i I r I ] l I ... d|IONAL COUNCII. FOR LAW REPORTN,{G---P ; LIBRITRY I i ) I I THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. CXVII-No.84 NAIROBI, 29th July, 2016 hice Sh. 60 CONTENTS GAZET"IE NOTICES PAGE The Privatization Act-Appointsnent ....................................... 2930 l-oss of Policies.. 296-2975 The Fisheries Act- Ap,pointment. 2930 Change of Names ....................... 2975 Tasldorce for the Rationalization of the Current Fostal Network in Kenya to align it with Cunent Market Trcnds and Emerging Competition..... 2930-2931 SUPPLEMENT Nos. 120 and 121 The Crntal Bank of Kenya Act-Revocation of Forex Bureau Licence, erc ........................... 2931,2949 N ational As s e mb ly Bills, 20 | 6 Supreme Court of Kenya-August Vacation, 2016............... 2931 PAGE The Competition Act-Appointsnent, etc ................................ 2931-2932 The Contempt of Court Bitl, 2016 .................. 513 The l-afit Registration Act-Issue of Provisional The Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill, 2016................ 537 Certificates, etc.. 2932-2941, The Land Act-Outering Road Prolxt-Corrigcndum........ 2941 County Govemments Notices............. 2941-2946 SUPPLEMENT No. 122 The Civil Aviation Act-Decisions of the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority on Applications for Air Sewice Iz g is Lativ e S upp leme nt Licences .............. 296-2948 LBGAL NoficE No. The Clops Act-Application for Licences in the Coffee PAGE Industry ............... 2960-2%t 128-The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Fitness to Practice) Rules, 2016.. ...................... 23t5 The Kenya Infomation and Communications Act- Application for Licences.................. 2%t 129-T\e Medical Practitioners and Dentists The Council of L-gal Education Act-Passing of (Medical Camp) Rules, 2016 2319 Examination and 2%1 130-The Medical Practitioners and Dentists Relations Act-Amendment dre The labour of (Practitioners and Health Facilities) a .......................... 2961-2962 Constitution and Rules of Trade Union (Advertising) Rules, 2016........... 2324 The C-ooperative Societies Act-Appoinunent of Liquidator ........... 2962 l3l-The Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Professional Fees) Rules, 2016 2327 The Water Act-Public Consultations...................,.................. 2%2 Th€ Physical Planning Act-Completion of Part Development Plan 2962-2963 The Environmental Managemcnt urd Co-ordination Act- SUPPLEMENT No.123 Envimnmenal Impact Asses$nent Study Report............ 296T2965 Acts,2016 The TrsusEe Act-Submission of C|afuns............................... 2965 PAGE Business Transfcr............................. 2965 Disposal of UncollecEd Goods ..... 2%5-29(6 Thc County Allocation of Revenue Act,2016........ 459 lzozs 2930 THE KENYA GAZETTE 29thJuly,2016 I CoRRIGENDA Stanley Tonui Kipkorir I OthnielMwambili proprietor's ! IN Gazette Notice No. 5360 of 2016, amend the name Daniel Juma Okech l printed as "Jocob Irita ole Kipury" to read"lac& lrtia ole Kipury". Edwin Robin Muga l Benedict Kyalo Kiilu Moses Munialo Simiyu Notice No. 620 of 2016, amend lhe expression printed IN Gazette David Ouma Mboya as "Embu/lVlunic ipality I 1O27" to read "Embu/Ivluni cipality I 1207 ", Joseph A. Onyango where it appears. Willey K. Mututa Olive Wairimu Theuri IN Gazette Notice No. 49 I I of 201 6, Cause No. %) of 2016, amend Rosaline Daisy Muriuki the first petitioner's name printed as "Jeniffer Wanjikiu Wainaina" to Richard Ngetich read"lenifferWanjiku Wainaina" and the deceased's name printed as Ali Mohosin "Francis Wainaina Kabuthia alias Francis Wainaina Kabut\ia" a read Tom Ojuok Mboya "Francis Wainaina Kabuthia alias Francis Wainaina Kabutha". Joyce Lugonzo Jamlick Mutegi Njeru Cosmas Kibet [,angat IN Gazette Notice No. 5554 of 2016, delete fte name "Joseph Charles Onyango Odindo Kipkorir Chumo" and substitute therefor the name "John Kipkorir Benson Macharia Kirathe Chumo". Davies Mukwabi Makilla John Kiarie Njuguna Gazette Notice No. 4961 of 2016 is revokcd. Michael Kiptoo Saina Francis Kibe William Ochieng Osodo GAzE-rrE NoncE No. 5805 Winfred Kyalo Raymond Kipkirui TI{E PRIVATZATION ACT Joseph Kimani Karanja I (CaP.485q Daniel M. Kasangi . James Mwangi Nderitu APPOINTMENT John Kwanya Ngicho IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 5 (l) (d) of the Meshack Kimanthi Nzioka iq Privatization Act, the Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury Amos Mutari Thuranira appoints- Stephen Kipkoech Bamgetuny Nicholas M. Kagundu Boaz Kidiga Mbaya, Lucia Akinyi Ouma I Sang, Dorothy Muli King'ola Wilfred j John Boru Halake, Danson Kwarnbai Faith Chepkemboi, Leonard Njihia Wamugunda 't{ I John Joseph Tito, George G. Mwaura I Mohamed Suraw Isaak, Pius O. Olala i Zipporah Mukoruru, Peter K. Nyaga Charles Kirui t to be members of the Privatization Commission, for a period of three ' Joshua Ogamba Bosire (3) years, with effect from the 29th June,2016. t" to be authorized fish inspectors for purposes of the Act and this Dated the 13th July,2016. Gazene Notice supersedes all the previous notices. HENRY ROTICH, Cabinet Secretary for the Natiorwl Treasury. Dated the 5th July,2015. I WILLY BETT, Cabinet Secretary Agriculrure. for ) ,,. GAzErrE NcrncE No. 5806 , THE FISHERIES ACT .t, GAZETTENoTIcENO. 