TL&SS Division,Chintamani R & M Works under 74.110-Repair to Plant & Machinery to be taken up FY 2020-21 Rs. in Lakhs Name of SL No Nomenclature Amount Station/Division Apr-20 Estimate for replacement of failed B Phase CT of 8MVA 66/11KV Power Transformer-1 at 66/11KV MUSS 1 66/11KV MUSS Nandhiganahalli 0.06 Nandhiganahalli 66/11KV MUSS Estimate for replacing failed 3X240sqmm XLPE outdoor pothead fixed to 11KV F4-S 2 0.08 Sadali venkatapura feeder at 66/11KV MUSS Sadali Estimate for regularization the tentative work order issued for the work of replacement of faulty Y phase 66KV CT of 100MVA Power Transformer-2 at 220KV RS Chintamani in 3 220KV RS Chintamani 0.13 TL&SSD Chintamani Total 0.27 May-20 66/11KV MUSS Replacement of defective station yard light at 66/11KV MUSS Somanathapura in TL&SSD 4 0.31 Somanathapura Chintamani Providing 11kV class 1x1000sqmm XLPE UG cable to 2x20MVA power transformer for 5 66/11kV Bagepalli 0.86 double run purpose(6run) at 66/11kV Bagepalli 66/11KV MUSS Replacement of defective station yard light at 66/11KV MUSS bagepalli in TL&SSD 6 0.29 bagepalli Chintamani 66/11KV MUSS 7 Supply & Fixing of 1X1000sqmm XLPE H/S outdoor pothead of 'B' phase of 20MVA 0.07 Chintamani Power Transformer-2 at 66/11KV MUSS Chintamani in TL&SSD Chintamani 66/11KV MUSS 8 Painting of 66KV outdoor structure ,66KV brekers ,66KV CT'S 66KV PT'S ,66KV LA'S 0.91 bagepalli power transformer 1 RTCC panel,11KV switch gear panel ,11KV DP structure ,ACPB &DCDB at 66/11KV MUSS bagepalli 66/11KV MUSS Replacemnt of failed station control room & yard lights component at 66/11KV MUSS 9 0.24 Jangamakote Jangamakote in TL&SSD Chintamani 66/11KV MUSS Overall servicing of 11KV MEI make MCVCB switchgear at 66/11KV MUSS 10 0.09 Somanathapura Somanathapura in TL&SSD Gowribidanur 66/11KV MUSS 11 Replacing 11KV 3x240sqmm XLPE outdoor pothead fixed to F11-NJY Rayapanahalli 0.07 Dibburahalli feeder of 11KV bank-2 at 66/11KV MUSS Dibburahalli in TL&SSD Chintamani 66/11KV MUSS Replacement of defective station yard light at 66/11KV MUSS Pathapalya in TL&SSD 12 0.27 Pathapalya Chintamani Total 3.11 Jun-20 66/11kV MUSS, Replacing existing 0.5 class by 0.2 class CT's of Bank-1 (Three nos) and PT (one no) of 13 0.70 Shidlagatta Bank-2 which are of paras make to at 66/11kV MUSS, Shidlagatta 66/11KV MUSS replacement of failed/rejected fire extinguishers & fire buckets at 66/11KV MUSS 14 0.16 Cheemangala Cheemangala in TL&SSD Chintamani 66/11kV Y- 15 2.09 Hunasenahalli replacing worn out capacitor cell in capacitor bank-2 at 66/11kV Y-Hunasenahalli 66/11kV MUSS For replacement of faulty spares of 230V AC, 110V DC bhanavathy make battery charger at 16 0.27 Julpalya 66/11kV MUSS Julpalya IN tl&ssd Gowribidanur 66/11kV MUSS, General servicing 2 nos of CGL make 66kV SF6 70.SFM-40AA circuit breaker at 66/11kV 17 0.15 Chelur MUSS, Chelur in TL&SSD Gowribidanur Estimate for providing spare 3X95sqmm UG Cable for Auxilary supply at 220KV RS 18 0.43 