International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2017) A New Paradigm in Nuclear Power Safety Fukui, Japan 24 – 25 April 2017 Kyoto, Japan 26 – 28 April 2017 Volume 1 of 3 ISBN: 978-1-5108-5000-2 Printed from e-media with permission by: Curran Associates, Inc. 57 Morehouse Lane Red Hook, NY 12571 Some format issues inherent in the e-media version may also appear in this print version. Copyright© (2017) by Atomic Energy Society of Japan All rights reserved. Printed by Curran Associates, Inc. (2018) For permission requests, please contact Atomic Energy Society of Japan at the address below. Atomic Energy Society of Japan 2-3-7 Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0004 Japan Phone: +81-(0)3-3508-1261 Fax: +81-(0)3-3581-6128 [email protected] Additional copies of this publication are available from: Curran Associates, Inc. 57 Morehouse Lane Red Hook, NY 12571 USA Phone: 845-758-0400 Fax: 845-758-2633 Email: [email protected] Web: www.proceedings.com April 24-28, 2017 / FUKUI and KYOTO, JAPAN Track 5: Generic Safety Improvement, Evaluation and Regulation 1:20 pm - 3:00 pm / Tenzan (Hotel Fujita Fukui) Chair: Masutake Sotsu (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Co-Chair: Hongbin Zhang (Idaho National Laboratory) 17093 Defence in Depth Perspectives 1 Tania Veneau, Agnès Ferrier, Jean Barbaud (EDF) 17277 Beyond Design Basis External Flooding - Generic Design Assessment and Lessons Learned 11 from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Accident Tanya MacLeod, Leslie Smith, Tim Allmark, Peter Ford (2I¿ce Ior NXclear 5egXlation) 17353 2XU5HÀHFWLRQVDQG/HVVRQVIURPWKH)XNXVKLPD1XFOHDU$FFLGHQW 17 Takeshi Matsuoka, Takashi Sawada, Genki Yagawa, Naoto Sekimura, Ayao Tsuge, Hideki Nariai, T Hiroyuki Kameda, Masaki Shiratori, Hiroshi Miyano, Yoshitaka Yoshida (6cience &oXncil oI Japan) 17460 Development of the Risk Monitoring System “COSMOS” and Risk-Informed Activities for 32 Safety Enhancement in Kansai Electric's Plants Kazuhisa Takegoshi, Jun Sugahara, Satoru Fukui, Gaku Okubo (The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc.), Kagetomo Miyahara, Takamasa Kurokawa, Kaoru Ikeda (NXclear Engineering, Ltd.) Track 4: Examination and Monitoring 1:20 pm - 3:00 pm / Sakae (Hotel Fujita Fukui) Chair: Shinobu Ookido (+itachi*E NXclear Energy Ltd.) Co-Chair: Hidehiko Kuroda (Toshiba Corporation) 17092 1HXWURQ5DGLRJUDSK\0HWKRGXQGHU+LJK*DPPD5D\(QYLURQPHQW8VLQJ'\VSURVLXP)RLO 36 Kohichi Nakayama, Syuji Yamamoto (Toshiba Corporation), Koichi Nittoh (Toshiba NXclear Engineering 6erYice Corporation), Kenichi Yoshioka, Tsukasa Sugita (Toshiba Corporation) 17157 Development of Ultrasonic Inspection Technique for Cast Stainless Steel and Its Application in 42 the Field Hitoshi Ishida (InstitXte oI NXclear 6aIety 6ystem, Inc.) 17708 Monitoring of Pipe Wall Thinning Using High-Temperature Thin-Film UT Sensor 46 Takeshi Kodaira, Takayuki Matsuura, Isao Seki, Yuko Yamamoto, Seiichi Kawanami (0itsXbishi +eaYy IndXstries, Ltd.) 17459 6WXG\RQ&RQGLWLRQ0RQLWRULQJ7HFKQLTXHVIRU/RZ9ROWDJH(OHFWULFDO&DEOHVLQ1XFOHDU3RZHU 50 Plants Hideo Hirao, Takeshi Sakai (NXclear Engineering, Ltd.), Yuusaku Kajimura (InstitXte oI NXclear 6aIety 6ystem, Inc.) 2017 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants Track 1: Advances in LWR I 1:20 pm - 3:00 pm / Mizuho 1 (The Westin Miyako Kyoto) Chair: