March 14, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E357 IN HONOR OF GIRL SCOUTS CDR Speicher or his remains at the end of the importantly, human lives on all Federal forest gulf war; and they delayed an investigation lands. I ask unanimous consent that the reso- HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ into the crash site until they had time to pick lution be printed in the RECORD following my OF CALIFORNIA it over. Scott Speicher is the only American remarks. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES unaccounted for from the gulf war, but there are many unaccounted personnel missing f Thursday, March 14, 2002 from other conflicts. We need to renew our ef- IN HONOR OF JASON DEAN Ms. SANCHEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor forts to locate those who gave all in service of CUNNINGHAM the Girl Scouts of the USA who are cele- their country, and return them to their families. brating their 90th anniversary this week. Girl f Scouts of the USA is the world’s preeminent HON. ELTON GALLEGLY organization dedicated solely to girls. INTRODUCTION OF WILDFIRE OF CALIFORNIA There are 3.7 million Girl Scouts—2.7 mil- RESOLUTION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lion young women and 915,000 adult mem- Thursday, March 14, 2002 bers. The first group of Girl Scouts was orga- HON. RICHARD W. POMBO Mr. GALLEGLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor nized by Juliette Gordon Low, the founder of OF CALIFORNIA the heroic memory of Air Force Senior Airman the Girl Scouts, on March 12, 1912. The Girl IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jason Dean Cunningham, who died March 4, Scouts were chartered by the U.S. Congress Thursday, March 14, 2002 on March 16, 1950. 2002, during a firefight with America’s en- Girl Scouts help girls develop their full indi- Mr. POMBO. Mr. Speaker, After seeing the emies in the mountains of eastern Afghani- vidual potential; relate to others with increas- destruction that happened last year during the stan. Airman Cunningham is to be laid to rest ing understanding, skill, and respect; and con- fires seasons, I concluded that Congress must today in Arlington National Cemetery. tribute to the improvement of society through be prepared to respond to these catastrophic Jason lived briefly in my district with his their abilities, leadership skills, and coopera- events before the 2002 wildfire season begins. wife, Theresa, and her parents, Lucy and Lito tion with others. With myriad enriching experi- When forests catch fire, a catastrophic DeCastro, in Camarillo, CA. Jason’s parents, ences, such as fields trips, sports, skill-build- event occurs. These types of fires are ex- Lawrence Dean and Jackie Cunningham, hail ing clinics, community service projects, cultural tremely intense. The fires literally destroy from Gallup, NM. Theresa joined the Navy exchanges, and environmental stewardships, every sign of life and can rage for thousands after graduating from Rio Mesa High School the girls are able to fulfill the Girl Scouts mis- of acres. The costs of fighting these fires are and met Jason while both were stationed in sion. astronomical. During the 2001 wildfire season, Italy. Please join me in honoring the Girl Scouts 81,681 fires burned 3,555,138 acres that killed At that time, Jason also served in the Navy. 1 for their continued effort in making girls grow 15 firefighters and threatened rural commu- He switched to the Air Force 2 ⁄2 years ago to stronger and develop their full potential. nities nationwide. The year before in 2000, become a pararescueman—a paramedic who has trained at a special forces levels. Jason f more than 7.4 million acres burned—equiva- lent to a 6-mile-wide swath from Washington, underwent 2 years of intense training in air- ON THE FATE OF LCDR MICHAEL DC to Los Angeles, CA. These fires destroyed borne, scuba and survival schools, search and ‘‘SCOTT’’ SPEICHER, USN, AND 861 structures and cost the Federal govern- rescue, and, of course, medical training to join AMERICA’S MISSING IN ACTION ment $1.3 billion in suppression programs. this elite group of lifesavers. He was assigned Quite simply, our Federal strategy to handle to the 38th Rescue Squadron at Moody Air HON. J. RANDY FORBES catastrophic wildfire is not adequately ad- Force Base, near Valdosta, GA. OF VIRGINIA dressing a looming crisis. The Federal Gov- By all accounts, Jason was a dedicated and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ernment must take action to prevent the loss skilled airman, and a dedicated and