St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church 2410 - 4th Ave. Watervliet, NY 12189 Tel: 518-273-6752 Web: www.cerkva.com E-mail: [email protected] Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/cerkvaNY Pastor: Rev. Mikhail Myshchuk Deacon: Rev. Deacon Thomas Gutch Trustees: Nicholas Fil & Bernadette Drabik Oct 25, 2020 Glory Be to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever! Tone 2, 3 Nov 1, 2020 Слава Ісусу Христу! Слава На Віки! Sunday October 25, 2020 Sun 9:00 AM + Deceased members of Fedak family (in UKR) By M. Fedak 11:00 AM - For all parishioners - За усіх Парохіян (in ENG) Mon 6:00 PM + Stefan Karpishka By Karpishka family Tue 8:30 AM + For Deceased of Wowchuk & Ksenych families Foundation Liturgy Wed Thu 6:00 PM - For health and God’s blessing for Anna Zerebynsky By the family Fri 6:00 PM + Theodisia & Yaroslaw Kushnir By the family Sat 8:30 AM - Confessions 9:15 AM + Stephen Krill (40th Day) By the family Sunday November 1, 2020 Sun 9:00 AM - For all parishioners - За усіх Парохіян (in UKR) 11:00 AM - For living & deacesed members of OMPHS (in ENG) By OMPHS Mon 8:30 AM + Deceased members of Mitro & Fedor families By Wargo family Tue 8:30 AM + Romana Tymchyshyn By V. Muryn & family Wed 8:30 AM + Eva & John Urban Foundation Liturgy Thu 8:30 AM + Ivan, Ivan, Anna, Ivan, & Mykolaj By O. & M Zendran Fri 9:00 AM + Stephen Krill By Bernadette Drabik Sat 5:00 PM - Confessions 6:00 PM - Great Vesper with Litiya Sunday November 8, 2020 Sun 9:00 AM + Husak, Hyrcza, Scotnicki (in UKR) By Husak family 11:00 AM - For all parishioners - За усіх Парохіян (in ENG) Readings of the week are : The Saints of the week are: Sun Gal 2:16-20 Lk 16:19-31 Sun H.M. & Notaries Marcian & Martyrius Mon 1 Tim 2:1-10 Jn 15:17-16:2 Mon H.G-M. Demetrius; Comm. Earthquake Constantinople 741 AD Tue Col 3:17-4:1 Lk 11:1-10 Tue H.M. Nestor; H.M. Capitolina & Her Slave Erotheides Wed Col 3:17-4:1 Lk 11:9-13 Wed H.M. Terentius & Neonila, V.F. Stephen the Sabaite; Et Al Thu Col 4:2-9 Lk 11:14-23 Thu H.V.-M. Anastasia; Passing of V.F. Abraham, Archimandrite Fri Col 4:10-18 Lk 11:23-26 Fri H.M. Zenobius & Zenobia, His Sister Sat 2 Cor 5:1-10 Lk 8:16-21 Sat Servant of God Theodore Romzha Sun Gal 6:11-18 Lk 8:26-39 Sun H. W/W Unm. Cosmas & Damian Mon 1 Thess 1:1-5 Lk 11:29-33 Mon H.M. Akindynos, Pegasius, Aphdonius, Et Al Tue 1 Thess 1:6-10 Lk 11:34-41 Tue H.M. Acepsimas, Bishop, & Joseph, Priest, & Aithalas, Deacon Wed 1 Thess 2:1-8 Lk 11:42-46 Wed V.F. Joannicus the Gr.; H.M. Nicander, Bish of Myra; Hermaeus Thu 1 Thess 2:9-14 Lk 11:47-12:1 Thu H.M. Galaction & Epistema Fri 1 Thess 2:14-19 Lk 12:2-12 Fri H.F. Paul, Archbishop of Constantinople, Confessor Sat 2 Cor 8:1-5 Lk 9:1-6 Sat 33 H.M. of Militene; V.F. & W/W Lazarus, Hermit of Mt. Galesius Sun Eph 2:14-22 Lk 8:41-56 Sun Synaxis of Archangel Michael & Other Incorporeal Powers Ushers Epistle Readers I Liturgy 2 Liturgy I Liturgy 2 Liturgy Oct 25 L. Dryansky, V. Kushnir J. Suchowacki V. Holovashchenko L. Kellis A. Serdyuk P. Urban Nov 1 N. Fil, T. Myshchuk B. Drabik O. Verzole P. Urban M. Oliynyk Nov 8 N. Verzole, W. Verzole, J. Skalij, I. Skalij J. Seneta D. Olsen D. Filak B. Olsen LIVESTREAMING www.facebook.com/cerkvaNY https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC77sQaMuJV_4IlZqRhpc5jg Act of Spiritual Communion My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen. OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP SOCIETY Our Mother of Perpetual Help Society (OMPHS) was organized 30 years ago by then Pastor Father Teodore Humanitzki and parishioner Mary Felack. The goal of OMPHS as written in the original by-laws is “The Society is to maintain contact and remember the parishioners of St. Nicholas Church who are sick or homebound.” Since 1990, members of OMPHS have worked diligently to meet this goal. Activities of OMPHS provided to the sick, home bound and nursing home residents include: in-person visits when conditions allow; sending cards for birthdays, special holidays and simply to let our parishioners know they are in our prayers and thoughts; making phone calls; celebrating with a small party for 90th and 100th birthdays for all parishioners; annually sponsoring a Liturgy, and when possible, a birthday luncheon for all members of the parish who are at least 90 years old in the calendar year; providing small gifts at Christmas and Easter; Christmas caroling and offering Liturgy during the Christmas Season and at Easter; and any other way of remembering and maintaining contact with sick or home bound parishioners of the St Nicholas parish. Anyone, young or old, wanting to be involved in this ministry is welcome to join to send cards, make phone calls or make in person visits. For more information, please contact Donna Getman at 518 315 7924 or Rose Mary Wargo at 518 951 5295. 