_ I II · I _ _ II LI OE /^*, L I __ --- - - - -i - --- ----- A SUNY PUBLICATION- UNIVERSITY AT STONYBROOK APRIL 14, 1982, VOL XII, NO V " CARNIVAL IS COMING see page 3 - 1 Page. 2 BLACKWORLD-- I iI THE RODNEY PERSPECTIVES: CAMPAIGN About Blackworld "Justice and truth would be better served by an by Lasana M. Sekou enquiry or inquest' into Walter Rodney's Since November of 1980 when the dents. We hope this particular trend death..." production BLACKWORLD began continues. As a student publication, -Donald Rodney appearing on a regular bi-monthly and for Africans and other Third basis, the paper's quality and quan- World members at SUSB, BLACK- tity has been steadily improving. WORLD serves as a unique forum Di, Waltr Radair This certain development cannot wherein diverse, deep and delicate be accreditted to one person but to issues can be discussed from anfd many people, directly and indi- for total experience. rectly. This development is also sig- BLACKWORLD is also encour- On June 13, 1980, Gregory Smith, later revealed nificant in light of the fact that the aged by the new members, espe- to be a sergeant in the Guyana Defence Force, consistency BLACKWORLD has cially freshmen and sophmores, not gave Donald Rodney a package said to be a walkie- maintained for the last year and a only working on production but talkie requested by Walter Rodney. Within an hour half has never before been acheived with serious writing ability and the package exploded. Donald Rodney was injured in over 8 years of the paper's history. skills. And just as consistency and and Walter Rodney, world reknowned historian This achievment is a considerable diligence of the graduating crew and political activist and co-leader of the opposi- one in light of severe human, techno- attracted the fledging community tion Working People's Alliance (Guyana) was logical and financial limitations the servants to the paper, so to must dead. Gregory Smith was secreted out of public publication is subject to. But reflect- their love and labor attract more view by the powers of the PNC state. ing upon the paper's tread forward members to ensure a progressive The PNC did not expect Donald Rodney to sur- allows for a genuine outpouring of growth and refinement of BLACK- vive to tell the truth about the assasination of Wal- gratitude to the campus community WORLD's function and purpose. ter Rodney. So now they are trying to silence him. - readers and writers, critics, stu- But of course all is not a bed of Donald Rodney was charged with possesion of dents, faculty, administrators roses, for there are thorns. There is explosives on June 24, 1980 -the same explosives secretarie and counsellors. This much the paper need be doing and said by GDF Sgt. Gregory Smith to be a walkie- mind you is not impulsive self- can do to better educate and enter- talkie and used to assasinate Walter Rodney and applause, nauseating nit-picking tain our community about itself and attempt to assasinate Donald Rodney. On Feb. 26, and hardly counting the unhatched the world. But it would be inane 1982, Magistrate Norma Jackman found Donald chickens but simply counting the indulgence to expect immediate Rodney guilty and sentenced him to 18 months in chickens already hatched. Surely world standard production from a prison. Under the National Security Act, the mag- the importance of an organization small BW staff while everyone istrate explained, a person need not know that he or club acknowledging the impor- stands around like spectators point- has possesion of explosives to be criminally guilty tance of its constituency can not be ing an impotent finger at what of their possesion. The implications of this for pol- underscored enough. could or couldn't be. Therefore the itical repression are clear. Donald Rodney is This then is in praise to all of us, "I responsibility to act and activate appealing the Jackman/PNC decision. and I and I", who have finally con- falls on each member of the com- tributed in the highest and in the munity. Support BLACKWORLD The PNC state: slightest ways to the viability and as it supports the betterment of our Denied Donald Rodney his right to a trial by jury. developing of the paper, community. Criticize the paper con- BLACKWORLD. structively. Direct such criticism Dragged out its trial of Donald Rodney for over 20 Allowing for no modesty among where it can affect and be effective. months. "The Family", and open for con- Stop the habit of mumbling mute structive criticism, we rear a semi- phrases in practiced frustration, Denied Donald Rodney his right to question the nal head of pride in the response we like the idle scribbling of political British bomb expert called in by the Guyana are