Franck Morin (CEA) Co-Chair: Chikako Iwaki (Toshiba Corporation) 17036 The European Utility Requirements for Advanced Light Water Reactors (EUR): 54 5HFHQW$FKLHYHPHQWVDQG1HZ&KDOOHQJHV Emmanuel Vieilletoile (EDF) 17217 ALISA Project: Large-Scale Experimental Facilities for Severe Accidents Studies in Europe and in China 60 A. Miassoedov (KarlsrXhe InstitXte oI Technology), Y. Liao (China NXclear Power Technology 5esearch InstitXte), X. Gaus-Liu (KarlsrXhe InstitXte oI Technology), C. Journeau, N. Cassiaut-Louis (CEA), H. Zhang (China NXclear Power Technology 5esearch InstitXte), W. Bai (6tate NXclear Power 6oItware DeYelopment Center), Y.P. Zhang (;i an JiaoTong 8niYersity), B. Kuang, P. Hu (6hanghai Jiao Tong 8niYersity) 17709 In-Containment Hydrogen Sensor System against Harsh Environment during a Severe Accident 70 Shohei Hasegawa, Hiroyuki Ukon, Masato Oba (0itsXbishi +eaYy IndXstries, Ltd.) 17688 Load Bearing Capacities and Elastic-Plastic Behavior of Reactor Vessel Internals 76 Keita Watanabe, Ryuichi Nagase (0itsXbishi +eaYy IndXstries, Ltd.) 17446 The Effect of Mass Transfer Processes on Accumulation and Crystallization of Boric Acid in 83 VVER Core in Case of Accident A. V. Morozov, A. V. Pityk, S. V. Ragulin, A. R. Sahipgareev, A. S. Shlepkin (InstitXte Ior Physics and Power Engineering) Track 3: SFR Design and Technologies I 1:20 pm - 3:00 pm / Mizuho 2 (The Westin Miyako Kyoto) Chair: Hidemasa Yamano (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Co-Chair: Bernard Carluec (A5E9A NP) 17155 ,$($1$352&RRUGLQDWHG5HVHDUFK3URMHFW(TXDWLRQVRI6WDWHIRU6RGLXP 88 O. Azpitarte, E. Vazquez, M. Japas, M. Chocrón, A. Villanueva (National Atomic Energy Commission of Argentina), S. Passerini, C. Gerardi, C. Grandy (Argonne National Laboratory), E. Bubelis, S. Perez-Martin (KarlsrXhe InstitXte of Technology), S. Jayaraju, F. Roelofs (NXclear 5esearch and ConsXltancy *roXp), C. Latgé, A. Gerschenfeld (CEA), Bin Long (China InstitXte of Atomic Energy), P. Selvaraj (Indira *andhi Centre for Atomic 5esearch), E. Marinenko, Y. Zagorulko (InstitXte of Physics and Power Engineering), H. Ohira (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), V. Kriventsev (IAEA) 17428 The Collaboration of Japan and France on the Design of ASTRID Sodium Fast Reactor 96 Frédéric Varaine, Gilles Rodriguez (CEA), Jean-Marie Hamy (A5E9A NP), Hiroki Hayafune (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Toru Iitsuka (0itsXbishi +eaYy IndXstries, Ltd.), Haruo Mochida (0itsXbishi F%5 6ystems Inc.) 17573 Development of Electro-Magnetic Pump for the ASTRID Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor 104 Tetsu Suzuki, Rie Aizawa, Shingo Wakasaki (Toshiba Corporation Energy 6ystems 6olXtions Company), Frank Dechelette, Fabrice Benoit (CEA) 17645 Development of Prototype Reactor Maintenance 112 (1) Application to Piping System of Sodium-Cooled Reactor Prototype Shoji Kotake (The Japan Atomic Power Company), Yoshitaka Chikazawa, Shigeru Takaya, Masahiko Ohtaka, Shigenobu Kubo, Masanobu Arai, Kosuke Kunogi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Takaya Ito (0itsXbishi F%5 6ystems Inc.), Akira Yamaguchi (The 8niYersity of ToNyo) 17772 Development of Prototype Reactor Maintenance 118 (2) Application to Piping Support of Sodium-Cooled Reactor Prototype Masanobu Arai, Kosuke Kunogi, Kosuke Aizawa, Yoshitaka