- Lamb. Water-Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 87 Series I, Irrigation, 15 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CHARLES D. WALCOTT, DlKECTOB IRRIGATION IN INDIA (SECOND EDITION) BY M. WILSON WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1903 PUBLICATIONS OF UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. The publications of the United States Geological Survey consist of (1) Annual Reports; (2) Monographs; (3) Professional Papers; (4) Bulletins; (5) Mineral Resources; (6) Water-Supply and Irrigation Papers; (7) Topography Atlas of the United States, folios and separate sheets thereof; (8) Geologic Atlas of United States, folios thereof. The classes numbered 2, 7, and 8 are sold at cost of publication: the others are distributed free. A circular giving complete lists may be had on application. The Bulletins, Professional Papers, and Water-Supply Papers treat of a variety of subjects, and the total number issued is large. They have therefore been classified into the following series: A, Economic geology; B, Descriptive geology; C, Systematic geology and paleontology; D, Petrography and mineralogy; E, Chemistry and physics; F, Geography; G, Miscellaneous; H, Forestry; I, Irrigation; J, Water storage, K, Pumping water; L, Quality of water; M, General hydrographic investigations; N, Water power; O, Underground waters; P, Hydrographic progress reports. Complete lists of series I to P follow. (WS=Water-Supply Paper; B=Bulle- tin; PP=Professional Paper.) The following Water-Supply papers are out of stock and can not be supplied: Nos. 1-14,19, 20,29-33, 46,57-64. SERIES I IRRIGATION. [See last page pf this cover.] SERIES J WATER STORAGE. WS 33. Storage of water on Gila River, Arizona, by J. B. Lippincott. 1900. 98 pp., 33 pis. WS 40. The Austin dam, by Thomas U. Taylor. 1900. 51 pp., 16 pis. WS 45. Water storage on Cache Creek, California, by A. E. Chandler. 1901. 48 pp., 10 pis. WS 46. Physical characteristics of Kern River, California, by F. H. Olmsted, and Reconnaissance of Yuba River, California, by Marsden Manson. 1901. 57 pp., 8 pis. WS 58. Storage of water on Kings River, California, by J. B. Lippincott. 1903. 100 pp., 33 pis. WS68. Water storage in TruckeeBasin, California-"Nevada, by L.H. Taylor. 1903. 90 pp.. 8 pis. WS 73. Water storage on Salt River, Arizona, by A. P. Davis. 1903. 54 pp., 25 pis. WS 86. Storage reservoirs of Stony Creek, California, by Burt Cole. 1903. 62 pp., 16 pis. The following paper also should be noted under this heading: Reservoirs for irrigation, by J. D. Schuyler, in Eighteenth Annual, Pt. IV. SERIES K PUMPING WATE WS 1. Pumping water for irrigation, by Herbert M. Wilson. 1896. 57 pp., 9 pis. WS 8. Windmills for irrigation, by E. C. Murphy. 1897. 49 pp., 8 pis. WS 14. Tests of pumps and water lifts used in irrigation, by O. P. Hood. 1898. 91 pp., 1 pi. WS 20. Experiments with windmills, by T. O. Perry. 1899. 97 pp., 12 pis. WS 29. Wells and windmills in Nebraska, by E. H. Barbour. 1899. 85 pp., 27 pis. WS 41. The windmill; its efficiency and economic use, Pt. I, by E. C. Murphy. 1901. 72 pp., 14 pis. WS 42. The windmill, Pt. II (continuation of No. 41). 1901. 73-147 pp., 15-16 pis. SERIES L QUALITY OF WATER. WS 3. Sewage irrigation, by George W. Rafter. 1897. 100 pp., 4 pis. WS 22. Sewage irrigation, Pt. II, by George W. Rafter. 1899. 100 pp., 7 pis. WS 72. Sewage pollution in the metropolitan area near New York City, by M. O. Leighton. 1903. 75pp., 8 pis. WS 76. Observations on the flow of rivers in the vicinity of New York City, by H. A. Pressey. 1903. 108 pp., 18 pis. WS 79. Normal and polluted waters in northeastern United States, by M. O. Leighton. 1903. 192pp. [Continued on third page of cover.] IRR 87 2 and Irrigation Paper No. 87 Series I, Irrigation, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SUEVEY CHARLES D. WALCOTT, DlBECTOB IRRIGATION IN IKDIA (SECOND EDITION) Water Resources Branch, Geological Survey, Bos 3106, CapilolStation Oklahoma City, Okla. HERBERT M. WILSON WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT FEINTING OFFICE 1903 CONTENTS. Page. Preface- .-.........-.-- f ------------------------------------------------- 7 Preface to second edition ---_--_---_-______________-_--____.__-____.__-__ 9 Introduction ____________________________________________________________ 11 List of works on Indian irrigation _.____.__--_-___--_-.-__-.-___.--_-- 25 CHAPTER I. Finance and statistics. _-_-__-____-_.-_-_-_--_---_-_-____-__. 29 Value and necessity of irrigation __._._.__.__,__._^_____._____,.___.._ 29 Land and crops..______.._-_-______.,_____._._______-_-_______-_-.--___ 35 CHAPTER II. Topography, meteorology, and forestry.__.._._............. 39 Topography and geology _____________________________________________ 39 Meteorology -__--_-___________.____________.