Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Scholar The Rose Thorn Archive Student Newspaper Fall 9-29-1972 Volume 8- Issue 3- Friday, September 29, 1972 Rose Thorn Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn Recommended Citation Rose Thorn Staff, "Volume 8- Issue 3- Friday, September 29, 1972" (1972). The Rose Thorn Archive. 1041. https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn/1041 THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS ROSE-HULMAN REPOSITORY IS TO BE USED FOR PRIVATE STUDY, SCHOLARSHIP, OR RESEARCH AND MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. SOME CONTENT IN THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS REPOSITORY MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. 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SGA Vice President Joe Buben- COMPUTE zer announced he plans the first by David Argust SGA meeting the first week in It has been said that one of October after elections of new up- the reasons for the large backlogs perclass representatives. The elec- that are so popular in the Com- tions will be held September 29, puting Center is the inefficient 1972. The committee encourages use of the IBM 1130, in that stu- every upperclassman to vote for dents are resubmitting their pro- the candidate of his choice on elec- grams without thoroughly investi- tion day. gating their errors. This was one Finally, current suggestions and of the facts used against getting problems to be facing Student an IBM 370 computer or other- Government were discussed in wise improving batch processing. short. The major considerations I do not believe inefficient pro- were, the revival of the R-men's gramming is reason enough in it- club, necessity of a bicycle rack, self to reject a larger system, continuing the standing commit- but the fact remains the ineffi- tee on student organizations, pos- ciency does exist and should be sibilities of improving and enlarg- remedied. ing the student lounge, and the At present computer program- repairing of the bridge and road- ming is taught in a rather ununi- ways leading to the baseball field form fashion. Basic Fortran is and intramural fields. taught in the Freshman year, and Bill Randall has discussed with then it is left up to the individual Dr. Logan details on the latter departments to attempt to improve two SGA considerations. Present upon the skills of the student. Tlris plans on these two questions show method does not have much suc- that after funds are raised and cess as evidenced by the ineffi- THORN : This is the second In the best interests of the Insti- to a strike by the roofers the a new library is built the student ciency in the programming that part of an interview held with tute to have a team representing completion date for the remodeling lounge may be expanded to the results. It seems that the me- Dr. Logan on September 18. My Rose at the University of Toron- of the fieldhouse has been de- area opposite the mailboxes. The chanics of the programming are questions in this part of the in-- to, so I made funds available from layed, so there was some talk of old computer center will be used taught, but technieiue is over- terview deal more dii ectly with the President's Discretionary Fund renting a tent and placing it as fund raising headquarters. Dr. looked. student affairs than did last for this purpose. Any time dur- where the bonfire is normally held. Logan will be examining possibili- At present there is a Comput- week's. ing the year any activity which The bonfire would then be moved ties on repairing the bridge to er Science Curriculum, but no real Class sizes are generally adver- in the opinion of the student body to the baseball field, but this is a Art Nehf Field. Computer Science Department. It tised to be small at Rose. This is or the faculty would be in the matter which will be decided lat- Also Dr. Logan and the SGA seems the formation of such a de- not the case in many Freshman best interests of the school or of er. However, as far as I know, want to encourage the formation partment would be advantageous. courses and there are complaints an individual can request help and plans for a bonfire have been of young Republicans and young Not only would this offer the pos- from other students as well. How the money can be allocated. But made. Democrat groups on the Rose cam- sibility of more extensive pro- do you explain this? there is no planned program; it THORN: On a different note, pus. Anyone interested in such gramming courses, but it would LOGAN: Well, what you mean is simply an emergency fund do you anticipate any changes in a group should contact Bill Ran- improve the quality and uniform- by small classes is all relative. which is available for special ac- the Rose Philosophy, especially dall in the SGA office. ity of present computer program- A class of 100 might be a small tivities. with respect to possible Coed If you, the reader, have any sug- min,g courses. class at Purdue, or Illinois, or THORN: Last year as a result status? gestions or complaints please bring rhe purpose of such a depa'rt- Ohio State but at Rose it's a of the Freshman-Sophomore com- LOGAN: The „faculty voted that it to the Student Government As- ment would be the teaching of small class. We are concerned bats traditional to Rose there was Rose go coed. This recommenda- sociation's attention. The only Freshmen Fortran, Mechanical about financial viability, obvious- an extensive amount of damage tion has been turned over to the way to make the SGA an effective Engineering Computer Utilization, ly. In order to try to operate done to the upperclassman dorms. Board of Managers and they have organization is to use it. Chemical Engineering Computer at maximum efficiency you can't Hazing hasn't been as much in simply tabled the recommenda- Utilization, Electrical and Civil have all small clasees. You have evidence this year. Is this the tion and have taken no action. Engineering equivalent courses, to have a miAure of classes which reason why? Also, what is the Now just within the last few days QUARTERLY and any other computer related meet in the vicinity of 100-150, fate of the bonfire? I have appointed under Dr. Ben- courses offered at the present or and we try to keep these to a LOGAN: There has certainly jaminov to head a committee to by Bruce Einselen to be offered in the future as minimum. Independent study, of been no official action taken. The review the Rose Philosophy. We Last academic.year a novel new deemed necessary and valid by the course, is really the smallest kind whole matter of traditions is of have reviewed Rose Philosophy project in exposing some of the Computer Science Department and of class you can have since you concern to all of us who have been twice since I've been here, once fruits of the creative writers here the Curriculum Committee. are operating on a one to one associated with Rose for any in 1962 and once around 1966, but at Rose was initiated and dubbed This Computer Science Depart- basis. How this sort of thing length (4 time. Traditions seem I believe it is important for a THE QUARTERLY. It was in- ment Faculty could be composed will be sorted out will depend on to be dying out not only at Rose school such as Rose to examine its tended as a badly needed outlet of Dr. Criss, Mr. Sanders, one or interaction between the adminis- but throughout the country, as plans for the future and its am- for the imprisoned talents of all two faculty members transferred tration, the faculty, and the stu- students get more sophisticated bitions and goals often. students at Rose and turned out from other departments and pos- dent body. The whole question of perhaps. Certainly no word was (Continued on Page Three) quite well for its fledgling debut. sibly one of two new faculty mem- how best to transmit knowledge handed down that hazing should The staff of the Quarterly is still bers. This new department could is still under serious considera- be abandoned, except that we don't in need for more contributors of be under either the Electrical En- tion. want to go overboard on it. There SGA IN ACTION short stories, prose, poetry, photo- gineering-Physics Division or the THORN: Would you please ex- have been legal actions taken by Mark Cane graphs, and objects d'art. It is Mathematics-Division.
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