1982 Laker Football To Be Televised Plans have recently been an- in production of the telecasts. At this point, Curcio said there finalized. All Cablevision equip- Coach Tony DeMeo, initiator of nounced to produce and televise Curcio will act as director for the are only a few details which must ment will be used free of charge all Mercyhurst Laker football project; sophomore Kathy be worked out before the project the idea, thought it would provide games for the 1982-83 season. § and someone from the cable fran- exposure to tine f o o t b a l l team. O'Connor, assistant director; is finalized. One area which must chise will accompany the Mer- I was interested in providing According to Communications freshman Chuck Straub, audio be considered further is the cyhurst group at all games to en- faculty member Steve Curcio, co- engineer; juniors John Broderick broadcast; time for three of the the Communications departnent ordinator of the project, Laker sure proper use of the equipment. with a means of broadcasting and Pat Cannon, and sophomore four away games. All other Costs for the project will be incur- television," said DeMeo. He said football coach Tony DeMeo ap- Mary \Jo Allen, camera games will be aired at 11:00 p.m. red in gasoline expenses for the proached him concerning the that one of the previous areas of operators; and junior Donna on Saturday nights, said Curcio. Cablevision: van and other concern in television production idea. .;-" Peterson, spotter/floor director. However, the September 11 away transportation and overnight was that the Communications The nine Mercyhurst football Each student is fulfilling a three- contest with^Gettysburg, the Oc- housing for crew members at department did not have equip- games, including the September credit internship. John Leisser- tober 2 game at Frostburg State away games. ment to produce television. The 4 scrimmage, will be videotaped ing of WLKK radio in Erie has (Maryland), and the October 9 "Its going to be a lot of work in agreement with Cablevision pro- and aired on a time-delay basis, tentatively I agreed to announce away match against Glenville terms of the preparation but it's said Curcio. Cablevision, the city Ihe games. | L! * i State (West*Virginia) will pro- vides all equipment * needed for going to be beneficial to, obvious- the project. -: J of Erie Cable Television Firm, "I'm doing it because I con- bably be shown shortly after, he ly, the football effort here at Mer- DeMeo said he considers the will loan its van and equipment to sider it part of our educational stated. The final broadcast cyhurst," explained Curcio. "It's project "football's way of helping the college for the project. Both experience here at Mercyhurst,'V schedule is subject to final ap- also going to benefit the Com- Cablevision and Telemedia, the said Curcioi of the project. proval by Cablevision, added the academic world." 4 Curcio. ? \ munications department, At the time of the broadcast, county cable outlet, will broad- 'Students are getting the oppor- specifically the students who par- Laker football will be f a i r e d : on cast the games late in the evening tunity to perform in an environ- The financing of the project ticipate. And probably most im- Cablevision's jj local organization the day they are played, i ment that we could not otherwise cannot be revealed at this time, portant, I think it will the channel, 2-B. I | *£ ^ Six students will assist Curcio provide." said Curcio, because it is not beneficial to the college." Seniors Only To Attend held in; honor of the 30 senior Athletic! B a n q u e t Altered athletes and their coaches, com- mented Garvey. By Fran Moavero | ^ Each senior will receive a desk The annual athletic banquet athletic banquet," said Dr. award. The award is mounted on will not be held this year due to Garvey. igri 2 a wooden base wih the Mer- the rapid growth of the.athletic "We are getting too big and it is cy h u r s t .tower emblem on a pice department and the cost becoming too costly," he added. of glass. v r :. m involved, i * Other alternatives such as let- Other awards given each year According to Dr. William P. ting every team have their own for the most valuable player in Garvey, president of Mercyhurst, banquet is too c o s t l y also said Dr. each sport will not be awarded. The only additional award it would cost the college $5,000 to Garvey. * ; S • , &&&& provide a dinner and awards for It was decided by both Dr. presented will be the Dean 300 athletes. f W% i Garvey and the coaches that a Garvey award which is given to "I don't feel you can justify us- banquet be held for the seniors. the best scholar athlete. *' 4 ing college tuition money for one £A "first rate" dinner will! be Dr. Garvey said, "We are sup- 0 portive of athletics, it is a very important part of the college, but what the colleg1 e is all about is Senior Week co-ordinators Carln Klinvex, Dave Curtis and Claudia academics. ' I Englert. ] .