220KV RS Chintamani Chintamani in TL&SSD Chintamani 66/11KV MUSS Estimate for replacement of defective station yard light at 66/11KV MUSS Thimmampalli in 19 0.28 Thimmampalli TL&SSD Chintamani 66/11Kv MUSS For procurment of 02 numbers of 11KV Class 200-100/1-1A old type oil cooled current 20 0.54 Nandhiganahalli transformer to 66/11Kv MUSS Nandhiganahalli 66/11KV MUSS Estimate for shifting of 6.3KVA Shubhasri Enterprises make auxiliary transformer at 21 1.36 Talagawara 66/11KV MUSS Talagawara in TL&SSD Chintamani Rs. in Lakhs Name of SL No Nomenclature Amount Station/Division 66/11KV S/S Estimate for replacement of 11KV Bank-2 CT of ratio 800-400/1-1-1A with 0.5/1 accuracy 22 1.06 Thimmampalli class and 11KV Bank-2 potential Transformer of ratio 11KV/110V-110V with 0.5/1.0 accuracy class by 0.2s accuracy class CT's & PT's at 66/11KV S/S Thimmampalli 66/11kV MUSS, Replacing existing 0.5 class by 0.2 class CT's of Bank-2 which are of instrans make to at 23 0.54 Shidlagatta 66/11kV MUSS, Shidlagatta 66/11kV MUSS Replacement of class 1 accuracy class 11kV indoor bank-1 CT's at 66/11kV MUSS 24 0.57 Talagawara Talagawara om TL&SSD Chintamani Total 8.16 Jul-20 66/11kv Chintamani 26 0.52 MUSS Supply of copper flats for 20MVA power transformer 2 at 66/11kv Chintamani MUSS 66/11KV MUSS Replacement of faulty universal auxiliary current Transformer of Power Transformer-2 at 27 0.08 Cheemangala 66/11KV MUSS Cheemangala in TL&SSD Chintamani 66/11KV MUSS Supply of spare pothead of different sizes and cable straight through jointing kits to 28 0.05 Bagepalli 66/11KV MUSS Bagepalli in TL&SSD Gowribidanur 66/11KV MUSS Supply of maintenance materials required to carry out maintenance work at 66/11KV MUSS 29 0.55 Chelur Chelur in TL&SSD Gowribidanur 66/11KV MUSS Restroration of maintenance materials required to carry out maintenance work at 66/11KV 30 0.54 Chakvelu MUSS Chakvelu in TL&SSD Gowribidanur 66/11KV MUSS Supply of maintenance materials to carry out maintenance work at 66/11KV MUSS 31 0.18 Bagepalli Bagepalli in TL&SSD Gowribidanur 66/11KV MUSS Supply maintenance materials required to carry out maintenance work at 66/11KV MUSS 32 0.49 Pathapalya Pathapalya in TL&SSD Gowribidanur replacement of rejected 03No's of water CO2 type fire extinguisheres (Gas pressure or stored 33 pressure types) 9 Ltrs capacity fire extinguisheres by new fire extinguishers at 66/11KV 0.06 66/11KV Pathapalya Pathapalya in TL&SSD gowribidanur 66/11KV MUSS supply of spare pothead of different sizes and cable straight through jointing kits to 34 0.25 Thimmampalli 66/11KV MUSS Thimmampalli in TL&SSD Gowribidanur 66/11KV MUSS Supply for maintenance materials to carry out maintenance work at 66/11KV MUSS 35 0.17 Somanathapura Somanathapura in TL&SSD Gowribidanur Replacement of failed 01 number of 11KV PT of ration 11KV/√3/110V/√3/110/√3 at 66/11KV MUSS PARAS make connected in MEI make MCVCB bank-1 Switchgear at 66/11KV MUSS 36 0.23 Somanathapura