<i£* ■ ■■f ■• V"*^- ^ ■'■/J ’ V * '' • '■ ■' --ni-el-' •’;> "I ' r. • . * ' s '1.-. ■i' r ' ; - . ■ FRIDAY, JULY 17, WB8 IficE FOURTEEN Avarafa Daily Nat Pram Ron ^attrl|(Bt(r lEtt^ning % ralti Tha Waatber ro e Ika Week BaSoa renMoet of D. •> WsaMUe l - : ^ . sssmm J n l y l l . IBSB. Pvt. John I* Von Deck. Jt., son House Takes Oath Medical Servicic of Mr. and Mrs. John Von Deck. Leads ^Airliners' Engagement | A b o u t T o w n 10,664 Continued warm taolgkt. ' Ha| Sr., 11 Jean road, recently com- Extends Benefits jileted a course in chemical war­ As Judge Monday Neubauer-Mather 1953 % TON Mambor ol tlie Audit ' and hnmid tomorrow. Rev. and lire. Ckrl A. Hansen. fa re at the Army's Eta Jims M l« and Mra. Otto Neubauer, 47 Bnraaa M Otrndattoas Manr.he»ter—^A City o f Villngo Charm 15-J Forest street will sail for Specialist School in Japan. Pvt. Atty. Charles S. House, for- Holl street, announce the engage­ Oniinectlciit Medical Service, the ' tt ■ . Von Deck, company clerk, entei^ England next Tuesday, where Rev. ' merly State Republican Commit- ment of their tiaughter. Joan Bar­ non profit plan that covera a Urga '■T the Army in March, 1952. and bara. to Dale Mather, son of Mr. INTERNATIONAL Hansen will be a guest preacher part of the coat of illncts for near­ Ychmaried AdverUaIng on Pago IS) MANCHEHTER, CONN.,'ftATURDAY,! JULY IR, 19.53^ (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS received basic training at Indian- \eeman. former legal advisor to and Mrs. Allen Mather of Tolland. ly 700,000 Connecticut people, will VOL. LXX II, NO. 245 ’ ■? during the month of August. Rev. ■ r- Hansen Is associate superinteiinent town Gap, Pa. A graduate of Man­ Gov. John D. Lodge, and chairman extend the beneflta under ita con­ of Manchester's Board of Educa­ in CSiristlan Education, the Con­ chester High School, he woiked tract to Incliida x-rajr aervlces in tion. Vvlll be sworn in Monday as PICK-UP necticut Conference of Cbngrega* for the A. and P. Tea Company physicians officas. This change in in civilian life. a Superior Court J<tdge. 48 Attend Picnic tional Christian Churches. coverage will add an essential m i i I The oath-taking* ceremonies will preventive medical efire acrvice to Go»d Hrwk mm Hk« • f«p. IxceRfleiieiy «I China Reds Rev. John P. Webster, asalciate take place at 3:30 p.m. Monday In Grant Reds On (]ase Mountain the Connecticut prepaid medical iRtkk m m I Try fMs m m ywi k « y * Allies A daughter was bom Tuesday minister of the First Church of the south courtroom of the County cara plan. It will not replace,, but at the Hartford Hospital to Mr. Christ, CongregationaJ, West Hart­ Building where'either Gov. John will in addition to. Blue. Cross and Mrs. Clidy Johnson, 2S Oak ford, will be guest speaker at the Lodge or Buperlor Court Judge A group of 49 children from USE OUR EASY GMAC HNANpING Push Drive 41 Naval Reservists coverage of x-ray service in geli street. ' joint service o f’the Secontl'Con- William J. Shea of Manchester will Robertson Park attended .a picnic eral hospitals. Truce Talk Delay gregational and North Methodist administer the oathj): ytsterday morning on Case Moun­ In making these additional serv­ Churches, at the latter Church,4^ I It was originally' planned that tain. The group waa tranaporied ices available, Connecticut Medical Sunday at 9:30 a. m. Mr. Webster Governor Lodge would administer CARTER CHEVRGLET CG., Irc. Southward Servica feela that It ia making a ,A ported to the nation hy radio and was a schoolmate of Rev. Arnold the oath of office to House, who from the playground In automo­ , Munsan, July 18— (fl^ 4 biles. aubstaOtlal contribution toward 311 M AIN ST. TEL. MI-9-S23I televlalon on Roberlaon'a effort* W. Toxer of .Second Church, at has been his legal aide for the last lowering the overall cost of medi­ possible showdown meeting ot Bangor. Me , Theological seminarv'. to win South Korea'* Pre*ldent Seoul, July 1.8— (/P) two and one-half years. The Gov­ Under the lupervision of Miss cal care In Connecticut. Allied and Communist truce Syngman Rhee over to a truce and Mrs. Robert 1. Becker of Bolton ernor's tour, of active duty In the Nancy Vincent, assistant director Thousands of Chinese infan­ At the same time . the aiib- negotiators was postponed for OB the recent Big Three foreign In Plane Crash at Florida TAMPAX will be soloist. Navy ends on July 20. of recceation.. xnd their supervia.