Preciosa's Machine-Cut Beads and Pendants Are Expertly Crafted with Rigorous Attention to Detail. This Assortment of Classic S

Preciosa's Machine-Cut Beads and Pendants Are Expertly Crafted with Rigorous Attention to Detail. This Assortment of Classic S

Beads and Pendants BEADS & PENDANTS Preciosa’s machine-cut Beads and Pendants are expertly crafted with rigorous attention to detail. This assortment of classic shapes emphasizes quality over quantity and offers a straightforward, shining selection of perfectly polished staples. 111 Colors Coatings Full Coatings Numerical order 00030 . Crystal 10330 . Light Colorado Topaz 63030 . Turquoise Crystal Light Rose Crystal AB Crystal AB 2× 00030 200** AB . Crystal AB 20020 . Light Amethyst 70010 . Rose 00030 70120 00030 200 AB 00030 20000AB 2× 00030 20000 AB 2× . Crystal AB 2× 20050 . Amethyst 70120 . Light Rose 00030 225** Cel . Crystal Celsian 20310 . Violet 70040 . Indian Pink Jet Pink Sapphire Crystal Argent Flare Crystal Golden Flare 2×* 00030 226** Val . Crystal Valentinite 20410 . Tanzanite 70220 . Pink Sapphire 23980 70220 00030 242 AgF 00030 23800 GlF 2× 00030 234** Ven . Crystal Venus 20480 . Deep Tanzanite 70350 . Fuchsia 00030 235** Hon . Crystal Honey 21110 . Amethyst Opal 71350 . Rose Opal White Opal Rose Crystal Velvet* Crystal Aurum 2×* 00030 236** Vir . Crystal Viridian 23980 . Jet 80100 . Jonquil 01000 70010 00030 279 Vel 00030 26200 Aur 2× 00030 237** Lag . Crystal Lagoon 23980 200** AB . Jet AB 80310 . Citrine 00030 23800 GlF 2× . Crystal Golden Flare 2× 23980 20700 LtHem 2× . Jet Light Hematite 2× 90040 . Hyacinth Black Diamond Indian Pink Crystal Honey Crystal Labrador 2×* 00030 239** BdF . Crystal Blond Flare 23980 272** Hem . Jet Hematite 90070 . Light Siam 40010 70040 00030 235 Hon 00030 27000 Lab 2× 00030 242** AgF . Crystal Argent Flare 23980 27200 Hem 2× . Jet Hematite 2× 90090 . Siam 00030 261** StG . Crystal Starlight Gold 30020 . Light Sapphire 90095 . Light Burgundy Aquamarine Fuchsia Crystal Celsian Jet Light Hematite 2×* 00030 262** Aur . Crystal Aurum 30050 . Sapphire 90100 . Burgundy 60000 70350 00030 Cel 00030 20700 LtHem 2× 00030 26200 Aur 2× . Crystal Aurum 2× 30340 . Montana 90120 . Garnet 00030 265** VL . Crystal Vitrail Light 31110 . Light Sapphire Opal 90310 . Sun Aqua Bohemica Sun Crystal Blond Flare* Jet Hematite 2×* 00030 270** Lab . Crystal Labrador 40010 . Black Diamond 90350 . Padparadscha 60010 90310 00030 239 BdF 00030 27200 Hem 2× 00030 27000 Lab 2× . Crystal Labrador 2× 50000 . Chrysolite Turquoise Hyacinth Crystal Aurum* 00030 271** CaG . Crystal Capri Gold 50230 . Olivine 00030 279** Vel . Crystal Velvet 50520 . Peridot 63030 90040 00030 262 Aur Full coatings are available on 00030 281** VM . Crystal Vitrail Medium 50730 . Emerald all colors. Light Sapphire Padparadscha Crystal Starlight Gold* 00030 295** Hel . Crystal Heliotrope 51000 . Chrysolite Opal 30020 90350 00030 261 StG 00030 296** BBl . Crystal Bermuda Blue 60000 . Aquamarine 00030 299** Vol . Crystal Volcano 60010 . Aqua Bohemica Light Sapphire Opal Light Siam Crystal Capri Gold* Matte Effect 01000 . White Opal 60100 . Indicolite 31110 90070 00030 271 CaG 10070 . Topaz 60230 . Blue Zircon 10220 . Smoked Topaz 60310 . Capri Blue Crystal Matte Sapphire Siam Crystal Venus 00030 BEADS & PENDANTS 30050 90090 00030 234 Ven Montana Garnet Crystal Volcano* Crystal Matte AB 30340 90120 00030 299 Vol 00030 Capri Blue Burgundy Crystal Vitrail Light* Matte and Matte AB are available on Alphabetical Order 60310 90100 00030 265 VL all colors. A Amethyst . 