Chikazawa, Shigeru Takaya, Shigenobu Kubo (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Shoji Kotake (The Japan Atomic Power Company), Takaya Ito (0itsXbishi F%5 6ystems Inc.), Akira Yamaguchi (The 8niYersity of ToNyo) Track 5: Safety Analysis I 1:20 pm - 3:00 pm / Cosmos Hall (The Westin Miyako Kyoto) Chair: Tania Veneau (EDF) &R&KDLU .RLFKL1DNDPXUD(Central 5esearch InstitXte of Electric Power IndXstry) 17047 'HPRQVWUDWLRQRI8QFHUWDLQW\4XDQWL¿FDWLRQDQG6HQVLWLYLW\$QDO\VLVIRU3:5)XHO 124 3HUIRUPDQFHZLWK%,621 Hongbin Zhang (Idaho National Laboratory), Jacob Ladd (%righam <oXng 8niYersity), Haihua Zhao, Ling Zou, Douglas Burns (Idaho National Laboratory) 17737 Modeling of Accident Tolerant Fuel for PWR and BWR Using MAAP5 134 Eugene van Heerden, Chan Y. Paik, Sung Jin Lee, Martin G. Plys (FaXsNe Associates, LLC) 17464 7KH$QDO\VLVRI.XRVKHQJ1XFOHDU3RZHU3ODQW6SHQW)XHO3RROE\8VLQJ)5$375$1 144 Wan-Yun Li, Yu Chiang (National Tsing +Xa 8niYersity), Jong-Rong Wang (National Tsing +Xa 8niYersity NXclear and New Energy EdXcation and 5esearch FoXndation), Yung-Shin Tseng (National Tsing +Xa 8niYersity), Hao-Tzu Lin (Atomic Energy CoXncil), Jung-Hua Yang, Yuh-Ming Ferng, Shao-Wen Chen (National Tsing +Xa 8niYersity), Chunkuan Shih (National Tsing +Xa 8niYersity NXclear and New Energy EdXcation and 5esearch FoXndation) 17729 Fuel Cycle Facility Safety Analysis and Source Term Tool FATE 150 Martin Plys, Sung Jin Lee, Robert Apthorpe, James Burelbach (FaXsNe Associates, LLC) 17614 6LPSOL¿HG3LSH7R3LSH,PSDFWDQG%UHDN(YDOXDWLRQ0HWKRGIRU3RVWXODWHG3LSH5XSWXUH 158 Redha Mahzar, Xu Qiang, Yushi Sakamoto, Akira Nebu, Akihiko Hirano, Noriyuki Takamura (+itachi*E NXclear Energy Ltd.) April 24-28, 2017 / FUKUI and KYOTO, JAPAN Track 3: SFR Core Design I 1:20 pm - 3:00 pm / Hiei (The Westin Miyako Kyoto) Chair: Shigeo Ohki (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Co-Chair: Thierry Beck (CEA) 17247 'HVLJQ6WXG\RID0:H-DSDQ6RGLXP&RROHG)DVW5HDFWRUZLWK0HWDO)XHO 168 Kazuya Ohgama (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Hirokazu Ohta (Central 5esearch InstitXte of Electric Power IndXstry), Yoshihisa Ikusawa, Shigeo Ohki (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Takanari Ogata (Central 5esearch InstitXte of Electric Power IndXstry) 17169 &RPSDUDWLYH6WXG\RQ%XUQXS&KDUDFWHULVWLFVRID0:H0HWDO)XHO6RGLXP&RROHG)DVW 174 Reactor Kazuya Ohgama (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Gerardo Aliberti, Nicolas E. Stauff (Argonne National Laboratory), Shigeo Ohki (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Taek K. Kim (Argonne National Laboratory) 17207 Tradeoff Analysis of Metal-Fueled Fast Reactor Design Concepts 182 Nicolas E. Stauff (Argonne National Laboratory), Kazuya Ohgama (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Gerardo Aliberti (Argonne National Laboratory), Shigeo Ohki (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Taek K. Kim (Argonne National Laboratory) 17171 Core Concept of Minor Actinides Transmutation Fast Reactor with Improved Safety 192 Koji Fujimura (+itachi*E NXclear Energy Ltd. +itachi, Ltd.), Satoshi Itooka (+itachi*E NXclear Energy Ltd.), Shigeo Ohki (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Toshikazu Takeda (8niYersity of FXNXi) 17739 &RQFHSWRI6PDOO&DQGOH%XUQLQJ5HDFWRUZLWK0HOWDQG5H¿QLQJ3URFHVV
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