1. Membership - We welcome all visitors who worship at St. Nicholas and invite all who wish to become members to register with us by calling 518-273-6752 or via e-mail: [email protected]. 2. Meetings: Pastoral Council – scheduled for Wed., Nov. 11 at 6:00pm. Stewardship Council Meeting – scheduled for Wed., Nov. 18 at 6pm. 3. Prayer Tree Group — is a group of individuals who privately pray for people’s intentions. If you would like them to pray for you or for your intention, please contact Bernadette 271-7266. 4. Happy Birthday & Happy Anniversary – It is our honor to congratulate all parishioners who celebrated or will celebrate their birthday or anniversary in November. Happy Birthday to You! Mnohaya Lita! Happy Anniversary! May Our Lord Jesus Christ bless you in abundance with His love, joy and peace. 5. Bible Study in English - It is held on every Tuesday evening from 7 to 8pm. All are welcome to participate via Zoom or by telephone. Please contact the Church Office if you would like to join the group. 6. St. Nicholas Scholarship – Applications will be available on parish website: www.cerkva.com. The deadline - is November 30. 7. Bequests-In making out your will, kindly remember St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church. 8. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick - If a family member is seriously ill at home or in a hospital, or unable to come to Church and would like to receive the Holy Sacrament of Confession and or Holy Communion, please call the parish office to arrange pastor’s visit 9. Thank you from Joseph’s House & Shelter - … I wanted to thank your community for the consecutive support you have given to our Shelter. I am contacting to you today to not only thank you but to ask if there is any way you can do a drive for personal care items for our families at the Shelter. Our families requested if I can find them items like shampoo, body wash, baby wipes, and deodorant. Without your previous donations of items like these our families would have an extremely tough time keeping up with their hygiene needs. On behalf of myself and Joseph's House we want to thank your parish for all of your help in the past and I look forward to hearing from you soon. 10. BAPTISMS - Holy Mysteries (Sacraments) of Initiation are normally administered on the Sunday nearest to the 40th day after the birth of the child. Father or Deacon will conduct a special baptismal preparation session. This session is for all expectant parents, the Godparents and possibly grand-parents. Parents must be registered and active members of the parish. It is normal that a saint’s name be chosen for the child. ELIGIBILITY FOR GODPARENT - One sponsor must be a practicing Catholic, attend Liturgy regularly, receive the Sacraments and fulfill all obligations and financial support to their parish, attested to by their pastor. We the community of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church are of Eastern rite and Byzantine tradition. We are committed to sharing our faith, tradition, and God's Light by embracing & living out God's two greatest commandments: a) love God with all your heart, soul, and mind b) love your neighbor as yourself, Our church embodies the Ukrainian spirit, culture, & heritage while welcoming all races, ethnicities, & nationalities. 1. Сердечно Вітаємо - Усіх членів церковної організації «Наша Мати Неустанної Помочі» із 30-літнім Ювілеєм. Щиро дякуємо за ваше церковне служіння для хворих та немічних, для сумуючих, плачучих та одиноких парохіян нашої парохії. Ваші добрі діла, жертвенне служіння та щирі молитви є виявом вашого люблячого серця. Нехай Господь поблагословить Вас усіх своєю Благою Ласкою на Многії Літа! 2. Вітаємо з Днем Народження - усіх, хто народився у місяці листопаді. Нехай Господь поблагословить їх щедро небесними ласками на Многії літа! 3. Вітаємо з Ювілеєм Вашого Подружжя - заносимо наші молитви за подружні пари, що святкують свій Ювілей у листопаді.
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