Somanathapura in TL&SSD Gowribidanur 37 66/11KV Pathapalya Replacement of faulty 03 No's of 11KV class mouleded/Polycreat CT's of ratio 200-100/1-1- 0.80 1A of F6-Gudipalli in Pathapalya in TL&SSD Gowribidanur 66/11KV MUSS Supply of spare 200-100/1-1-1A CT for 11KV feeder at 66/11KV MUSS Talagawara in 38 0.23 Talagawara TL&SSD Chintamani 39 66/11KV MUSS Supply and fixing of failed 3X240 sqmm outdoor pothead of 11KV feeder F8-old billur by 0.07 Somanathapura new pothead at 66/11KV MUSS Somanathapura in TL&SSD Gowribidanur 40 66/11KV MUSS Refilling of various types of fire extinguishers at 66/11KV MUSS Bagepalli in TL&SSD 0.10 Bagepalli Gowribidanur 66/11KV MUSS refilling of various types of fire extinguishers at 66/11KV MUSS Chakavelu in TL&SSD 41 0.13 Chakavelu Gowribidanur 66/11KV MUSS Refilling of various types of fire extinguishers(Second set) at 66/11KV MUSS Bagepalli in 42 0.08 Bagepalli TL&SSD Gowribidanur 66/11KV MUSS providing CI Pipes for existing direct body earthing of 8MVA Power Transformer-1 at 43 0.23 G.Kodihalli 66/11KV MUSS G.Kodihalli in TL&SSD Chintamani 66/11KV S/S 44 0.59 Cheemangala Improving the earth efficeincy of 66/11KV S/S Cheemangala in TL&SSD Chintamani r replacement of failed 1NO of wall entry bushing without contact of 11KV F-11 45 66/11KV MUSS Chithravathi Dam feeder MEI make MCVCB Switchgear at 66/11KV MUSS Bagepalli in 0.16 Bagepalli TL&SSD Gowribidanur Rs. in Lakhs Name of SL No Nomenclature Amount Station/Division Supply of of 03 No's of single phase 11KV class outdoor oil cooled PT's of ratio 46 66/11KV MUSS 11KV/RT3/110V/RT3-110V/RT3 for regularization of 66/11KV MUSS Yenigadale in 0.57 Yenigadale TL&SSD Chintamani 66/11KV S/S supply of JVS make 66KV trip circuit supervision relay of capacitor bank panel at 66/11KV 47 0.08 Chintamani S/S Chintamani in TL&SSD Chintamani 48 66/11KV MUSS supply of 01No of faulty vaccum interrapter with collar of 11KV MEI Switchgear 0.34 Shidlagatta (MCVCB) F6-Jangamakote feeder at 66/11KV MUSS Shidlagatta in TL&SSD Chintamani 66/11KV MUSS 49 replacing failed Y phase 11KV 1X1000sqmm XLPE Cable outdoor pothead of 20MVA 0.08 Shidlagatta Power Transformer-1 at 66/11KV MUSS Shidlagatta in TL&SSD Chintamani 50 66/11KV MUSS 0.30 Yenigadale For replacing the faulty analog meters in C&R Panel at 66/11KV MUSS Yenigadale 66/11KV S/S Estimate for replacement of 11KV Bank-2 CT of ratio 1200-800/1-1-1A with 0.5/1 accuracy 51 1.48 Bagepalli class and 11KV Bank-2 potential Transformer of ratio 11KV/110V-110V with 0.5/1.0 accuracy class by 0.2s accuracy class CT's & PT's at 66/11KV S/S Bagepalli 66/11kV MUSS, Retrofitting of 11kV, I/c, & O/G feeders of Areva make by MEI make at 66/11kV MUSS, 52 4.59 Sadali Sadali in Nodal centre-2 in TL&SSD Chintamani 66/11KV MUSS Estimate for replacement of faulty 11KV 110V DC Master Trip, Relay of 11KV F-2 DB 53 0.21 Cheemangala Palli F-4 new Thimmasandra and F-10 Peddur .
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