20050 Crystal Lagoon . 00030 237** Lag Light Sapphire . 30020 Indicolite Light Burgundy Crystal Vitrail Medium* Amethyst Opal . 21110 Crystal Starlight Gold . .00030 261** StG Light Sapphire Opal . 31110 60100 90095 00030 281 VM Aqua Bohemica . 60010 Crystal Valentinite . .00030 226** Val Light Siam . 90070 Aquamarine . 60000 Crystal Velvet . 00030 279** Vel M Montana . 30340 Blue Zircon Amethyst Crystal Viridian* B Black Diamond . 40010 Crystal Venus . .00030 234** Ven O Olivine . 50230 60230 20050 00030 236 Vir Blue Zircon . 60230 Crystal Viridian . 00030 . 236** Vir P Padparadscha . 90350 Burgundy . 90100 Crystal Vitrail Light . .00030 265** VL Peridot . 50520 Chrysolite Amethyst Opal Crystal Lagoon* C Capri Blue . 60310 Crystal Vitrail Medium . 00030 281** VM Pink Sapphire . 70220 50000 21110 00030 237 Lag Chrysolite . 50000 Crystal Volcano . .00030 299** Vol R Rose . 70010 Chrysolite Opal . 51000 D Deep Tanzanite . 20480 Rose Opal . 71350 Chrysolite Opal Light Amethyst Crystal Bermuda Blue* Citrine . 80310 E Emerald . 50730 S Sapphire . 30050 51000 20020 00030 296 BBl Crystal . 00030 F Fuchsia . 70350 Siam . 90090 Crystal AB . 00030 200** AB G Garnet . 90120 Smoked Topaz . 10220 Peridot Violet Crystal Heliotrope* Crystal AB 2× . 00030 20000 AB 2× H Hyacinth . 90040 Sun . 90310 50520 20310 00030 295 Hel Crystal Argent Flare . 00030 242** AgF I Indian Pink . 70040 T Tanzanite . 20410 Crystal Aurum . .00030 262** Aur Indicolite . 60100 Topaz . 10070 Emerald Tanzanite Crystal Valentinite* Crystal Aurum 2× . 00030 26200 Aur 2× J Jet . 23980 Turquoise . 63030 50730 20410 00030 226 Val Crystal Bermuda Blue . 00030 296** BBl Jet AB . .23980 200** AB V Violet . 20310 Crystal Blond Flare . 00030 239** BdF Jet Hematite . 23980. 272** Hem W White Opal . 01000 Olivine Deep Tanzanite Crystal Labrador* Crystal Capri Gold . .00030 271** CaG Jet Hematite 2× . 23980 27200 Hem 2× 50230 20480 00030 270 Lab Crystal Celsian . .00030 225** Cel Jet Light Hematite 2× 23980 20700 LtHem 2× Crystal Golden Flare 2× 00030 23800 GlF 2× Jonquil . 80100 Jonquil Jet Hematite* Crystal Heliotrope . 00030 295** Hel L Light Amethyst . 20020 80100 23980 272 Hem Crystal Honey . 00030 235** Hon Light Burgundy . 90095 Crystal Labrador . .00030 270** Lab Light Colorado Topaz . 10330 Citrine Crystal Labrador 2× . .00030 27000 Lab 2× Light Rose . 70120 80310 Topaz 10070 Light Colorado Topaz 10330 Smoked Topaz 10220 Rose Opal 71350 NOTE: Slight deviation in color shade is unavoidable. * Coating is not resistant to plating and similar processes 112 113 Beads Round Bead, Simple | art. 451 19 602 mm 3, 4, 5, 6, Rondelle Bead | art. 451 69 302 mm 3, 4, 5, 6 Spacer Bead | art. 451 49 301 mm 3 × 5, 4 × 6 Bellatrix Bead | art. 451 19 002 mm 6, 8 BEADS & PENDANTS Pendants Heart Pendant MAXIMA 1H | art. 433 68 301 mm 10 | art. 433 68 615 mm 14, 18 Rivoli Pendant 1H | art. 433 61 306 mm 10, 14 Drop Pendant 681 | art. 451 51 681 mm 6 × 10, 9 × 15 Drop Pendant 984 | art. 451 51 984 mm 5.5 × 11, 6.5 × 13, 7.5 × 15, 9 × 18 114 115 Beads and