5807 l.). ,]; - (Cap.378) TASKFORCE FOR THE RATIONALIZATION OF THE CURRENT TO IT WTIH CURRENT THE FISHERIES (SAFETY OF FISH, FISH FEEDS AND FISHERY POSTALNETWORKIN KENYA ALIGN TRENDS AND EMERGING COMPETMION PRODUCTS REGULATIONS, 2OO7 MARKET APPoINTMENT APPotNTMEI.TT the general information the public that the IN EXERCISE of the powcrs confcrred by Regulation 15 (l) of the IT IS notified for of Information, Communication and Technology Frsheries (Safcty of Fish, Fishcries hoducts and Fish Feeds) Cabinet Secretary for Regulations, 2O07, trc Cabinet Secretary for the I\,linrstry of has appointed a taskforce for the rationalization of the current Postel market trends and Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries appoints- Network in Kenya to align it with changing emerging competition with focus on national mail and parcel services Lucy A. Obungu within the ambit of the Postal Colporation of Kenya Act (Cap 41 1) Daniel N. Mungai laws of Kenya. Dedan M. Mungai as as the Jim N. Mwangi This will include effective and efficient usc well technology by Ephraim M. Wairangu upgrading of Postal services infrastructure and Albert M. Mwangi incorporating the best available global practices through the participation multiple playcrs. Kenneth K. Luga introduction of new services and of Mikah O. Nyaberi The taskforce shall comprise of the following members- Joyce W. Okwara Joseph M. Munyiri Mary Basweti - (C hairper son) Simon Munguti Mathew N. Ngila Members: Vinccnt Ogwang Cliff Mukulu j Jonathan L. Masaba Patrick Kinyori Benrick O. Ogutu Daniel Obam Japhcth M. M'Anampiu Dennis Magare Makori George Otieno Okoth Erick langat : 1[ H _-ts 29th July,20l6 THE KENYA GAZETTE 2931 Abdirahman Bashir GAzEmE NcrncE No. 5808 Michael Ngesa -rHE Carlus Ademba cENrRAi:;X *}{YA ACr Milkah Chebii ;. Rhoda Masaviru REVOCAI.IoN oF A FoREx BI,,REAU LICENCE Florence Nzoera Mulama IT IS notified for information of the general public that in exercise Joint Sccretariat of the powers confened by section 33 D (l) (q) of the Central Bank of Kenya Act, the Bank Kenya revokes the licence Christophcr Maina Cenral of of- FoREx Augustus Munywoki CROSSRoADS BI.,REAU LIMTTED with effect from the lTth June, 2016. 2. The Cabirrct Sccretary, Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology may appoint a Sccrctariat to offer support services to Dated the 2lst Julv' 2016' the taskforcc. pATRrcK N;oRocE, Governor, Central Bank of Kenya. 3. The tcrms of refcrcnce of thc taskforcc are - (a) rcvamp the Postal Corporation of Kenya to enable it provide efficicnt postal nctworks and points of presence both at GAzErrENcncENo. 5809 National and County Govcrnment levels to Ministries, , County SI.JPREMECOURTOFKENYA Govemments and private sector players and all Kenyans at large for delivery of various citizen focused services, schemes AI.'GUST VACATION, 20I6 and products; PURSUANT to Article 163 (l) of the Constitution, section 6 of the (b) supplcmcnt the role of post offices in financial inclusion, Supreme Court Act and Rule 7 C of the Supreme Court Rules, notice including insurancc products; is given as follows: The Supreme Court August Vacation shall commence on lst (c) idcntify the means to enhance the infrastructure requesS of the August, 2016 and terminate on l5th September, 2016 both days postal nctwork for efficient and cffective scrvice delivery; , inclusive. (d) strengthen the Postal role of Corporation of Kenya in the A Judge will hear urgent matterc, if admiacd o hearing on provision of e-commcrce services; application made in accordance with the Rulcs ofthe Court. A ludge (e) make tle postal network cconomically viable; will be available during the vacation to deal with matters that are urgent or require prompt attention. promote the implcmcntation of postal strategies as detailed by f) During this period, thc Supreme Court registry shall bc open to the the Univcrsal Postal Union; public from 9.00 a.m. to 12 p.m on all weekdays other than public holidays. (g) recommend thc ncccssary reviews of Policics and Strategies aimed at repositioning the postal sector in thc country as a Dated the 25th July,2016. major actor in thc supply chain; M. K. IBRAHIM, (n) idcntify thc appropriatc technological advancement that can Ag. President oJThc Suprcme Court strengthen the postal
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