111 ixing the eggnog. IHJ t save wilh Mt' Conrad. 'lityla, M C DRS & Blame I log Head Md> llllllfl ·~ j, holding it!'. iiiiiiUal time to have fun. I I S;llll a llal l'uh ( 'rawl, Sunday Dec. 20. ""i"Y >nak- ""joy ( 'hrislrnas fo r ;ill il's c heer anti heer. cause Sunday January 10 ....l •ng ------------------i l \ f>CC tadc ol your\clf pa rading to !\IX dillercnt alkl a ll. i ~ n ' t that the true lliCalling or C hristmas'!.... I . House of Blues DECEMBER 1 4, 1998 MUSIC REVIEWS 3 INDIE 500: Swtmmtn q up (a11 d ==THE TRACKS OF 198 down) tbe mainstream lly Michael O'llricn 6. "llcyond Repair," Si lkworm. lie 's not dead. I'm telling you. Tupac (or Slan· wriu·r T he first time you hear this song. you'll Makavcli. or what ever he wants to cal l him­ fall on the lloor wi th laughter. 1\ndy sell) is living in the /\Ips ><nnewhcre. and Well , here it is. the long-awaited list Cohen tri es to sound all deep and Singles arc the songs that give you an soon enough. mayhc in I()()<J. he will reap­ or the lo p independent music songs or n1caningfu l while singi ng lines like impression or an arti st.
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