loving of wildlife habitat and protect rural commu- family man. He and Theresa have two daugh- Thursday, March 14, 2002 nities. ters, Kyla, 4, and Hannah, 2. Mr. FORBES. Mr. Speaker, I am very dis- This is why I am asking you to please join On March 4, he and six others died trying traught today over our failure to resolve the me in cosponsoring this Wildfire Resolution to rescue a Navy SEAL. It is important to re- disappearance of LCDR Michael Scott expressing the Sense of the U.S. Congress to: member them as well, for they fought by Ja- Speicher. Commander Speicher was the first (1) fully implement the Western Governors As- son’s side and will be with him for all eternity: American lost in the 1991 gulf war. His F/A– sociation ‘‘Collaborative 10-year Strategy for Sgt. Bradley Crose, 22, of Orange Park, Flor- 18 Hornet was shot down west of Baghdad in Reducing Wildland Fire Risks to Communities ida; Spc. Marc A. Anderson, 30, of Brandon, the early morning hours of January 17. After and the Environment’’ and (2) to prepare a Florida; Pfc. Matthew A. Commons, 21, of Kuwait was liberated and the tenuous cease- National Prescribed Fire Strategy that mini- Boulder City, Nevada; Petty Officer 1st Class fire agreement reached, the Iraqi Government mizes risks of escape. America needs to know Neil Roberts, 32, of Woodland, California; returned remains of a person that was sup- Congress understands the forest-health crisis Tech. Sgt. John A. Chapman, 36, of Windsor posed to be Commander Speicher. DNA and is causing these fires and that Congress is Locks, Connecticut; and Army Sgt. Philip J. blood type testing would reveal that it was not. taking action. Svitak, 31, of Joplin, Missouri. Years later, after a debate over whether Com- In managing our forests, it is very important Jason is the second serviceman from my mander Speicher was killed in action or simply to remember that they are in constant trans- district to die in Afghanistan since the hos- missing, intelligence sources now believe that formation. A particular forest now will look tilities began. Special Forces Staff Sgt. Brian Commander Speicher may be alive and a pris- much different in 10 years, and in about 50 Cody Prosser of Frazier Park, CA, died in Af- oner of Iraq. years will not even look like the same forest. ghanistan in December. Considering the rel- America has a moral obligation to every Sol- Sometimes a forest can get overpopulated atively low casualty rate so far, that’s a high dier, Sailor, Airman, Marine, and Coast with trees. percentage for a congressional district. But the Guardsmen that it sends into harm’s way to While some trees become diseased creating people in my district were patriotic long before accurately determine their fate and expend all enormous amount of fuel that leads to cata- September 11. They believe strongly in free- efforts to return their remains to their families. strophic fires. dom and know deep in their hearts that free- Scott Speicher’s family doesn’t have closure Reducing forest density and improving the dom often comes with a price. Jason and because no search and rescue mission was ability of healthy forests to survive expansive Brian joined the military to protect their fami- ever launched. When a covert mission was wildfires must become the No. 1 priority for lies, friends and neighbors from America’s en- proposed to go into Iraq in 1994 to investigate Federal forest managers. This is not a timber emies. We forever will be grateful. the crash site, a senior Pentagon official said, industry issue—it is a forest-health issue. Mr. Speaker, we are deeply saddened by ‘‘I do not want to have to write letters home to Thinning practices necessary to ensure our the loss of Jason Dean Cunningham but our the parents to tell them that their son or forests are able to survive future catastrophic resolve is strong. Our enemies must know that daughter died looking for old bones.’’ Who will wildfires must begin without further delay. when they attack us they will be destroyed. write the letter to Scott Speicher’s family ex- It is time for Members of Congress to set I ask my colleagues to join me in sending plaining why he may still be alive? aside political rhetoric and make the tough de- our heartfelt sympathy to Jason’s family and to We cannot trust the Iraqis to help us. The cisions necessary to end catastrophic losses all those who have lost loved ones in the pur- Iraqi government has already failed to deliver of wildlife habitat, forest resources and most suit of freedom. 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