______-_-___._---_____.._ 43 Forestry..........._.._._.........._...__.. ..__..._..._......_..... 45 CHAPTER III. History and administration -___.---_-_ _-._-_-__-__-.-_.-_ 47 History of irrigation works ..--..-.-_..._..-.-.---._--_----_-_-___... 47 Administration and legislation _______________________________________ 48 CHAPTER IV. Extent and character of irrigation _________________________ 56 Classes of works--_------_.--__-_---__-.-^_------_-------_---_--_-.-. 56 Extent of irrigation -_-_-_.-.-_-____-_,_______----_-__-_-_--_-_--.-_-_ 57 Financial and agricultural results ---__-_-_.-_--_-__--.----_--------_. 58 CHAPTER V. Alkali and duty.___________________________________________ 63 Objections to irrigation ______________________________________________ 63 Water duty and evaporation _._-_-____-____-_-__-_-__-_----_-_--_-_-. 67 CHAPTER VI. Wells, inundation and deltaic canals.----------___---_-_._- 75 WeUs __.._-._____-__._-_.._-__.__________________________________..__ 75 Inundation canals .____.______.____ _____________.________,__________ 78 Deltaic canals _______________________________________________________ 81 CHAPTER VII. Perennial canals _________________________________________ 88 Source of supply.____________________________________________________ 88 Ganges canal, Northwest Provinces _-_-__---__-_-__-__---_.-.-_-_--.- 89 Lower Ganges canal, Northwest Provinces ______.____...._1______.___ .93 Agra canal, Northwest Provinces __--_-__-_._.______.__-_______._--_- 95 Sirhind canal, Punjab _._....'......._.._.._......_._..__..-.__._..._. 97 Chenob, Bari Doab, and Western Jumna canals, Punjab__..^......... 99 Sidhnai canal, Punjab -.-.--._.-..._...-.._.-....-..-.-.-..-.-_.-.-..- 100 Soane canals---__---_--.-.--.-.-.._.-..._-_-.._--_._.--..-----.----. 101 Cross section, slope, and alignment.._..___._.,-_--__.-...._.._.-__.._ 104 Head-works _--.---.---.-.-_.-.-.._.-._....-....-.._....-.-.-..-.-... 107 Weirs ......!...._. __,_...........__.......__,__...-......-_.-._..... 109 Scouring sluices ..--_,_..._..._-..._._.._.....-.-.........--._......_ 119 Canal regulators.-..._.-................_....._....___......_,........ 124 Well foundations----------------.--..._.--.------...----.----.---... 130 Escapes ---.-_-.--_-..----.-.-.__.........-..._-_-....-.,-.-........_. 132 Falls and rapids ---.-..----.----..---..-._..__--.-.--.-...-.._....._. 134 Drainage works ............_........_......_.........._._........... 137 Distributaries __..., .__...-._-..._._,..........._................._. 144 Methods of applying water..-.-...-._.._........._ ._.-.-.--......... 150 3 4 CONTENTS. Page. CHAPTEB VIII. Storage works -.__--_-__-_---_------_---__.-- ---------- 153 Classes of works..----------- __--_.--___-__------_--__-.-__---__-__-- 153 Reservoirs....__-___--___--_.______--.---..----_--_.---_-------------- 159 Mutlia project ..._. --._....-.._...-_-...--_,..-_-.-.-----------_ 160 Nira project-...--...--..._---.....-----..-__-..._----_.--------- 163 Betwa project _....._--...__.._......----.--....-..---_---.._---- 173 Periyar project _-------_---_.---_-_.--._-------------..----------- 181 Tansa reservoir___-__.-.___ __.-.__--._--------. ._--._-..-.-..__ 187 Masonry dams. -.--...._-.-........--...--......---..---.-----..----. 188 Design of dams and weirs --._..-..-----.-.-_--.----.-_-_---.---..--.. 191 Cost of labor and material- -.........-..-----__------...--.----..----- 193 Tanks............................................................... 196 Ekruk tank..................... ............................._.. S05 Ashtitank ......_......._..............._...._..._.............. 306 Tank dams--.---.--.-.-..---...-.-------.-------.------..------_--.- 211 Combined storage and canal systems __-.--.--.----._-_._.-..-.---..-- S14 Palar anicut system.. ________.____._______-__--.____-__-__-.-.--_ 314 Russellkonda tank, Rushiktilya project.._--.--.-.-.--.-----.---.. S17 Zhara Karez irrigation project----------------------------------- 318 CHAPTBB IX. River training and land reclamation: River conservancy....- __________________________________________ 320 Land reclamation-..---_--_--.---.------_----_---__---_---__-_-.- 225 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. PLATE I. Map of India ^..................... ............................ 11 II. Aden tanks, Arabia ............................................ 22 in. Mot _____._________._____._______.__-._- -- --- -- --- 74 IV. A, Persian wheel; B,Pa£tcotia,h ................................ 76 V. A, Kistna aniciit, with river in moderate flood; B, Head-sluices of eastern channel from Kanigiri reservoir.-...-._.--.-..-.._ 84 VI. Kanigiri reservoir escape. ....................................... 86 VTI. Gopalpur bifurcation, Ganges canal ..^.................L....... 92 VHI. Sirhind canal system._._.__.-_.-.....----_.------._...-.--....
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