Pendants KEY: Standard portfolio item Minimum order quantity required Round Bead, Simple | art. 451 19 602 art. 451 19 602 (cont.) SIZE: mm 3, 4, 5, 6 SIZE: mm 3, 4, 5, 6 COATINGS mm 3 4 5 6 COATINGSCOLORS mm 3 4 5 6 Crystal | 00030 Jonquil | 80100 Crystal AB | 00030 20001 (HC) Light Amethyst | 20020 Crystal AgF | 00030 24201 (HC) Light Burgundy | 90095 Crystal Aur | 00030 26201 (HC) Light Colorado Topaz | 10330 Crystal Aur 2X | 00030 26200 (FC) Light Rose | 70020 Crystal CaG | 00030 27101 (HC) Light Sapphire | 30020 Crystal Cel | 00030 22501 (HC) Light Siam | 90070 Crystal Hon | 00030 23501 (HC) Montana | 30340 Crystal Lab | 00030 27001 (HC) Olivine | 50230 BEADS & PENDANTS Crystal Lab 2x | 00030 27000 (FC) Peridot | 50520 Crystal Lag | 00030 23701 (HC) Pink Sapphire | 70220 Crystal Val | 00030 22601 (HC) Rose | 70010 Crystal Vel | 00030 27901 (HC) Sapphire | 30050 Crystal Ven | 00030 23401 (HC) Siam | 90090 Crystal Vir | 00030 23601 (HC) Smoked Topaz | 10220 Jet | 23980 Tanzanite | 20410 Jet AB | 23980 20001 (HC) Topaz | 10070 Jet Hem | 23980 27201 (HC) Turquoise | 63030 Jet Hem 2x | 23980 27200 (FC) Violet | 20310 Jet LtHem 2x | 23980 20700 (FC) White Opal | 01000 COLORS Colors AB | 20001 (HC) Amethyst | 20050 Aqua Bohemica | 60010 Black Diamond | 40010 Capri Blue | 60310 Packaging and Weight Chrysolite | 50000 Round Bead, Simple | art. 451 19 602 Citrine | 80310 Size Packg . Number of Number of Average Unit stones in stones in weight of Deep Tanzanite | 20480 packg . unit standard box standard box (Crystal) Emerald | 50730 mm type gross gross grams Fuchsia | 70350 3 ENVELOPE 5 260 2,450 Garnet | 90120 4 ENVELOPE 5 160 2,700 5 ENVELOPE 4 100 3,000 Hyacinth | 90040 6 ENVELOPE 2 50 2,600 Indicolite | 60100 >>> 116 117 KEY: Beads and Pendants Standard portfolio item Minimum order quantity required Rondelle Bead | art. 451 69 302 art. 451 69 302 (cont.) SIZE: mm 3, 4, 5, 6 SIZE: mm 3, 4, 5, 6 Packaging and Weight COATINGS mm 3 4 5 6 COATINGSCOLORS mm 3 4 5 6 Rondelle Bead | art. 451 69 302 Crystal | 00030 Capri Blue | 60310 Size Packg . Number of Number of Average Unit stones in stones in weight of packg . unit standard standard box Crystal AB | 00030 20001 (HC) Chrysolite | 50000 box (Crystal) Crystal AB 2x | 00030 20000 (FC) Chrysolite Opal | 51000 mm type gross gross gram Crystal AgF | 00030 24201 (HC) Citrine | 80310 3 ENVELOPE 10 500 2,100 4 ENVELOPE 5 200 2,250 Crystal Aur | 00030 26201 (HC) Deep Tanzanite | 20480 5 ENVELOPE 4 100 2,300 Crystal Aur 2x | 00030 26200 (FC) Emerald | 50730 6 ENVELOPE 2 60 2,350 Crystal BBl | 00030 29636 (HC) Fuchsia | 70350 Crystal BdF | 00030 23901 (HC) Garnet | 90120 Crystal CaG | 00030 27101 (HC) Hyacinth | 90040 BEADS & PENDANTS Crystal Cel | 00030 22501 (HC) Indian Pink | 70040 Crystal GlF 2x | 00030 23800 (FC) Indicolite | 60100 Crystal Hel | 00030 29536 (HC) Jonquil | 80100 Crystal Hon | 00030 23501 (HC) Light Amethyst | 20020 Crystal Lab | 00030 27001 (HC) Light Burgundy | 90095 Crystal Lab 2x | 00030 27000 (FC) Light Colorado Topaz | 10330 Crystal Lag | 00030 23701 (HC) Light Rose | 70020 Crystal StG | 00030 26101 (HC) Light Sapphire | 30020 Crystal Val | 00030 22601 (HC) Light Sapphire Opal | 31110 Crystal Vel | 00030 27901 (HC) Light Siam | 90070

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