getting from the SUSB com- and social indecencies on toilet Government to investigate the June 13 explosion. munity and the earnest waywe have walls. been attempting to serve this Submit articles, opinions, Hid away GDF Sgt. Gregory Smith so that he can- community. announcement, "Say Somethings", not be questioned about the assasination of Walter BLACKWORLD is geared on by poetry, reviews, critiques and build Rodney. the articles of varying sorts,re- BLACKWORLD inot what one "let- ceived from faculty, staff and stu- ter to the editor" called "a much The case against Donald Rodney is not simply a needed publication need". legal case against an individual; it is a case of the WE NEED GO FORTH PNC against the people of Guyana who are com- mitted to ening the PNC dictatorship. Do not allow Donald Rodney to be silencedl Cable: United Nations Human Rights Commi- sion, New York City - urging that they look into the matter as a violation of the UN treaty on Human Rights to which Guyana is signatory. Pres. L.F.S. Burnham, Georgetown, Guyana - condemning the PNC state's attempts to silence Donald Rodney and cover-up the assasination of Walter Rodney. copies: Committee for Democracy and Human Rights in Guyana: PO Box 352; Brooklyn, NY 11217 Support: The Rodney Campaign Committee, c/o PO Box 352, Brooklyn, NY 11217 in its call for an independent inquiry into the death of Walter Rodney and justice for Donald Rodney. for more information: Committee for Democracy and Human Rights in Guyana (NYC) Times Plaza Station; PO Box 352; Brooklyn NY 11217 SApril 14, 1982 F'age ae3 3--- CARNIVAL IS COMING TO S-B- last year. by Lasana M. Sekou plans, letters will be going out to all On Sunday there will be a suns- On Friday, April 23, the Caribbean clubs on campus inviting them to join plashing picnic on SB athletic field to students of the State University of the parade "jam". Letters of invita- round off the weekend. N.Y. at Stony Brook will begin a three tion will also be sent to BFSA day festive extravaganza dubbed members and other administrators. CARIFESTA '82. According to Jefferson Miller, let- FOR ONE CARIBBEAN to CSO president Miller, According to Jefferson Miller, ters will also be sent to Caribbean According of the more positive things of not president of the Caribbean Student Student Org. of other SUNY and one the Carnival but the entire wee- Organization, the high point of CARI- CUNY colleges inviting them to the only kend is the coming together of the FESTA '82 will be a carnival parade festival. Hatian Student Org. and the Carib- on Friday beginning at 12 o'clock. Org. to engage jointly The route of the parade being con- STAR CONCERT bean Student Weekend" after years of sep- templated by the Carnival Committee in "the To top the day's activities there is a the progressive elements in is from Stage XII Cafeteria, winding eration; planned concert featuring reggae clubs were able to transcend through the academic mall and end- both group, THIRDWORLD Indeed one superficial and ing up at the student Union where certain obstacles will be taken "sooo high" and plan for CARIFESTA '82. Caribbean music, dancing, art and actual There will be a party after the concert cuisine will transform the Union into to accomodate the overflow crowd a tropical heart-beat. being expected to attend the carnival The Carnival, which promises to be Jefferson Miller and concert. a star production of this year's annual Caribbean Student Weekend, to the Carnival Committee plans will appears to be the first of its kind at be strictly "a la Trinidad" or "a la DAY 2 and DAY 3 Stony Brook, and certainly an Brazil" or "a la Aruba" or "a la East- On Saturday the 24th, there will be unprecedented production to be put ern Parkway", complete with cos- a cultural presentation in the Union on by the Caribbean Students Organ- tumes, steel band "dancing in the Auditorium beginning about 7:30. ization and may very well be for any streets" and a flag woman. An innov- Dance and drama from the city and other single student club on SB cam- ative piece of internationalism that SB will be performing. There will also pus. Miller, elected to CSO presid- will be included in the parade is the be poetry reading, a fashion show ency for the Spring term decided to carrying of flags representing the and singing, exploding into vibrancy bring alive the carnival idea he, his Caribbean nations; students from of Caribbean expression. Followinf suitemate Lasan Sekou, and other Latin America and Africa will be the "cultural explosion" there will be friends have been playing with for asked to not only join in the parade a jam session (partyO at Stage XII over a year.
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