- acribar'a contract will be further nSntatera' meeting. trymen.. supported:.,;; bytan hs ..... If this 'GoyeimOr'reUrrns'TW brS. Rich Massey snd Jsne';'BH'rr. 24 hours today at the request King David Lodge of Odd Fel­ liberalised bv the Inclusion of Dulle* branded a* "abaurd" a and field jruns today swarmed M 3 SIZES duty in tlme^he will administer the the children enjoyed picnic lunch^a additional -atlowaacea -tor physi­ of the Reds........ •Red...demand -that - the - - AHie* lo w s -Will ..set Its- new. officers., to­ 'ifler* cUmbing the 'nioimfalif......... recklessly-aouihward in day­ - ......CcTimre' l>cj>t.' 4’iv>i(> r ^ lY the Gb\Vrhor does'hoi'fe-1 cians services in hospitals and the The rereaa put off until 2 p. m. guarantee the future conduct of night at 7:30 in Odd Fellows hall. Rgt. Roger W. Sima ] t,,m from duty In time for the | The "festure event of the after­ light as-the Communists bold­ ' Tampax givct revision of surgical fees in the tomorrow *1 a. m., d.a.t. todayi an South Korea. Govemment Oppiis N pw Research Center The ceremony will be in charge of ■—■— ceremony the oath will be adminis- ; noon was a scavenger hunt, ataged expected Red reply to reported Al­ ly lie^fpd up troops which cflicicnc, com­ light of past experience. "I ■ wl«h that aomeone would District Dep\ity Grand Master S-.Sgt. Roger W. .Sims is plan-' tered bv Judge Shea who is a atop the mountain, designed to car­ lied demand" that the Commiiniata smashetl through the Kum- fortable moechly Harry Pearce and staff of East .... guarantee the future good conduct S u rvivors ry out the theme o f Nature Week. Harry Pearce and 'tarr or Kay | leader of the most talent- i„„-tirt,e friend of the new judge. aign an armlalice now or face the, Commiiniat regime of ."ong liulge this week. pfottction. Worn Hartford. Earl Hulchina-and W al-^ instrumental group in the A ir' _________ ___________ The winners. John anjl D a n n y proapect of a breakdown In the .. ^e aald. "But Prealdenl Fven a* Allied air spotter* ‘ iotcmally, to it ter Walsh sre making arrange Force, the Westover "Airliners." Banavlge. Ra.Vmond Villa snd ments for the refreshments, which which recently won top" place as Richard Keclnskt. were awarded OA Rhee haa given explicit a.tauranie watched Red Infantry at ream raniioi "ihow”— Hof PotfrcMni oncl Ceko The aecond conaerutive 24-hour that he will" not obalruct' In any ncroaa' the" Ktimaong River, three will be served buffet-style. A good a dance hand rn the Air Force- Report on Fire prises. ' receaa requeated hy the Red* waa •vca under a ewiaa turnout of the Odd Fellows is WARNER’S HUS manner the implementation of the South Korean dlvlalona moved Critically Hurt wide talent contest at Rapid City Next week is Costume Week st A ta S O o k arranged during a one-minute propoaerl armiallce." cautiously northward over ground suit or theer evening hoped for. Air Force Ba.se. S. D. Robertson Park. Thursday at ? Is Exaggerated meeting of lialaon officera at Pan- Robertaon aald the IIN Com, given up In the mighty Commu- drest. Regular, Super, A graduate of Manrhe.ster High p. m., the children will appear In 5 5 c miinjorn. Milton, Fla., July 18— </P>— A .Marino cargo piano, carrlod District Deputy President Mil- are just the ticket mand now feel* It ran in good | nlat onalaught. Junior. School in the Class of 1950. Sgt. costumes of their own design to North Korean Col. .hi Yon aald 41 young Naval Mo."orvi.«ts to fiorv death whon it cra.shed on licent Rolston. of East Hartford. A report that a fire had engulfed compete for vsrlous prises. faith proceed with an armlatlee i There waa no Indication whether ... < I , o..-.., I Sims formerly resided in Coven- the delay waa needed for "admln- the big Red buildup aignalled new At present hts wife, the the resr portion of a garage at the for a round trip latratlve reaaona" and the ITN and that Rhee will offer no i a farm and bur.st intfi flames after taking off from Whiting obatnictlon to carrying It out. attack* or waa a frantic effort-to V lv d e ' Judith Miner, daughter of corner of MrKee and Center quickly agreed, an official apokea- Field at midnight, ('barred liodies of the victims were recov- m Odd Fellows hsll, Mrs. Clyde _____ In San Franciaco, South Korea'* hold newly-won poaitioqa. and Mrs. Warren G. Miner streets yesterday afternoon sent to loveliness! man aald. * • Heavy fighting broke out east fied by N«vy teamB which work*'* ' m * !■ Beckwith heads the refreshment and .voting daughter. Deborah • two companies of the South Man- The extra day give* the Red ambasaador to Waahington aald ed at the grim taak th^oiighrnit committee. bluntly Friday that If the Com- the Kiinaong bulge a* the Com- > ^ Jean.
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