*••-• MSG Elects Senators 9 Votes To Keep Yearbook Senior Week The first Mercyhurst Student Government meeting under ^ Performing the direction of the newly elected officers and department '"\ representatives was held Tuesday. , Plans Finalized Discussion of the yearbook referendum implemented Arts ) By Valerie Kaminski many thoughts and ideas from the student surveys taken "Seniors, We're Busting with Softball and other games Monday. ; •***. * f Loose!" is the theme for t h e new- from 4 to 8 which will be held in t Center ly adopted Senior Week being the outfield of the baseball field, A total of 216 students, 99 votes were casted to continue fun- 1 ding the yearbook, 51 students voted to increase the activities*] held May 26 through the 28. The explained Englert. Senior buttons fee, 45 voted to discontinue the publication and 31 studentsjj event is the first of its kind and will be required for admission. L voted to have a senior supplement. **** > * y Studied will become an annual event at "I'm just, tying everything MSG voted 14-11 to continue funding the yearbook for one j r By John Broderick '*, the 'Hurst, according to Claudia together so-' it will go over year in its present state. ; * «P The college* is planning on Englert, coordinator of Senior smoothly, but I couldn't have In other government business, Carla Anderson resigned building the proposed Perform- Week. The week was devised to done it without the help of Caryn from her position as Communications representative due to ing Arts Center on the south side bring seniors together for one last Klinvex and everyone else who the conflict of interest which would result as assistant editor of the Student Union, but just how week of celebration before pitched in," commented Englert. of the Merciad. !• * - much the college plans to build is graduation. JL^ She met with Mercyhurst Presi- Senate elections were held during the meeting for the up- still a question: . Beginning on May 26, seniors dent William Garvey to discuss coming year. New senators elected for a one-year term were Estimates ; were being. made will congregate at the Junction plans for Senior Week. Wydetta Carter, Kathy O'Connor, Tracey Smith and Greg this week for the new Performing for free b e e r from 4 to 7 p.m., said "He was very helpful and sup- Yoko. Maria Santangelo was elected to a two-year term* Arts Center which will occupy the Englert. A roster of all seniors portive of the idea and was glad Chairperson elections were also held for MSG ad hoc com- south side of Zurn Hall, according will be on hand and upon arrival, that the class of '82 had the in- mittees.. Dave Alexander was elected chairperson of the to Mercyhurst President Dr. seniors will receive a button itiative to implement it." government relations committee. Alexander will be respon- William P. Garvey. which will entitle them to, free Those who have helped to im- sible for collecting information regarding state and federal If the cost of new facility ex- beer and also give them entry to plement Senior Week are: Caryn affairs. J 2sT -ceeds $1.5 million, the college will other events. Klinvex, Lisa Vicario, t Cathy MSG elections chairperson is Sheila Delaney and constitu J discuss alternative options open On Thursday, May 27, the Mer- Murray, Dave Curtis, Elaine tional revision committee chairperson is Maree-Lynn Cicon. to them. They are: to build the cyhurst Alumni Association . is Coyle, Patti Phillippi, Diane Vic- Michael Smith was elected Activities Day chairperson, center including the music wing sponsoring a wine and cheese toria, Lynne Greco, Anita Vicari, newsletter committee chairperson is Bryan Doherty and and the auditorium; to build only arty in the Blue Room 7 to9p.m. Kathy Eckenrode, Connie Boyce, Wydetta Carter was elected special projects committee the music wing; or to build only niors are asked'to dress ap- Valerie Kaminski, Townhouses 2, chairperson. J Tj * the auditorium. propriately for the party. 3, and 7, and all others who at- continued on page 5 Friday will be an activity day tended the meeting. • \ • iEfcttarial MAY 13,1982 PAGE 2 A NEW "TWIST TO OLIVER Guesss Who's Not a Coming To Dinner? The recent administrative deci- and be recognized for their con- sion to forego the yearly athletic tribution to Mercyhurst athletics. banquet iJn lieu of a seniors only What is important to the athletes athletic dinner and awards is not the grandeur of the banquet ceremony may solve some pro- but the occasion itself - the occa- blems while creating new ones.
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